The Shitstorm that was 2020

The Shitstorm that was 2020 PDF Author: Jon Sinden
ISBN: 9781777431020
Category : Humor
Languages : en
Pages : 34

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Part yearbook. Part ABC book. All Sh*tstorm. This book takes a look at significant events from the year 2020. Everything in the book actually happened, although much of it does sound made up. Some moments you'll never forget; A Global Pandemic, Trump getting impeached and losing the election. And some moments you probably already forgot; Parasite winning all the Oscars, UFOs being confirmed by the government, and Tiger King. This book may look like it's for children, but it isn't. So let's all remember the year that we're trying to forget!

Formative Media

Formative Media PDF Author: Steffen Krüger
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040100538
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Formative Media presents a psychoanalytic and psychosocial inquiry into the significance of the most widely used digital platforms – including Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter (X), and Instagram – and the relational styles that users cultivate and habituate in their interplay with these platforms. Steffen Krüger assesses the formative effects of these platforms, considering who we are and how we are becoming who we are in relation to, as well as mediated through, digital platforms. The book considers Facebook in conversation with the Freudian theory of Eros and the Live/Love drive, then homes in on the primitive forms of orality, attachment, dependence, and symbiosis in relation to YouTube. Krüger then expands the discussion of orality with an inquiry into the notions of mastery, control, and domination that Google unfolds and activates in its search function, considers narcissism in the context of Instagram, and examines hate speech and aggression on Twitter. The book focuses on the most salient, most talked about aspects, features, and activities of commercial, corporate social media culture to inquire into the formational pushes and pulls of these activities in their contexts for our subjectivities and sense of self. Showing in detail how digital media platforms have advanced into central “socialisation agencies,” Formative Media will be of great interest to academics and scholars of psychoanalytic, psychocultural, and psychosocial theory, critical digital media studies, and interactional theory.

The Closed Society and Its Ligatures—A Critique Using the Example of 'Landscape'

The Closed Society and Its Ligatures—A Critique Using the Example of 'Landscape' PDF Author: Olaf Kühne
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3658401133
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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In the face of great challenges, utopian thinking is currently in vogue. The fact that utopias, with their ideas of an idealized target society, are not compatible with the basic features of an Open Society was already pointed out by Karl Popper in his book 'Die Offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde' (The Open Society and its Enemies) under the impression of National Socialism and Stalinism. In the present book, further forms of Closed Societies and the principal similarities (and differences) of their construction are examined. This is done by drawing on Ralf Dahrendorf's concept of life chances, in which he deals with the interaction of options and ligatures. The ambivalence of Dahrendorf's understanding of ligatures, since they restrict options on the one hand, but also give them meaning on the other, is resolved by a threefold differentiation: into ethical and moral, internally and externally directed, and explicit and implicit ligatures. While the former are capable of enabling life chances, the latter tend to limit them. Based on this, the authors elaborate on the landscape (side) consequences of various closed societies and how ill-suited they are for dealing with current challenges.

The Rhetoric of Outrage

The Rhetoric of Outrage PDF Author: Jeff Rice
Publisher: Univ of South Carolina Press
ISBN: 1643363980
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 221

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An accessible and important look at what is truly behind our digital outrage On any given day, at any given hour, across the various platforms constituting what we call social media, someone is angry. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Reddit. 4Chan. In The Rhetoric of Outrage: Why Social Media is Making Us Angry Jeff Rice addresses the critical question of why anger has become the dominant digital response on social media. He examines the theoretical and rhetorical explanations for the intense rage that prevails across social media platforms, and sheds new light on how our anger isn't merely a reaction against singular events, but generated out of aggregated beliefs and ideas. Captivating, accessible, and exceedingly important, The Rhetoric of Outrage encourages readers to have the difficult conversations about what is truly behind their anger.

The Shitstorm that was 2020

The Shitstorm that was 2020 PDF Author: Jon Sinden
ISBN: 9781777431020
Category : Humor
Languages : en
Pages : 34

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Book Description
Part yearbook. Part ABC book. All Sh*tstorm. This book takes a look at significant events from the year 2020. Everything in the book actually happened, although much of it does sound made up. Some moments you'll never forget; A Global Pandemic, Trump getting impeached and losing the election. And some moments you probably already forgot; Parasite winning all the Oscars, UFOs being confirmed by the government, and Tiger King. This book may look like it's for children, but it isn't. So let's all remember the year that we're trying to forget!

Plays for the Plague Year

Plays for the Plague Year PDF Author: Suzan-Lori Parks
Publisher: Theatre Communications Group
ISBN: 1636701825
Category : Drama
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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A stunning collection of plays from Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks that captures the societal rupture of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 13, 2020, as theaters shut their doors and so many of us went into lockdown, Suzan-Lori Parks picked up her pen and set out to write a play every day. What emerged is a breathtaking chronicle of our collective experience throughout the troubling days and nights that followed. Plays for the Plague Year is at once a personal story of one family's daily lives, as well as a sweeping account of all we faced as a city, a nation, and a global community. Parks' groundbreaking new work is brimming with humanity, bears witness to what we’ve experienced, and offers inspiration as we look ahead.

