Superplasticity in Metals and Ceramics

Superplasticity in Metals and Ceramics PDF Author: T. G. Nieh
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521561051
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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A materials engineering monograph in the Cambridge Solid State Science Series, first published in 1997.

Superplasticity in Metals and Ceramics

Superplasticity in Metals and Ceramics PDF Author: T. G. Nieh
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521561051
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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Book Description
A materials engineering monograph in the Cambridge Solid State Science Series, first published in 1997.

Superplasticity of Alloys, Intermetallides and Ceramics

Superplasticity of Alloys, Intermetallides and Ceramics PDF Author: Oscar A. Kaibyshev
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642846734
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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Superplasticity is shown to be a universal phenomenon in materials ranging from metals and intermetallics to ceramics. Superplastic deformation facilitates the production of materials with specifically chosen properties. This is illustrated using the examples of Mg-, Al-, and Ti-based commercial alloys, steels, and superalloys. Some of the strenghts of this book are: the broad range of materials studied, the reduction of scientific results to a form suitable for the practitioner, a profound physical analysis of the phenomenon, a new approach to superplastic treatment as a kind of strain-heat treatment, the presentation of new data on superplastic flow and on production techniques of micro- and submicrocrystalline structures.

Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys

Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys PDF Author: Michael E. Kassner
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080532144
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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* Numerous line drawings with consistent format and units allow easy comparison of the behavior of a very wide range of materials * Transmission electron micrographs provide a direct insight in the basic microstructure of metals deforming at high temperatures * Extensive literature review of over 1000 references provide an excellent reference document, and a very balanced discussionUnderstanding the strength of materials at a range of temperatures is critically important to a huge number of researchers and practitioners from a wide range of fields and industry sectors including metallurgists, industrial designers, aerospace R&D personnel, and structural engineers. The most up-to date and comprehensive book in the field, Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys discusses the fundamentals of time-dependent plasticity or creep plasticity in metals, alloys and metallic compounds. This is the first book of its kind that provides broad coverage of a range of materials not just a sub-group such as metallic compounds, superalloys or crystals. As such it presents the most balanced view of creep for all materials scientists. The theory of all of these phenomena are extensively reviewed and analysed in view of an extensive bibliography that includes the most recent publications in the field. All sections of the book have undergone extensive peer review and therefore the reader can be sure they have access to the most up-to-date research, fully interrogated, from the world's leading investigators.· Numerous line drawings with consistent format and units allow easy comparison of the behavior of a very wide range of materials· Transmission electron micrographs provide a direct insight in the basic microstructure of metals deforming at high temperatures· Extensive literature review of over 1000 references provide an excellent reference document, and a very balanced discussion

Superplastic Forming of Advanced Metallic Materials

Superplastic Forming of Advanced Metallic Materials PDF Author: G Giuliano
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 9781845697532
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Ultra fine-grained metals can show exceptional ductility, known as superplasticity, during sheet forming. The higher ductility of superplastic metals makes it possible to form large and complex components in a single operation without joints or rivets. The result is less waste, lower weight and manufacturing costs, high precision and lack of residual stress associated with welding which makes components ideal for aerospace, automotive and other applications. Superplastic forming of advanced metallic materials summarises key recent research on this important process. Part one reviews types of superplastic metals, standards for superplastic forming, processes and equipment. Part two discusses ways of modelling superplastic forming processes whilst the final part of the book considers applications, including superplastic forming of titanium, aluminium and magnesium alloys. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Superplastic forming of advanced metallic materials is a valuable reference for metallurgists and engineers in such sectors as aerospace and automotive engineering. Note: The Publishers wish to point out an error in the authorship of Chapter 3 which was originally listed as: G. Bernhart, Clément Ader Institute, France. The correct authorship is: G Bernhart, P. Lours, T. Cutard, V. Velay, Ecole des Mines Albi, France and F. Nazaret, Aurock, France. The Publishers apologise to the authors for this error.


Superplasticity PDF Author: K. A. Padmanabhan
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642319572
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Book Description
This book combines the perspectives of materials science of Superplasticity, on the one hand, and those of design and mechanics, on the other, in order to provide a holistic view of materials, design, mechanics and performance which will lead to useful solutions of societal benefits, in addition to providing great intellectual challenges. After considering the experimental evidence for superplasticity in different classes of materials, the book discusses the physics-based models, along with their advantages and limitations. Then, the analyses for superplastic forming available in the framework of continuum mechanics, finite element analysis and numerical simulations are presented. Finally, the authors highlight some successful industrial applications. This book is recommended as a text book for courses on Superplasticity and as supplementary use for courses on Materials Processing, Manufacturing, High Temperature Deformation, Nanotechnology and Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Persons working in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Metallurgy, Ceramics and Geo-sciences are likely to find the book to be useful. It is also recommended as a reference source for practicing engineers involved in the design, processing and manufacture of industrial components, which exploit the unique properties associated with superplastic materials.

