Author: 경희대글로벌캠퍼스편집부
ISBN: 9788927731771
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 400
Book Description
TOPIK Master Final 실전모의고사 TOPIK. 1(Basic)(New)(CD1장포함)
Author: 경희대글로벌캠퍼스편집부
ISBN: 9788927731771
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 400
Book Description
ISBN: 9788927731771
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 400
Book Description
Korean Made Easy for Beginners (2nd Edition)
Author: 오승은
Publisher: Darakwon
ISBN: 8927759974
Category : Education
Languages : ko
Pages : 288
Book Description
도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 이 책은 독학용 한국어 중 베스트셀러인 Korean Made Easy for Beginners를 현대적 감각에 맞춰 수정 보완한 개정판이다. 한국어 알파벳, 각 과의 주요 구문과 문법, 대화, 발음, 확장 어휘, 유용한 표현과 연습 문제를 통해 혼자서 한국어를 공부하는 외국인 학습자에게 친절한 설명과 학습 방법으로 한국어 실력을 높여 주는 책이다. 특히, 이 책은 한국어 초급 학습자들의 이해를 증진시킬 수 있도록 설명과 예문 번역을 제공하고 있다. 또한, 본책에서 학습한 구문을 반복 연습할 수 있도록 마련된 포켓 사이즈의 ‘주요 표현 미니북’을 함께 제공하여 학습자들이 언제 어디서라도 쉽고 간편하게 문형을 익힐 수 있도록 하였다. 출판사 리뷰 ▪ 독학 초급 한국어 학습자들을 위한 맞춤 한국어 교재의 개정판! 독학용 한국어 베스트셀러 ‘Korean Made Easy for Beginners’의 개정판으로, 초급 한국어 학습자들을 위한 맞춤 설명을 제공하고 영어 어순과의 차이를 직관적으로 보여 주고 있다. ▪ 한국어를 처음 학습하는 외국인 학습자들을 위한 한글 문자와 발음에 대한 구체적인 설명! 초급 학습자들에게는 생소한 한글을 효과적으로 학습할 수 있도록 문자의 제자원리를 설명하고, 특히 영어권 학습자들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 유사 발음을 제시함으로써, 새로운 문자를 친숙하게 익힐 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, 정확한 발음을 익힐 수 있도록 원어민의 발음을 해당 부분에 QR코드를 붙여 MP3 음원으로 제공하고 있다. ▪ 초급 학습자들을 위해 선별된 구문과 문법을 초급 학습자들의 눈높이에 맞춰 설명! 초급 한국어 학습자들이 알아야 하는 구문과 문법을 20개 과에 선별하여 수록하였고, 이에 대한 학습자들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 눈높이에 맞춘 설명과 예문을 번역과 함께 제공하고 있어, 한국어 구문과 어순을 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 하였다. ▪ 다양한 연습 문제와 주요 표현 미니북을 통한 손쉬운 학습! 본책에서 학습한 주요 구문 및 문법을 포켓 사이즈의 ‘주요 표현 미니북‘으로 언제 어디서나 반복 연습할 수 있다. - 목차 category 서문 Preface 04 일러두기 How to Use This Book 06 목차 Contents 09 교재 구성표 Table of Contents 10 한글 개요 Introduction to Hangeul 12 한글 I Hanguel I 17 한글 2 Hanguel 2 25 한글 3 Hanguel 3 35 한글 4 Hanguel 4 45 등장인물 소개 Meet the Main Characters! 61 Chapter 01 안녕하세요? 저는 폴이에요. Hello, I’m Paul. 63 Chapter 02아니요, 회사원이에요. No, I am an office worker. 73 Chapter 03 이게 뭐예요? What is this? 83 Chapter 04 화장실이 어디에 있어요? Where is the bathroom? 93 Chapter 05 한국 친구 있어요? How many younger siblings do you have? 103 Chapter 06 전화번호가 몇 번이에요? What is your phone number? 113 Chapter 07 생일이 며칠이에요? What day is your birthday? 123 Chapter 08 보통 아침 8시 30분에 회사에 가요. I usually go to the office at 8:30 in the morning. 133 Chapter 09 집에 지하철로 가요. I go home by subway. 143 Chapter 10 전부 얼마예요? How much is it all together? 153 Chapter 11 어디에서 저녁 식사해요? Where do you have dinner? 163 Chapter 12 매주 일요일에 영화를 봐요. I see a movie every Sunday. 173 Chapter 13 머리가 아파요. I have a headache. 183 Chapter 14 지난주에 제주도에 여행 갔어요. Last week I traveled to Jeju island. 193 Chapter 15 내일 한국 음식을 만들 거예요. I will make Korean food tomorrow. 203 Chapter 16 같이 영화 보러 갈 수 있어요? Should we go see a movie together? 213 Chapter 17 미안하지만, 다시 한 번 말해 주세요. I’m sorry but please say it again. 223 Chapter 18 저도 한국어를 배우고 싶어요. I also want to learn Korean. 233 Chapter 그다음에 오른쪽으로 가세요. After that please go to the right. 243 Chapter 20 성함이 어떻게 되세요? What is your name? 253 부록 Appendix 263 문법 부록 Extra Grammar Tips 264 추가 문법 Grammar Review 267 정답 Answers 277 색인 Glossary of Words 282
