The Blazing Holy Fire

The Blazing Holy Fire PDF Author: Christine M. Uwizera
Publisher: Xulon Press
ISBN: 1600344003
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Baptize by Blazing Fire

Baptize by Blazing Fire PDF Author: Kim Yong-Doo
Publisher: Charisma Media
ISBN: 1599797674
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Book Description
Baptized by Blazing Fire is the first in a series of volumes that share supernatural testimonies and accounts of divine visitations, demonic manifestations, healings, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Inspired to record some of the events that took place during the 30 days of consecutive prayer at The Lord's Church's 2005 revival in So-In Chon, Korea, pastor Kim Yong-Doo felt led to share his experiences and the experiences of his congregation with the world to help equip others in spiritual warfare and encourage them that revival can happen anywhere.

The Blazing Holy Fire

The Blazing Holy Fire PDF Author: Christine M. Uwizera
Publisher: Xulon Press
ISBN: 1600344003
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Heaven Is So Real!

Heaven Is So Real! PDF Author: Choo Thomas
Publisher: Charisma Media
ISBN: 1599793083
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER HEAVEN IS SO REAL! WITH OVER 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD Do you believe heaven really exists? Choo Thomas retells a stunning, personal story of how she saw the living Christ, visited Hell, and walked in Heaven.

Holy Fire

Holy Fire PDF Author: Victoria Clark
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 1743292031
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Book Description
Every Easter the 'miracle' of the Holy Fire is re-enacted in front of hundreds of the faithful in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. 'Holy Fire' presents the battle waged by Christian churchmen for their saviour's empty tomb. Victoria Clark deftly weaves a fascinating account that includes the aggressive campaigns of medieval Crusaders, the empire-building of the nineteenth-century European powers, Britain's decision to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, and today's zealous, though unlikely, champions of Israel's cause, the Christian Zionists. She explores the contribution that the Christian world has made to the unfolding tragedy of the Holy Land - at a time when it has never been more urgent for the West to see itself as others see it.

Prayer on Fire

Prayer on Fire PDF Author: Fred Hartley
Publisher: Tyndale House
ISBN: 1617472328
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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Prayer on Fire is what happens when your initiative to meet with God in prayer connects with His desire to meet you. Learn the biblical steps to take to experience the reality of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your daily prayer life.

A Life Ablaze

A Life Ablaze PDF Author: Rick Renner
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
ISBN: 1680314246
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 446

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Book Description
Keep Your Fire Burning In A Life Ablaze, author Rick Renner offers an on-time message that is crucial for every Christian in this end-time season of the Church. Ricks thought-provoking questions at the outset will echo in the readers heart with each turn of a page: Do you struggle to keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in your heart with the same fiery intensity as the early days of your walk with Jesus? Do you feel like only a few glowing embers remain and even those are growing cold? If you are on fire for God, are you eager to know how you can stay ablaze for Jesus until He comes again? If any of these questions describes you, its time to stoke the fire within so it never stops burning brightly in your heart! Rick will enlighten you with key insights from Gods Word on the kinds of spiritual fuel you must have to stay spiritually ablaze. Not one of these fuels is optional all are necessary to fulfill your God-given purpose on this earth. A Life Ablaze will ignite and encourage you to burn red-hot as you do your part to fulfill Gods great plan for such a time as this!

Holy Spirit Are We Flammable or Fireproof?

Holy Spirit Are We Flammable or Fireproof? PDF Author: Reinhard Bonnke
Publisher: CFAN Publications
ISBN: 1933446536
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Consumed with Holy Fire

Consumed with Holy Fire PDF Author: Duncan Smith
Publisher: Destiny Image Incorporated
ISBN: 9780768455885
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Book Description
God created every believer to live an empowered, supernatural life! How is this possible? Driven by a quest for a life marked by the power of God, hungry Christians often seek out proven formulas to help grow their faith. While this kind of teaching can be helpful, it fails to create mature sons and daughters of God who radiate His love, power, and glory in every area of life. The great pursuit of every believer should not be a religious formula - it should be the face of God Himself. As we experience Him on a personal level, we begin to live like Jesus, increasingly growing in oneness with Him. In addition to having served as a key leader in the history-making Toronto Blessing, Duncan Smith has led Christians around the globe into life-changing, supernatural experiences with God for over twenty years. Duncan teaches everyday believers how to sustain the fires of revival, not through formula, but through intimacy and union with Jesus Himself! As you read this landmark book... Your heart will become ignited by holy fire. Your passion for Jesus will be awakened like never before. You will receive Heaven's blueprint for a miraculous lifestyle. Your experience of God's love will be upgraded to dimensions you never thought were possible. You can become the supernaturally empowered Christian that God made you to be! Learn to become one with Him, and watch as every area of your life is infused with holy zeal!


Revelation PDF Author:
Publisher: Canongate Books
ISBN: 0857861018
Category : Bibles
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.

Angels of Fire

Angels of Fire PDF Author: Candice Smithyman
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
ISBN: 0768457793
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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Book Description
The supernatural link between angels of fire and the coming move of God’s glory! The angelic host has been with us from the beginning. While they are not often recognized by the human eye, they have been present all along and are vital to the work of God being fulfilled in the Earth. When you learn how to recognize these unique...