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Author: William V. Wojciechowski
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 506
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This examination review book provides a personalized study plan for students preparing for the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) Written Registry Examination. It presents an exhaustive review of the test matrix with over 850 questions and analyses based on the 1999 Examination Matrix. A chapter on test-taking strategies is designed to build self-confidence and explains how to think "the NBRC way." Each question contains a detailed analysis about the question, and a list of references for further study. Detailed scoring forms are available throughout the book to assist candidates in evaluating strengths and weaknesses, and for assessing progress while working through the book. Each question is also linked to a specific examination matrix item allowing candidates to become familiar with the test matrix. Computer software allows the students to practice and review material in a similar environment that mimics the actual examination. (RT, RTT, Respiratory Care, Respiratory Therapy, Resp. Care, Resp. Therapy, RC)
Author: William V. Wojciechowski
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 506
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Book Description
This examination review book provides a personalized study plan for students preparing for the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) Written Registry Examination. It presents an exhaustive review of the test matrix with over 850 questions and analyses based on the 1999 Examination Matrix. A chapter on test-taking strategies is designed to build self-confidence and explains how to think "the NBRC way." Each question contains a detailed analysis about the question, and a list of references for further study. Detailed scoring forms are available throughout the book to assist candidates in evaluating strengths and weaknesses, and for assessing progress while working through the book. Each question is also linked to a specific examination matrix item allowing candidates to become familiar with the test matrix. Computer software allows the students to practice and review material in a similar environment that mimics the actual examination. (RT, RTT, Respiratory Care, Respiratory Therapy, Resp. Care, Resp. Therapy, RC)
Author: Gary Persing
Publisher: Saunders
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 456
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Presented in outline format, this combination study guide and workbook is designed to prepare the individual for the Advanced Practitioner Registry Exam offered by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). Based on the examination matrix provided by the NBRC, the text prepares the reader for both the written and clinical simulation exams. Included in the text are chapter pretests with answers and explanations, a 100 question post-test resembling the actual written registry exam, and 3 clinical simulations to familiarize the reader with this unique type of question.
Author: Gary Persing
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1437716954
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 313
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This title includes additional digital media when purchased in print format. For this digital book edition, media content is not included. Respiratory Care Exam Review: Review for the Entry Level and Advanced Exams, 3rd Edition, readies students with review materials for both the CRT and RRT exams! The material is presented in an outline format for efficient studying, with special boxes included in the chapter to highlight important information that is often included in the exam. New content has been added to the 3rd edition, including the latest updates to the NBRC content outlines implemented in 2009 and 2010. Be fully prepared with this comprehensive text! Respiratory Therapy exam review designed to provide students with a complete, hands-on review for both the NBRC Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) and the Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) credentialing exams. The material is presented in a detailed outline format, and each chapter includes a pre-test and post-chapter questions. Answers and rationales for both pre- and post-testing are located in the back of the book. Book includes two practice exams. One practice exam for each exam (CRT & RRT) is located in the back of the book. Answer keys with rationales for correct and incorrect answers are available on the Evolve Web site. The NBRC complexity levels of each question are indicated in the answer key to help the student better prepare for the actual exam. Every chapter has been thoroughly revised to incorporate the newest (2009) NBRC Examination content outlines that were implemented in 2009 (CRT) and 2010 (RRT). Unique! Exam Notes highlight special notes or instructions specific to either the entry level (CRT) or advanced exam (RRT) to help students use their study time more effectively. Other key information relevant to the respiratory therapist is featured in specially shaded boxes. Completely updated to reflect the newest NBRC Examination content outlines, with new information on: stress testing, oxygen titration with exercise, aterial line insertion, influenza vaccines and ventilator-associated pneumonia protocols. Additional practice test questions with rationales added to both entry level and advanced practice exams provide rationales and detailed explanation for every question on the exam.
