The noble genius of Paracelsus

The noble genius of Paracelsus PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 46

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Paracelsus was the most wondrous intellect of his age and original thinker. Bold creator of chemical medicines, founder of courageous parties, ever victorious in controversy. He belonged to those great minds who have created a new mode of thinking on the natural existence of things. More than one pathologist, chemist, homœopathist, and magnetist has quenched his thirst for knowledge in his books. Alkahest, a Paracelsian term for which there is no end to the assumed explanations, is Chaos, i.e., primordial undifferentiated substance, containing within itself the essence of all that goes to make up man, including the “breath of life” itself in a latent state, ready to be awakened. Chaos is another name for Æther, the celestial virgin and spiritual mother of every form and being in the manifested world. Alkahest was used by Paracelsus to denote the menstruum or universal solvent that is capable of reducing all things. But the real alkahest is the all-pervading Divine Spirit of the higher Initiate, not the all-geist of the inferior Alchemist. Paracelsus was the greatest chemist of his age and peer of modern scientists. But he exhausted his ingenuity in endless transpositions of letters and abbreviations of words and sentences. For example, when he wrote sutratur he meant tartar; and by mutrin, nitrum! By mercurius vitæ, he meant the living spirit or aura of silver, not the quicksilver. Paracelsus declared that the affinity between stars and man is due to their identical composition. Embodied existence is the outcome of reciprocal sympathies and antipathies between the starry sky and man. Our body comes from terrestrial elements; the thinking principle, from the stars. It is not the spirits of heaven and hell that are the masters of nature but the Spirit of Man which is concealed in him, as the fire is concealed in the flint. Every living being possesses his own celestial power and is closely allied with heaven. The fact that everyone affects another and all, mutually and reciprocally, is evidence of the universal sympathy and antipathy that exists between everyone and everything. Éliphas Lévi quotes approvingly the doctrine of Paracelsus that every man, animal, and plant bears external and internal evidence of the influences dominant at the moment of germinal development. Pure magic stems from the imperial will of man. Will is neither spirit nor substance but everlasting ideation. Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. Paracelsus is the father of modern magic and proponent of the occult physics of the Kabbalah and Magnetism. True Magic is occult wisdom; reason, the folly of man. No armour can protect against Black Magic, for it injures the inward spirit of life. But there is a divine power in every man, which is to rule his life, and which no one can influence for evil, not even the greatest magician. Let men bring their lives under its guidance, and they have nothing to fear from man or devil. The great Adept removed disease by applying a healthy organism to the afflicted part. Watch out! A would-be healer, who is physically or morally ill, not only fails to heal but often imparts his illness to his patient, thus robbing him of what strength he may have. The divine spirit is a great thing, so great that no one can fully express its greatness. It requires no conjuration or ceremonies. Circle-making and incense burning are all tomfoolery and temptation by which only evil spirits are attracted, says Paracelsus. If we only knew the power of the heart, nothing would be impossible for us. The whole world is one living organism and outcome of a single creative effort. There is no death and nothing “dead” throughout nature. Neither the form of man, nor that of any animal, plant or stone has ever been “created,” and it is only on this plane of ours that it commenced becoming, by expanding from within without, from the most sublimated and supersensuous essence into its grossest appearance in the abyss of matter. According to the Hermetico-Kabbalistic philosophy of Paracelsus, it is Yliaster that evolved out of its “chaotic” self a new Kosmos. Yliaster is the universal matrix of Kosmos, the Father-Mother within. It is beyond space, time, and intellectual comprehension. Yliaster is Anima Mundi, the noumenon of Astral Light, and a cosmic veil between earth and the waters of Space that sprang out of Chaos. The Swiss-German Adept rediscovered some of the lost secrets of the Phrygian priests and the Asclepieia. He was a learned Theosophist and a far-famed physician-Occultist. He taught that Fire, i.e., the Spirit of the Flame, is the highest God. The Hermetic Fire is a ray of the One eternal and infinite Flame that starts from, and is immediately reabsorbed into, the parent essence. The Spirit of the Flame is invisible to all except to the eyes of another immortal Spirit. The occult properties of medicinal plants and minerals, and of the curative powers of certain things in nature, are far more important and useful than metaphysical and psychological Occultism or Theophany.

