The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South

The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South PDF Author: Fiona Nunan
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000581543
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 713

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Book Description
The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South presents a unique, timely, comprehensive overview of livelihoods in low- and middle-income countries. Since their widespread adoption in the 1990s, livelihoods perspectives, frameworks and methods have influenced diverse areas of research, policy and practice. The concept of livelihoods reflects the complexity of strategies and practices used by individuals, households and communities to meet their needs and live their lives. The Handbook brings together insights and critical analysis from diverse approaches and experiences, learning from research and practice over the last 30 years. The Handbook comprises an introductory section on key concepts and frameworks, followed by five parts, on researching livelihoods, negotiating livelihoods, generating livelihoods, enabling livelihoods and contextualising livelihoods. The introduction provides readers with an appreciation of concepts researched and applied in the five parts, including chapters on vulnerability and resilience, social capital and networks, and institutions. Each part reflects the diversity of approaches taken to understanding livelihoods, whilst recognising commonalities, including the centrality of power in shaping, enabling and constraining livelihoods. The book also reflects diversity of context, including conflict, climate change and religion, as well as in generating livelihoods, through agriculture, small-scale mining and pastoralism. The aim of each chapter is to provide a critically informed introduction and overview of key concepts, issues and debates of relevance to the topic, with each chapter concluding with suggestions for further reading. It will be an essential resource to students, researchers and practitioners of international development and related fields. Researchers and practitioners will also benefit from the book's diverse disciplinary contributions and by the wide and contemporary coverage.

The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South

The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South PDF Author: Fiona Nunan
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000581543
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 713

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Book Description
The Routledge Handbook on Livelihoods in the Global South presents a unique, timely, comprehensive overview of livelihoods in low- and middle-income countries. Since their widespread adoption in the 1990s, livelihoods perspectives, frameworks and methods have influenced diverse areas of research, policy and practice. The concept of livelihoods reflects the complexity of strategies and practices used by individuals, households and communities to meet their needs and live their lives. The Handbook brings together insights and critical analysis from diverse approaches and experiences, learning from research and practice over the last 30 years. The Handbook comprises an introductory section on key concepts and frameworks, followed by five parts, on researching livelihoods, negotiating livelihoods, generating livelihoods, enabling livelihoods and contextualising livelihoods. The introduction provides readers with an appreciation of concepts researched and applied in the five parts, including chapters on vulnerability and resilience, social capital and networks, and institutions. Each part reflects the diversity of approaches taken to understanding livelihoods, whilst recognising commonalities, including the centrality of power in shaping, enabling and constraining livelihoods. The book also reflects diversity of context, including conflict, climate change and religion, as well as in generating livelihoods, through agriculture, small-scale mining and pastoralism. The aim of each chapter is to provide a critically informed introduction and overview of key concepts, issues and debates of relevance to the topic, with each chapter concluding with suggestions for further reading. It will be an essential resource to students, researchers and practitioners of international development and related fields. Researchers and practitioners will also benefit from the book's diverse disciplinary contributions and by the wide and contemporary coverage.

Un-Mapping the Global South

Un-Mapping the Global South PDF Author: Gero Bauer
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040001386
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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Book Description
This book offers new approaches and insights into the ongoing and topical discussions on the concepts and definitions of the global south. Instead of adding to the debates about how to properly define the "global south" as such, it aims at emphasising concrete experiences and accounts of (post-)colonial dislocation and disidentification as both a starting point and linchpin for the subsequent exploration. It brings into conversation theories and interrogations of the "global south" with specific local studies, without presenting them as the romanticised "other" or as "non-western" narratives. As a bold initiation of future conversations on issues that both directly and indirectly affect ideas about the global south, the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of critical theory, literary and cultural studies, and global south studies.

