Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology on Liquid-Based Preparations PDF Download
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Author: Rana S. Hoda
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030250660
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 246
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This illustrated volume serves as a handy guide to diagnostic fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of thyroid on liquid-based preparations (LBP). It is intended to be a ready resource to accurately diagnose thyroid lesions on LBP using key cytomorphologic features. Key cytologic differential diagnosis, gross, and histopathological correlations accompany the cytological findings. The Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology on Liquid-Based Preparations is lavishly illustrated with color images of various thyroid diseases that should familiarize pathologists with the differences between conventional smears and LBP, and between the two commonly used LBPs. Authored by leaders in the field, this atlas provides clear, concise, and practical guidance pertaining to cytomorphology and the implications of thyroid FNA diagnoses for patient care in this era of precision medicine.
Author: Rana S. Hoda
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030250660
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 246
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This illustrated volume serves as a handy guide to diagnostic fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of thyroid on liquid-based preparations (LBP). It is intended to be a ready resource to accurately diagnose thyroid lesions on LBP using key cytomorphologic features. Key cytologic differential diagnosis, gross, and histopathological correlations accompany the cytological findings. The Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology on Liquid-Based Preparations is lavishly illustrated with color images of various thyroid diseases that should familiarize pathologists with the differences between conventional smears and LBP, and between the two commonly used LBPs. Authored by leaders in the field, this atlas provides clear, concise, and practical guidance pertaining to cytomorphology and the implications of thyroid FNA diagnoses for patient care in this era of precision medicine.
Author: Syed Z. Ali, MD, FRCPath, FIAC
Publisher: Demos Medical Publishing
ISBN: 1935281496
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 231
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4 Stars An excellent teaching and reference atlas that presents a comprehensive, integrated approach to diagnostic thyroid cytopathology. Overall, this atlas is an excellent reference with beautiful images and multidisciplinary correlates that provides comprehensive coverage of thyroid malignancies as well as benign, borderline, and non-neoplastic thyroid pathology. The Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology is a generously illustrated and user-friendly volume that serves as a desk reference and a practical guide in the diagnostically challenging area of thyroid cytopathology. The text is comprised of 500 high-resolution color images that thoroughly illustrate the important aspects of the cytopathology of thyroid disease. Complete coverage of thyroid cytopathology is provided; in addition to full coverage of non-neoplastic lesions, benign and borderline neoplasms and papillary thyroid carcinoma, chapters include normal cytology, uncommon primary neoplasms, follicular neoplasms, H∏rthle cell neoplasms, medullary thyroid carcinomas, and metastatic and secondary cancers. Selected images of the histopathologic characteristics of the lesions are also included for morphologic correlation, making this text attractive to both cytopathologists and surgical pathologists. Nationally recognized experts in thyroid cytopathology and histopathology provide authoritative analysis of every aspect of thyroid cytopathologic analysis.
Author: Sudha R. Kini
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1496318366
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1080
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Successfully diagnose the full spectrum of thyroid neoplasia with Thyroid Cytopathology: A Text and Atlas! In this trusted pathology reference, readers are provided with the most comprehensive, authoritative coverage on the evaluation of thyroid fine-needle biopsy specimens available in one source. The text discusses everything from basic cytopathology concepts, fine-needle aspiration biopsy techniques, and cytopreparation through the interpretation of the complete range of cytology findings, ancillary diagnostic techniques, and the application of pathology reports to management decisions. With Thyroid Cytopathology: A Text and Atlas, you can confidently identify even the most challenging specimens in a timely manner in order to optimize clinical response.
Author: Syed Z. Ali
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387876669
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 257
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This atlas is the offspring of the “The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) State of the Science Conference,” hosted by the NCI and organized by Dr. Andrea Abati. Preparations for the conference began 18 months earlier with the designation of a steering committee and the establishment of a dedicated, p- manent web site. The meeting took place on October 22 and 23, 2007 in Bethesda, Maryland and was co-moderated by Susan J. Mandel and Edmund S. Cibas. The discussions and conclusions regarding terminology and morphologic criteria 1, 2 from the meeting were summarized in publications by Baloch et al. and form the framework for this atlas. The atlas is organized by the general categories of “Nondiagnostic,” “Benign,” “Follicular Neoplasm/Suspicious for a Follicular Neoplasm”, “Suspicious for Malignancy,” and “Malignant,” and it includes the defi- tions and morphologic criteria of these categories as set forth by Baloch et al. The majority of the conference participants also agreed on a category of “undetermined significance,” which is incorporated in this atlas (Chap. 4). It is critical that the cytopathologist communicate thyroid FNA interpretations to the referring physician in terms that are succinct, unambiguous, and helpful clinically. We recognize that the terminology used here is a flexible framework that can be modified by individual laboratories to meet the needs of their providers and the patients they serve.
