Analysis of Fracture Toughness Mechanism in Ultra-fine-grained Steels

Analysis of Fracture Toughness Mechanism in Ultra-fine-grained Steels PDF Author: Toshihiro Hanamura
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 4431544992
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 71

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In this book, advanced steel technologies mainly developed at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, for structure control, mechanical properties, and the related mechanisms are introduced and discussed. NIMS has long worked on developing advanced steel techniques, namely, producing advanced steels by using only simple alloying elements such as carbon, manganese, and silicon, and also by utilizing steel scrap. The hope is that this approach will lead to a technology of a so-called steel-to-steel recycling process, with the ultimate goal of a recycling process such as an automotive-steel-to-automotive-steel recycling process to take the place of the current cascade-type recycling system. The main idea is to utilize ultra-grain refining structures and hetero structures as well as martensite structures. In particular, the focus of this book is on tensile strength and toughness of advanced steels from both the fundamental and engineering points of view. Fundamentally, a unique approach to analysis is taken, based on fracture surface energy as effective grain size is employed to better understand the mechanism of property improvement. From the engineering point of view, in fracture toughness such factors as crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) of advanced steels are evaluated in comparison with those of conventional steels.

Analysis of Fracture Toughness Mechanism in Ultra-fine-grained Steels

Analysis of Fracture Toughness Mechanism in Ultra-fine-grained Steels PDF Author: Toshihiro Hanamura
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 4431544992
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 71

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Book Description
In this book, advanced steel technologies mainly developed at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, for structure control, mechanical properties, and the related mechanisms are introduced and discussed. NIMS has long worked on developing advanced steel techniques, namely, producing advanced steels by using only simple alloying elements such as carbon, manganese, and silicon, and also by utilizing steel scrap. The hope is that this approach will lead to a technology of a so-called steel-to-steel recycling process, with the ultimate goal of a recycling process such as an automotive-steel-to-automotive-steel recycling process to take the place of the current cascade-type recycling system. The main idea is to utilize ultra-grain refining structures and hetero structures as well as martensite structures. In particular, the focus of this book is on tensile strength and toughness of advanced steels from both the fundamental and engineering points of view. Fundamentally, a unique approach to analysis is taken, based on fracture surface energy as effective grain size is employed to better understand the mechanism of property improvement. From the engineering point of view, in fracture toughness such factors as crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) of advanced steels are evaluated in comparison with those of conventional steels.

Ultra-Fine Grained Steels

Ultra-Fine Grained Steels PDF Author: Yuqing Weng
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540772308
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 588

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This book discusses results of the New Generation Iron and Steel Materials research project funded over the last ten years. It thoroughly describes theoretical achievements in ultra-fine grain steel and its refinement. It also discusses progress in related areas of engineering and technology. The author has been engaged in the research of new generation structural materials for the last twelve years being Chief Scientist of three national research programs in China.

Fracture Mechanics

Fracture Mechanics PDF Author: Lucas Alves
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 953512708X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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This book is a collection of 13 chapters divided into seven sections: Section I: "General Foundations of the Stress Field and Toughness" with one chapter, Section II: "Fractography and Impact Analysis" with two chapters, Section III: "Toughness Fracture" with three chapters, Section IV: "Fracture Behavior" with two chapters, Section V: "Natural and Hydraulic Fractures" with two chapters, section VI: "Fatigue" with one chapter and Section VII: "Fracture Biomaterials and compatible" with two chapters. This book covers a wide range of application of fracture mechanics in materials science, engineering, rock prospecting, dentistry and medicine. The book is aimed towards materials scientists, metallurgists, mechanical and civil engineers, doctors and dentists and can also be well used in education, research and industry.

The Physical Metallurgy of Microalloyed Steels

The Physical Metallurgy of Microalloyed Steels PDF Author: T. Gladman
Publisher: Routledge
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Toughening Mechanisms in Composite Materials

Toughening Mechanisms in Composite Materials PDF Author: Qing-Hua Qin
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1782422919
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 417

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Toughening Mechanisms in Composite Materials aims to provide a comprehensive and technically detailed coverage of composites and their toughening mechanisms. Unique in its direct and comprehensive approach, the book presents fundamental knowledge on composites' toughening mechanisms as well as a comprehensive treatment of numerical methods. This volume summarizes the current state-of-the-art and presents the most recent research outcomes in the field. It details the development of each of the techniques, beginning with basic principles, and new concepts are illustrated with examples wherever possible. - Covers particle-reinforced composites, fibre-reinforced composites and other toughening mechanisms - Analyses toughening mechanisms in a broad range of composite materials - Developments in nanotube toughened composites and toughened graphene ceramic composites are examined

Mechanical Properties of Dual Phase Steels

Mechanical Properties of Dual Phase Steels PDF Author: Prodromos Tsipouridis
ISBN: 9783897913608
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 115

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Advanced High Strength Sheet Steels

Advanced High Strength Sheet Steels PDF Author: Nina Fonstein
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319191659
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 415

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The book covers all types of advanced high strength steels ranging from dual-phase, TRIP. Complex phase, martensitic, TWIP steels to third generation steels, including promising candidates as carbide free bainitic steels, med Mn and Quenching & Partitioning processed steels. The author presents fundamentals of physical metallurgy of key features of structure and relationship of structure constituents with mechanical properties as well as basics of processing AHSS starting from most important features of intercritical heat treatment, with focus on critical phase transformations and influence of alloying and microalloying. This book intends to summarize the existing knowledge to show how it can be utilized for optimization and adaption of steel composition, processing, and for additional improvement of steel properties that should be recommended to engineering personal of steel designers, producers and end users of AHSS as well as to students of colleges and Universities who deal with materials for auto industry.

