Teaching Beginning Writing

Teaching Beginning Writing PDF Author: Jo Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Creative Teaching Press
ISBN: 9781574715316
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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This resource provides help with the basics of beginning writing--helping students learn to organize what they want to say, discover vocabulary to say it, and use structure to write it. Each skill is introduced at the oral level so students can readily formulate their ideas before trying to write them on paper. Activities address five stages of writing (pre-emergent, emergent, early, developing, and established) to help beginning writers progress through a continuum of skills. Great for ESL/ELL! Written by Jo Fitzpatrick, author of Phonemic Awareness and Reading Strategies That Work!

Teaching Beginning Writing

Teaching Beginning Writing PDF Author: Jo Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Creative Teaching Press
ISBN: 9781574715316
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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Book Description
This resource provides help with the basics of beginning writing--helping students learn to organize what they want to say, discover vocabulary to say it, and use structure to write it. Each skill is introduced at the oral level so students can readily formulate their ideas before trying to write them on paper. Activities address five stages of writing (pre-emergent, emergent, early, developing, and established) to help beginning writers progress through a continuum of skills. Great for ESL/ELL! Written by Jo Fitzpatrick, author of Phonemic Awareness and Reading Strategies That Work!

Teaching Beginning Writing, eBook

Teaching Beginning Writing, eBook PDF Author: Sara Throop
Publisher: Creative Teaching Press
ISBN: 1591988055
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 113

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Book Description
This resource provides help with the basics of beginning writing--helping students learn to organize what they want to say, discover vocabulary to say it, and use structure to write it. Each skill is introduced at the oral level so students can readily formulate their ideas before trying to write them on paper. Activities address five stages of writing (pre-emergent, emergent, early, developing, and established) to help beginning writers progress through a continuum of skills. Great for ESL/ELL! Written by Jo Fitzpatrick, author of Phonemic Awareness and Reading Strategies That Work!

Teaching Writing

Teaching Writing PDF Author: Lucy Calkins
Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books
ISBN: 9780325118123
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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"Writing allows each of us to live with that special wide-awakeness that comes from knowing that our lives and our ideas are worth writing about." -Lucy Calkins Teaching Writing is Lucy Calkins at her best-a distillation of the work that's placed Lucy and her colleagues at the forefront of the teaching of writing for over thirty years. This book promises to inspire teachers to teach with renewed passion and power and to invigorate the entire school day. This is a book for readers who want an introduction to the writing workshop, and for those who've lived and breathed this work for decades. Although Lucy addresses the familiar topics-the writing process, conferring, kinds of writing, and writing assessment- she helps us see those topics with new eyes. She clears away the debris to show us the teeny details, and she shows us the majesty and meaning, too, in these simple yet powerful teaching acts. Download a sample chapter for more information.

Getting Started with Beginning Writers

Getting Started with Beginning Writers PDF Author: Katie Wood Ray
Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books
ISBN: 9780325099149
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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"In Lisa Cleaveland's classroom, writing workshop is a time every day when her students make books. Katie Wood Ray guides you through the first days in Lisa's classroom, offering ideas, information, strategies, and tips to show you step by step how you can launch a writing workshop with beginning writers."--book cover

Teaching Writing in the Twenty-First Century

Teaching Writing in the Twenty-First Century PDF Author: Beth L. Hewett
Publisher: Modern Language Association
ISBN: 160329547X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 487

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Teaching Writing in the Twenty-First Century is a comprehensive introduction to writing instruction in an increasingly digital world. It provides both a theoretical background and detailed practical guidance to writing instructors faced with novel and ever-changing digital learning technologies, new approaches to access needs and usability design, increasing student diversity, and the multiliteracies of reading, alphabetic writing, and multimodal composition. A companion volume, Administering Writing Programs in the Twenty-First Century, considers the role of administrators in addressing these issues. Covering all aspects of teaching online, various composition genres, and the technologies available to teachers, Teaching Writing in the Twenty-First Century addresses composing processes and approaches; designing and scaffolding assignments; providing response, feedback, and evaluation; communicating effectively; and supporting students. These strategic and practical ideas are prefaced by a history of the relation between composition and rhetoric and a guide to diversity, inclusion, and access. The volume ends with a chapter on envisioning the future of composition.

