Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile and Adult Abundance, Productivity, and Spatial Structure Monitoring

Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile and Adult Abundance, Productivity, and Spatial Structure Monitoring PDF Author: Andrew Rea Murdoch
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 59

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Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile and Adult Abundance, Productivity, and Spatial Structure Monitoring

Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile and Adult Abundance, Productivity, and Spatial Structure Monitoring PDF Author: Andrew Rea Murdoch
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 59

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Upper Columbia River Steelhead and Spring Chinook Salmon Population Structure and Biological Requirements

Upper Columbia River Steelhead and Spring Chinook Salmon Population Structure and Biological Requirements PDF Author: Upper Columbia River Steelhead and Spring Chinook Salmon Biological Requirements Committee
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Escapement and Productivity of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the John Day River Basin, 2005-2006 Annual Technical Report

Escapement and Productivity of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the John Day River Basin, 2005-2006 Annual Technical Report PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 91

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The objectives are: (1) Estimate number and distribution of spring Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha redds and spawners in the John Day River subbasin; and (2) Estimate smolt-to-adult survival rates (SAR) and out-migrant abundance for spring Chinook and summer steelhead O. mykiss and life history characteristics of summer steelhead. The John Day River subbasin supports one of the last remaining intact wild populations of spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead in the Columbia River Basin. These populations, however, remain depressed relative to historic levels. Between the completion of the life history and natural escapement study in 1984 and the start of this project in 1998, spring Chinook spawning surveys did not provide adequate information to assess age structure, progeny-to-parent production values, smolt-to-adult survival (SAR), or natural spawning escapement. Further, only very limited information is available for steelhead life history, escapement, and productivity measures in the John Day subbasin. Numerous habitat protection and rehabilitation projects to improve salmonid freshwater production and survival have also been implemented in the basin and are in need of effectiveness monitoring. While our monitoring efforts outlined here will not specifically measure the effectiveness of any particular project, they will provide much needed background information for developing context for project-specific effectiveness monitoring efforts. To meet the data needs as index stocks, to assess the long-term effectiveness of habitat projects, and to differentiate freshwater and ocean survival, sufficient annual estimates of spawner escapement, age structure, SAR, egg-to-smolt survival, smolt-per-redd ratio, and freshwater habitat use are essential. We have begun to meet this need through spawning ground surveys initiated for spring Chinook salmon in 1998 and smolt PIT-tagging efforts initiated in 1999. Additional sampling and analyses to meet these goals include an estimate of smolt abundance and SAR rates, and an updated measure of the freshwater distribution of critical life stages. Because Columbia Basin managers have identified the John Day subbasin spring Chinook population as an index population for assessing the effects of alternative future management actions on salmon stocks in the Columbia Basin (Schaller et al. 1999) we continue our ongoing studies. This project is high priority based on the high level of emphasis the NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program, Subbasin Summaries, NMFS, and the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds have placed on monitoring and evaluation to provide the real-time data to guide restoration and adaptive management in the region. By implementing the proposed program we have been able to address many of the goals for population status monitoring, such as defining areas currently used by spring Chinook for holding and spawning habitats and determining range expansion or contraction of summer rearing and spawning populations. The BiOp describes these goals as defining population growth rates (adult monitoring), detecting changes in those growth rates or relative abundance in a reasonable time (adult/juvenile monitoring), estimating juvenile abundance and survival rates (juvenile/smolt monitoring), and identifying stage-specific survival (adult-to-smolt, smolt-to-adult).

Year-class Regulation of Mid-upper Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha

Year-class Regulation of Mid-upper Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha PDF Author: Londi M. Tomaro
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Early ocean residence is assumed to be a critical period for juvenile Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. However, the specific mechanisms influencing growth and survival in the ocean have not been identified for most populations. Therefore, three hypotheses regarding the relationship between early marine residence and subsequent survival of mid-upper Columbia River spring Chinook salmon were evaluated: the 'bigger is better', 'stage duration', and 'match-mistmatch' hypotheses. Six metrics describing juvenile migration history and condition were developed, including 1) size at freshwater exit; 2) size at ocean capture; 3) initial ocean growth rates; 4) timing of ocean entrance; 5) duration of ocean residence; and 6) marine migration rates. Retrospective estimates of size and growth using otolith analyses rely on the assumption that otolith and somatic size are related. Therefore, I verified this assumption for mid-upper Columbia River Chinook salmon and determined that a body-proportional back-calculation method was the best approach for this population. Fish length and otolith width were positively correlated (r > 0.92) and growth rates estimated from back-calculated sizes were positively correlated with observed growth rates (r = 0.96). I also evaluated the utility of using the otolith Sr:Ca pattern as a marker of hatchery-origin and investigated potential mechanisms for the observed Sr:Ca pattern. Visual and quantitative criteria were developed using otoliths of hatchery fish and were used to correctly classify 85% and 78%, respectively, of a sample of known hatchery-origin fish (n = 114) that were collected in coastal waters. Although Sr:Ca in water and hatchery food did not fully account for the observed pattern in otolith Sr:Ca, the pattern can be used to identify mid-upper Columbia River spring Chinook salmon of hatchery-origin with relatively high accuracy (>75%). The six juvenile metrics were used to evaluate mechanisms potentially regulating establishment of year-class abundance. The only metrics found to be significantly related to future adult abundance were size at freshwater exit (r2 = 0.56) and capture (r2 = 0.60). These data support the 'bigger is better' hypothesis and indicate that factors influencing size and growth during freshwater residence should be investigated further. Juveniles resided in the brackish/ocean for one to two months prior to capture in May and June; therefore, ocean conditions after this period may be related to the 40% of variation in adult abundance unexplained by interannual variation in body size.