Publisher: Darakwon
ISBN: 8927759974
Category : Education
Languages : ko
Pages : 288
Book Description
도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 이 책은 독학용 한국어 중 베스트셀러인 Korean Made Easy for Beginners를 현대적 감각에 맞춰 수정 보완한 개정판이다. 한국어 알파벳, 각 과의 주요 구문과 문법, 대화, 발음, 확장 어휘, 유용한 표현과 연습 문제를 통해 혼자서 한국어를 공부하는 외국인 학습자에게 친절한 설명과 학습 방법으로 한국어 실력을 높여 주는 책이다. 특히, 이 책은 한국어 초급 학습자들의 이해를 증진시킬 수 있도록 설명과 예문 번역을 제공하고 있다. 또한, 본책에서 학습한 구문을 반복 연습할 수 있도록 마련된 포켓 사이즈의 ‘주요 표현 미니북’을 함께 제공하여 학습자들이 언제 어디서라도 쉽고 간편하게 문형을 익힐 수 있도록 하였다. 출판사 리뷰 ▪ 독학 초급 한국어 학습자들을 위한 맞춤 한국어 교재의 개정판! 독학용 한국어 베스트셀러 ‘Korean Made Easy for Beginners’의 개정판으로, 초급 한국어 학습자들을 위한 맞춤 설명을 제공하고 영어 어순과의 차이를 직관적으로 보여 주고 있다. ▪ 한국어를 처음 학습하는 외국인 학습자들을 위한 한글 문자와 발음에 대한 구체적인 설명! 초급 학습자들에게는 생소한 한글을 효과적으로 학습할 수 있도록 문자의 제자원리를 설명하고, 특히 영어권 학습자들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 유사 발음을 제시함으로써, 새로운 문자를 친숙하게 익힐 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, 정확한 발음을 익힐 수 있도록 원어민의 발음을 해당 부분에 QR코드를 붙여 MP3 음원으로 제공하고 있다. ▪ 초급 학습자들을 위해 선별된 구문과 문법을 초급 학습자들의 눈높이에 맞춰 설명! 초급 한국어 학습자들이 알아야 하는 구문과 문법을 20개 과에 선별하여 수록하였고, 이에 대한 학습자들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 눈높이에 맞춘 설명과 예문을 번역과 함께 제공하고 있어, 한국어 구문과 어순을 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 하였다. ▪ 다양한 연습 문제와 주요 표현 미니북을 통한 손쉬운 학습! 본책에서 학습한 주요 구문 및 문법을 포켓 사이즈의 ‘주요 표현 미니북‘으로 언제 어디서나 반복 연습할 수 있다. - 목차 category 서문 Preface 04 일러두기 How to Use This Book 06 목차 Contents 09 교재 구성표 Table of Contents 10 한글 개요 Introduction to Hangeul 12 한글 I Hanguel I 17 한글 2 Hanguel 2 25 한글 3 Hanguel 3 35 한글 4 Hanguel 4 45 등장인물 소개 Meet the Main Characters! 61 Chapter 01 안녕하세요? 저는 폴이에요. Hello, I’m Paul. 63 Chapter 02아니요, 회사원이에요. No, I am an office worker. 73 Chapter 03 이게 뭐예요? What is this? 83 Chapter 04 화장실이 어디에 있어요? Where is the bathroom? 93 Chapter 05 한국 친구 있어요? How many younger siblings do you have? 103 Chapter 06 전화번호가 몇 번이에요? What is your phone number? 113 Chapter 07 생일이 며칠이에요? What day is your birthday? 123 Chapter 08 보통 아침 8시 30분에 회사에 가요. I usually go to the office at 8:30 in the morning. 133 Chapter 09 집에 지하철로 가요. I go home by subway. 143 Chapter 10 전부 얼마예요? How much is it all together? 153 Chapter 11 어디에서 저녁 식사해요? Where do you have dinner? 163 Chapter 12 매주 일요일에 영화를 봐요. I see a movie every Sunday. 173 Chapter 13 머리가 아파요. I have a headache. 183 Chapter 14 지난주에 제주도에 여행 갔어요. Last week I traveled to Jeju island. 193 Chapter 15 내일 한국 음식을 만들 거예요. I will make Korean food tomorrow. 203 Chapter 16 같이 영화 보러 갈 수 있어요? Should we go see a movie together? 213 Chapter 17 미안하지만, 다시 한 번 말해 주세요. I’m sorry but please say it again. 223 Chapter 18 저도 한국어를 배우고 싶어요. I also want to learn Korean. 233 Chapter 그다음에 오른쪽으로 가세요. After that please go to the right. 243 Chapter 20 성함이 어떻게 되세요? What is your name? 253 부록 Appendix 263 문법 부록 Extra Grammar Tips 264 추가 문법 Grammar Review 267 정답 Answers 277 색인 Glossary of Words 282
The World That Trade Created
Author: Kenneth Pomeranz
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317453824
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 523
Book Description