Into Writing

Into Writing PDF Author: Megan S. Sloan
Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books
ISBN: 9780325012285
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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For me, there was enormous satisfaction in seeing how Megan Sloan interweaves process, workshop, and traits in this book. I have struggled all my professional life to help teachers see that the 6 traits are not a silver bullet, not even a curriculum, but a way of thinking and talking about writing that enormously empowers revision-and therefore, both process and workshop. It is so gratifying to hear from a teacher who really understands this relationship, and sees how things work in harmony, rather than trying to replace one with the other. Vicki Spandel Author of Creating Young Writers "I want to set up a writing workshop in my classroom-now what?" "What should my teaching look like day to day?" "What about minilessons? Conferences and assessment? Share time?" These are just a few of the many questions about writing workshop that teacher and nationally known staff developer Megan Sloan has been asked. With Into Writing this workshop veteran sets out to answer these and the other most commonly asked questions about teaching writing well. From September to June, Sloan's answers break down the workshop piece by piece so you can make the most of it. She examines the ins and outs of writing workshop through four overarching principles of practice: Differentiate to address each writer's unique needs. Make every minute count by designing instruction that sticks. Share your experiences with students to build trust, encourage choice and community, and model how real writers work. Emphasize writing to support reading. If you're new to writing workshop, Into Writing will be a handy, inspirational guide for implementing and sustaining it. If you want to improve your workshop, you'll have a troubleshooting manual that's easy to use and that's as focused on helping writers reach their potential as you are. Into Writing answers your questions with all the practical savvy, student-sample guideposts, and specific, actionable advice you'd expect from a veteran teacher. And with her warmth and can-do spirit, Megan Sloan will win you over and lead you to teaching that your young writers will find as satisfying as you will.

Teaching Writing in Small Groups

Teaching Writing in Small Groups PDF Author: Jennifer Serravallo
ISBN: 9780325132341
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Best Practices in Writing Instruction

Best Practices in Writing Instruction PDF Author: Steve Graham
Publisher: Guilford Press
ISBN: 1462508715
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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Book Description
Highly practical and accessible, this indispensable book provides clear-cut strategies for improving K-12 writing instruction. The contributors are leading authorities who demonstrate proven ways to teach different aspects of writing, with chapters on planning, revision, sentence construction, handwriting, spelling, and motivation. The use of the Internet in instruction is addressed, and exemplary approaches to teaching English-language learners and students with special needs are discussed. The book also offers best-practice guidelines for designing an effective writing program. Focusing on everyday applications of current scientific research, the book features many illustrative case examples and vignettes.

Reading and Writing in Preschool

Reading and Writing in Preschool PDF Author: Ren‚e M. Casbergue
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462523471
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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This book describes effective, engaging ways to build young children's print concepts and alphabetic knowledge, which are crucial for both reading and writing development. Presenting shared reading, shared writing, and targeted instructional activities, each chapter features helpful classroom vignettes, a section debunking myths about preschool literacy, and Ideas for Discussion, Reflection, and Action. Strategies are provided for creating print-rich classroom and home environments and differentiating instruction for diverse students, including English language learners. The book also discusses how to assess preschoolers' reading and writing progress. Reproducible checklists and parent handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

The Big Book of Details

The Big Book of Details PDF Author: Rozlyn Linder
Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books
ISBN: 9780325077666
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"The writing lessons in this book are organized to quickly unpack the detail move, explain when and why the strategy works well, share how I have taught it to my students, and offer ways to make it your own." -Rozlyn Linder Have you ever told a writer to add more details, only to see their writing get longer not better? That's why Roz Linder wrote The Big Book of Details. "To help our students use details and elaborate effectively," she writes, "we need to find out what they want their writing to do, and then show them explicit moves to make it happen." Roz breaks elaboration into 5 categories and shares 46 lessons based on the moves that professional writers use. With if-then charts that connect student needs to just-right strategies, you'll help writers master details that: Describe: for people, places, and things Dance: for showing action and sequencing events Convince: for questions, persuasion, and arguments Inform: for defining, comparing, and clarifying Speak: for conversation and speech. The Big Book of Details supports planning and on-the-go teaching for one-on-one conferences, whole-class instruction, or commercial writing programs. Its lessons are organized to help kids understand each move quickly. Roz's strategy lessons include: examples from real-world writers the reason writers use the strategy advice for introducing it to writers ideas for guided practice with writers examples of one of Roz's famous classroom charts "This is what I want for my students," writes Roz Linder, "to use details in their writing in a meaningful way that conveys their ideas and their purpose." If you want that too, then make her Big Book of Details part of your teaching toolkit.