Author: James R. Sills
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323073646
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 673
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Prepare for success on respiratory therapy credentialing exams! Updated to reflect the 2009 National Board of Respiratory Care (NBRC) content outlines, Sills' The Comprehensive Respiratory Therapist's Exam Review, 5th Edition helps you review for both entry and advanced level credentialing exams. It covers every testable subject, providing content review, self-assessment questions, and study hints. This title includes additional digital media when purchased in print format. For this digital book edition, media content is not included. Unique! Exam Hint boxes point out subjects that are frequently tested, helping you study, plan your time, and improve your test-taking skills. Self-study questions are included at the end of each chapter, accompanied by answers and rationales in the back of the book. Complexity level codes (recall, application, and analysis) help you prepare for questions in the way that is most appropriate (e.g., memorization for recall or synthesis for analysis). NBRC content outline coding provides a code for each topic so you can be sure that you have covered every topic that might appear on the exam. CRT and RRT level codes speed your review by identifying the individual topics for the CRT and RRT exams, as well as topics for both. One text now covers both the entry and advanced levels of Respiratory Therapists credentialing exams, so you need only one book to prepare for CRT and RRT credentials. Updated content reflects the NBRC's new examination content outlines, so you get an accurate, current review. New coverage includes subject areas such as CPAP/BiPAP titration during sleep, hemodynamic monitoring, hyperinflation therapy, laryngeal mask airway, high frequency ventilation, oxygen titration, thoracentesis, ultrasound, and ventilator-associated pneumonia protocols. An Evolve website includes both CRT and RRT practice exams.
Author: Craig L. Scanlan
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 1449659578
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 628
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Book Description
The Ultimate Review Guide for the CRT Exam! Certified Respiratory Therapist Exam Review Guide is a comprehensive study guide for respiratory therapy students and graduates of accredited respiratory therapy education programs who are seeking to take the entry-level Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) credentialing exam from the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). This unique review guide devotes extensive coverage to two problematic areas for credentialing exam candidates, which are not covered in any other review guides: 1) test-taking skills, and 2) key points to remember in taking the NBRC computerized exams. Special emphasis is also given to material and subject areas which have proven to be especially challenging for exam candidates such as basic pulmonary function testing, arterial blood gas interpretation [ABGs], monitoring critically ill patients, neonatal and pediatric care, recommending modifications to therapy, and more. Certified Respiratory Therapist Exam Review Guide is authored by experts who take the credentialing exam annually, so you can be confident that the content and format of this guide is current! Key features include: Comprehensive discussion of material on the NEW CRT Exam Matrix Over 700 practice questions and answers with explanations Extensive Guidance on Study and Test-Taking Skills Specific Advice on Making Good Answer Choices and Avoiding Bad Ones Hundreds of Summary Tables and Illustrations Each new print copy of this review guide includes a CD-ROM with test questions that can be sorted and graded. Please note: Electronic formats of this review guide do not include the CD ROM.
Author: Rrt Exam Secrets Test Prep
Publisher: Mometrix Secrets Study Guides
ISBN: 9781610728355
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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***Includes Practice Test Questions*** RRT Exam Secrets helps you ace the Registered Respiratory Therapist Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive RRT Exam Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. RRT Exam Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to CRT & RRT Test Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; A Respiratory review including: Normative Values For Infants/Adults, Terminology, Anatomy Of The Respiratory System, Lung Mechanics Airways Resistance, Factors Affecting Chest Wall Compliance, Factors Affecting FRC, Pulmonary Dead Space, CO2 Transport, Control Of Ventilation, Oxygen Therapy, Hypoxia, Intubation, Assessment Of Airway, Ventilation, IPPV And Muscle Relaxants, CPAP Circuits, High Frequency Ventilation, Mechanisms Of Gas Movement, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO, Tracheostomy, Pulmonary Barotrauma, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Ventilation, Assessment During Ventilation, Atypical Pneumonia Syndrome, Nosocomial Pneumonia, ICU Pneumonias, Mediastinum Shift, Pleural Effusions, Occupational Lung Disease, and much more...
Author: James R. Sills
Publisher: Mosby
ISBN: 9780323028257
Category : Respiratory therapy
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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Advanced Respiratory Therapist Exam Guide prepares readers for every testable subject on both the written registry and clinical simulations portions of the NBRC registry examination - both requirements to be awarded the RRT (registered respiratory therapist) credential. This new edition has been revised to directly tie in with the most recent NBRC examination matrix and content outline. Each chapter includes content review, self-assessment questions, and study hints. In addition, each chapter has NBRC-type review questions with rationales explaining why answers are correct or incorrect. Difficulty Level Codes and Examination Matrix Coding are also included, better preparing readers for the examination. The accompanying CD-ROM provides a pretest and posttest, each modeled on the real NBRC examination to more closely represent the functionality of the actual computer-based exam. The CD-ROM also includes 10 Clinical Simulations, reflecting the number on the actual exam. The software for these simulations is designed to mimic that used on the actual NBRC Clinical Simulations examination, providing users the opportunity to practice this difficult portion of the registry exam. Advanced Respiratory Therapist Exam prepares students for every testable subject on both the written registry and clinical simulations portions of the NBRC Registry Examination, both requirements to be awarded the RRT (registered respiratory therapist) credential. Each chapter includes content review, self-assessment questions, and study hints. In addition, rationales explaining why answers are correct or incorrect, Difficulty Level Codes, and Examination Matrix Coding will all be included, better preparing students for what to expect on the examination. The new edition will be expanded to directly tie in with the most recent Examination Matrix and Content outline; all new content areas will be addressed.
