Anisotropic mechanical behaviors and microstructural evolution of thin-walled additively manufactured metals

Anisotropic mechanical behaviors and microstructural evolution of thin-walled additively manufactured metals PDF Author: Cheng-Han Yu
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298117
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 51

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Book Description
Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a concept and method of a manufacturing process that builds a three-dimensional object layer-by-layer. Opposite to the conventional subtractive manufacturing, it conquers various limitations on component design freedom and raises interest in various fields, including aerospace, automotive and medical applications. This thesis studies the mechanical behavior of thin-walled component manufactured by a common AM technique, laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). The studied material is Hastelloy X, which is a Ni-based superalloy, and it is in connection to a component repair application in gas turbines. The influence of microstructure on the deformation mechanisms at elevated temperatures is systematically investigated. This study aims for a fundamental and universal study that can apply to different material grades with FCC crystallographic structure. It is common to find elongated grain and subgrain structure caused by the directional laser energy input in the LPBF process, which is related to the different printing parameters and brands of equipment. This thesis will start with the study of scan rotation effect on stainless steel 316L in an EOS M290 equipment. The statistic texture analysis by using neutron diffraction reveals a clear transition when different level of scan rotation is applied. Scan rotation of 67° is a standard printing parameter with intention to lower anisotropy, yet, the elongated grain and cell structure is still found in the as-built microstructure. Therefore, the anisotropic mechanical behavior study is carried out on the sample printed with scan rotation of 67° in this thesis. Thin-walled effects in LPBF are investigated by studying a group of plate-like HX specimens, with different nominal thicknesses from 4mm down to 1mm, and a reference group of rod-like sample with a diameter of 18mm. A texture similar to Goss texture is found in rod-like sample, and it becomes <011>//BD fiber texture in the 4mm specimen, then it turns to be <001> fiber texture along the transverse direction (TD) in the 1mm specimen. Tensile tests with the strain rate of 10?3 s?1 have been applied to the plate-like specimens from room temperature up to 700 ?. A degradation of strength is shown when the sample becomes thinner, which is assumed to be due to the overestimated load bearing cross-section since the as-built surface is rough. A cross-section calibration method is proposed by reducing the surface roughness, and a selection of proper roughness parameters is demonstrated with the consideration of the calculated Taylor’s factor and the residual stress. The large thermal gradient during the LPBF process induces high dislocation density and strengthens the material, hence, the LPBF HX exhibits better yield strength than conventionally manufactured, wrought HX, but the work hardening capacity and ductility are sacrificed at the same time. Two types of loading condition reveal the anisotropic mechanical behavior, where the vertical and horizontal tests refer to the loading direction being on the BD and TD respectively. The vertical tests exhibit lower strength but better ductility that is related to the larger lattice rotation observed from the samples with different deformation level. Meanwhile, the elongated grain structure and grain boundary embrittlement are responsible for the low horizontal ductility. A ductile to brittle transition is traced at 700 ?, so a further study with two different slow strain rates, 10?5 s?1 and 10?6 s?1, are carried out at 700 ?. Creep damage is shown in the slow strain rates testing. Deformation twinning is found only in the vertical tests where it forms mostly in the twin favorable <111> oriented grain along the LD. The large lattice rotation and the deformation twinning make the vertical ductility remain high level under the slow strain rates. The slow strain rate tensile testing lightens the understanding of creep behavior in LPBF Ni-based superalloys. In summary, this thesis uncovers the tensile behavior of LPBF HX with different variations, including geometry-dependence, temperature-dependence, crystallographic texture-dependence and strain rate-dependence. The generated knowledge will be beneficial to the future study of different mechanical behavior such as fatigue and creep, and it will also enable a more robust design for LPBF