In a series of brief vignettes the authors bring to life international trade and its actors, and also demonstrate that economic activity cannot be divorced from social and cultural contexts. In the process they make clear that the seemingly modern concept of economic globalisation has deep historical roots.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317453824
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 523
Book Description
In a series of brief vignettes the authors bring to life international trade and its actors, and also demonstrate that economic activity cannot be divorced from social and cultural contexts. In the process they make clear that the seemingly modern concept of economic globalisation has deep historical roots.
500 Basic Korean Verbs
Author: Kyubyong Park
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
ISBN: 1462917003
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 515
Book Description
This is a complete study guide to the most common Korean verbs Korean grammar is notoriously difficult for foreigners to master but is essential for those wishing to learn Korean. Easy-to-use 500 Basic Korean Verbs is the only comprehensive guide to the correct usage of Korean verbs available for English-speaking learners. Each of the 500 most important Korean verbs is presented in a convenient single-page format that gives the verb's meaning and pronunciation and displays the verb's 48 key tenses, speech levels, and moods (all accompanied by romanizations). Also included are a handy guide to the Korean language and verb conjugation and reference tables of basic Korean verb types, along with 3 indexes (Romanized, Hangeul, and English). 500 Basic Korean Verbs Includes: Conjugations by tense, speech levels, and mood. "Model verb" system quickly identifies each verb's pattern. Sample sentences demonstrating the verb's correct usage. Free downloadable audio provides pronunciations for the verbs and 1,000 example sentences. Korean characters (Hangul) as well as romanized pronunciations to help English speakers. Two-color design makes quick reference easy.
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
ISBN: 1462917003
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 515
Book Description
This is a complete study guide to the most common Korean verbs Korean grammar is notoriously difficult for foreigners to master but is essential for those wishing to learn Korean. Easy-to-use 500 Basic Korean Verbs is the only comprehensive guide to the correct usage of Korean verbs available for English-speaking learners. Each of the 500 most important Korean verbs is presented in a convenient single-page format that gives the verb's meaning and pronunciation and displays the verb's 48 key tenses, speech levels, and moods (all accompanied by romanizations). Also included are a handy guide to the Korean language and verb conjugation and reference tables of basic Korean verb types, along with 3 indexes (Romanized, Hangeul, and English). 500 Basic Korean Verbs Includes: Conjugations by tense, speech levels, and mood. "Model verb" system quickly identifies each verb's pattern. Sample sentences demonstrating the verb's correct usage. Free downloadable audio provides pronunciations for the verbs and 1,000 example sentences. Korean characters (Hangul) as well as romanized pronunciations to help English speakers. Two-color design makes quick reference easy.
