Who Owns Your Soul?

Who Owns Your Soul? PDF Author: Doreen C. Mampani
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1479717614
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
Our Lord Jesus Christ asked this questions which is so relevant today when people do not hesitate to sell their souls to Satan for wealth, fame, power, beauty, and control over others (witchcraft). Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Our Lord Jesus Christ asked me this question and I cried for few days. This time (2011) my husband and I lost almost everything from a comfortable life to a life of debts, poverty, shame, suicidal thoughts, mockery, no food, name calling, some confessing Christians called me a demon, Satan, witch, and all offending names you can imagine. Choosing to follow Lord Jesus Christ is choosing life. I chose Lord Jesus Christ not for wealth, fame, power, possession or material but because I need Him, my soul just cannot do without its Master. The book you are about to read is based on my life story of how Satan is deceiving people. The idea of writing this book was after discussing my background and experience with various people from different backgrounds, race, colour and gender both from South Africa and Africa. I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart, body and soul.This is a battle plan to destroy and dispossess death, poverty and destruction in Africa and the world. You may ask why Satan is so much after souls (human beings). That is because that has been his aim since his fall. Who does your soul belong to? All souls (humans) belong to God of Heaven. With my background when I pray I say "God of Heaven", Jesus Christ, I have to be specific due to the kind of challenges I experience when I pray. When I prayed and said God, Satan would challenge and asked "which one do you refer to?" In this book I will discuss witchcraft I experienced. Witchcraft has been there since Old Testament time. We read scriptures such Nahum 3:4 "Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts". In the New Testament for example we read in Acts 8:9 "But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one" I will give as much details as possible to help the reader to identify arrears that the enemy is controlling your own life so that you can pray or have a Pastor to pray for you for God Almighty to destroy the strongholds of Satan. We are living in times when people are daring to oppose God Almighty publicly without fear. Does God not hear or see? Oh He does. Why do we challenge such a loving caring God of Heaven who created us in His own image with so much unconditional love? It's because of rebellion towards our Maker, one of Satan's goals against the Almighty God. Satan hated human beings since the creating of Adam and Eve. His aim since then has been to turn human beings against our Creator. He tries to make God appear unfair he said in Gen 3:4-5 "then the serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die ... for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil". Satan made it appear as if God was depriving Adam and Eve from being like God, from knowing good and evil. Today Satan still uses his tricks to deceive people to want to be like God. Promising that he can give power, control, wealth, fame, beauty, access to everything that the individual desire. He does not tell the person though that he (Satan) takes the soul in exchange of these things. I don't want to be associated with Satan neither any of his demons, principalities and powers. I love Lord Jesus Christ with my entire being. I will mention some of the numbers used by Satan, especially number 11. Remember is God of Heaven who created days, weeks, months and years and numbers not Satan. Sata

Who Owns Your Soul?