applications. Additiv tillverkning, eller 3D-utskrifter, är tillverkningsmetoder där man skapar ett tredimensionellt objekt genom att tillföra material lager for lager. Till skillnad från konventionella avverkande tillverkningsmetoder elimineras många geometriska begränsningar vilket ger större designfrihet och metoderna har därför väckt stort intresse inom en rad olika områden, inklusive flyg-, fordons- och medicinska tillämpningar. I denna avhandling studeras mekaniska egenskaper hos tunnväggiga komponenter tillverkade med en vanligt förekommande laserbaserad pulverbädds-teknik, laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). Det studerade materialet är Hastelloy X, en Ni-baserad superlegering som är vanligt förekommande for både nytillverkning och reparation av komponenter för gasturbiner. Inverkan av mikrostruktur på deformationsmekanismerna vid förhöjda temperaturer undersöks systematiskt. Detta arbete syftar till att ge grundläggande och generisk kunskap som kan tillämpas på olika materialtyper med en kubiskt tätpackad (FCC) kristallstruktur. Det är vanligt att man hittar en utdragen kornstruktur orsakad av den riktade tillförseln av laserenergi i LPBF-processen, vilket kan relateras till olika processparametrar och kan variera mellan utrustningar frän olika leverantörer. Denna avhandling inleds med studien av effekten av scanningsstrategi vid tillverkning av rostfritt stål 316L i en EOS M290-utrustning. En statistisk texturanalys med hjälp av neutrondiffraktion påvisar en tydlig övergång mellan olika mikrostrukturer när olika scanningsstrategier tillämpas. En scanningsrotation på 67 mellan varje lager är en typisk standardinställning med avsikt att sanka anisotropin i materialet, dock finns den utdragna kornstrukturen oftast kvar. I denna avhandling studeras därför de anisotropa egenskaperna hos material tillverkade med 67 scanningsrotation. Effekten av tunnväggiga strukturer i LPBF undersöks genom att studera en uppsättning platta HX-prover, med olika nominella tjocklekar från 4 mm ner till 1 mm, samt en referensgrupp med cylindriska prov med en diameter på 18 mm. Kristallografisk textur som liknar den av Goss-typ återfinns i de cylindriska proverna vilket gradvis övergår från en fibertextur med <011> i byggriktningen for 4mm-proven till en fibertextur med <001> i tvärriktningen for 1mm-proven. Dragprovning med en töjningshastighet på 10?3 s?1 har utförts på de platta provstavarna från rumstemperatur upp till 700 ?. En sänkning av styrkan uppvisas när proven blir tunnare, vilket kan antas bero på att det lastbarande tvärsnittet överskattas på grund av den grova ytan. En metod för tvärsnittskalibrering föreslås genom att kompensera for ytråheten, och valet av lämplig ytfinhetsparameter motiveras med hänsyn till den beräknade Taylor-faktorn och förekomsten av restspänningar. Den stora termiska gradienten som uppstår for LPBF-processen inducerar en hög dislokationstäthet vilket höjer materialets styrka och följaktligen uppvisar LPBF HX högre sträckgräns an konventionellt tillverkad, smidda HX, men förmågan till deformationshårdnande samt duktiliteten i materialet sänks samtidigt. Tester utförda i två olika belastningsriktningar, vertikalt respektive horisontellt mot byggriktningen, demonstrerar det anisotropiska mekaniska beteendet. De vertikala testerna uppvisar lägre hållfasthet men bättre duktilitet vilket kan relateras till en större benägenhet for kristallstukturen att rotera när deformationsgraden ökar. Samtidigt är den utdragna kronstukturen ansvarig for den lägre duktiliteten for de horisontella proverna. En övergång från ett duktilt till ett mer sprött beteende noterades vid 700 ?, och därför initierades ytterligare en studie där tester med två lägre töjningshastigheter, 10?5 s?1 och 10?6 s?1, utfördes vid 700 ?. Det kan noteras att krypskador återfinns i tester med en långsam deformationshastighet och deformationstvillingar uppstår endast i de vertikala provstavarna där det främst bildas tvillingar i korn orienterade med <111> riktningen längs belastningsriktningen. Den stora förmågan till rotation i kristallstrukturen och deformationstvillingarna bidrar till att den vertikala duktiliteten förblir hög även i testerna med en låg deformationshastighet. Testerna med en långsam draghastighet bidrar därför till en bättre förståelse av krypbeteendet i LPBF Nibaserade superlegeringar. Sammanfattningsvis så bidrar denna avhandling till bättre förståelse av de mekaniska egenskaperna hos LPBF HX i olika utföranden och förhållanden, inklusive geometriberoende, temperaturberoende, deformationshastighetsberoende samt inverkan av kristallografisk textur. Den genererade kunskapen kommer att vara till stor nytta vid fortsatta studier av olika mekaniska egenskaper som utmattning och kryp, samt bidrar till att möjliggöra en mer robust design for LPBF-tillämpningar.