Spring Chinook Salmon Interactions Indices and Residual/Precocious Male Monitoring in the Upper Yakima Basin; Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Monitoring and Evaluation, 2004-2005 Annual Report

Spring Chinook Salmon Interactions Indices and Residual/Precocious Male Monitoring in the Upper Yakima Basin; Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project Monitoring and Evaluation, 2004-2005 Annual Report PDF Author: Christopher L. Johnson
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 121

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This report examines some of the factors that can influence the success of supplementation, which is currently being tested in the Yakima Basin using upper Yakima stock of spring chinook salmon. Supplementation success in the Yakima Basin is defined relative to four topic areas: natural production, genetics, ecological interactions, and harvest (Busack et al. 1997). The success of spring chinook salmon supplementation in the Yakima Basin is dependent, in part, upon fish culture practices and favorable physical and biological conditions in the natural environment (Busack et al. 1997; James et al. 1999; Pearsons et al., 2003; Pearsons et al. 2004). Shortfalls in either of these two topics (i.e., failure in culturing many fish that have high long-term fitness or environmental conditions that constrain spring chinook salmon production) will cause supplementation success to be limited. For example, inadvertent selection or propagation of spring chinook that residualize or precocially mature may hinder supplementation success. Spring chinook salmon that residualize (do not migrate during the normal migration period) may have lower survival rates than migrants and, additionally, may interact with wild fish and cause unacceptable impacts to non-target taxa. Large numbers of precocials (nonanadromous spawners) may increase competition for females and significantly skew ratios of offspring sired by nonanadromous males, which could result in more nonanadromous spring chinook in future generations. Conditions in the natural environment may also limit the success of spring chinook supplementation. For example, intra or interspecific competition may constrain spring chinook salmon production. Spring chinook salmon juveniles may compete with each other for food or space or compete with other species that have similar ecological requirements. Monitoring of spring chinook salmon residuals, precocials, prey abundance, carrying capacity, and competition will help researchers interpret why supplementation is working or not working (Busack et al. 1997). Monitoring ecological interactions will be accomplished using interactions indices. Interactions indices will be used to index the availability of prey and competition for food and space. The tasks described below represent various subject areas of juvenile spring chinook salmon monitoring but are treated together because they can be accomplished using similar methods and are therefore more cost efficient than if treated separately. Topics of investigation we pursued in this work were: (1) strong interactor monitoring (competition index and prey index), (2) carrying capacity monitoring (microhabitat monitoring); (3) residual and precocious male salmon monitoring (abundance); (4) performance of growth modulation in reducing precocious males during spawning; (5) incidence of predation by residualized chinook salmon; and (6) benefits of salmon carcasses to juvenile salmonids. This report is organized into six chapters to represent these topics of investigation. Data were collected during the summer and fall, 2004 in index sections of the upper Yakima Basin (Figure 1). Previous results on the topics in this report were reported in James et al. (1999), and Pearsons et al. (2003; 2004). Hatchery-reared spring chinook salmon were first released during the spring of 1999. The monitoring plan for the Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project calls for the continued monitoring of the variables covered in this report. All findings in this report should be considered preliminary and subject to further revision as more data and analytical results become available.

Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan

Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan PDF Author: Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board
Category : Bull trout
Languages : en
Pages : 1271

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"The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) developed this plan for the recovery of Upper Columbia spring Chinook (listed as endangered on March 24, 1999), Upper Columbia steelhead (listed as endangered on August 18, 1997; reclassified as threatened on January 5, 2006; and as a result of a legal challenge, reinstated to endangered status on June 13, 2007), and bull trout (the coterminous U.S. population was listed as threatened on November 1, 1999). The mission for the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan developed by the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board is: To restore viable and sustainable populations of salmon, steelhead, and other atrisk species through collaborative, economically sensitive efforts, combined resources, and wise resource management of the Upper Columbia region. The Board intends to approach salmon recovery efforts in a transparent and evolving process to restore fish populations for ecosystems and people while enhancing the economic viability of the region. This plan is an outgrowth and culmination of several conservation efforts in the Upper Columbia Basin, including current efforts related to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), state and tribal-sponsored recovery efforts, subbasin planning, and watershed planning"--Executive Summary.