Transnational Families in Africa

Transnational Families in Africa PDF Author: Maria C Marchetti-Mercer
Publisher: NYU Press
ISBN: 1776148673
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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Book Description
This is the first book to capture the poignant stories of transnational African families and their use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in mediating their experiences of migration and caring across distance. Transnational Families in Africa analyses the highs and lows of family separation as a result of migration in three contexts: migration within South Africa from rural to urban areas; migration from other African countries into South Africa; and middle-class South Africans emigrating to non-African countries. The book foregrounds the importance of kinship and support from extended family as well as both the responsibilities migratory family members feel and the experience of loss by those left behind. Across the diverse circumstances explored in the book are similarities in migrants’ strategies for keeping in touch, but also large differences in relation to access to ICTs and ease-of-use that highlight the digital divide and generational gaps. As elsewhere in the world, and in spite of the varied experiences in these kinship circles, the phenomenon that is the transnational family is showing no signs of receding. This book provides a groundbreaking contribution to global debates on migration from the Global South.

Adaptable Cities and Temporary Urbanisms

Adaptable Cities and Temporary Urbanisms PDF Author: Lauren Andres
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 0231557256
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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Book Description
Cities are typically thought of as permanent. Structures, streets, infrastructure, and other features of the built environment, even if they are periodically replaced, are intended to endure. But temporary, flexible spaces and uses are essential to how cities function and the ways urban dwellers inhabit them. Such adaptability, moreover, is fundamental if cities are to meet the challenges of the future. This book examines temporary urbanisms across varied global contexts, considering their significance for cities and everyday life as well as for policy and practice. It brings together many distinct forms and facets of temporariness and adaptability—from sites of consumption by privileged residents to the survival strategies of marginalized groups—drawing on examples spanning five continents. Lauren Andres explores the driving forces of adaptability as well as the power dynamics and tensions between temporariness and permanence. She highlights how adaptability enhances livability, sustainability, and resilience, showing its importance for addressing crises such as climate change, socioeconomic inequalities, and pandemics. Authoritative and wide-ranging, Adaptable Cities and Temporary Urbanisms reveals why experimentation and creativity are crucial to the present and future of cities.

The Routledge Handbook of Community Development

The Routledge Handbook of Community Development PDF Author: Sue Kenny
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317378164
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 639

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Book Description
The Routledge Handbook of Community Development explores community development theory and practice across the world. The book provides perspectives about community development as an interactive, relevant and sometimes contradictory way to address issues impacting the human condition. It promotes better understanding of the complexities and challenges in identifying, designing, implementing and evaluating community development constructs, applications and interventions. This edited volume discusses how community development is conceptualized as an approach, method or profession. Themes provide the scope of the book, with projects, issues or perspectives presented in each of these areas. This handbook provides invaluable contextualized insights on the theory and practice of community development around core themes relevant in society. Each chapter explores and presents an issue, perspectives, project or case in the thematic areas, with regional and country context included. It is a must-read for students and researchers working in community development, planning and human geography and an essential reference for any professional engaged in community development.

Migration and Forced Displacement - Vulnerability and Resilience - Volume 1

Migration and Forced Displacement - Vulnerability and Resilience - Volume 1 PDF Author: Samson Maekele Tsegay
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 0854664408
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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Book Description
Migration has been one of the contested topics among scholars and politicians throughout the world. Similarly, the experiences of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants have been different as they are influenced by race, gender, class, and geographical location. This book explores the experiences of international migrants, including the challenges they face from nation-states, environmental issues, and sociocultural factors. It consists of chapters that discuss the causes and effects of migration, the role of nation-states, and the environment. Moreover, the book covers gender and family relations and the relationship of refugees and migrants with the host population and the socio-cultural and economic integration of migrants. Overall, the book argues that international migrants, particularly refugees and asylum seekers, are among the most vulnerable groups in the world. However, they use various strategies to overcome their vulnerability and become resilient in the face of adversity. Hence, the book contributes to increasing people’s awareness of migration and the experiences of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. It can also be a significant source for initiating further debate and academic discussion on issues of migration and forced displacement, vulnerability, and resilience.

Environmental Communication

Environmental Communication PDF Author: Anabela Carvalho
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110789558
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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Book Description
This handbook reviews extant research and offers critical summaries of key topics and issues in the field, enriched by authoritative analyses of specific cases and examples. It displays pluralism across a number of axes: epistemological, theoretical, geographical, cultural, and thematic. The first part offers historical routes through the international development of the field and explores the epistemological grounds of multiple strands of environmental communication studies. In aiming to map the field broadly, as well as stimulating new thinking, the second part is organized along three core perspectives: arenas, voice, and place. It comprises chapters on various public spaces that are critical to the symbolic constitution of the environment, and sheds light on a range of aspects and social agents that have received insufficient attention, including research about – and carried out in – non-Western countries. Crucially, at a time of profound environmental crisis, the final part of this book discusses possibilities and constraints to social change, and the potential contributions of environmental communication research to ways of understanding and responding to the challenge.

Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa

Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa PDF Author: Jean-Nicolas Bach
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429762534
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 776

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Book Description
The Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary survey of contemporary research related to the Horn of Africa. Situated at the junction of the Sahel-Saharan strip and the Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa is growing in global importance due to demographic growth and the strategic importance of the Suez Canal. Divided into sections on authoritarianism and resistance, religion and politics, migration, economic integration, the military, and regimes and liberation, the contributors provide up-to-date, authoritative knowledge on the region in light of contemporary strategic concerns. The handbook investigates how political, economic, and security innovations have been implemented, sometimes with violence, by use of force or by negotiation – including ‘ethnic federalism’ in Ethiopia, independence in Eritrea and South Sudan, integration of the traditional authorities in the (neo)patrimonial administrations, Somalian Islamic Courts, the Sudanese Islamist regime, people’s movements, multilateral operations, and the construction of an architecture for regional peace and security. Accessibly written, this handbook is an essential read for scholars, students, and policy professionals interested in the contemporary politics in the Horn of Africa.

The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology

The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology PDF Author: Tom Perreault
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317638719
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 669

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Book Description
The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology presents a comprehensive and authoritative examination of the rapidly growing field of political ecology. Located at the intersection of geography, anthropology, sociology, and environmental history, political ecology is one of the most vibrant and conceptually diverse fields of inquiry into nature-society relations within the social sciences. The Handbook serves as an essential guide to this rapidly evolving intellectual landscape. With contributions from over 50 leading authors, the Handbook presents a systematic overview of political ecology’s origins, practices and core concerns, and aims to advance both ongoing and emerging debates. While there are numerous edited volumes, textbooks, and monographs under the heading ‘political ecology,’ these have tended to be relatively narrow in scope, either as collections of empirically based (mostly case study) research on a given theme, or broad overviews of the field aimed at undergraduate audiences. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology is the first systematic, comprehensive overview of the field. With authors from North and South America, Europe, Australia and elsewhere, the Handbook of Political Ecology provides a state of the art examination of political ecology; addresses ongoing and emerging debates in this rapidly evolving field; and charts new agendas for research, policy, and activism. The Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology introduces political ecology as an interdisciplinary academic field. By presenting a ‘state of the art’ examination of the field, it will serve as an invaluable resource for students and scholars. It not only critically reviews the key debates in the field, but develops them. The Handbook will serve as an excellent resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate teaching, and is a key reference text for geographers, anthropologists, sociologists, environmental historians, and others working in and around political ecology.

The Routledge Handbook of Law and Society

The Routledge Handbook of Law and Society PDF Author: Mariana Valverde
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000345955
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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Book Description
This innovative handbook provides a comprehensive, and truly global, overview of the main approaches and themes within law and society scholarship or social-legal studies. A one-volume introduction to academic resources and ideas that are relevant for today’s debates on issues from reproductive justice to climate justice, food security, water conflicts, artificial intelligence, and global financial transactions, this handbook is divided into two sections. The first, ‘Perspectives and Approaches’, accessibly explains a variety of frameworks through which the relationship between law and society is addressed and understood, with emphasis on contemporary perspectives that are relatively new to many socio-legal scholars. Following the book’s overall interest in social justice, the entries in this section of the book show how conceptual tools originate in, and help to illuminate, real-world issues. The second and largest section of the book (42 short well-written pieces) presents reflections on topics or areas concerning law, justice, and society that are inherently interdisciplinary and that are relevance to current – but also classical – struggles around justice. Informing readers about the lineage of ideas that are used or could be used today for research and activism, the book attends to the full range of local, national and transnational issues in law and society. The authors were carefully chosen to achieve a diverse and non-Eurocentric view of socio-legal studies. This volume will be invaluable for law students, those in inter-disciplinary programs such as law and society, justice studies and legal studies, and those with interests in law, but based in other social sciences. It will also appeal to general readers interested in questions of justice and rights, including activists and advocates around the world.