Author: James R. Sills, MEd, CPFT, RRT
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323241344
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 651
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Find out how and what to review for the all-new 2015 National Board of Respiratory Care (NBRC) Exam with The Comprehensive Respiratory Therapist's Exam Review, 6th Edition. It covers every topic in the NBRC Detailed Content Outline, providing study hints, in-depth content review, and self-assessment questions with rationales so you retain more information. Sills' latest review also offers students and practicing respiratory therapists realistic experience with the new Therapist Multiple Choice Exam (TM-CE) through a 140-question TM-CE practice test on its accompanying Evolve website. Self-study questions at the end of each chapter include an answer key with rationales to help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses in content learned. UNIQUE! Exam Hint boxes point out point out subjects that are frequently tested, helping you study, plan your time, and improve your test-taking skills. Rationales for each question provide feedback for correct and incorrect answers so you understand why an answer is correct or incorrect and retain information better. Difficulty level codes (recall, application, analysis) for each question on Evolve help you prepare for questions in the way that is most appropriate (e.g., memorization for recall or synthesis for analysis). Special NBRC coding of topics corresponds to every topic covered in the NBRC Detailed Content Outline (DCO) so you can easily review each of the testable topics. Secure Evolve website lets you experience the actual NBRC testing environment in a computerized format. NEW! Therapist Multiple Choice Exam (TM-CE) practice test aligns with the new 2015 NBRC Written Exam. UPDATED! Revised content reflects the 2015 NBRC Detailed Content Outline and examination matrix so you know exactly what to expect on the exams - and can review each of the areas covered on the matrix. NEW! More analysis-type questions added to the end-of-chapter self-study questions reflect changes in the matrix content outlines. NEW! Greater consistency in formulas, abbreviations, and equations achieved through aligning the text and Evolve site to comprehensive Abbreviation and Equation Glossaries. EXPANDED! 22 clinical simulations feature shortened sections and align with the new 2015 NBRC Clinical Simulation Exam in both study mode and exam mode, giving you the opportunity to practice this difficult portion of the Registry Exam on Evolve. NEW! Standard Normal Range Guide features reference tables with normal values of various parameters used in respiratory care assessment. EXPANDED! New practice exams on Evolve, including one 140-question TM-CE with automatic scoring to delineate entry and advanced credentialing levels, let you assess your understanding in both study (untimed) and exam (timed) modes.
Author: William V. Wojciechowski
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Category : Respiratory therapy
Languages : en
Pages : 484
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This examination review book provides a personalized study plan for candidates preparing for the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) Entry-Level Examination. It presents an exhaustive review of the test matrix, including over 850 questions and analyses based on the 1998 NBRC Entry-Level Examination Matrix. A chapter on test-taking strategies is designed to build self-confidence, discusses when and how to guess, and explains how to think "the NBRC way." Each question contains a keyed answer, detailed analysis about the question, and a list of references for further study. Detailed scoring forms are available throughout the book to assist candidates in evaluating strengths and weaknesses, and for assessing progress while working through the book. Each question is also linked to a specific examination matrix item allowing candidates to become familiar with the test matrix. A timetable is also included to help the candidates organize the time and activities. (KEYWORDS: RT, RTT, Respiratory Care, Respiratory Therapy, Resp. Care, Resp. Therapy, RC)
Author: Craig L. Scanlan
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 1284049051
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 600
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The Ultimate Review Guide for the CRT, RRT, and CSE Exams! Continuous Up-to-date NBRC Examination Guidelines and Correlations on Companion Website Comprehensive Respiratory Therapy Exam Preparation Guide, Second Edition is a comprehensive study guide for respiratory therapy students and graduates of accredited respiratory therapy education programs who are seeking to take the Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) or Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) credentialing exams from the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). Comprehensive Respiratory Therapy Exam Preparation Guide, Second Edition is reflective of the current CRT, RRT, and CSE exam matrix and authored by experts who take the credentialing exam annually, so you can be confident that the content and format of this guide is current! Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.