The Role of Monarchy in Modern Democracy

The Role of Monarchy in Modern Democracy PDF Author: Robert Hazell
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1509931031
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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How much power does a monarch really have? How much autonomy do they enjoy? Who regulates the size of the royal family, their finances, the rules of succession? These are some of the questions considered in this edited collection on the monarchies of Europe. The book is written by experts from Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It considers the constitutional and political role of monarchy, its powers and functions, how it is defined and regulated, the laws of succession and royal finances, relations with the media, the popularity of the monarchy and why it endures. No new political theory on this topic has been developed since Bagehot wrote about the monarchy in The English Constitution (1867). The same is true of the other European monarchies. 150 years on, with their formal powers greatly reduced, how has this ancient, hereditary institution managed to survive and what is a modern monarch's role? What theory can be derived about the role of monarchy in advanced democracies, and what lessons can the different European monarchies learn from each other? The public look to the monarchy to represent continuity, stability and tradition, but also want it to be modern, to reflect modern values and be a focus for national identity. The whole institution is shot through with contradictions, myths and misunderstandings. This book should lead to a more realistic debate about our expectations of the monarchy, its role and its future. The contributors are leading experts from all over Europe: Rudy Andeweg, Ian Bradley, Paul Bovend'Eert, Axel Calissendorff, Frank Cranmer, Robert Hazell, Olivia Hepsworth, Luc Heuschling, Helle Krunke, Bob Morris, Roger Mortimore, Lennart Nilsson, Philip Murphy, Quentin Pironnet, Bart van Poelgeest, Frank Prochaska, Charles Powell, Jean Seaton, Eivind Smith.

The Role of Monarchy in Modern Democracy

The Role of Monarchy in Modern Democracy PDF Author: Robert Hazell
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1509931031
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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Book Description
How much power does a monarch really have? How much autonomy do they enjoy? Who regulates the size of the royal family, their finances, the rules of succession? These are some of the questions considered in this edited collection on the monarchies of Europe. The book is written by experts from Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It considers the constitutional and political role of monarchy, its powers and functions, how it is defined and regulated, the laws of succession and royal finances, relations with the media, the popularity of the monarchy and why it endures. No new political theory on this topic has been developed since Bagehot wrote about the monarchy in The English Constitution (1867). The same is true of the other European monarchies. 150 years on, with their formal powers greatly reduced, how has this ancient, hereditary institution managed to survive and what is a modern monarch's role? What theory can be derived about the role of monarchy in advanced democracies, and what lessons can the different European monarchies learn from each other? The public look to the monarchy to represent continuity, stability and tradition, but also want it to be modern, to reflect modern values and be a focus for national identity. The whole institution is shot through with contradictions, myths and misunderstandings. This book should lead to a more realistic debate about our expectations of the monarchy, its role and its future. The contributors are leading experts from all over Europe: Rudy Andeweg, Ian Bradley, Paul Bovend'Eert, Axel Calissendorff, Frank Cranmer, Robert Hazell, Olivia Hepsworth, Luc Heuschling, Helle Krunke, Bob Morris, Roger Mortimore, Lennart Nilsson, Philip Murphy, Quentin Pironnet, Bart van Poelgeest, Frank Prochaska, Charles Powell, Jean Seaton, Eivind Smith.

The Quarterly review

The Quarterly review PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 616

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The Quarterly Review

The Quarterly Review PDF Author: William Gifford
Category : English literature
Languages : en
Pages : 686

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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature PDF Author: Tobias Smollett
Category : Books
Languages : en
Pages : 674

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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature PDF Author:
Category : English literature
Languages : en
Pages : 686

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Making Sense of Constitutional Monarchism in Post-Napoleonic France and Germany

Making Sense of Constitutional Monarchism in Post-Napoleonic France and Germany PDF Author: M. Prutsch
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137291656
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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Focusing on the genesis of 'constitutional monarchism' in the context of the French Restoration and its favourable reception in post-Napoleonic Germany, this study highlights the potential and limitations of a daring attempt to improve traditional forms of monarchical legitimacy by means of a modern representative constitution.

King and People in Provincial Massachusetts

King and People in Provincial Massachusetts PDF Author: Richard L. Bushman
Publisher: UNC Press Books
ISBN: 1469600102
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 295

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The American revolutionaries themselves believed the change from monarchy to republic was the essence of the Revolution. King and People in Provincial Massachusetts explores what monarchy meant to Massachusetts under its second charter and why the momentous change to republican government came about. Richard L. Bushman argues that monarchy entailed more than having a king as head of state: it was an elaborate political culture with implications for social organization as well. Massachusetts, moreover, was entirely loyal to the king and thoroughly imbued with that culture. Why then did the colonies become republican in 1776? The change cannot be attributed to a single thinker such as John Locke or to a strain of political thought such as English country party rhetoric. Instead, it was the result of tensions ingrained in the colonial political system that surfaced with the invasion of parliamentary power into colonial affairs after 1763. The underlying weakness of monarchical government in Massachusetts was the absence of monarchical society -- the intricate web of patronage and dependence that existed in England. But the conflict came from the colonists' conception of rulers as an alien class of exploiters whose interest was the plundering of the colonies. In large part, colonial politics was the effort to restrain official avarice. The author explicates the meaning of "interest" in political discourse to show how that conception was central in the thinking of both the popular party and the British ministry. Management of the interest of royal officials was a problem that continually bedeviled both the colonists and the crown. Conflict was perennial because the colonists and the ministry pursued diverging objectives in regulating colonial officialdom. Ultimately the colonists came to see that safety against exploitation by self-interested rulers would be assured only by republican government.

Catalogue of the General Library of the University of Aberdeen ...

Catalogue of the General Library of the University of Aberdeen ... PDF Author: University of Aberdeen. Library
Category : Library catalogs
Languages : en
Pages : 950

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A Popular History of France from the First Revolution to the Present Time: 1795-1832

A Popular History of France from the First Revolution to the Present Time: 1795-1832 PDF Author: Henri Martin
Category : France
Languages : en
Pages : 772

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1795-1832 PDF Author: Henri Martin
Category : France
Languages : en
Pages : 768

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