Transit Life

Transit Life PDF Author: David Bissell
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262534967
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 267

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An exploration of the ways that everyday life in the city is defined by commuting. We spend much of our lives in transit to and from work. Although we might dismiss our daily commute as a wearying slog, we rarely stop to think about the significance of these daily journeys. In Transit Life, David Bissell explores how everyday life in cities is increasingly defined by commuting. Examining the overlooked events and encounters of the commute, Bissell shows that the material experiences of our daily journeys are transforming life in our cities. The commute is a time where some of the most pressing tensions of contemporary life play out, striking at the heart of such issues as our work-life balance; our relationships with others; our sense of place; and our understanding of who we are. Drawing on in-depth fieldwork with commuters, journalists, transit advocates, policymakers, and others in Sydney, Australia, Transit Life takes a holistic perspective to change how we think about commuting. Rather than arguing that transport infrastructure investment alone can solve our commuting problems, Bissell explores the more subtle but powerful forms of social change that commuting creates. He examines the complex politics of urban mobility through multiple dimensions, including the competencies that commuters develop over time; commuting dispositions and the social life of the commute; the multiple temporalities of commuting; the experience of commuting spaces, from footpath to on-ramp, both physical and digital; the voices of commuting, from private rants to drive-time radio; and the interplay of materialities, ideas, advocates, and organizations in commuting infrastructures.

Planets in Transit

Planets in Transit PDF Author: Robert Hand
Publisher: Whitford Press
ISBN: 9780924608261
Category : Astrology
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book covers complete delineations of all the major transits - conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition - that occur between transiting Sun, Moon and all planets to each planet in the natal chart and the Ascendant and Midheaven, as well as complete delineations of each planet transiting each house of the natal chart. These 720 lucid delineations are full of insight for both the professional astrologer and the beginner.


Transit PDF Author: Rachel Cusk
Publisher: Faber & Faber
ISBN: 0571346758
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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A Guardian, New Statesman, Spectator and Observer Book of the Year The second book in Rachel Cusk's critically-acclaimed trilogy. 'A work of stunning beauty, deep insight and great originality.' Monica Ali, New York Times 'Tremendous from its opening sentence.' Tessa Hadley, Guardian 'A work of cut-glass brilliance.' Financial Times In the wake of her family's collapse, a writer and her two young sons move to London. The upheaval is the catalyst for a number of transitions - personal, moral, artistic, and practical - as she endeavours to construct a new reality for herself and her children. In the city, she is made to confront aspects of living that she has, until now, avoided, and to consider questions of vulnerability and power, death and renewal, in what becomes her struggle to reattach herself to, and believe in, life. Filtered through the impersonal gaze of its keenly intelligent protagonist, Transit sees Rachel Cusk delve deeper into the themes first raised in her critically acclaimed novel Outline, and offers up a penetrating and moving reflection on childhood and fate, the value of suffering, the moral problems of personal responsibility and the mystery of change. 'One of the most fascinating projects in contemporary fiction .' Adam Foulds

Urban Mass Transit

Urban Mass Transit PDF Author: Robert C. Post
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 0313085196
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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This volume in the Greenwood Technographies series covers urban mass transit - that is, the technologies that allow cities to move large numbers of people around. Just a few hundred years ago, the size of cities was limited by the time it took people to move from one part of the city to another. The development of successive technologies has forever altered the urban landscape. From horse-drawn omnibuses to subways to current light-rail, this volume highlights the technological and social struggles that have accompanied urbanization and the need for an efficient and cost-effective means of transportation in cities.

Rights in Transit

Rights in Transit PDF Author: Kafui Ablode Attoh
Publisher: University of Georgia Press
ISBN: 0820354228
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Is public transportation a right? Should it be? For those reliant on public transit, the answer is invariably “yes” to both. Indeed, when city officials propose slashing service or raising fares, it is these riders who are often the first to appear at that officials’ door demanding their “right” to more service. Rights in Transit starts from the presumption that such riders are justified. For those who lack other means of mobility, transit is a lifeline. It offers access to many of the entitlements we take as essential: food, employment, and democratic public life itself. While accepting transit as a right, this book also suggests that there remains a desperate need to think critically, both about what is meant by a right and about the types of rights at issue when public transportation is threatened. Drawing on a detailed case study of the various struggles that have come to define public transportation in California’s East Bay, Rights in Transit offers a direct challenge to contemporary scholarship on transportation equity. Rather than focusing on civil rights alone, Rights in Transit argues for engaging the more radical notion of the right to the city.

Human Transit

Human Transit PDF Author: Jarrett Walker
Publisher: Island Press
ISBN: 1610911741
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Public transit is a powerful tool for addressing a huge range of urban problems, including traffic congestion and economic development as well as climate change. But while many people support transit in the abstract, it's often hard to channel that support into good transit investments. Part of the problem is that transit debates attract many kinds of experts, who often talk past each other. Ordinary people listen to a little of this and decide that transit is impossible to figure out. Jarrett Walker believes that transit can be simple, if we focus first on the underlying geometry that all transit technologies share. In Human Transit, Walker supplies the basic tools, the critical questions, and the means to make smarter decisions about designing and implementing transit services. Human Transit explains the fundamental geometry of transit that shapes successful systems; the process for fitting technology to a particular community; and the local choices that lead to transit-friendly development. Whether you are in the field or simply a concerned citizen, here is an accessible guide to achieving successful public transit that will enrich any community.


Lecture PDF Author: Mary Cappello
Publisher: Undelivered Lectures
ISBN: 9781945492426
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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An energetic and irreverent essay on the forgotten art of the lecture, part of Transit's new Undelivered Lectures series.

The Transit of Venus

The Transit of Venus PDF Author: Shirley Hazzard
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0140107479
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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"The Transit of Venus is one of the great English-language novels of the twentieth century." - The Paris Review Finalist for the National Book Award Winner of the National Book Critics' Circle Award The award-winning, New York Times bestselling literary masterpiece of Shirley Hazzard—the story of two beautiful orphan sisters whose fates are as moving and wonderful, and yet as predestined, as the transits of the planets themselves The Transit of Venus is considered Shirley Hazzard's most brilliant novel. It tells the story of two orphan sisters, Caroline and Grace Bell, as they leave Australia to start a new life in post-war England. What happens to these young women--seduction and abandonment, marriage and widowhood, love and betrayal--becomes as moving and wonderful and yet as predestined as the transits of the planets themselves. Gorgeously written and intricately constructed, Hazzard's novel is a story of place: Sydney, London, New York, Stockholm; of time: from the fifties to the eighties; and above all, of women and men in their passage through the displacements and absurdities of modern life.

Waiting Town

Waiting Town PDF Author: Lisa Björkman
Publisher: Asia Shorts
ISBN: 9780924304934
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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Drawing on a decade of ethnographic research in the Indian city of Mumbai, Waiting Town is a formally experimental book about how we come to know the worlds about which we write. The narrative follows the author's fieldnotes through a series of ethnographic puzzles that emerge in the wake of a high-profile mega-infrastructure project.

Life in Transit

Life in Transit PDF Author: Sam Berkson
ISBN: 9780957169333
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Life in Transit is a debut poetry collection from Sam Berkson that explores the experience of public transport in neoliberal Britain. Whether it's protesting the third runway at Heathrow, questioning Tannoy announcements in railway stations or celebrating the bicycle, Sam's keen eye exposes the smoke and mirrors of public life, whilst he celebrates the human journey and the indomitable spirit of the traveller.