White Paper on Tax Reform

White Paper on Tax Reform PDF Author: CCH Canadian Limited
Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : CCH Canadian
Category : Corporations
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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The 1987 tax reform package considered.

White Paper on Tax Reform

White Paper on Tax Reform PDF Author: CCH Canadian Limited
Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : CCH Canadian
Category : Corporations
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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The 1987 tax reform package considered.

The Impact and Cost of Taxation in Canada

The Impact and Cost of Taxation in Canada PDF Author: Jason Clemens
Publisher: The Fraser Institute
ISBN: 088975229X
Category : Fiscal policy
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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"There is increasing interest in, and recognition of, the need for both tax reduction and tax reform in Canada. This book provides the rationale for tax reform and a road map for that reform. The book includes 5 chapters from leading experts in the field and provides a persuasive, compelling case for tax reform in Canada." "The Impact of Taxes on Economic Behavior by Milagros Palacios and Kumi Harischandra offers a broad overview of the incentive effects associated with taxes that affect our decisions to work more, to save, to invest, and to engage in entrepreneurial activity." "Compliance and Administrative Costs of Taxation in Canada by renowned University of Montreal economics professor Francois Vaillancourt and Jason Clemens provides readers with an understanding of the vast costs associated with administering, and complying with, our current tax system."--BOOK JACKET.

Tax Is Not a Four-Letter Word

Tax Is Not a Four-Letter Word PDF Author: Alex Himelfarb
Publisher: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press
ISBN: 1554589037
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Taxes connect us to one another, to the common good, and to the future. This is a book about taxes: who pays what and who gets what. More than that, it’s about the role of government, about citizenship and our collective well-being, about the Canada we want. The contributors, leading Canadian practitioners and scholars, explore how taxes have become a political “no-go zone” and how changes in taxation are changing Canada. They challenge the view that any tax is a bad tax and provide broad directions for fairer and smarter approaches. This is a book that will be of interest to anyone concerned with public policy and public affairs, economics, and political science and to anyone interested in challenging the conventional wisdom that lower taxes and smaller government are the cures to what ails us.

A Tale of Two Taxes

A Tale of Two Taxes PDF Author: Richard Miller Bird
Publisher: Lincoln Inst of Land Policy
ISBN: 9781558442252
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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This book examines the Canadian province of Ontario's 1998 attempt to reform its property tax laws and provides strategies--such as restructuring education finance and introducing a new form of business taxation, at both the provincial and local levels--to help policy makers design a better future.

Taxation and Gender Equity

Taxation and Gender Equity PDF Author: Caren Grown
Publisher: IDRC
ISBN: 0415568226
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 349

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Around the world, there are concerns that many tax codes are biased against women, and that contemporary tax reforms tend to increase the incidence of taxation on the poorest women while failing to generate enough revenue to fund the programs needed to improve these women's lives. Because taxes are the key source of revenue governments themselves raise, understanding the nature and composition of taxation and current tax reform efforts is key to reducing poverty, providing sufficient revenue for public expenditure, and achieving social justice. This is the first book to systematically examine gender and taxation within and across countries at different levels of development. It presents original research on the gender dimensions of personal income taxes, and value-added, excise, and fuel taxes in Argentina, Ghana, India, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa, Uganda and the United Kingdom. This book will be of interest to postgraduates and researchers studying Public Finance, International Economics, Development Studies, Gender Studies, and International Relations, among other disciplines.

Who Pays for Canada?

