Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-based Learning

Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-based Learning PDF Author: Scott Nicholson
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 152975531X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 153

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Discover the educational power of puzzle-based learning. Understand the principles of effective game design, the power of well-crafted narratives and how different game mechanics can support varied learning objectives. Applying escape room concepts to the classroom, this book offers practical advice on how to create immersive, collaborative learning experiences for your students without the need for expensive resources and tools. Packed with examples, including a full sample puzzle game for you to use with your students, this book is a primer for classroom teachers on designing robust learning activities using problem-solving principles.

Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-based Learning

Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-based Learning PDF Author: Scott Nicholson
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 152975531X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 153

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Book Description
Discover the educational power of puzzle-based learning. Understand the principles of effective game design, the power of well-crafted narratives and how different game mechanics can support varied learning objectives. Applying escape room concepts to the classroom, this book offers practical advice on how to create immersive, collaborative learning experiences for your students without the need for expensive resources and tools. Packed with examples, including a full sample puzzle game for you to use with your students, this book is a primer for classroom teachers on designing robust learning activities using problem-solving principles.

New Challenges – New Learning – New Possibilities

New Challenges – New Learning – New Possibilities PDF Author: Johan Lövgren, Lasse Sonne, Michael Noah Weiss
Publisher: LIT Verlag Münster
ISBN: 3643916582
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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The title of this anthology mirrors the theme of the 9th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning. The caption reflects how adult education plays an integral part in our societies by advancing new learning that generates possibilities to address contemporary challenges. While the chapters reflect the wide variety of research connected to the field of adult education, the authors agree on the ideal of combining the development of work life competences with the promotion of democratic empowerment, as demonstrated in the tradition of Nordic adult education.

Learning With Escape Rooms in Higher Education Online Environments

Learning With Escape Rooms in Higher Education Online Environments PDF Author: Santamaría Urbieta, Alexandra
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1668460823
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Book Description
Teachers, professors, and educational professionals have the opportunity to create new, challenging, significant, and interactive learning experiences for today’s students. Escape rooms are growing in popularity as they provide numerous benefits and opportunities for learning; however, the use of escape rooms in higher education is not always taken seriously. Learning With Escape Rooms in Higher Education Online Environments proves that it is possible to take escape rooms to higher education with great results for both teachers and students by presenting different escape room proposals that are explained in detail with the instructions and materials used so that any teacher could replicate it in their subject. Covering key topics such as online learning, student learning, and computer science, this reference work is ideal for principals, industry professionals, researchers, scholars, practitioners, academicians, instructors, and students.

Play and Learning in Adulthood

Play and Learning in Adulthood PDF Author: Nicola Whitton
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031139755
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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This book provides a theoretical and philosophical examination of games, play and playfulness and their relationships to learning and wellbeing in adulthood. It draws on an interdisciplinary literature base (including game-based learning, game studies, education, psychology, and game design) to present a critical manifesto for playful learning in post-compulsory education and lifelong learning. While there is an established body of work in games and learning in adulthood, and a wide literature on the value of play in childhood, the wider potential of play in adulthood and playfulness is under-explored and still emergent. This book offers a comprehensive overview of play in adulthood, exploring the benefits and drawbacks, examining why play in adulthood is different from play in childhood, the role of play in culture, and making an argument for why it is important in our society that we embrace the principles of playfulness.

Shaping the Future of Biological Education Research

Shaping the Future of Biological Education Research PDF Author: Konstantinos Korfiatis
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031447921
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Book Description
This open access volume is a collection of full papers based on the peer-reviewed presentations accepted for the European Researchers in Didactics of Biology, ERIDOB 2022 conference. ERIDOB aims to bring together researchers in didactics of Biology from Europe and around the world to share and discuss their research work and results. It is the only major international conference whose focus lies exclusively on biology education research, and all the papers are written by international researchers from across Europe (and beyond) which report on a range of contemporary biology education research projects. They are all entirely new papers describing new research in the field. Each paper has been peer-reviewed by experienced biology education researchers and the members of the ERIDOB Academic Committee. The selected papers are collated within the following categories of biology education: · Teaching Strategies and Learning Environments · Students’ Knowledge, Conceptions, Values, Attitudes and Motivation · Outdoor and Environmental Education · Biology Teachers’ Professional Development By providing a collection of new research findings from many countries, this book is a great resource for researchers and practitioners such as school, college and university biology teachers' around the world. It is useful for training biology teachers and therefore valuable to teacher training institutions.