The noble genius of Paracelsus

The noble genius of Paracelsus PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 46

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Paracelsus was the most wondrous intellect of his age and original thinker. Bold creator of chemical medicines, founder of courageous parties, ever victorious in controversy. He belonged to those great minds who have created a new mode of thinking on the natural existence of things. More than one pathologist, chemist, homœopathist, and magnetist has quenched his thirst for knowledge in his books. Alkahest, a Paracelsian term for which there is no end to the assumed explanations, is Chaos, i.e., primordial undifferentiated substance, containing within itself the essence of all that goes to make up man, including the “breath of life” itself in a latent state, ready to be awakened. Chaos is another name for Æther, the celestial virgin and spiritual mother of every form and being in the manifested world. Alkahest was used by Paracelsus to denote the menstruum or universal solvent that is capable of reducing all things. But the real alkahest is the all-pervading Divine Spirit of the higher Initiate, not the all-geist of the inferior Alchemist. Paracelsus was the greatest chemist of his age and peer of modern scientists. But he exhausted his ingenuity in endless transpositions of letters and abbreviations of words and sentences. For example, when he wrote sutratur he meant tartar; and by mutrin, nitrum! By mercurius vitæ, he meant the living spirit or aura of silver, not the quicksilver. Paracelsus declared that the affinity between stars and man is due to their identical composition. Embodied existence is the outcome of reciprocal sympathies and antipathies between the starry sky and man. Our body comes from terrestrial elements; the thinking principle, from the stars. It is not the spirits of heaven and hell that are the masters of nature but the Spirit of Man which is concealed in him, as the fire is concealed in the flint. Every living being possesses his own celestial power and is closely allied with heaven. The fact that everyone affects another and all, mutually and reciprocally, is evidence of the universal sympathy and antipathy that exists between everyone and everything. Éliphas Lévi quotes approvingly the doctrine of Paracelsus that every man, animal, and plant bears external and internal evidence of the influences dominant at the moment of germinal development. Pure magic stems from the imperial will of man. Will is neither spirit nor substance but everlasting ideation. Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. Paracelsus is the father of modern magic and proponent of the occult physics of the Kabbalah and Magnetism. True Magic is occult wisdom; reason, the folly of man. No armour can protect against Black Magic, for it injures the inward spirit of life. But there is a divine power in every man, which is to rule his life, and which no one can influence for evil, not even the greatest magician. Let men bring their lives under its guidance, and they have nothing to fear from man or devil. The great Adept removed disease by applying a healthy organism to the afflicted part. Watch out! A would-be healer, who is physically or morally ill, not only fails to heal but often imparts his illness to his patient, thus robbing him of what strength he may have. The divine spirit is a great thing, so great that no one can fully express its greatness. It requires no conjuration or ceremonies. Circle-making and incense burning are all tomfoolery and temptation by which only evil spirits are attracted, says Paracelsus. If we only knew the power of the heart, nothing would be impossible for us. The whole world is one living organism and outcome of a single creative effort. There is no death and nothing “dead” throughout nature. Neither the form of man, nor that of any animal, plant or stone has ever been “created,” and it is only on this plane of ours that it commenced becoming, by expanding from within without, from the most sublimated and supersensuous essence into its grossest appearance in the abyss of matter. According to the Hermetico-Kabbalistic philosophy of Paracelsus, it is Yliaster that evolved out of its “chaotic” self a new Kosmos. Yliaster is the universal matrix of Kosmos, the Father-Mother within. It is beyond space, time, and intellectual comprehension. Yliaster is Anima Mundi, the noumenon of Astral Light, and a cosmic veil between earth and the waters of Space that sprang out of Chaos. The Swiss-German Adept rediscovered some of the lost secrets of the Phrygian priests and the Asclepieia. He was a learned Theosophist and a far-famed physician-Occultist. He taught that Fire, i.e., the Spirit of the Flame, is the highest God. The Hermetic Fire is a ray of the One eternal and infinite Flame that starts from, and is immediately reabsorbed into, the parent essence. The Spirit of the Flame is invisible to all except to the eyes of another immortal Spirit. The occult properties of medicinal plants and minerals, and of the curative powers of certain things in nature, are far more important and useful than metaphysical and psychological Occultism or Theophany.