Who Pays for Canada? PDF Author: E.A. Heaman
Publisher: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP
ISBN: 0228002605
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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Canadians can never not argue about taxes. From the Chinese head tax to the Panama Papers, from the National Policy to the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, tax grievances always inspire private resentments and public debates. But if resentment and debate persist, the terms of the debate have continually altered and adapted to reflect changing social, economic, and political conditions in Canada and the wider world. The centenary of income tax is the occasion for Canadian scholars to wrestle with past and present debates about tax equity, efficiency, and justice. Who Pays for Canada? explores the different ways governments can and should tax their peoples and evaluates how well Canada has done so. It brings together a diverse group of perspectives from academia - law, economics, political science, history, geography, philosophy, and accountancy - and from the wider world of activists and public servants. It asks how Canada compares to other countries and how other countries - especially the United States - influence Canadian tax policies. It also surveys internal tax tensions and politics, through the lenses of region and jurisdiction, as well as race, class, and gender. Reasoning from tax perplexities and reforms in the past and the present, it argues that fair taxation requires an informed populace and a democratically inclined public will. Above all, this book serves as a reminder that it is not only what counts as fair that is important, but how fairness is evaluated. Revealing how closely tax policy is tied to mainstream politics, human rights, and morality, Who Pays for Canada? represents new perspectives on a matter of tremendous national urgency.

OECD Tax Policy Studies Tax Policy Reform and Economic Growth

OECD Tax Policy Studies Tax Policy Reform and Economic Growth PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264091084
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 157

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This report investigates how tax structures can best be designed to support GDP per capita growth.

Tax Reform in Canada

Tax Reform in Canada PDF Author: Allan M. Maslove
Publisher: IRPP
ISBN: 9780886450922
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 118

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This document contains two papers which address the process of tax reform and its fiscal impacts on families at different levels of income. The first paper, which examines the tax reform process, argues that of the government's three primary objectives in tax reform (efficiency or tax neutrality, equity, and simplicity), concern with efficiency was dominant. The second paper focuses on the concern for tax equity.

Our Selfish Tax Laws

Our Selfish Tax Laws PDF Author: Anthony C. Infanti
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262038242
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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Why tax law is not just a pocketbook issue but a reflection of what and whom we, as a society, value. Most of us think of tax as a pocketbook issue: how much we owe, how much we'll get back, how much we can deduct. In Our Selfish Tax Laws, Anthony Infanti takes a broader view, considering not just how taxes affect us individually but how the tax system reflects our culture and society. He finds that American tax laws validate and benefit those who already possess power and privilege while starkly reflecting the lines of difference and discrimination in American society based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, immigration status, and disability. Infanti argues that instead of focusing our tax reform discussions on which loopholes to close or which deductions to allow, we should consider how to make our tax system reflect American ideals of inclusivity rather than institutionalizing exclusion. After describing the theoretical and intellectual underpinnings of his argument, Infanti offers two comparative case studies, examining the treatment of housing tax expenditures and the unit of taxation in the United States, Canada, France, and Spain to show how tax law reflects its social and cultural context. Then, drawing on his own work and that of other critical tax scholars, Infanti explains how the discourse surrounding tax reform masks the many ways that the American tax system rewards and reifies privilege. To counter this, Infanti urges us to work together to create a society with a tax system that respects and values all Americans.

Give and Take

Give and Take PDF Author: Shirley Tillotson
Publisher: UBC Press
ISBN: 077483675X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 446

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Can a book about tax history be a page-turner? You wouldn’t think so. But Give and Take is full of surprises. A Canadian millionaire who embraced the new federal income tax in 1917. A socialist hero, J.S. Woodsworth, who deplored the burden of big government. Most surprising of all, Give and Take reveals that taxes deliver something more than armies and schools. They build democracy. Tillotson launches her story with the 1917 war income tax, takes us through the tumultuous tax fights of the interwar years, proceeds to the remaking of income taxation in the 1940s and onwards, and finishes by offering a fresh angle on the fierce conflicts surrounding tax reform in the 1960s. Taxes show us the power of the state, and Canadians often resisted that power, disproving the myth that we have always been good loyalists. But Give and Take is neither a simple tale of tax rebels nor a tirade against the taxman. Tillotson argues that Canadians also made real contributions to democracy when they taxed wisely and paid willingly.