Author: Arne Heilo
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441960104
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 270
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Atlas of Thyroid Lesions provides a broad overview of the variety of lesions in the thyroid gland and their different characteristics and features, in the unique combination of ultrasound, cytologic and histologic appearance. Nodules in the thyroid gland are quite common. Studies estimate that more than 70% of the adult population in the United States has thyroid lesions when examined by ultrasound. More than 80% of thyroid nodules are benign. Too many benign nodules are surgically resected due to insufficient diagnostics, and too many malignant tumors do not get adequate primary surgical treatment. This book demonstrates how multidisciplinary approaches can increase the quality of the complex thyroid diagnoses and thereby secure correct treatment. This atlas presents: •Comprehensive description and overview of all thyroid lesions, tumor types, nodules and neck lymph node metastases •High quality ultrasound and pathology images •Easy to find images of anticipated tumor types •Didactic tools for how to improve diagnostic accuracy in the field
Author: Henryk A. Domanski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1447124464
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 576
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This book covers all of the diagnostic areas where FNAC is used today. This includes palpable lesions and lesions sampled using various radiological methods, and correlations with ancillary examinations detailed on an entity-by-entity basis. As well as being a complete atlas of the facts and findings important to FNAC, this atlas is a guide to diagnostic methods that optimize health care. The interaction of the cytologist or cytopathologist with other specialists (radiologists, oncologists and surgeons) involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspicious mass lesions is emphasized and illustrated throughout. With contributions from experts in the field internationally and abundant colour images Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to FNAC for pathologists, cytopathologists, radiologists, oncologists, surgeons and others involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspicious mass lesions.
Author: Christopher J. VandenBussche
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1496397053
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1825
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Atlas of Cytopathology: A Pattern Based Approach is the latest installment in a unique new series designed to present diagnostic processes in a way similar to how clinicians actually review specimens. The book is image-rich, with scores of illustrations and tables, and filled with checklists, FAQs, and other tools to support fast, easy comprehension of material. Highlighted are common rather than obscure diseases and conditions, and “normal” cytology is presented first to give you a benchmark for subsequent discussions.
Author: Xin Jing
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319896741
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 306
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Cytology is a unique subspecialty in anatomic pathology, and plays a critical role in the diagnosis of a variety of benign and malignant lesions by using minimally invasive procedures, such as fine needle aspiration, brushing, washing and lavage. Cytology not only provides an accurate diagnosis of the lesion based on the cytomorphological evaluation at cellular level, but also provides material for molecular characterization of a tumor for targeted therapy. In the era of personalized medicine, cytology has continued to grow and evolve as an important diagnostic tool. For example, some types of procedures are routinely used, diagnostic criteria have become more refined, and certain terminology has been changed based on current WHO classifications. Therefore, it is necessary to update our knowledge and terminology in cytology. In this volume, we have retained the quality and the clarity of the series, and like the other volumes, this volume aims to be concise and comprehensive yet clinically relevant to daily practice. Although this volume is written by multiple authors, all chapters follow a similar format: brief introduction of the specific organ/system (including types of specimens and techniques to obtain samples), description of normal findings, and a practice approach to diagnose benign and malignant lesions. In each chapter, the key cytomorphological feature and main differential diagnoses of the lesion are summarized in a concise table. Images in each chapter are instructive and clearly represent findings. Where necessary, we have also illustrated the important ancillary tests, such as flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis, which are crucial for an accurate diagnosis and targeted therapy. The updated knowledge, including key cytomorphological features, current terminology and molecular diagnostic tests, is the highlight of this volume.
Author: Sara E. Monaco, MD
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 161705237X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 324
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“This is a “must need” for any cytology laboratory performing touch preparations as part of their service or those wanting to offer this to their physicians as an alternative approach to the standard FNA or frozen section... and [it] would be a great addition to your reference library.”---The ASC Bulletin This is the first atlas dedicated to touch preparation cytopathology. Written by established pathologists who are at the cutting edge of this minimally-invasive practice, the Atlas of Touch Preparation Cytopathology presents a comprehensive overview and visual reference guide to the diagnostic applications of touch preparations. This visually-stunning book reviews touch preparations corresponding to all major body systems and includes chapters on specimen handling and processing, intraoperative use during frozen sections, as well as on ancillary testing using touch preps. While most cytopathology atlases have images of smears and fluids, they have very little discussion of touch preparations making this volume a one-of-a-kind resource. The authors, using many picturesque examples in the text, not only include detailed visual and textual discussion of touch preparations but also provide comparative presentations to facilitate correlation with histopathology, FNA smears and ancillary test results. This total coverage illuminates key findings and important considerations of this technique that pathologists can learn from. Written with the practicing pathologist in mind, the Atlas of Touch Preparation Cytopathology is an invaluable book in today‚Äôs pathology practice where there is increasing utilization of small biopsies that can benefit from intraprocedural evaluation and assessment to maximize diagnostic yield. Key Features: Covers various methods of touch preparation and addresses measures to avoid pitfalls. Includes techniques that can serve as helpful tricks during intraprocedural evaluation of small biopsies and at the time of frozen section. Comprehensive coverage of different body systems that are typically sampled with small biopsies and amenable to touch preparations. Contains over 400 touch preparation images and includes corresponding histopathologic figures and ancillary studies.
Author: Grace C. H. Yang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107328470
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 2046
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This practical text and color atlas tells the story of 350 patients, covering a wide range of thyroid lesions with high quality composite images that correlate cytology with histology, and radiology with pathology. Each case includes clinical presentation and final pathology. Concise, easy-to-read text enables readers to quickly find the information they need for accurate diagnosis. 'Lookalike' lesions are grouped together so the subtle cytological differences can be appreciated. The author's practical approach explains mistakes made and lessons learned, so diagnostic pitfalls can be avoided. Triage algorithms and over 2000 printed photomicrographs are provided. The print book is accompanied by a CD-ROM offering images in downloadable format. Written by a leading cytopathologist who has performed onsite assessment for over 10,000 ultrasound-guided thyroid fine needle aspirations, this is an important resource for all healthcare professionals dealing with thyroid patients, including cytopathologists, surgical pathologists, cytotechnologists, sonographers, radiologists, endocrinologists and surgeons.