Productivity of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the John Day River Basin, 2008 Annual Technical Report

Productivity of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the John Day River Basin, 2008 Annual Technical Report PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 40

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The John Day River subbasin supports one of the last remaining intact wild populations of spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead in the Columbia River Basin. These populations remain depressed relative to historic levels and limited information is available for steelhead life history. Numerous habitat protection and rehabilitation projects have been implemented in the basin to improve salmonid freshwater production and survival. However, these projects often lack effectiveness monitoring. While our monitoring efforts outlined here will not specifically measure the effectiveness of any particular project, they will provide much needed programmatic or watershed (status and trend) information to help evaluate project-specific effectiveness monitoring efforts as well as meet some data needs as index stocks. Our continued monitoring efforts to estimate salmonid smolt abundance, age structure, SAR, smolts/redd, freshwater habitat use, and distribution of critical life states will enable managers to assess the long-term effectiveness of habitat projects and to differentiate freshwater and ocean survival. Because Columbia Basin managers have identified the John Day subbasin spring Chinook population as an index population for assessing the effects of alternative future management actions on salmon stocks in the Columbia Basin (Schaller et al. 1999) we continue our ongoing studies. This project is high priority based on the level of emphasis by the NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program, Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB), Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP), NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds (OWEB). Each of these groups have placed priority on monitoring and evaluation to provide the real-time data to guide restoration and adaptive management in the region. The objective is to estimate smolt-to-adult survival rates (SAR) and out-migrant abundance for spring Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and summer steelhead O. mykiss and life history characteristics of summer steelhead.

Status and Future of Spring Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River Basin--conservation and Enhancement

Status and Future of Spring Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River Basin--conservation and Enhancement PDF Author: Donn L. Park
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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Monitoring and Evaluation of Supplemented Spring Chinook Salmon and Life Histories of Wild Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde Basin, 2007 Annual Report

Monitoring and Evaluation of Supplemented Spring Chinook Salmon and Life Histories of Wild Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde Basin, 2007 Annual Report PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 87

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This is the ninth annual report for a multi-year project designed to monitor and evaluate supplementation of endemic spring Chinook salmon in Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. These two streams historically supported anadromous fish populations that provided significant tribal and non-tribal fisheries, but in recent years, have experienced severe declines in abundance. Conventional and captive broodstock supplementation methods are being used to restore these spring Chinook salmon populations. Spring Chinook salmon populations in Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River, and other streams in the Snake River Basin have experienced severe declines in abundance over the past two decades (Nehlsen et al. 1991). A supplementation program was initiated in Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River, incorporating the use of both captive and conventional broodstock methods, in order to prevent extinction in the short term and eventually rebuild populations. The captive broodstock component of the program (BPA Project 199801001) uses natural-origin parr collected by seining and reared to maturity at facilities near Seattle, Washington (Manchester Marine Laboratory) and Hood River, Oregon (Bonneville Hatchery). Spawning occurs at Bonneville Hatchery, and resulting progeny are reared in hatcheries. Shortly before outmigration in the spring, juveniles are transferred to acclimation facilities. After an acclimation period of about 2-4 weeks, volitional release begins. Any juveniles remaining after the volitional release period are forced out. The conventional broodstock component uses returning adults collected at traps near the spawning areas, transported to Lookingglass Hatchery near Elgin, Oregon, held, and later spawned. The resulting progeny are reared, acclimated, and released similar to the captive broodstock component. All progeny released receive one or more marks including a fin (adipose) clip, codedwire tag, PIT tag, or visual implant elastomer tag. The numbers of adults used for conventional broodstock are determined by an agreement among comanagers (Zimmerman and Patterson 2002). Activities for this project focus on two life stages of spring Chinook salmon: juveniles during the migration from freshwater to the ocean and adults during prespawning migration through the end of spawning. Life history, production, and genetics are monitored and used to evaluate program effectiveness.

Integrated System Plan for Salmon and Steelhead Production in the Columbia River Basin

Integrated System Plan for Salmon and Steelhead Production in the Columbia River Basin PDF Author: Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority
Category : Anadromous fishes
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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"This particular part of the Integrated System Plan addresses the role of supplementation as one of the strategies that may be used for restoring natural production of anadromous salmonid populations in the Columbia River Basin."--Introduction