Who Owns Your Soul? PDF Author: Doreen C. Mampani
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1479717614
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
Our Lord Jesus Christ asked this questions which is so relevant today when people do not hesitate to sell their souls to Satan for wealth, fame, power, beauty, and control over others (witchcraft). Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Our Lord Jesus Christ asked me this question and I cried for few days. This time (2011) my husband and I lost almost everything from a comfortable life to a life of debts, poverty, shame, suicidal thoughts, mockery, no food, name calling, some confessing Christians called me a demon, Satan, witch, and all offending names you can imagine. Choosing to follow Lord Jesus Christ is choosing life. I chose Lord Jesus Christ not for wealth, fame, power, possession or material but because I need Him, my soul just cannot do without its Master. The book you are about to read is based on my life story of how Satan is deceiving people. The idea of writing this book was after discussing my background and experience with various people from different backgrounds, race, colour and gender both from South Africa and Africa. I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart, body and soul.This is a battle plan to destroy and dispossess death, poverty and destruction in Africa and the world. You may ask why Satan is so much after souls (human beings). That is because that has been his aim since his fall. Who does your soul belong to? All souls (humans) belong to God of Heaven. With my background when I pray I say "God of Heaven", Jesus Christ, I have to be specific due to the kind of challenges I experience when I pray. When I prayed and said God, Satan would challenge and asked "which one do you refer to?" In this book I will discuss witchcraft I experienced. Witchcraft has been there since Old Testament time. We read scriptures such Nahum 3:4 "Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts". In the New Testament for example we read in Acts 8:9 "But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one" I will give as much details as possible to help the reader to identify arrears that the enemy is controlling your own life so that you can pray or have a Pastor to pray for you for God Almighty to destroy the strongholds of Satan. We are living in times when people are daring to oppose God Almighty publicly without fear. Does God not hear or see? Oh He does. Why do we challenge such a loving caring God of Heaven who created us in His own image with so much unconditional love? It's because of rebellion towards our Maker, one of Satan's goals against the Almighty God. Satan hated human beings since the creating of Adam and Eve. His aim since then has been to turn human beings against our Creator. He tries to make God appear unfair he said in Gen 3:4-5 "then the serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die ... for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil". Satan made it appear as if God was depriving Adam and Eve from being like God, from knowing good and evil. Today Satan still uses his tricks to deceive people to want to be like God. Promising that he can give power, control, wealth, fame, beauty, access to everything that the individual desire. He does not tell the person though that he (Satan) takes the soul in exchange of these things. I don't want to be associated with Satan neither any of his demons, principalities and powers. I love Lord Jesus Christ with my entire being. I will mention some of the numbers used by Satan, especially number 11. Remember is God of Heaven who created days, weeks, months and years and numbers not Satan. Sata

Who Owns Your Soul?

Who Owns Your Soul? PDF Author: Doreen Mampani
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781724568960
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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Book Description
I wrote Who Owns Your Soul? during 2011 - 2012. I revised Who Owns Your Soul? Revised Edition. in 2016. Now Holy Spirit laid it upon my heart to revise this book into Series. This Book is Who Owns Your Soul? Series: Vol. 1 of Vol. 5. Who Owns Your Soul? is now 6 years and Holy Spirit is still taking this book to countries that I may never go in my lifetime. This is a battle plan to destroy and dispossess death, poverty and destruction in Africa and the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked this questions which is so relevant today when people do not hesitate to sell their souls to Satan for wealth, fame, power, beauty, and control over others (witchcraft). Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" People involved in this book are Vhavenda, Portuguese, Coloreds (from Portuguese, Afrikaner, Jew and Vhavenda, Pedi and Tsongas tribes), Afrikaners, English, German, Uruguay, Swedish, Greek, Chinese Doctors, Mozambican, Pedi, Congolese, Angolan, Nigerians, Zambians and from Benin.This book is Who Owns Your Soul? Series: Volume 2 of 4 Volumes. It is the continuation of Who Owns Your Soul? Series: Vol. 1 where I discuss the occult and how you can overcome with the victory our LORD Jesus Christ gave us on the Cross of Calvary. Holy Spirit showed me that there are readers who want to buy my paperback books but cannot afford. So Holy Spirit told me to divide Who Owns Your Soul? into series. Some people ask me why I write about the occult, witchcraft and Satan. A few people told me I write about scary staff. Satan operates His worst when we are ignorant of His devices. I was in occult, not by choice, and blame no one. I had to choose LORD Jesus Christ and He took me out. Scary staff as some people say I write, it is more scarier in Hell than what I'm writing. Damnation of one's soul is for eternity. Eternity without LORD Jesus Christ is beyond human imagination. I wrote Sin Tantalizers which talks about the sweet taste of sin and bitter consequences of sin which is death itself. I meet people who think when they die they will be with their dead relatives, friends and neighbors. They will continue drinking alcohol, sex with many lovers, taking drugs, smoking dagga, clubbing day and night - what deception from Satan. My one second cousin said "Doreen, when I met these liars who deceived me all my life I will beat them up first before I join them." I said to him before he died, you don't know where they went, they could be in utter agony regretting their deeds on earth. So you are planning your death instead of making right with God? A few weeks later he was poisoned and he died. Before my deliverance from family covenants and family altars I dreamt of him. He was in an ocean very far away. He said "Doreen is ek, kyk hoe lyk ek? Hulle het my in a beer bottle ingesit." This is to say "Doreen, this is me, see how I look. They have put me in a beer bottle'.