Paracelsus PDF Author: Basilio de Telepnef
ISBN: 9781856521093
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 93

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Paracelsus PDF Author: Baisilio de Telepnef
Category :
Languages : en
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The twin pillars of morality are inner purity and the noble love of truth and virtue

The twin pillars of morality are inner purity and the noble love of truth and virtue PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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Selected Writings

Selected Writings PDF Author: Paracelsus
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 9780691018768
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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The enigmatic sixteenth-century Swiss physician and natural philosopher Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus, is known for the almost superhuman energy with which he produced his innumerable writings, for his remarkable achievements in the development of science, and for his reputation as a visionary (not to mention sorcerer) and alchemist. Little is known of his biography beyond his legendary achievements, and the details of his life have been filled in over the centuries by his admirers. This richly illustrated anthology presents in modernized language a selection of the moral thought of a man who was not only a self-willed genius charged with the dynamism of an impetuous and turbulent age but also in many ways a humble seeker after truth, who deeply influenced C. G. Jung and his followers.

The visible Sun in our Solar System is a ball of electromagnetic forces, glowing but not burning

The visible Sun in our Solar System is a ball of electromagnetic forces, glowing but not burning PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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The Visible Sun is a veil of the Invisible Central Spiritual Sun of Truth. The Invisible Sun is the ever-concealed Central Point of all Universes and Solar Systems from which all emerged, and toward which all gravitates. It is the Central Sun’s passive emissions of Creative Light, that impart Motion and awaken Life in the numberless Solar systems of the Infinite Kosmos (manifested worlds). The Atoms of Science are the Vibrations of Occultism: they keep the wheels of life going. The “extra-cosmic” God has killed the belief in intra-cosmic Intelligent Forces, that govern the rotatory motion in the infinitudes of Space. Cosmic Motion, circular and perpetual, is Attraction and Repulsion, not as understood by modern physics and the “law of gravity;” but in harmony with the Immutable Laws of Manvantaric Motion regulated by interhuman (not supernatural) Intelligences within the Cosmic Soul. The Solar Flames are reflections of the Central Spiritual Sun, the Life-giver to Kosmos, radiating from the Central Point which is “everywhere and nowhere,” from whence emanates and whither returns the Kosmic Intelligence (sentient Beings) scattered throughout the manifested worlds. The visible Sun is the Father of the physical man; the Moon is his Mother. The visible Sun is a ball of electromagnetic forces, glowing but not burning. It is not even the proximal source of visible light and heat in our solar system. It is the focus, reflector, and veil of the ever-Concealed Central Spiritual Sun — therefore mere illusion. Our Sun will become a comet in future manvantaras. The Central Spiritual Sun is the storehouse of Vital Force (noumenon of Electricity), those life currents which thrill through Space, as through every creature on Earth. The Vital Force, intelligently guided, radiates around man like a luminous sphere. Suspended like a fœtus within the Macrocosm (Universe or Spiritus Mundi, i.e., Spirit of the visible Universe) the Microcosm (Mankind) is vitalised and energised by the Archæus or Liquor Vitæ, the Fluid of Life (Nerve Aura), through which the Cosmic Forces, regulated and sustained by the never-resting Breaths (Agents of Cosmic Laws) act upon the astral body of man curled in the spleen. Pantheism was known and felt by the whole of antiquity. It manifests itself in the vast expanse of the starry heavens, in the breathing of the seas and oceans, and in the quiver of life of the smallest blade of grass. Esoteric Philosophy rejects the finite and imperfect God in our Universe, as the anthropomorphic deity of the monotheist is represented by his followers. The Vedic Aryans were as familiar with the mysteries of colour and sound as our physiologists are on the physical plane. Moreover, they had mastered the potencies of colour, sound, and number on planes inaccessible to the materialists. The spiritual senses, those that act on higher planes of consciousness, are rejected by physiology because the latter is ignorant of the Sacred Science. Yet mental as well as physical correlations of the senses (seven on the physical, and seven on the