Anisotropic mechanical behaviors and microstructural evolution of thin-walled additively manufactured metals

Anisotropic mechanical behaviors and microstructural evolution of thin-walled additively manufactured metals PDF Author: Cheng-Han Yu
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298117
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 51

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Book Description
Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a concept and method of a manufacturing process that builds a three-dimensional object layer-by-layer. Opposite to the conventional subtractive manufacturing, it conquers various limitations on component design freedom and raises interest in various fields, including aerospace, automotive and medical applications. This thesis studies the mechanical behavior of thin-walled component manufactured by a common AM technique, laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). The studied material is Hastelloy X, which is a Ni-based superalloy, and it is in connection to a component repair application in gas turbines. The influence of microstructure on the deformation mechanisms at elevated temperatures is systematically investigated. This study aims for a fundamental and universal study that can apply to different material grades with FCC crystallographic structure. It is common to find elongated grain and subgrain structure caused by the directional laser energy input in the LPBF process, which is related to the different printing parameters and brands of equipment. This thesis will start with the study of scan rotation effect on stainless steel 316L in an EOS M290 equipment. The statistic texture analysis by using neutron diffraction reveals a clear transition when different level of scan rotation is applied. Scan rotation of 67° is a standard printing parameter with intention to lower anisotropy, yet, the elongated grain and cell structure is still found in the as-built microstructure. Therefore, the anisotropic mechanical behavior study is carried out on the sample printed with scan rotation of 67° in this thesis. Thin-walled effects in LPBF are investigated by studying a group of plate-like HX specimens, with different nominal thicknesses from 4mm down to 1mm, and a reference group of rod-like sample with a diameter of 18mm. A texture similar to Goss texture is found in rod-like sample, and it becomes <011>//BD fiber texture in the 4mm specimen, then it turns to be <001> fiber texture along the transverse direction (TD) in the 1mm specimen. Tensile tests with the strain rate of 10?3 s?1 have been applied to the plate-like specimens from room temperature up to 700 ?. A degradation of strength is shown when the sample becomes thinner, which is assumed to be due to the overestimated load bearing cross-section since the as-built surface is rough. A cross-section calibration method is proposed by reducing the surface roughness, and a selection of proper roughness parameters is demonstrated with the consideration of the calculated Taylor’s factor and the residual stress. The large thermal gradient during the LPBF process induces high dislocation density and strengthens the material, hence, the LPBF HX exhibits better yield strength than conventionally manufactured, wrought HX, but the work hardening capacity and ductility are sacrificed at the same time. Two types of loading condition reveal the anisotropic mechanical behavior, where the vertical and horizontal tests refer to the loading direction being on the BD and TD respectively. The vertical tests exhibit lower strength but better ductility that is related to the larger lattice rotation observed from the samples with different deformation level. Meanwhile, the elongated grain structure and grain boundary embrittlement are responsible for the low horizontal ductility. A ductile to brittle transition is traced at 700 ?, so a further study with two different slow strain rates, 10?5 s?1 and 10?6 s?1, are carried out at 700 ?. Creep damage is shown in the slow strain rates testing. Deformation twinning is found only in the vertical tests where it forms mostly in the twin favorable <111> oriented grain along the LD. The large lattice rotation and the deformation twinning make the vertical ductility remain high level under the slow strain rates. The slow strain rate tensile testing lightens the understanding of creep behavior in LPBF Ni-based superalloys. In summary, this thesis uncovers the tensile behavior of LPBF HX with different variations, including geometry-dependence, temperature-dependence, crystallographic texture-dependence and strain rate-dependence. The generated knowledge will be beneficial to the future study of different mechanical behavior such as fatigue and creep, and it will also enable a more robust design for LPBF