Stop Working for Uncle Sam

Stop Working for Uncle Sam PDF Author: Sunday Adelaja
Publisher: Golden Pen Limited
ISBN: 9781908040343
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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In this book you will learn: - How to escape Uncle Sam's bait - Are you a ma ser or a slave of money - What is the purpose of work - How to discover yourself and add value to your life - You will earn how to escape from the slavery to salary - You will learn how to sart your life again fnancially - You will learn how not to become a slave to the employer - You will discover if you are imprisoned by your job or not and how to come out - You will learn other ways Uncle Sam's sysem puts people in bondage - You will learn how to be truly free fnancially

Stop Working for Uncle Sam

Stop Working for Uncle Sam PDF Author: Sunday Adelaja
Publisher: Golden Pen Limited
ISBN: 9781908040343
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
In this book you will learn: - How to escape Uncle Sam's bait - Are you a ma ser or a slave of money - What is the purpose of work - How to discover yourself and add value to your life - You will earn how to escape from the slavery to salary - You will learn how to sart your life again fnancially - You will learn how not to become a slave to the employer - You will discover if you are imprisoned by your job or not and how to come out - You will learn other ways Uncle Sam's sysem puts people in bondage - You will learn how to be truly free fnancially

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam PDF Author: Hal Marcovitz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1422287580
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 57

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It is said that the inspiration for the character of Uncle Sam was a man named Sam Wilson, who provided food for the U.S. Army during the War of 1812. By the 1830s, the figure of Uncle Sam had become a personified image of America, commonly used by newspaper and magazine cartoonists to represent the U.S. government's decisions and policies. Perhaps the best-known image of Uncle Sam was created in 1917, during the First World War—a stern, white-haired man wearing star-spangled clothing, encouraging Americans to do their part to support their nation. Uncle Sam remains an important symbol of the United States and the policies and activities of our government.

Uncle Sam Wants You

Uncle Sam Wants You PDF Author: Christopher Capozzola
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199830967
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 591

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Based on a rich array of sources that capture the voices of both political leaders and ordinary Americans, Uncle Sam Wants You offers a vivid and provocative new interpretation of American political history, revealing how the tensions of mass mobilization during World War I led to a significant increase in power for the federal government. Christopher Capozzola shows how, when the war began, Americans at first mobilized society by stressing duty, obligation, and responsibility over rights and freedoms. But the heated temper of war quickly unleashed coercion on an unprecedented scale, making wartime America the scene of some of the nation's most serious political violence, including notorious episodes of outright mob violence. To solve this problem, Americans turned over increasing amounts of power to the federal government. In the end, whether they were some of the four million men drafted under the Selective Service Act or the tens of millions of home-front volunteers, Americans of the World War I era created a new American state, and new ways of being American citizens.

Uncle Sam Can't Count

Uncle Sam Can't Count PDF Author: Burton W. Folsom
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0062292714
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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An enlightening overview of America’s misadventures in economic investment from the Revolutionary era to the Obama administration. From the days of George Washington through World War II to today, government subsidies have failed the American people time and again. Draining the Treasury of cash, this doomed attempt to “pick winners” only serves to impede economic growth—and hurt the very companies receiving aid. But why does federal aid seem to have a reverse Midas touch? In Uncle Sam Can’t Count, Burt and Anita Folsom argue that federal officials don’t have the same abilities or incentives as entrepreneurs. In addition, federal control always leads to politicization. And what works for politicians often doesn’t work in the marketplace. Filled with examples of government failures and free market triumphs, from John Jacob Astor to the Wright Brothers, World War II amphibious landing craft to Detroit, Uncle Sam Can’t Count is a hard-hitting critique of government investment that demonstrates why business should be left exclusively to private entrepreneurs.

Uncle Sam's Plantation

Uncle Sam's Plantation PDF Author: Star Parker
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 1418508519
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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Uncle Sam’s Plantation is an incisive look at how government manipulates, controls, and ultimately devastates the lives of the poor—and what Americans must do to stop it. Once a hustler and welfare addict who was chewed up and spit out by the ruthless welfare system, Star Parker sheds much needed light on the bungled bureaucratic attempts to end poverty and reveals the insidious deceptions perpetrated by self-serving politicians. “Star Parker rocks the world. She is an iconoclast that must be listened to and reckoned with.” ?Sean Hannity “Star Parker’s important new book helps advance the understanding—critical for all Americans—that prosperity does not come from government and politics but results from men and women of character and high moral fiber living and working in freedom.” ?Larry Kudlow “Star Parker’s new book brings us back to eternal truths—faith, family, love, and responsibility.” ?Dr. Laura Schlessinger “Casts new light on the redemptive power of freedom.” ?Rush Limbaugh

James Montgomery Flagg

James Montgomery Flagg PDF Author: Nicholas Steward
Publisher: Collectors Press
ISBN: 9781888054071
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Besides his trademark I Want You poster, Flagg gained fame as America's premier poster artist. Discover the wartime legend who made art history in this colorful mini art book.

Pilgrimage and Politics in Colonial Bengal

Pilgrimage and Politics in Colonial Bengal PDF Author: Imma Ramos
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351840002
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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From the late nineteenth century onwards the concept of Mother India assumed political significance in colonial Bengal. Reacting against British rule, Bengali writers and artists gendered the nation in literature and visual culture in order to inspire patriotism amongst the indigenous population. This book will examine the process by which the Hindu goddess Sati rose to sudden prominence as a personification of the subcontinent and an icon of heroic self-sacrifice. According to a myth of cosmic dismemberment, Sati’s body parts were scattered across South Asia and enshrined as Shakti Pithas, or Seats of Power. These sacred sites were re-imagined as the fragmented body of the motherland in crisis that could provide the basis for an emergent territorial consciousness. The most potent sites were located in eastern India, Kalighat and Tarapith in Bengal, and Kamakhya in Assam. By examining Bengali and colonial responses to these temples and the ritual traditions associated with them, including Tantra and image worship, this book will provide the first comprehensive study of this ancient network of pilgrimage sites in an art historical and political context.

The Adventures of Uncle Sam

The Adventures of Uncle Sam PDF Author: Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 150

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Uncle Sam, the Monopoly Man

Uncle Sam, the Monopoly Man PDF Author: William C. Wooldridge
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Uncle Sam's Comedy Jam

Uncle Sam's Comedy Jam PDF Author: Doug Scheer
ISBN: 9781543087727
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Uncle Sam's Comedy Jam is a 45 minute educational assembly show for elementary school age children.This American History Show features lessons that magically illustrate the major events that shaped America, created the Constitution and Bill of Rights and led to the formation of America's Democratic values. Twenty students participate on stage taking place in comedy skits, magical stunts, and impossible juggling feats all while anticipating the surprises that await in ten birthday gift bags that represent the ten amendments known as The Bill of Rights. Hailed as "brilliant" by elementary teachers for over 3 decades, Uncle Sam's Comedy Jam assembly show can add tens of thousands of dollars to a performer's bottom line. This complete show script provides all the jokes, bits of business and nuances of a professional show developed over a thirty year performing history. Visit to learn more about the author and request more information.