The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12

The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12 PDF Author: Janis Jensen
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416605738
Category : Language and languages
Languages : en
Pages : 127

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Examines major trends and issues in world language education to argue that educators and policy makers must recognize the importance of making language learning a key part of school curriculum in order to help students thrive in the increasingly global community.

The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12

The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12 PDF Author: Janis Jensen
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416605738
Category : Language and languages
Languages : en
Pages : 127

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Book Description
Examines major trends and issues in world language education to argue that educators and policy makers must recognize the importance of making language learning a key part of school curriculum in order to help students thrive in the increasingly global community.

The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12

The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12 PDF Author: Janis Jensen
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 141660670X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 127

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Book Description
We live in a global community, and to be a full member of this community often requires speaking more than one language. Educators and policymakers must ask themselves: What does it mean to view language learning not as an elective but as a necessity for communicating and interacting with people around the world? The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12 answers this question and many more as it shows us Why world languages must be positioned as an essential part of a balanced curriculum and why the time is right for implementing change. When language instruction should begin and how language instruction should be delivered and assessed. How to redefine the role of the teacher and curriculum coordinator in language learning. How to set realistic expectations for students' second-language proficiency. How to design curriculum using assessment targets. Packed with information about major trends and issues in world language education, this book offers valuable curriculum resources to help educators design and implement flexible language programs that prepare children to live and work in an interconnected, global culture.

Blended Learning in Grades 4–12

Blended Learning in Grades 4–12 PDF Author: Catlin R. Tucker
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1452240868
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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This book comes at the right time with answers for teachers, principals, and schools who want to be on the cutting edge of the effective use of technology, the internet, and teacher pedagogy.

Fundamentals of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in K-12 Mainstream Classrooms

Fundamentals of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in K-12 Mainstream Classrooms PDF Author: Eileen N. Ariza
Publisher: Kendall Hunt
ISBN: 9780757508509
Category : English language
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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Encuentros Maravillosos

Encuentros Maravillosos PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780133693775
Category :
Languages : es
Pages :

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The Handbook of TESOL in K-12

The Handbook of TESOL in K-12 PDF Author: Luciana C. de Oliveira
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119421748
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Book Description
The first handbook to explore the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in elementary and secondary education (K-12) The number of students being educated in English has grown significantly in modern times — globalization, immigration, and evolving educational policies have prompted an increased need for English language learner (ELL) education. The Handbook of TESOL in K-12 combines contemporary research and current practices to provide a comprehensive overview of the origins, evolution, and future direction of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at the elementary and secondary levels (K-12). Exploring the latest disciplinary and interdisciplinary issues in the field, this is a first-of-its-kind Handbook and contributions are offered from a team of internationally-renowned scholars. Comprehensive in scope, this essential Handbook covers topics ranging from bilingual language development and technology-enhanced language learning, to ESOL preparation methods for specialist and mainstream teachers and school administrators. Three sections organize the content to cover Key Issues in Teaching ESOL students in K-12, Pedagogical Issues and Practices in TESOL in K-12 Education, and School Personnel Preparation for TESOL in K-12. Satisfies a need for inclusive and in-depth research on TESOL in K-12 classrooms Presents a timely and interesting selection of topics that are highly relevant to working teachers and support staff Applies state-of-the-art research to real-world TESOL classroom settings Offers a balanced assessment of diverse theoretical foundations, concepts, and findings The Handbook of TESOL in K-12 is an indispensable resource for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and scholars, and educators in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in elementary and secondary education.

Getting to the Core of English Language Arts, Grades 6-12

Getting to the Core of English Language Arts, Grades 6-12 PDF Author: Vicky Giouroukakis
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1452284105
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Design effective CCSS-aligned lessons for secondary students If you want to revamp your secondary English Language Arts curriculum to reflect the Common Core State Standards, this book is the perfect resource. The authors move the implementation of the CCSS for ELA from the abstract to the concrete by providing adaptable, exemplar lesson plans in each of the CCSS strands: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Each lesson template includes: Intended grade level band, timeline, and the type of student writing involved Connections to supporting theory, including the Backward Design model Variations to differentiate the lesson for diverse student populations Ways to link the lesson to technology and service learning Reproducible handouts The lesson narratives also give tips for incorporating technology into lessons and connecting them to enduring theorists in education (Dewey, Bloom, and Gardner). The final section offers collaboration strategies for connecting via technology to colleagues beyond the school building and working together on CCSS-based ELA lessons. This practical, easy-to-use guide will help you navigate the most efficient route to creating standards-based lessons that optimize student learning.

Towards Rational Education

Towards Rational Education PDF Author: Demetris Katsikis
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429640013
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 223

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Towards Rational Education explores how education can become rational by serving character building, rational thinking and the common good. It uses evidence-based psychology, philosophy, sociology and political science to support transforming education and provides a brand-new framework for effective universal education. This book endorses Rational-Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) and rational education philosophy theories as main vehicles paving a viable set of rational education values and practices. Collective wisdom, rational living, freedom, mental health, altruism, solidarity, equality and fraternity are seen as the foundational values for shaping already existing schools of the world become more rational and in establishing Rational Education Communities (REC) and Rational Schools (RS). Calling for a philosophical and socio-political shift in education values and practices, the book cites principles, tools and practices that rational educators, philosophers, psychologists, other related scientists-practitioners and people have offered us as a legacy for building a more rational and positive education for all people universally, without sacrificing cultural sensitivity and expressivity. This book will be of great interest for the general audience and a special interest for academics, researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of the philosophy of education, positive psychology, educational psychology and educational policy.

Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators

Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators PDF Author: Yvonne S. Freeman
Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators provides the guiding principles and practices for successful dual language or two-way bilingual education. Authors Yvonne and David Freeman and Sandra Mercuri have worked in and visited dual language schools across the country, and they show you the programs, teachers, and students in different two-way settings. Based on their extensive research, the authors have developed a set of essentials for dual language programs. These include administrative, administrator and teacher, teacher, curriculum, literacy, planning and assessment essentials. The authors illustrate each topic with stories and specific examples drawn from many different bilingual classrooms. Freeman, Freeman, and Mercuri explain how to organize classrooms, establish routines, and group students effectively scaffold instruction to build academic concepts and language promote the development of biliteracy make both long- and short-term plans develop lessons that connect to both content and language standards assess student progress. In addition, the authors have included several useful resources: up-to-date references on research in dual language settings learning extensions at the end of each chapter that readers with ideas readers can apply to their own contextsa list of key terms and acronyms a composite list of all the essentials. Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators takes you into dual language schools and classrooms to show how effective programs can help all students develop high levels of academic achievement as they becomes both bilingual and bilterate.

Common Core Curriculum: English, Grades 9-12

Common Core Curriculum: English, Grades 9-12 PDF Author: Great Minds
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118812468
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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Common Core's English resources empower educators to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and build essential content knowledge for students in grades 9-12. Each grade in The Wheatley Portfolio features a comprehensive, coherent sequence of thematic units that engage students in deep study of worthwhile texts and topics. Features of this book include: Six thematic units for each grade, each centered on a curated collection of literary and informational texts Focus standards for each unit that complement the topic and promote student mastery of essential literacy skills Suggested texts and activities to incorporate science, art, and history into English instruction This revised second edition includes a sample text study that guides students through a close read of an exemplary text, updated web resources, and refreshed suggested works. Educators who create their curriculum based on Common Core's Wheatley Portfolioguarantee that students are exposed to content-rich instruction and have ample opportunity to master the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language skills articulated in the CCSS for ELA.