Korean Made Easy for Beginners
Author: 오승은
ISBN: 9788972557975
Category : Korean language
Languages : en
Pages : 288
Book Description
ISBN: 9788972557975
Category : Korean language
Languages : en
Pages : 288
Book Description
Korean Grammar Language Study Card
Author: Woojoo Kim
ISBN: 9780804853262
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 6
Book Description
A handy cheat sheet of key Korean grammar points in an at-a-glance, easy-to-carry format! The Korean Grammar Language Study Card is the perfect resource for reviewing the main grammar points that frequently appear in the TOPIK test. The compact, portable format is invaluable for anyone wanting to quickly review or expand their knowledge of everyday Korean sentence and verb forms. This study card includes: Overview of basic sentence structure Key verb forms How to use sentence particles correctly How to make questions How to use connecting words The grammar points are clearly organized into color-coded sections. Each section has a concise explanation in English followed by examples given in Korean script and romanized Korean with English translation. Free online audio recordings by native speakers provide clear and accurate pronunciations for all the Korean words and sentences, and a Korean alphabet chart is also included! Designed for convenience, this study card is: Laminated: to hold up over time and avoid being ruined by coffee spills 3 hole punched: giving the option to put it in a binder 8.5x11 inches: to easily fit into a folder or notebook alongside other study materials
ISBN: 9780804853262
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 6
Book Description
A handy cheat sheet of key Korean grammar points in an at-a-glance, easy-to-carry format! The Korean Grammar Language Study Card is the perfect resource for reviewing the main grammar points that frequently appear in the TOPIK test. The compact, portable format is invaluable for anyone wanting to quickly review or expand their knowledge of everyday Korean sentence and verb forms. This study card includes: Overview of basic sentence structure Key verb forms How to use sentence particles correctly How to make questions How to use connecting words The grammar points are clearly organized into color-coded sections. Each section has a concise explanation in English followed by examples given in Korean script and romanized Korean with English translation. Free online audio recordings by native speakers provide clear and accurate pronunciations for all the Korean words and sentences, and a Korean alphabet chart is also included! Designed for convenience, this study card is: Laminated: to hold up over time and avoid being ruined by coffee spills 3 hole punched: giving the option to put it in a binder 8.5x11 inches: to easily fit into a folder or notebook alongside other study materials
States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy
Author: David A. Smith
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134635087
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 305
Book Description
With editors and contributors of outstanding academic reputation this exciting new book presents an unconventional and radical perspective, revealing that states do still matter.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134635087
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 305
Book Description
With editors and contributors of outstanding academic reputation this exciting new book presents an unconventional and radical perspective, revealing that states do still matter.
Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present
Author: Cynthia Clark Northrup
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317471539
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 1307
Book Description
Written for high school or beginning undergraduate students, this four-volume reference valiantly attempts to provide a historical framework for the perhaps overly broad concept of world trade. Entry topics were selected on trade organizations, influential people, commodities, events that affected trade, trade routes, navigation, religion, communic
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317471539
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 1307
Book Description
Written for high school or beginning undergraduate students, this four-volume reference valiantly attempts to provide a historical framework for the perhaps overly broad concept of world trade. Entry topics were selected on trade organizations, influential people, commodities, events that affected trade, trade routes, navigation, religion, communic
My First 500 Korean Words Book 1
Author: Talk To Me In Korean
Publisher: Talk To Me In Korean
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 496
Book Description
Learn your first 500 Korean words and thousands of related words and expressions that you can start using right away in your everyday conversations in Korean!
Publisher: Talk To Me In Korean
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 496
Book Description
Learn your first 500 Korean words and thousands of related words and expressions that you can start using right away in your everyday conversations in Korean!
Learn Korean: Must-Know Korean Slang Words & Phrases
Author: Innovative Language Learning
Publisher: Innovative Language Learning
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 115
Book Description
Do you want to learn Korean the fast, fun and easy way? And do you want to master daily conversations and speak like a native? Then this is the book for you. Learn Korean: Must-Know Korean Slang Words & Phrases by KoreanClass101 is designed for Beginner-level learners. You learn the top 100 must-know slang words and phrases that are used in everyday speech. All were hand-picked by our team of Korean teachers and experts. Here’s how the lessons work: • Every Lesson is Based on a Theme • You Learn Slang Words or Phrases Related to That Theme • Check the Translation & Explanation on How to Use Each One And by the end, you will have mastered 100+ Korean Slang Words & phrases!
Publisher: Innovative Language Learning
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 115
Book Description
Do you want to learn Korean the fast, fun and easy way? And do you want to master daily conversations and speak like a native? Then this is the book for you. Learn Korean: Must-Know Korean Slang Words & Phrases by KoreanClass101 is designed for Beginner-level learners. You learn the top 100 must-know slang words and phrases that are used in everyday speech. All were hand-picked by our team of Korean teachers and experts. Here’s how the lessons work: • Every Lesson is Based on a Theme • You Learn Slang Words or Phrases Related to That Theme • Check the Translation & Explanation on How to Use Each One And by the end, you will have mastered 100+ Korean Slang Words & phrases!