Creep in Ceramics

Creep in Ceramics PDF Author: Joshua Pelleg
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319508261
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 448

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This book focuses on Creep in Ceramics. The book consists of two parts. In part A general knowledge of creep in ceramics is considered, while part B specifies creep in technologically important ceramics, namely creep in oxide ceramics, carnides and nitrides. While covering all relevant information regarding raw materials and characterization of creep in ceramics, the book also summarizes most recent innovations and developments in this field as a result of extensive literature search.

Creep of Crystals

Creep of Crystals PDF Author: Jean-Paul Poirier
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521278515
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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This textbook describes the physics of the plastic deformation of solids at high temperatures. It is directed at geologists or geophysicists interested in the high-temperature behaviour of crystals who wish to become acquainted with the methods of materials science in so far as they are useful to earth scientists. It explains the most important models and recent experimental results without losing the reader in the primary literature of materials science. In turn the book deals with the essential solid-state physics; thermodynamics and hydrostatics of creep; creep models and their applications in the geological sciences; diffusion creep; superplastic deformation and deformation enhanced by phase transformations. Five concluding chapters give experimental results for metals, ceramics and minerals. There are extensive bibliographies to aid further study.

Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramics

Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramics PDF Author: R. W. Davidge
Publisher: CUP Archive
ISBN: 9780521219150
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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This 1979 book presents the scientific foundations of mechanical behaviour and demonstrates how these can be used in engineering situations in relation to ceramics.

Plastic Deformation of Ceramics

Plastic Deformation of Ceramics PDF Author: R.C. Bradt
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1489914412
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 661

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Book Description
This proceedings volume, "Plastic Deformation of Ceramics," constitutes the papers of an international symposium held at Snowbird, Utah from August 7-12, 1994. It was attended by nearly 100 scientists and engineers from more than a dozen countries representing academia, national laboratories, and industry. Two previous conferences on this topic were held at The Pennsylvania State University in 1974 and 1983. Therefore, the last major international conference focusing on the deformation of ceramic materials was held more than a decade ago. Since the early 1980s, ceramic materials have progressed through an evolutionary period of development and advancement. They are now under consideration for applications in engineering structures. The contents of the previous conferences indicate that considerable effort was directed towards a basic understanding of deformation processes in covalently bonded or simple oxide ceramics. However, now, more than a decade later, the focus has completely shifted. In particular, the drive for more efficient heat engines has resulted in the development of silicon-based ceramics and composite ceramics. The discovery of high-temperature cupric oxide-based superconductors has created a plethora of interesting perovskite-Iike structured ceramics. Additionally, nanophase ceramics, ceramic thin films, and various forms of toughened ceramics have potential applications and, hence, their deformation has been investigated. Finally, new and exciting areas of research have attracted interest since 1983, including fatigue, nanoindentation techniques, and superplasticity.

High Performance Materials in Aerospace

High Performance Materials in Aerospace PDF Author: Harvey M. Flower
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401106851
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 393

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Aerospace presents an extremely challenging environment for structural materials and the development of new, or improved, materials: processes for material and for component production are the subject of continuous research activity. It is in the nature of high performance materials that the steps of material and of component production should not be considered in isolation from one another. Indeed, in some cases, the very process of material production may also incorporate part or all of the component production itself and, at the very least, will influence the choice of material/component production method to be employed. How ever, the developments currently taking place are to be discovered largely within the confines of specialist conferences or books each dedicated to perhaps a single element of the overall process. In this book contributors, experts drawn from both academia and the aerospace industry, have joined together to combine their individual knowledge to examine high performance aerospace materials in terms of their production, structure, properties and applications. The central interrelationships between the development of structure through the production route and between structure and the properties exhibited in the final component are considered. It is hoped that the book will be of interest to students of aeronautical engineering and of materials science, together with those working within the aerospace industry. Harvey M. Flower Imperial College 1 Design requirements for aerospace structural materials C. J. Peel and P. J. Gregson 1.