Who Owns Your Soul?

Who Owns Your Soul? PDF Author: Doreen Mampani
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781727333992
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 90

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Book Description
I wrote Who Owns Your Soul? during 2011 - 2012. A lot has happened since then. God of heaven is faithful. I revised Who Owns Your Soul? in 2016 after the death of my grand-mother, Aunt and my father. Now Holy Spirit laid it upon my heart to revise this book into Series. Who Owns Your Soul? Series: Vol. 4 is the continuation of Who Owns Your Soul? Series: Vol. 4 of 6 Volumes. This is a battle plan to destroy and dispossess death, poverty and destruction in Africa and the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked this questions which is so relevant today when people do not hesitate to sell their souls to Satan for wealth, fame, power, beauty, and control over others (witchcraft). Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" People involved in these Series are Vhavenda, Portuguese, Coloreds Afrikaners, English, Greeks, Mozambican, Pedi, Chinese Doctors, Congolese, Nigerians, Zimbabweans, Malawian, Angolan, and Zambians. I use these to show the reader I'm speaking of different groups of people not to offend anyone. In this book I discuss satanic things associated with no. 11, my grand-mother was the 11th child, I was born on the 11th month, my aunt died on the 11th month, my late father was born on 11th month and when he died he had 11 grand-children. God is doing great things with 11 - my daughter received LORD Jesus Christ when she turned 11 years. I discuss how I prayed before, curses made by witches and witch doctors, Satan's offers to me in dreams, some satanic training I went and torments when I disobeyed.

Who Owns Your Soul? Revised Edition

Who Owns Your Soul? Revised Edition PDF Author: Doreen Mampani
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781517694890
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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This first Edition of "Who Owns Your Soul"? A lot has happened since then. God of heaven is faithful; He has laid it upon my heart to write a revised edition of this book which is what you have in your hand now. Katalay and I had various trials but God is faithful as always. We lost our home and moved from one accommodation to another. I wrote various books about our experiences. God revealed to me my talent to write poetry as well. As I revise this book I have 29 published books consisting of non-fiction and poetry. I must mention that my grand-mother, (was White) and aunt (Colored) whom I wrote about have both passed away. God sent me to them before they both passed away. Both of them did not apologize to me for all their wrong-doing. They both passed away without knowing about my books including this one. My grand-mother was 96 years, my aunt was 76, they died the same year, six months apart being very sick. My grand-mother died in May as she always declared and my aunt died November the same year. They never married and were buried next to each other in our family cemetery. God sent me to both my grand-mother and aunt before they died. I urged both of them to accept LORD Jesus Christ. I don't know if they did or not. They were both deep in pain. My grand-mother was desiring death, she even tried to drink poison complaining that she could not bear the torment. I saw these two women who were feared, powerful, wealth, experts in domineering, being helpless during their last days. My mother finds it hard to accept the death of her loved ones and resorted to alcoholism. I arranged for her to go for Psychological Counseling. My father whom I also wrote about in this book died of poisoned drink. He died in deep pain. I fasted during Christmas season to ask God to reveal to me my real father. Before he died he asked my mother and sister to tell me he wants to speak to me. He never phoned me direct. I refused to speak to him, after four decades of rejection, humiliation and poverty while he was a successful tailor. He told my mother he had a secret he wanted to tell me and refused to disclose to her. Mother's hatred for me has escalated to a level that she asked my siblings, cousins and relatives to take life cover insurance on my life, my child and husband so that they may get rich when we die. This is a battle plan to destroy and dispossess death, poverty and destruction in Africa and the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked this questions which is so relevant today when people do not hesitate to sell their souls to Satan for wealth, fame, power, beauty, and control over others (witchcraft). Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Not judging my late grand-mother, aunt and some wealth people who is said they were in occult this Scripture like all the others is very true. These millionaires, powerful, feared men and women, domineering, intimidating, tormenting to their children and siblings were very helpful to strangers. They were friendly and ready to help strangers any time. Their death was full of torment, children divorcing, in drugs and alcohol abuse, verbally and emotionally abused. They had money but it could not buy their peace, joy and finally life because salvation which includes these great benefits is only found in Jesus Christ. They spoke about God, gave to the poor but only strangers not relatives.