Social Media for Leaders

Social Media for Leaders PDF Author: Stefanie Babka
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 365842351X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 215

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This book provides you with a concise and accurate overview of the key business challenges, opportunities and risks related to social media. Regardless of the type and size of company or department you manage, whether you offer industrial goods, consumer goods or services - social media is a factor you should monitor and manage. Stefanie Babka helps you ask yourself and your employees the right questions, find answers and thus face the internal challenges. Because social media is a management task. For example, the following questions are highlighted: Are you aware of the risks of uncoordinated and improper use of social media by your employees in their private or professional lives? Have you taken everything into account in terms of data protection law, or do you already have one foot in jail as a manager? Are you spending too much money on social media campaigns? Do you have the right social media strategy? Is it aligned with your company's goals? Are you in control or does social media anarchy reign in your company? What opportunities and risks do internal social media applications bring for collaboration in teams or organizational units? How can social media be used as a strategic management tool? Social media concerns every company. Whether you like it or not. For the 2nd edition, all contents have been revised and the chapter "As a manager on the social web" has been expanded to include, among other things, the topic of virtual management and leading virtual teams.

Islamic Religious Education in Europe

Islamic Religious Education in Europe PDF Author: Leni Franken
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000378160
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Against the backdrop of labour migration and the ongoing refugee crisis, the ways in which Islam is taught and engaged with in educational settings has become a major topic of contention in Europe. Recognising the need for academic engagement around the challenges and benefits of effective Islamic Religious Education (IRE), this volume offers a comparative study of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher education in fourteen European countries, and in doing so, explores local, national, and international complexities of contemporary IRE. Considering the ways in which Islam is taught and represented in state schools, public Islamic schools, and non-confessional classes, Part One of this volume includes chapters which survey the varying degrees to which fourteen European States have adopted IRE into curricula, and considers the impacts of varied teaching models on Muslim populations. Moving beyond individual countries’ approaches to IRE, chapters in Part Two offer multi-disciplinary perspectives – from the hermeneutical-critical to the postcolonial – to address challenges posed by religious teachings on issues such as feminism, human rights, and citizenship, and the ways these are approached in European settings. Given its multi-faceted approach, this book will be an indispensable resource for postgraduate students, scholars, stakeholders and policymakers working at the intersections of religion, education and policy on religious education.

Professional Discourse across Medicine, Law, and Other Disciplines

Professional Discourse across Medicine, Law, and Other Disciplines PDF Author: Girolamo Tessuto
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527594726
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 383

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This volume provides a stage for an extensive exploration of the interface between medicine, law and other disciplines or professions. It offers the reader opportunities to understand how this integrative, interactive interdisciplinary process can be examined through the lenses of language, discourse and communication. Contributions cover cross-wise issues raised by paradigmatic cases of bioethics and law, nursing ethics and law, pharmacy ethics and law, bioethics and religion, risk management and ethics, social inclusion and bioethics, and environmental ethics.

Covid-19, Society and Crime in Europe

Covid-19, Society and Crime in Europe PDF Author: Dina Siegel
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031135628
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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This volume analyzes the development of the reactions to Covid-19 by governments, the public and the crime patterns in 16 European countries. All countries are members of the European Union and share common European norms and values, but the Covid-19 pandemic can serve as an example of how these norms and values are interpreted differently with regard to people’s trust in public institutions, governmental control strategies, dealing with fear, anxiety and other emotional responses to the new virus, crime patterns and law enforcement priorities to prevent and combat them. The volume provides empirical data based on available statistics, media analysis and qualitative data from interviews and observations, and examines the similarities and differences in crime patterns and the consequences for local communities and law enforcement priorities.

Playing with Reality

Playing with Reality PDF Author: Alex Humphreys
Publisher: Renard Press Ltd
ISBN: 191372493X
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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What was it that got you through the Covid-19 pandemic? For some it was long walks; others turned to home baking. For millions it was video games, a booming industry which exploded in popularity over the pandemic years. Confined to our homes and with the lines of reality becoming blurred as everyday life shifted to screens, perhaps it was no wonder that so many of us were desperate to be transported to different worlds. In Playing with Reality: Gaming in a Pandemic, journalist and presenter Alex Humphreys, a passionate gamer herself, investigates this extraordinary boom in the gaming industry. Charting its rise, Alex interviews players and developers, sharing a glimpse of what was going on behind closed doors as studios closed and games were finished from home. Playing with Reality explores exactly what it was that made gaming a lifeline for so many, and what the future holds as we look to the metaverse. Alexandra brilliantly chronicles the boundless creativity of an industry persevering through unprecedented times. Aaryn Flynn