mental planes) are clearly explained and defined in the Vedas. The seven notes of the scale are the principles of sound. The qualities of every element, as of every sense, are also septenary and to dogmatize upon them, from their likewise septenary manifestation, is whimsical. It is only when Manas (Higher Ego) soars above the mists of ignorance, that the qualities of objects of sense on their dual plane of manifestations (visible and invisible) can be clearly seen and comprehended. The division of the physical senses into five comes to us from great antiquity. But while adopting the number, no modern philosopher has asked himself how these senses could exist, i.e., be perceived in a self-conscious way, unless there was a sixth sense (mental perception) to register and record them; and this, for the Occultist, is the Seventh Sense, that preserves the spiritual fruition and remembrance thereof, as in a Book of Life. Nature shall unveil her mysteries only to those sincere and diligent students of Occult Philosophy — who when pure, impartial, and unexpecting, act as centres of benevolent work — and shall lead them to the contemplation of celestial powers. We keep cycling back and forward. Having lost in spirituality pro rata what we had gained in physicality near the end of the Four Race (Atlantean), we are now cycling forward and upward until we reach the period that will bring the Sixth Race (Enlightened) on a parallel line with the spirituality of the Second (Sweat-born), the long extinct Race of humanity. Then, by cutting the Tree of Life, the slaves of birth–life–death shall be finally freed from the trammels and tyranny of matter. Colours and sounds are associated with the Hierarchy of Compassion, the Manifested Logos. Colour is Spirit (Atman), sound is Voice (Buddhi), and proportion of numbers is Word (Higher Manas). Each prismatic colour is the “Father of the Sound” which corresponds to it; Sound, being the Word or Logos, is his “Father’s Thought.” Thus the Creative Force produces colours, sounds, and numbers, in the shape of rates of vibration, which compound and dissociate atoms and molecules. Perfect knowledge of the correspondences between colours, sounds, and numbers is the first requisite for the student of Occult Philosophy. Who can assume the flower of power, the plant of the golden stem, and the azure blossom? The calamitous error leading to the sum total of mistaken views among the materialists is this: the so-called Nervous Ether is not an animal product, it is the living animal itself. It is the lowest principle of Primordial Essence, which is Life — that animal vitality diffused all around Nature; the flowers of self-consciousness, unfolding from within outwardly, are its products. But beware, under every flower there is a serpent coiled. Even when death arrives the Fluid of Life does not abandon the body. It only changes its state from activity to passivity, assuming dormancy because of the morbid state of tissues upon which it has no more hold. Once the rigor mortis has set it, the Liquor Vitæ reactivates and begins its work on the atoms chemically. The Vital Force radiates within and around a person like a luminous aura. It can be made to act at a distance to poison a fellow human being or, conversely, to heal the sick and restore health.

Pherecydes, an early Western Philosopher

Pherecydes, an early Western Philosopher PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 7

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Like Plato and Thales, Pherecydes obtained his knowledge from the secret books of the Phoenicians. Including a full refutation of the charges levelled against the sage by Madame Blavatsky.

Madame Blavatsky on Empedocles of Agrigentum, Pagan Thaumaturgist

Madame Blavatsky on Empedocles of Agrigentum, Pagan Thaumaturgist PDF Author: Empedocles, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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Empedocles was taught by Egypt’s great Hierophants. He believed that men and animals possess a dual soul. Pythagoras and Plato also make the same division. Empedocles’ dual soul followed the idea of a dual magnetic force, attraction–repulsion, throughout the universe, as confirmed by Kepler. He believed that the Monad, or “breath” of Darkness moving over “the slumbering Waters of life,” is primordial matter with the latent Spirit in it. Empedocles was an acclaimed Thaumaturgist. He recalled the dead to life. He even ruled the wind. But in the eyes of miracle-believing Christians he was an impostor.

Jesus Ben Pandira, the historical Christ

Jesus Ben Pandira, the historical Christ PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 13

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The Adepts destroy the wicked and guard the path of the virtuous

The Adepts destroy the wicked and guard the path of the virtuous PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 8

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