applications. Additiv tillverkning, eller 3D-utskrifter, är tillverkningsmetoder där man skapar ett tredimensionellt objekt genom att tillföra material lager for lager. Till skillnad från konventionella avverkande tillverkningsmetoder elimineras många geometriska begränsningar vilket ger större designfrihet och metoderna har därför väckt stort intresse inom en rad olika områden, inklusive flyg-, fordons- och medicinska tillämpningar. I denna avhandling studeras mekaniska egenskaper hos tunnväggiga komponenter tillverkade med en vanligt förekommande laserbaserad pulverbädds-teknik, laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). Det studerade materialet är Hastelloy X, en Ni-baserad superlegering som är vanligt förekommande for både nytillverkning och reparation av komponenter för gasturbiner. Inverkan av mikrostruktur på deformationsmekanismerna vid förhöjda temperaturer undersöks systematiskt. Detta arbete syftar till att ge grundläggande och generisk kunskap som kan tillämpas på olika materialtyper med en kubiskt tätpackad (FCC) kristallstruktur. Det är vanligt att man hittar en utdragen kornstruktur orsakad av den riktade tillförseln av laserenergi i LPBF-processen, vilket kan relateras till olika processparametrar och kan variera mellan utrustningar frän olika leverantörer. Denna avhandling inleds med studien av effekten av scanningsstrategi vid tillverkning av rostfritt stål 316L i en EOS M290-utrustning. En statistisk texturanalys med hjälp av neutrondiffraktion påvisar en tydlig övergång mellan olika mikrostrukturer när olika scanningsstrategier tillämpas. En scanningsrotation på 67 mellan varje lager är en typisk standardinställning med avsikt att sanka anisotropin i materialet, dock finns den utdragna kornstrukturen oftast kvar. I denna avhandling studeras därför de anisotropa egenskaperna hos material tillverkade med 67 scanningsrotation. Effekten av tunnväggiga strukturer i LPBF undersöks genom att studera en uppsättning platta HX-prover, med olika nominella tjocklekar från 4 mm ner till 1 mm, samt en referensgrupp med cylindriska prov med en diameter på 18 mm. Kristallografisk textur som liknar den av Goss-typ återfinns i de cylindriska proverna vilket gradvis övergår från en fibertextur med <011> i byggriktningen for 4mm-proven till en fibertextur med <001> i tvärriktningen for 1mm-proven. Dragprovning med en töjningshastighet på 10?3 s?1 har utförts på de platta provstavarna från rumstemperatur upp till 700 ?. En sänkning av styrkan uppvisas när proven blir tunnare, vilket kan antas bero på att det lastbarande tvärsnittet överskattas på grund av den grova ytan. En metod för tvärsnittskalibrering föreslås genom att kompensera for ytråheten, och valet av lämplig ytfinhetsparameter motiveras med hänsyn till den beräknade Taylor-faktorn och förekomsten av restspänningar. Den stora termiska gradienten som uppstår for LPBF-processen inducerar en hög dislokationstäthet vilket höjer materialets styrka och följaktligen uppvisar LPBF HX högre sträckgräns an konventionellt tillverkad, smidda HX, men förmågan till deformationshårdnande samt duktiliteten i materialet sänks samtidigt. Tester utförda i två olika belastningsriktningar, vertikalt respektive horisontellt mot byggriktningen, demonstrerar det anisotropiska mekaniska beteendet. De vertikala testerna uppvisar lägre hållfasthet men bättre duktilitet vilket kan relateras till en större benägenhet for kristallstukturen att rotera när deformationsgraden ökar. Samtidigt är den utdragna kronstukturen ansvarig for den lägre duktiliteten for de horisontella proverna. En övergång från ett duktilt till ett mer sprött beteende noterades vid 700 ?, och därför initierades ytterligare en studie där tester med två lägre töjningshastigheter, 10?5 s?1 och 10?6 s?1, utfördes vid 700 ?. Det kan noteras att krypskador återfinns i tester med en långsam deformationshastighet och deformationstvillingar uppstår endast i de vertikala provstavarna där det främst bildas tvillingar i korn orienterade med <111> riktningen längs belastningsriktningen. Den stora förmågan till rotation i kristallstrukturen och deformationstvillingarna bidrar till att den vertikala duktiliteten förblir hög även i testerna med en låg deformationshastighet. Testerna med en långsam draghastighet bidrar därför till en bättre förståelse av krypbeteendet i LPBF Nibaserade superlegeringar. Sammanfattningsvis så bidrar denna avhandling till bättre förståelse av de mekaniska egenskaperna hos LPBF HX i olika utföranden och förhållanden, inklusive geometriberoende, temperaturberoende, deformationshastighetsberoende samt inverkan av kristallografisk textur. Den genererade kunskapen kommer att vara till stor nytta vid fortsatta studier av olika mekaniska egenskaper som utmattning och kryp, samt bidrar till att möjliggöra en mer robust design for LPBF-tillämpningar.

Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing

Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing PDF Author: Hang Z. Yu
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527350934
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 421

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Timely summary of state-of-the-art solid-state metal 3D printing technologies, focusing on fundamental processing science and industrial applications Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing: Physics, Processes, Mechanical Properties, and Applications provides detailed and in-depth discussion on different solid-state metal additive manufacturing processes and applications, presenting associated methods, mechanisms and models, and unique benefits, as well as a detailed comparison to traditional fusion-based metal additive manufacturing. The text begins with a high-level overview of solid-state metal additive manufacturing with an emphasis on its position within the metal additive manufacturing spectrum and its potential for meeting specific demands in the aerospace, automotive, and defense industries. Next, each of the four categories of solid-state additive technologies—cold spray additive manufacturing, additive friction stir deposition, ultrasonic additive manufacturing, and sintering-based processes—is discussed in depth, reviewing advances in processing science, metallurgical science, and innovative applications. Finally, the future direction of these solid-state processes, especially the material innovation and artificial intelligence aspects, are discussed. Sample topics covered in Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing include: Physical processes and bonding mechanisms in impact-induced bonding and microstructures and microstructural evolution in cold sprayed materials Process fundamentals, dynamic microstructure evolution, and potential industrial applications of additive friction stir deposition Microstructural and mechanical characterization and industrial applications of ultrasonic additive manufacturing Principles of solid-state sintering, binder jetting-based metal printing, and sintering-based metal additive manufacturing methods for magnetic materials Critical issues inherent to melting and solidification, such as porosity, high residual stress, cast microstructure, anisotropic mechanical properties, and hot cracking Solid-State Metal Additive Manufacturing is an essential reference on the subject for academic researchers in materials science, mechanical, and biomedicine, as well as professional engineers in various manufacturing industries, especially those involved in building new additive technologies.

Quality Analysis of Additively Manufactured Metals

Quality Analysis of Additively Manufactured Metals PDF Author: Javad Kadkhodapour
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323886493
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 858

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Quality Analysis of Additively Manufactured Metals: Simulation Approaches, Processes, and Microstructure Properties provides readers with a firm understanding of the failure and fatigue processes of additively manufactured metals. With a focus on computational methods, the book analyzes the process-microstructure-property relationship of these metals and how it affects their quality while also providing numerical, analytical, and experimental data for material design and investigation optimization. It outlines basic additive manufacturing processes for metals, strategies for modeling the microstructural features of metals and how these features differ based on the manufacturing process, and more.Improvement of additively manufactured metals through predictive simulation methods and microdamage and micro-failure in quasi-static and cyclic loading scenarios are covered, as are topology optimization methods and residual stress analysis techniques. The book concludes with a section featuring case studies looking at additively manufactured metals in automotive, biomedical and aerospace settings. - Provides insights and outlines techniques for analyzing why additively manufactured metals fail and strategies for avoiding those failures - Defines key terms and concepts related to the failure analysis, quality assurance and optimization processes of additively manufactured metals - Includes simulation results, experimental data and case studies

Anisotropic Mechanical Behaviours and Thin-wall Effects of Additively Manufactured Austenitic Alloys

Anisotropic Mechanical Behaviours and Thin-wall Effects of Additively Manufactured Austenitic Alloys PDF Author: Cheng-Han Yu
ISBN: 9789179293154
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Nickel-Base Alloys

Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Nickel-Base Alloys PDF Author: John C. Lippold
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118210034
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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The most up-to-date coverage of welding metallurgy aspects and weldability issues associated with Ni-base alloys Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Nickel-Base Alloys describes the fundamental metallurgical principles that control the microstructure and properties of welded Ni-base alloys. It serves as a practical how-to guide that enables engineers to select the proper alloys, filler metals, heat treatments, and welding conditions to ensure that failures are avoided during fabrication and service. Chapter coverage includes: Alloying additions, phase diagrams, and phase stability Solid-solution strengthened Ni-base alloys Precipitation strengthened Ni-base alloys Oxide dispersion strengthened alloys and nickel aluminides Repair welding of Ni-base alloys Dissimilar welding Weldability testing High-chromium alloys used in nuclear power applications With its excellent balance between the fundamentals and practical problem solving, the book serves as an ideal reference for scientists, engineers, and technicians, as well as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in welding metallurgy.