The Personality of Jesus

The Personality of Jesus PDF Author: Francis E. Clark
ISBN: 9780984916528
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 122

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"Young people need someone who is crazy about them." - Walter Brueggemann "Originally authored by Francis Clark a hundred years ago, Ashley Denton has overhauled the first writing, taking care to update and revise the text to make it more readable for a modern audience of young people. The book will be especially helpful to youth pastors, student ministry leaders and parents of young people." -Robert E. Coleman (Author of Master Plan of Evangelism) "Francis Clark believed that Jesus was the embodiment of everything that young people longed for. The challenge of every generation is simply to give young people an accurate picture of Jesus Christ. Clark believed that if young people could just see the winsome personality of Christ, they would naturally be drawn to him, like a magnet is to metal." -Ashley Denton

Exercising Your Soul

Exercising Your Soul PDF Author: Gary Jansen
Publisher: FaithWords
ISBN: 0446557463
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 125

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A fitness program for the soul that offers simple techniques to recharge your spirit and enhance your relationships with yourself, with others, and most importantly, with God. Jansen's engaging, personal style brings to life each of the practices he suggests as he shares his own growth through the disciplines.

A Practical Guide for Praying Parents

A Practical Guide for Praying Parents PDF Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 0802498973
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Instead of an Anxious Parent, Become a Praying Parent Any Christian mother and father, or grandmother and grandfather, desires what is spiritually best for their children. However, knowing how to pray for them can often be as challenging as knowing what to pray. Without proper guidance, our prayers are prone to become dry, repetitive lists of requests. With the help of Dr. Erwin Lutzer, you can learn how your best, loving intentions can become enriching, effective intercessions for your children or grandchildren. Trade your lists of requests for Scripturally-based prayers that will immerse you in God’s promises and will. In A Practical Guide for Praying Parents, Dr. Lutzer addresses: -How to pray when children have hardened hearts -How to pray for children who have become wayward prodigals -How to become a prayer warrior who prays in the face of spiritual warfare This small guide will help you pray scriptural prayers that both bring you closer to God and bless your children. You’ll also find daily Biblical prayers crafted by Dr. Lutzer himself to help you begin your prayer journey. With your love for your children, your desire to help, and Dr. Lutzer’s guidance, your prayers can become effective ministry in the lives of those you care for the most.

The Release of the Spirit

The Release of the Spirit PDF Author: Watchman Nee
Publisher: Christian Fellowship Publishers
ISBN: 0935008837
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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Surely this is the hour when the battleground is in the soul. While the Lord is seeking to work through the quickened spirit. Satan is seeking to work throught the natural, soulish life which has not been brought under control of the spriit.

After You'Ve Blown It

After You'Ve Blown It PDF Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
Publisher: Multnomah
ISBN: 1590523342
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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Do you feel like God will never take you back? Would you like a new beginning in your relationships? Award-winning author and pastor Erwin Lutzer offers practical help toward reconciliation.

In, But Not Of

In, But Not Of PDF Author: Hugh Hewitt
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Inc
ISBN: 1595554823
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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In, But Not Of provides readers with valuable insights, wisdom, personal experiences, and advice on how to rise in the world and achieve the kind of radical success that honors God.