Handbook of Research on Gamification Dynamics and User Experience Design

Handbook of Research on Gamification Dynamics and User Experience Design PDF Author: Bernardes, Oscar
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1668442922
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 541

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In today’s digital society, organizations must utilize technology in order to engage their audiences. Innovative game-like experiences are an increasingly popular way for businesses to interact with their customers; however, correctly implementing this technology can be a difficult task. To ensure businesses have the appropriate information available to successfully utilize gamification in their daily activities, further study on the best practices and strategies for implementation is required. The Handbook of Research on Gamification Dynamics and User Experience Design considers the importance of gamification in the context of organizations’ improvements and seeks to investigate game design from the experience of the user by providing relevant academic work, empirical research findings, and an overview of the field of study. Covering topics such as digital ecosystems, distance learning, and security awareness, this major reference work is ideal for policymakers, technology developers, managers, government officials, researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners, instructors, and students.

Understanding Video Games

Understanding Video Games PDF Author: Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 104000248X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 445

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The fifth edition of this pioneering textbook takes video game studies into the next decade, highlighting changes in mobile, social, and casual gaming. This book introduces students to both the major theories used to analyze games, such as ludology and narratology, and the commercial and organizational aspects of the game industry. Drawing from historical and contemporary examples, this student-friendly text also explores the aesthetics of games, evaluates the cultural position of video games, and considers the potential effects of both violent and "serious" games. This new edition includes updates to the history, statistics, and developments in the vast game studies landscape throughout. The book has been expanded with additional theory, research, and insights from scholars around the world, making it more inclusive and broadening its global perspective. Extensively illustrated and featuring discussion questions, a glossary of key terms, and a detailed video game history timeline, Understanding Video Games, Fifth Edition is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in examining the ways video games are reshaping entertainment, education, and society.

New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon

New Leadership Communication—Inspire Your Horizon PDF Author: Nicole Pfeffermann
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303134314X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 431

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This new book aims at inspiring managers and passionate, influential (new) leaders to re-think how to address communication markets, challenge the way how to orchestrate communication instruments, find new ways to communicate the New, and cultivate a positive communication culture. Leadership communication is a critical success factor of senior management teams and (new) leaders (game changer, pioneers) in the digital and human age to better interact and connect with others; drive innovation and adoption processes; and empower young minds with joy, abundance, and wisdom. In the classical view, leadership communication is part of management communication which means leaders primarily use instruments focusing on teams, presentations, and negotiations. In the modern view, however, new leadership communication also encompasses social media and innovation communication. It dives deeper into ground rules for effective leadership communication and key themes, such as virtual communication, innovation and leadership, and communication model innovation. Be the inspiration! Become a new leader and shape the world.

10th European Conference on Games Based Learning

10th European Conference on Games Based Learning PDF Author:
Publisher: Academic Conferences and publishing limited
ISBN: 1911218093
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1041

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Unlocking Potential

Unlocking Potential PDF Author: Tamra Stambaugh
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000490270
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 269

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Book Description
Winner of NAGC's 2021 Book of the Year Award This edited book, written by authors with extensive experience in working with gifted students from low-income households, focuses on ways to translate the latest research and theory into evidence-supported practices that impact how schools identify and serve these students. Readers will: Learn about evidence-supported identification systems, tools, and strategies for finding students from low-income households. Discover curriculum models, resources, and instructional strategies found effective from projects focused on supporting these students. Understand the important role that intra- and interpersonal skills, ethnicity/race, families, school systems, and communities play. Consider the perceptions of gifted students who grew up in low-income households. Learn how educators can use their experiences to strengthen current services. Unlocking Potential is the go-to resource for an up-to-date overview of best practices in identification, curriculum, instruction, community support, and program design for gifted learners from low-income households.