Attack of the Bullfrogs

Attack of the Bullfrogs PDF Author: Therese M. Shea
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP
ISBN: 1482456575
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
Bullfrogs in the United States started as a way for Californians to eat more frog legs. Now, the bullfrog population grows almost completely unchecked. In many places in the world where bullfrogs have spread, there aren’t predators to eat them! Readers are likely familiar with the bullfrog croak, but in this book, they’ll learn why hearing it is a bad sign! The main content introduces the definition of “invasive species” and explains through the bullfrog’s story the harm these animals cause. Full-color photographs help readers identity bullfrogs, and informative fact boxes add details about conservation, habitats, and food chains.

Attack of the Bullfrogs

Attack of the Bullfrogs PDF Author: Therese M. Shea
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP
ISBN: 1482456575
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
Bullfrogs in the United States started as a way for Californians to eat more frog legs. Now, the bullfrog population grows almost completely unchecked. In many places in the world where bullfrogs have spread, there aren’t predators to eat them! Readers are likely familiar with the bullfrog croak, but in this book, they’ll learn why hearing it is a bad sign! The main content introduces the definition of “invasive species” and explains through the bullfrog’s story the harm these animals cause. Full-color photographs help readers identity bullfrogs, and informative fact boxes add details about conservation, habitats, and food chains.

Attack of the Bullfrogs

Attack of the Bullfrogs PDF Author: Therese M. Shea
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP
ISBN: 1482456672
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
Bullfrogs in the United States started as a way for Californians to eat more frog legs. Now, the bullfrog population grows almost completely unchecked. In many places in the world where bullfrogs have spread, there aren’t predators to eat them! Readers are likely familiar with the bullfrog croak, but in this book, they’ll learn why hearing it is a bad sign! The main content introduces the definition of “invasive species” and explains through the bullfrog’s story the harm these animals cause. Full-color photographs help readers identity bullfrogs, and informative fact boxes add details about conservation, habitats, and food chains.

Attack of the Stink Bugs

Attack of the Stink Bugs PDF Author: Michael Rajczak
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP
ISBN: 1482456745
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
Though stink bugs weren’t introduced to the United States until the 1990s, this invasive species has spread to nearly every state in the country. Their biggest enemies? Farmers who don’t like them feeding on crops and fruits. Readers don’t need to smell a squished stink bug to understand the harm they can cause not only to crops, but also to native species. The main content and fact boxes discuss how the stink bugs ended up in the United States and the efforts being made to stop their population from growing even more.

Attack of the Asian Carp

Attack of the Asian Carp PDF Author: Santana Hunt
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP
ISBN: 1482456958
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
In the 1970s, Asian carp were brought to Arkansas fish farms. Many escaped, and they’ve been invading US waterways ever since. Through the story of the Asian carp, readers learn about invasive species and the harm they cause to native plants and animals. Examples of recent attempts at controlling the Asian carp population, accompanying fact boxes, full-color photographs, and maps help readers understand the extent of the invasion. An overarching theme of conservation and respect for existing ecosystems add to the main content’s inclusion of science curriculum topics such as animal life cycles and food chains.

Attack of the Zebra Mussels

Attack of the Zebra Mussels PDF Author: Michael Rajczak
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP
ISBN: 1482456877
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
Boaters on the Great Lakes often see clusters of small mussels stuck to docks, rocks, and even boats! Called zebra mussels, these organisms can cause people to cut their feet, filter out food for larval fish, and more. Through reading about how zebra mussels came to these freshwater lakes, readers learn what invasive species are and how they can cause great harm to native ecosystems. Facts about the spread of zebra mussels and efforts to stop this spread introduce readers to conservation and other science curriculum topics. Full-color photographs, fact boxes, and maps showing zebra mussel distribution augment readers’ understanding.

Ecology and Management of the Bullfrog

Ecology and Management of the Bullfrog PDF Author: R. Bruce Bury
Category : Amphibians
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Invasion Ecology

Invasion Ecology PDF Author: Julie L. Lockwood
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118570820
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 456

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Book Description
This new edition of Invasion Ecology provides a comprehensive and updated introduction to all aspects of biological invasion by non-native species. Highlighting important research findings associated with each stage of invasion, the book provides an overview of the invasion process from transportation patterns and causes of establishment success to ecological impacts, invader management, and post-invasion evolution. The authors have produced new chapters on predicting and preventing invasion, managing and eradicating invasive species, and invasion dynamics in a changing climate. Modern global trade and travel have led to unprecedented movement of non-native species by humans with unforeseen, interesting, and occasionally devastating consequences. Increasing recognition of the problems associated with invasion has led to a rapid growth in research into the dynamics of non-native species and their adverse effects on native biota and human economies. This book provides a synthesis of this fast growing field of research and is an essential text for undergraduate and graduate students in ecology and conservation management. Additional resources are available at

Beastly Puzzles

Beastly Puzzles PDF Author: Rachel Poliquin
Publisher: Kids Can Press Ltd
ISBN: 1771389133
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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Book Description
A truly one-of-a-kind book. What animal is made up of three billiard balls, five feather dusters and dinosaur feet? É An ostrich, of course! In this book, young readers are asked to guess the animal using a list of unexpected bits and pieces as clues. The concept of this book is inspired by the ways old natural histories explained and illustrated exotic animals. Little-known animals were described as a hodgepodge of parts taken from familiar creatures and vegetation. Beavers, for example, were described as being composed of a flounder, an otter, goose feet, squirrel paws and a rabbitÕs front teeth. Tricky, right? Well, not to worry! Opening the gatefold will reveal the animal Ñ and lots of cool facts about it! Are you ready for your first Beastly Puzzle?

9-11 America Under Attack

9-11 America Under Attack PDF Author: Joseph B. Lambert
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1403382174
Category : September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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PE2themax PDF Author: J. D. Hughes
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 9780736056359
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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Book Description
If you agree that physical education should be fun, instructive, and a place where students acquire physical and life skills, then you'll love PE2theMax: Maximize Skills, Participation, Teamwork, and Fun. J.D. Hughes, author of the popular No Standing Around in My Gym, has created 30 never-been-done-before games, tried and tested in the gymnasiums and on the fields and courts of Villa Rica, Georgia, where he teaches elementary school. These games are designed for large groups--anywhere from 30 to 75 students--but can be scaled back easily for smaller class sizes. Each game provides students of all athletic abilities the opportunity to have fun, be active, and acquire movement and sport skills. Here's what you will discover about the games in PE2theMax: - No down time. The games are quick and easy to get going, and they'll keep students active for the entire class period. - Essentially no prep time. These games are ready to use, simple to understand, and supplemented with clear illustrations, diagrams, and a game finder to help you readily find the game you want. - Plenty of skill-building time. Students acquire not only movement and sport skills but life skills as well. The games emphasize cooperation, communication, personal responsibility, respect for others, positive competition, critical thinking, and problem solving. - Fun participation. If PE is fun, kids will want to participate. If they participate, they will experience the joy of being active. If they experience that joy, they just might move toward remaining active throughout their lives. The games in PE2theMax are student centered, not teacher centered. As such, students are motivated to challenge themselves to succeed. The games are inclusive and developmentally appropriate. They define what a quality PE program and the New PE philosophy are all about: promoting participation and lifelong fitness as well as self-esteem and initiative. Most important, from the kids' perspective, "these games rock."