A Marriage Made for Heaven

A Marriage Made for Heaven PDF Author: Gregory K. Popcak
ISBN: 9780824525323
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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Book Description
In conjunction with the related workbook, this leaders guide for the Popcaks' monthly, 12-session marriage enrichment program helps couples apply rich theological content directly to their current married life. Instructing them with a variety of tools?including activities, DVD supplements, and group discussions?this resource shows spouses not only how to be closer with each other and their community but also how to fully enjoy the spiritual significance of their bond. As a trustworthy source that utilizes lessons from both the orthodox faith and the best research in marriage and family psychology the program is an ideal addition to any Catholic parish.

A Marriage Made for Heaven

A Marriage Made for Heaven PDF Author: Gregory K. Popcak
ISBN: 9780824525323
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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Book Description
In conjunction with the related workbook, this leaders guide for the Popcaks' monthly, 12-session marriage enrichment program helps couples apply rich theological content directly to their current married life. Instructing them with a variety of tools?including activities, DVD supplements, and group discussions?this resource shows spouses not only how to be closer with each other and their community but also how to fully enjoy the spiritual significance of their bond. As a trustworthy source that utilizes lessons from both the orthodox faith and the best research in marriage and family psychology the program is an ideal addition to any Catholic parish.

A Marriage Made in Heaven

A Marriage Made in Heaven PDF Author: Naomi Seidman
Publisher: University of California Press
ISBN: 0520358155
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Book Description
With remarkably original formulations, Naomi Seidman examines the ways that Hebrew, the Holy Tongue, and Yiddish, the vernacular language of Ashkenazic Jews, came to represent the masculine and feminine faces, respectively, of Ashkenazic Jewish culture. Her sophisticated history is the first book-length exploration of the sexual politics underlying the "marriage" of Hebrew and Yiddish, and it has profound implications for understanding the centrality of language choices and ideologies in the construction of modern Jewish identity. Seidman particularly examines this sexual-linguistic system as it shaped the work of two bilingual authors, S.Y. Abramovitsh, the "grand-father" of modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature; and Dvora Baron, the first modern woman writer in Hebrew (and a writer in Yiddish as well). She also provides an analysis of the roles that Hebrew "masculinity" and Yiddish "femininity" played in the Hebrew-Yiddish language wars, the divorce that ultimately ended the marriage between the languages. Theorists have long debated the role of mother and father in the child's relationship to language. Seidman presents the Ashkenazic case as an illuminating example of a society in which "mother tongue" and "father tongue" are clearly differentiated. Her work speaks to important issues in contemporary scholarship, including the psychoanalysis of language acquisition, the feminist critique of Zionism, and the nexus of women's studies and Yiddish literary history. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1997.

If this Marriage was Made in Heaven, why Am I Going Through Hell?

If this Marriage was Made in Heaven, why Am I Going Through Hell? PDF Author: Karry D. Wesley
Publisher: Winepress Publishing
ISBN: 9781579212827
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The institution of marriage is under attack by the enemy. Most couples believe that their marriages were made in heaven. After a few months or years, it may appear as though the marriage made in heaven is on the brink of disaster. Most marriages are thriving, striving, surviving, or dying. This book attempts to help couples improve their marital relationship. It is especially helpful for those couples who are struggling to survive. Provides information for husbands and wives to put their marriages back on track. It also offers insight for the single person planning to marry, by reading and learning about marriage from a biblical perspective.

The Intentional Marriage

The Intentional Marriage PDF Author: Dennis Wells
ISBN: 9780991031009
Category : Man-woman relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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"Without intention, we find ourselves being tossed from one crisis to another without any plan to correct our course...Love is a choice and so our greatest joy comes from intentionally loving another person. The misconception is that when we bring two people together under the umbrella of marriage, it becomes a beautiful thing all by itself. There is no such thing as an auto pilot for a relationship. The truth is: two people, from two different backgrounds, with baggage from other relationships or from dysfunctional families, are suddenly faced with life together under the same roof. Sounds a little scarier than the fairy tale picture of most wedding plans."Dennis and Susan have walked this journey through the difficult years and have seen the benefit of being intentional in their own marriage."This book was born out of our own personal journey and has been "field tested" in our own relationship. Most of the material in this book has been presented in our "Intentional Marriage" seminars. This is a very practical approach to living out a committed and loving relationship. It's about being more than haphazard in our every interaction. It's about choosing to be intentional.

Marriage Made in Heaven

Marriage Made in Heaven PDF Author: Jhan Robbins
Publisher: Putnam Publishing Group
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Marriages Are Made in Heaven

Marriages Are Made in Heaven PDF Author: Fatema Desai
ISBN: 9781973172666
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 122

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Life's full of compromises right? Well if you are from a traditional Indian family and want to live your life the way you want to, it's not just compromises you have to make. Formerly 'Marriages are made in heaven' This novel follows Hina, navigating her life the only way she knows how, half truths and sneaking around to just live her life. But this might just be Hina's biggest challenge yet, a marriage of convenience , even she might not be able to pull off just so she can finally get her happily ever after.

The Rest on the Flight

The Rest on the Flight PDF Author: Peter Porter
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 033053727X
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 456

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Satirist, philosopher, elegist, aphorist, cultural historian – Peter Porter is perhaps too singular a talent to be described as ‘representative’ of the age: an Australian whose easy familiarity with the breadth of European culture puts most Europeans to shame, he has long held the reputation of one of our most intellectually promiscuous and culturally sophisticated writers. Porter uses the poem as a means through which a thought can be pursued; this selection from fifty years’ work allows us the first opportunity to fully survey the quality and breadth of that thought, and the unfailing intensity of its light. In short, his Selected Poems is a one-volume education: Porter’s subtle and profound sense of history permits him to read any event as a point in a dynamic space where the forces of time and culture converge. From these coordinates, he gives perspective, direction and bearing to our contemporary life, and allows us to read the pattern of our ideas, art and loves on the map of an ancient terrain. That he has done all this with such immense good humour and human compassion is one of the literary miracles of our time.

Building Your Marriage Upon the Rock

Building Your Marriage Upon the Rock PDF Author: Mike Williamson
ISBN: 9780979471513
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 171

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Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage

Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage PDF Author: H. Wallace Goddard
Publisher: Meridian Publishing
ISBN: 9781934537022
Category : Marriage
Languages : en
Pages : 157

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The author discusses the "first principles of eternal marriage," core gospel principles that focus on godliness and Jesus Christ.

Marriages are Made in Heaven, But Maintained on Earth

Marriages are Made in Heaven, But Maintained on Earth PDF Author: Joycelyn Peart-Lawson
Publisher: Xulon Press
ISBN: 9781545674697
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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Book Description
"Marriages are Made in Heaven, but Maintained on Earth" was written to encourage, assist and provide some practical ways that couples as well as those who are considering this holy union, may employ to enrich their marriages and thus stay together for a lifetime. Journey with me on this romantic path and rekindle the fire in your marriage, unleash the passion in your marriage, reverse word curses spoken over the life of your marriage, ensure that your husband stays in love with you, like God hath intended it to, and earn that respect and submission from your wife. You and your spouse deserve it.