Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Michael Trucano
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National ICT/education agencies (and their functional equivalents) play important roles in the implementation and oversight of large scale initiatives related to the use of information and communication technologies in education in many countries. That said, little is known at a global level about the way these organizations operate, how they are structured, and how they typically evolve over time. Through an examination of lessons from the development and history of a set of representative ICT/education agencies in East Asia, and, to better understand East Asian experience, other countries around the work, this paper seeks to identify common challenges and issues and potential relevance to leaders of such institutions.

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Michael Trucano
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Languages : en
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Book Description
National ICT/education agencies (and their functional equivalents) play important roles in the implementation and oversight of large scale initiatives related to the use of information and communication technologies in education in many countries. That said, little is known at a global level about the way these organizations operate, how they are structured, and how they typically evolve over time. Through an examination of lessons from the development and history of a set of representative ICT/education agencies in East Asia, and, to better understand East Asian experience, other countries around the work, this paper seeks to identify common challenges and issues and potential relevance to leaders of such institutions.

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies PDF Author: Benjamin Vergel de Dios
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Beginning in 1996, the Department of Education (DepEd) started to implement the first large scale ICT/education initiative in the Philippines. This effort was later strengthened and expanded to become the DepEd Computerization Program and DepEd Internet Connectivity Program (DCP/DICP). This was a huge undertaking for DepEd, both to oversee and to implement. Fortunately, many groups were willing to help "other government agencies, international and non-government organizations, private sector, local government units and higher education institutions. That said, coordinating the large scale implementation of ICT/education initiatives, as well as related donations and support from partners and key stakeholder groups, made it difficult to share information and expertise, coordinate public-private partnerships, and replicate and scale up successful projects. Many countries have created a distinct agency to coordinate and implement ICT/education. In the early stages of the introduction of ICTs in education in the Philippines, the government largely resisted this idea, although a number of related oversight and implementation models were proposed. Absent such an organization and/or related formal institutional structure education policymakers, stakeholders and practitioner groups explored other options.

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Gavin Dykes
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The British educational communications and technology agency (Becta) was established in 1998 and finally closed in 2011. The government in England set out Becta's priorities in annual remit letters, and the agency's changing role is traced through the content of these letters. Becta primarily addressed school-based and technical and vocational education and it acted as the key agency in taking forward England's e-learning strategy, harnessing technology. In Becta's lifetime, technology changed dramatically, and the agency played an important role in building the capacity of schools and colleges to support their work and the learning of students through technology. Becta played an important role in conducting research and gathering evidence in use of technology for learning and in developing education leadership and teacher capacity to use technology across the school curriculum. While every national context is different, some of the experience associated with Becta's existence may provide a starting point for reflection on the development of similarly focused information and communication technology (ICT) in education agencies.

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Gavin Dykes
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Languages : en
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The British educational communications and technology agency (Becta) was established in 1998 and finally closed in 2011. The government in England set out Becta's priorities in annual remit letters, and the agency's changing role is traced through the content of these letters. Becta primarily addressed school-based and technical and vocational education and it acted as the key agency in taking forward England's e-learning strategy, harnessing technology. In Becta's lifetime, technology changed dramatically, and the agency played an important role in building the capacity of schools and colleges to support their work and the learning of students through technology. Becta played an important role in conducting research and gathering evidence in use of technology for learning and in developing education leadership and teacher capacity to use technology across the school curriculum. While every national context is different, some of the experience associated with Becta's existence may provide a starting point for reflection on the development of similarly focused information and communication technology (ICT) in education agencies.

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies PDF Author: Molly N.N. Lee
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Malaysia, like many countries in the region, has invested heavily in the use of ICT in schools since 1999. Unlike many other countries, Malaysia does not rely on a single specialized agency or a particular division of the Ministry of Education to implement its ICT in education programmes. Instead, the Malaysian government rolled out a nation-wide initiative known as the 'Smart School Initiative', which is based on strategic public-private partnerships involving various stakeholders including ministry, industry, and community. This case study examines how the Malaysian Smart School Initiative (MSSI) was developed and implemented in its initial years. The study demonstrates that the MSSI was the result of a deliberate, holistic approach to incorporate the use of ICT in Malaysian schools. The MSSI involved not only the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process, but also in the management and administrators and technicians in using ICT effectively in their daily practices.