A Study of Microstructure Evolution and Its Effect on the Mechanical Anisotropic Behavior of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy

A Study of Microstructure Evolution and Its Effect on the Mechanical Anisotropic Behavior of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy PDF Author: Zhong Li
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 410

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Superalloys 2020

Superalloys 2020 PDF Author: Sammy Tin
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030518345
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1098

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The 14th International Symposium on Superalloys (Superalloys 2020) highlights technologies for lifecycle improvement of superalloys. In addition to the traditional focus areas of alloy development, processing, mechanical behavior, coatings, and environmental effects, this volume includes contributions from academia, supply chain, and product-user members of the superalloy community that highlight technologies that contribute to improving manufacturability, affordability, life prediction, and performance of superalloys.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Mechanical Behavior of Materials PDF Author: William F. Hosford
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521195691
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 437

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This is a textbook on the mechanical behavior of materials for mechanical and materials engineering. It emphasizes quantitative problem solving. This new edition includes treatment of the effects of texture on properties and microstructure in Chapter 7, a new chapter (12) on discontinuous and inhomogeneous deformation, and treatment of foams in Chapter 21.

Additively Manufactured Metals

Additively Manufactured Metals PDF Author: Alexander E. Wilson-Heid
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes build 3-dimensional (3D) components in a layer-by-layer fashion, which allows for the manufacturing of geometrically complex components that cannot be produced via traditional manufacturing methods, making it an attractive option in many industries. Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) AM is a process category of AM that involves using a focused laser to selectively melt and fuse metallic powder to make a component. A common type of defect in AM is lack-of-fusion porosity, where the newly melted powder fails to fully-fuse to the material adjacent or below due to imperfect selection of processing parameters. Understanding the mechanical behavior of material used in AM is important for the safe, reliable, and repeatable application of the technology in industry. This thesis work provides a new understanding of the static uniaxial and multiaxial plasticity and fracture properties of L-PBF Ti-6Al-4V and stainless steel 316L in two material orientations. In particular, a series of experiments over a wide range of stress states that included uniaxial tension, equibiaxial tension, plane strain tension, pure shear, and combined tension/shear were probed to characterize both the plasticity and subsequent failure behavior. Finite element method simulations were used in combination with the experiments to calibrate and validate the stress state dependent, anisotropic plasticity behavior. Fracture behavior of both alloys was found to be stress state dependent in both orientations, and the equivalent plastic strain to failure under the wide range of stress states studied was accurately captured using calibrated ductile fracture criteria, namely the modified Mohr-Coulomb and Hosford-Coulomb models. Hypothesized microstructural driven shear softening in 316L shear dominated experiments was captured in simulations by adopting shear damage criterion in conjunction with the anisotropic plasticity model. Furthermore, this thesis for the first time characterized the effect of penny-shaped defects of varying size on the deformation and failure response of L-PBF 316L under uniaxial tension and three high stress triaxiality stress states. Pores were intentionally introduced using the unique capability of AM to embed enclosed defects at the center of samples. As a result, the 316L material was found to be defect tolerant under uniaxial tension; where the pore did not impact material ductility until the pore was 9% of the sample cross-sectional area. Strain to failure was stress state dependent until a large pore size occupying 4% of the sample cross-sectional area was introduced and then failure became pore size dependent and stress state independent.

Computational Welding Mechanics

Computational Welding Mechanics PDF Author: John A. Goldak
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387232885
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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Computational Welding Mechanics (CWM) provides readers with a complete introduction to the principles and applications of computational welding including coverage of the methods engineers and designers are using in computational welding mechanics to predict distortion and residual stress in welded structures, thereby creating safer, more reliable and lower cost structures. Drawing upon years of practical experience and the study of computational welding mechanics the authors instruct the reader how to: - understand and interpret computer simulation and virtual welding techniques including an in depth analysis of heat flow during welding, microstructure evolution and distortion analysis and fracture of welded structures, - relate CWM to the processes of design, build, inspect, regulate, operate and maintain welded structures, - apply computational welding mechanics to industries such as ship building, natural gas and automobile manufacturing. Ideally suited for practicing engineers and engineering students, Computational Welding Mechanics is a must-have book for understanding welded structures and recent technological advances in welding, and it provides a unified summary of recent research results contributed by other researchers.