Ullmann's Food and Feed, 3 Volume Set

Ullmann's Food and Feed, 3 Volume Set PDF Author: Wiley-VCH
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527339906
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1576

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Book Description
A compilation of 58 carefully selected, topical articles from the Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, this three-volume handbook provides a wealth of information on economically important basic foodstuffs, raw materials, additives, and processed foods, including a section on animal feed. It brings together the chemical and physical characteristics, production processes and production figures, main uses, toxicology and safety information in one single resource. More than 40 % of the content has been added or updated since publication of the 7th edition of the Encyclopedia in 2011 and is available here in print for the first time. The result is a "best of Ullmann's", bringing the vast knowledge to the desks of professionals in the food and feed industries.

Ullmann's Food and Feed, 3 Volume Set

Ullmann's Food and Feed, 3 Volume Set PDF Author: Wiley-VCH
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527339906
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1576

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Book Description
A compilation of 58 carefully selected, topical articles from the Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, this three-volume handbook provides a wealth of information on economically important basic foodstuffs, raw materials, additives, and processed foods, including a section on animal feed. It brings together the chemical and physical characteristics, production processes and production figures, main uses, toxicology and safety information in one single resource. More than 40 % of the content has been added or updated since publication of the 7th edition of the Encyclopedia in 2011 and is available here in print for the first time. The result is a "best of Ullmann's", bringing the vast knowledge to the desks of professionals in the food and feed industries.

Ullmann's Pharmaceuticals

Ullmann's Pharmaceuticals PDF Author: Axel Kleemann
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527807330
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1646

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Auf Grundlage des Anatomisch-therapeutisch-chemischen Klassifikationssystems der WHO für Arzneimittel beschreibt dieses Werk in 48 aktuellen systematischen Artikeln nahezu alle auf dem Markt befindlichen Therapeutika. Jeder sorgfältig verfasste Abschnitt enthält eine allgemeine Einführung in die therapeutische Klasse, Informationen über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen sowie eine systematische Auflistung aller wichtigen Produkte. Für jedes Therapeutikum werden aktuelle Angaben zu Struktur, Mechanismus, Pharmakologie, klinischer Anwendung, Markteinführung und den Produktionsmethoden gemacht, ergänzt um Verweise auf die wissenschaftliche und patentrechtliche Literatur. Alle Artikel wurden entweder neu verfasst oder vollständig aktualisiert, so dass die bis 2021 auf dem Markt erhältlichen Arzneimittel berücksichtigt werden. Dieses einzigartige Nachschlagewerk bietet zuverlässige Daten zu mehr als 3.500 Produkten und ist damit ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Fachkräfte im pharmazeutischen und medizinischen Bereich.

Ullmann's Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, 2 Volume Set

Ullmann's Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, 2 Volume Set PDF Author: Wiley-VCH
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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Book Description
The one-stop resource for all those involved in the biochemical and biotechnological industries. Based on the latest online edition of Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry containing articles never seen before in print, this ready reference meets the need for a detailed survey of the biochemical fundamentals and techniques as well as their applications in biochemical engineering and biobased production.

Environmental Management Handbook, Second Edition – Six Volume Set

Environmental Management Handbook, Second Edition – Six Volume Set PDF Author: Sven Erik Jorgensen
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000082547
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 3829

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Book Description
Bringing together a wealth of knowledge, the Handbook of Environmental Management, Second Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries, and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about pollution and management issues. This six-volume set is a reimagining of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Environmental Management, published in 2013, and features insights from more than 500 contributors, all experts in their fields. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying environmental management is presented here in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the major environmental systems. Features of the new edition: The first handbook that demonstrates the key processes and provisions for enhancing environmental management. Addresses new and cutting -edge topics on ecosystem services, resilience, sustainability, food-energy-water nexus, socio-ecological systems and more. Provides an excellent basic knowledge on environmental systems, explains how these systems function and offers strategies on how to best manage them. Includes the most important problems and solutions facing environmental management today.

Patty's Toxicology, 6 Volume Set

Patty's Toxicology, 6 Volume Set PDF Author: Eula Bingham
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470410817
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 5872

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Book Description
Featuring the improved format used in the 5th edition, this updated set presents, in logical groupings, comprehensive toxicological data for industrial compounds, including CAS numbers, physical and chemical properties, exposure limits, and biological tolerance values for occupational exposures, making it essential for toxicologists and industrial hygienists. This edition has about 40% new authors who have brought a new and international perspective to interpreting industrial toxicology, and discusses new subjects such as nanotechnology, flavorings and the food industry, reactive chemical control to comprehensive chemical policy, metalworking fluids, and pharmaceuticals.


Choice PDF Author:
Category : Academic libraries
Languages : en
Pages : 1118

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Ullmann's Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering

Ullmann's Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering PDF Author:
Category : Biochemical engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
The one-stop resource for all those involved in the biochemical and biotechnological industries. Based on the latest online edition of Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry containing articles never seen before in print, this ready reference meets the need for a detailed survey of the biochemical fundamentals and techniques as well as their applications in biochemical engineering and biobased production.

Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: Explosives (cont'd) to furfural

Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: Explosives (cont'd) to furfural PDF Author: Raymond Eller Kirk
Category : Chemistry, Technical
Languages : en
Pages : 1034

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Elements and their Compounds in the Environment

Elements and their Compounds in the Environment PDF Author: Ernest Merian
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
ISBN: 9783527304592
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 824

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Das Standard-Nachschlagewerk auf seinem Gebiet, seit langem praxisbewährt: Der "Merian" liefert Chemikern, Biologen, Geologen, Toxikologen, Lebensmittelchemikern und Physiologen unentbehrliche Informationen zu den chemischen Elementen und ihren Verbindungen in Natur und Umwelt. Zahlreiche Tabellen mit Datenmaterial, eine ausführliche Bibliographie und ein Glossar ergänzen die Textbeiträge. Diese Neuauflage wurde übersichtlicher gegliedert, ernährungswissenschaftlichen Aspekten wurde mehr Raum gegeben. Neue Elemente-darunter einige physiologisch wichtige Nichtmetalle-wurden in die Diskussion aufgenommen.

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Methods I

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Methods I PDF Author: Hans-Jürgen Arpe
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
ISBN: 9783527201358
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 742

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Book Description
For more than eighty years, the name Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry has been synonymous with information of the highest quality. Chemists and engineers in industry and academia know that they can rely on the knowledge and expertise of around 3,000 first-class authors. The Fifth Edition, now available in print as a complete set, is a monumental reference work containing about 1,000 major articles, more than 16 million words, 30,000 figures, 10,000 tables, and innumerable references to further sources of information. Ullmann's users worldwide testify that this superb encyclopedia contains the most complete and up-to-date coverage of chemical technology currently available, including economic aspects, production, transportation, and toxicology. Ullmann's is unsurpassed in terms of organization and presentation. The encyclopedia consists of 37 volumes: 28 "A" volumes, 8 "B" volumes, and one cumulative Index volume. Volumes A1 - A28 contain alphabetically ordered articles on industrial chemicals, product groups, and production processes. Volumes B1 - B8 describe in detail the principles of chemical engineering, new and proven analytical methods, and the essentials of environmental protection technology. "This is a major work, which will prove immensely valuable to institutions and authorities related to the chemical industry." - Chemistry & Industry "...no science or engineering library should be without it." - Angewandte Chemie "Ullmann's might well be preferred...because of its many convenience features and excellent organisation." - Chemical Engineering