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Neil Butcher
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This case study explores the establishment and changing role of Pustekkom, the Centre for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Education, which is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. Originally established a content development house, with a focus on audio and radio and video or film or television content, Pustekkom is currently grappling with a requirement to change its role, given a new mandate that it has been given to plan and provide ICT infrastructure, services, professional development, and resources to schools. Thus, this case study explores the challenges facing Pustekkom, as well as how it is responding to a common challenge facing education systems around the world: how do well established systems and organizations that have operated on a relatively stable set of assumptions for many years cope with the institutional transformation that is being forced on them as growing ICT penetration within societies challenges traditional ways of operating and disrupts entrenched power structures in education? This exploration of a national ICT in education agency with a transforming mandate yields some key lessons of potential relevance globally.

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Edmond Gaible
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The National Center for Education Technology (NaCET) has for nearly ten years served as the primary support for education technology in Armenian schools. NaCET manages the Armenian Schools Internet Network (ASIN), plus school information management, content development and dissemination, training in information technology, and development and dissemination of education content. NaCET was founded to meet urgent needs for technical capacity and contract management with the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES). In meeting these needs, NaCET has overseen the extension of internet connectivity to more than 99 percent of schools as of 2013. This milestone is accompanied by new pressures - the need to begin the process of upgrading hardware - and by a new opportunity for broader assessment of the role of education technology in schools.

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies PDF Author: Gerald White
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Education Network Australia (EdNA) operated for fifteen years (1995-2010), providing a national education and training portal for quality resources, technology standards and educational community spaces. It was initiated in 1995, at a time when the World Wide Web was new and a number of significant international and national reports had been written about harnessing the benefits of digital technologies for education and training. This paper examines the origins and development of EdNA as a national collaboration of education authorities and as an online portal. It begins with an overview of the Australian context. It then goes on to outline the Australian context within which EdNA grew, the processes put in place to achieve its goals and the progress of EdNA as an ICT education initiative. A brief analysis of key internal and external factors and of policy outcomes then follows, before some concluding comments that highlight the dynamic nature and complexity of integrating ICT in education at a system-wide level.

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT Education Agencies PDF Author: Saowaruj Rattankhamfu
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Thailand's national initiative on ICT usage in schools was launched in 1995 by the country's National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) under the pilot project known as the Thailand School Communication Network (more commonly referred to as 'SchoolNet'). The main objectives of SchoolNet were to network schools inside and outside Bangkok; to connect them to the Internet; and to promote the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in schools. After operating for eight years, the project was transferred from NECTEC to the Ministry of Education (MOE) and served as the foundation for the country's national educational network. Experience from SchoolNet Thailand provides useful lessons related to what can be achieved by small groups with vision and passion; how to operate without dedicated budget allocations from government in the start-up phase; the important role of support from widely respected and influential people outside the particular line ministries in starting something new; how to transition from a small and dynamic pilot initiative into a large government bureaucracy; and the importance of cooperation among related agencies across ministries.

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies

Building and Sustaining National ICT/Education Agencies PDF Author: Carla Jimenez Iglesias
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Languages : en
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Since its creation over 25 years ago, the Omar Dengo Foundation (ODF) has played a critical role in developments related to use of educational technologies in schools in Costa Rica. The integration of technology in Costa Rican public schools took off in 1987 with the creation by the Ministry of Public Education of the National Program of Educational Informatics, which became the flagship program of the newly created Omar Dengo Foundation. This paper explores the development of ODF as a key partner institution to the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education and how changes in key legislation went hand-in-hand with ODF's growth and impact. It explores key lessons learned for policymakers looking for insights on how an external ICT/education agency can work productively in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Education and other government agencies to serve as main implementation agency for a large scale, national ICT in education initiative.