The Theory of Critical Distances

The Theory of Critical Distances PDF Author: David Taylor
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080554725
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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Critical distance methods are extremely useful for predicting fracture and fatigue in engineering components. They also represent an important development in the theory of fracture mechanics. Despite being in use for over fifty years in some fields, there has never been a book about these methods – until now. So why now? Because the increasing use of computer-aided stress analysis (by FEA and other techniques) has made these methods extremely easy to use in practical situations. This is turn has prompted researchers to re-examine the underlying theory with renewed interest. The Theory of Critical Distances begins with a general introduction to the phenomena of mechanical failure in materials: a basic understanding of solid mechanics and materials engineering is assumed, though appropriate introductory references are provided where necessary. After a simple explanation of how to use critical distance methods, and a more detailed exposition of the methods including their history and classification, the book continues by showing examples of how critical distance approaches can be applied to predict fracture and fatigue in different classes of materials. Subsequent chapters include some more complex theoretical areas, such as multiaxial loading and contact problems, and a range of practical examples using case studies of real engineering components taken from the author's own consultancy work. The Theory of Critical Distances will be of interest to a range of readers, from academic researchers concerned with the theoretical basis of the subject, to industrial engineers who wish to incorporate the method into modern computer-aided design and analysis. - Comprehensive collection of published data, plus new data from the author's own laboratories - A simple 'how-to-do-it' exposition of the method, plus examples and case studies - Detailed theoretical treatment - Covers all classes of materials: metals, polymers, ceramics and composites - Includes fracture, fatigue, fretting, size effects and multiaxial loading

Mechanical Behavior and Fracture of Engineering Materials

Mechanical Behavior and Fracture of Engineering Materials PDF Author: Jorge Luis González-Velázquez
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303029241X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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Book Description
This book presents the theoretical concepts of stress and strain, as well as the strengthening and fracture mechanisms of engineering materials in an accessible level for non-expert readers, but without losing scientific rigor. This volume fills the gap between the specialized books on mechanical behavior, physical metallurgy and material science and engineering books on strength of materials, structural design and materials failure. Therefore it is intended for college students and practicing engineers that are learning for the first time the mechanical behavior and failure of engineering materials or wish to deepen their understanding on these topics. The book includes specific topics seldom covered in other books, such as: how to determine a state of stress, the relation between stress definition and mechanical design, or the theory behind the methods included in industrial standards to assess defects or to determine fatigue life. The emphasis is put into the link between scientific knowledge and practical applications, including solved problems of the main topics, such as stress and strain calculation. Mohr's Circle, yield criteria, fracture mechanics, fatigue and creep life prediction. The volume covers both the original findings in the field of mechanical behavior of engineering materials, and the most recent and widely accepted theories and techniques applied to this topic. At the beginning of some selected topics that by the author's judgement are transcendental for this field of study, the prime references are given, as well as a brief biographical semblance of those who were the pioneers or original contributors. Finally, the intention of this book is to be a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses on Mechanical Behavior, Mechanical Metallurgy and Materials Science, as well as a consulting and/or training material for practicing engineers in industry that deal with mechanical design, materials selection, material processing, structural integrity assessment, and for researchers that incursion for the first time in the topics covered in this book.

Mechanical Properties of Ceramics

Mechanical Properties of Ceramics PDF Author: Joshua Pelleg
Publisher: Springer Science & Business
ISBN: 3319044923
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 782

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This book discusses the mechanical properties of ceramics and aims to provide both a solid background for undergraduate students, as well as serving as a text to bring practicing engineers up to date with the latest developments in this topic so they can use and apply these to their actual engineering work. Generally, ceramics are made by moistening a mixture of clays, casting it into desired shapes and then firing it to a high temperature, a process known as 'vitrification'. The relatively late development of metallurgy was contingent on the availability of ceramics and the know-how to mold them into the appropriate forms. Because of the characteristics of ceramics, they offer great advantages over metals in specific applications in which hardness, wear resistance and chemical stability at high temperatures are essential. Clearly, modern ceramics manufacturing has come a long way from the early clay-processing fabrication method, and the last two decades have seen the development of sophisticated techniques to produce a large variety of ceramic material. The chapters of this volume are ordered to help students with their laboratory experiments and guide their observations in parallel with lectures based on the current text. Thus, the first chapter is devoted to mechanical testing. A chapter of ductile and superplastic ceramic is added to emphasize their role in modern ceramics (chapter 2). These are followed by the theoretical basis of the subject. Various aspects of the mechanical properties are discussed in the following chapters, among them, strengthening mechanisms, time dependent and cyclic deformation of ceramics. Many practical illustrations are provided representing various observations encountered in actual ceramic-structures of particularly technical significance. A comprehensive list of references at the end of each chapter is included in this textbook to provide a broad basis for further studying the subject. The work also contains a unique chapter on a topic not discussed in other textbooks on ceramics concerning nanosized ceramics. This work will also be useful as a reference for materials scientists, not only to those who specialize in ceramics.