STB's Urology At A Glance

STB's Urology At A Glance PDF Author: Suraj Bhondave
ISBN: 9789390850259
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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Salient features: All the important topics in genito-urinary surgery under single roof. Student friendly language and easy to grasp. MCQ oriented bullet wise description of each chapter. Diagrams, charts and figures have been provided to make things at ease, where topic seems to be difficult. Mnemonics to remember difficult ones. TNM staging of genito- urinary organs at one go.

STB's Urology At A Glance

STB's Urology At A Glance PDF Author: Suraj Bhondave
ISBN: 9789390850259
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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Book Description
Salient features: All the important topics in genito-urinary surgery under single roof. Student friendly language and easy to grasp. MCQ oriented bullet wise description of each chapter. Diagrams, charts and figures have been provided to make things at ease, where topic seems to be difficult. Mnemonics to remember difficult ones. TNM staging of genito- urinary organs at one go.

Universal Access in Health Telematics

Universal Access in Health Telematics PDF Author: Constantine Stephanidis
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540317392
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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The Information Society is bringing about radical changes in the way people work and interact with each other and with information. In contrast to previous information processing paradigms, where the vast majority of computer-mediated tasks were business-oriented and executed by office workers using the personal computer in its various forms (i. e. , initially alphanumeric terminals and later on graphical user interfaces), the Information Society signifies a growth not only in the range and scope of the tasks, but also in the way in which they are carried out and experienced. To address the resulting dimensions of diversity, the notion of universal access is critically important. Universal access implies the accessibility and usability of Information Society technologies by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Universal access aims to enable equitable access and active participation of potentially all citizens in existing and emerging computer-mediated human activities by developing universally accessible and usable products and services, which are capable of accommodating individual user requirements in different contexts of use and independently of location, target machine, or run-time environment. In the context of the emerging Information Society, universal access becomes predominantly an issue of design, pointing to the compelling need for devising systematic and cost-effective approaches to designing systems that accommodate the requirements of the widest possible range of end-users. Recent developments have emphasized the need to consolidate progress by means of establishing a common vocabulary and a code of design practice, which addresses the specific challenges posed by universal access.

Practical Nuclear Medicine

Practical Nuclear Medicine PDF Author: Peter F. Sharp
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1846280184
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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This book is an essential guide for all practitioners. The emphasis throughout is on the practice of nuclear medicine. Primarily aimed at the radiologist, physician, physicist or technologist starting in nuclear medicine, it will also appeal to more experienced practitioners who are keen to stay up-to-date. The practical approach with tables as "recipes" for acquisition protocols means it is essential for any departmental shelf. 3rd edition expanded - now covering areas of development in nuclear medicine, such as PET and other methods of tumour imaging, data processing. All illustrations are up-to-date to reflect current standards of image quality.

Urology at a Glance

Urology at a Glance PDF Author: Axel S. Merseburger
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642548598
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Urology at a Glance is a concise, practical guide to diagnostic and therapeutic decision making. The book is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the pathway from symptom to diagnosis and covers the full range of symptoms commonly encountered by the urologist. Any particular symptom can be located within a matter of seconds and in each case differential diagnosis is explained with the aid of a flow chart. The second part of the book is devoted to the pathway from diagnosis to therapy, with each short chapter devoted to a specific diagnosis. Basic information is provided on the disease in question, along with an outline of state of the art treatment options and possible complications. Again, flow charts are used to help the reader to reach the correct therapeutic decision in different circumstances. Numerous high-definition photographs and illustrations are also included. This book will be a great asset for urologists and practitioners in related disciplines.

Microbicides for the Protection of Materials

Microbicides for the Protection of Materials PDF Author: W. Paulus
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401121184
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 503

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This book is chiefly intended for those who are using microbicides for the protection of materials. Another purpose is to inform teachers and students working on biodeterioration and to show today's technical standard to those engaged in R&D activities in the microbicide field. When trying to classify, or to subclassify, material-protecting microbicides according to their mode of action, e.g. as membrane-active and electrophilic active ingredients, it turned out that a clear assignment was not always possible. For that reason the author has resorted to chemistry's principle of classifying according to groups of substances (e.g. alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, amides, etc.), thus providing the first necessary information about the micro bicides' properties. The description of the various groups of substances includes, whenever possible, an outline of the mode and mechanism of action of the active ingredients involved. The effective use of microbicides presupposes knowledge of their character istics. That is why the microbicides' chemico-physical properties, their toxicity, ecotoxicity, effectiveness, and effective spectrum are described in greater detail. As mentioned before, the characteristics of microbicides play an important role. They have to be suited to the intended application to avoid detrimental effects on the properties and the quality of the material to be protected; also production processes in which microbicides are used to avoid disturbances by microbial action must not be disturbed by the presence of those microbicides.

Textbook of Surgery

Textbook of Surgery PDF Author: Joe Tjandra
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470757795
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 723

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Textbook of Surgery is a core book for medical and surgicalstudents providing a comprehensive overview of general andspeciality surgery. Each topic is written by an expert in thefield. The book focuses on the principles and techniques of surgicalmanagement of common diseases. Great emphasis is placed onproblem-solving to guide students and junior doctors through theirsurgical training. Throughout the book are numerous reproducible line drawings,tables and boxes that will prove invaluable for learning andrevision. In addition there are detailed guidelines provided forsurgical management. Up-to-date and ideal for medical students and junior doctors onsurgical attachments and a perfect refresher for RACS and MRCScandidates. Reviews of the last edition “The textbook presents a compact and contemporary overviewand is not so much a reference book as a working tome suitable forfamiliarization with current trends in treatment and diagnosis inthese various areas. …found this textbook very informative and a pleasure toread.” ANZ Journal of Surgery Vol. 72, No. 12.

Free Movement of Lawyers in the European Union

Free Movement of Lawyers in the European Union PDF Author: Sjoerd Joseph Franciscus Johannes Claessens
Category : Foreign workers
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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Ketamine PDF Author: David T. Yew
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040059953
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 269

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Increasing use of ketamine as a recreational drug in Asia, Europe, and America is a great burden on society at large, leading to aspirational strain, unemployment, and crime. These societal effects have led to growing interest among researchers and clinicians in ketamine's effects on various systems of the body. Ketamine: Use and Abuse reviews the


SURGERY SIXER FOR NBE PDF Author: R Rajamahendran
Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors Private Limited
ISBN: 9388725859
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 5

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Book Description
· Most preferred book of surgery for PG aspirants in 2018 · Only book on surgery for PGMEE written by leading faculty and super specialty surgeon · First book to cover sample video questions on Surgery seeing the changing trends of examinations · The complete content has been updated from the latest Editions of Bailey and Love 27/e, Sabiston's 20/e, Schwartz 10/e, Campbell-Walsh Urology 11/e, Harrison's 20/e, Blumgart's 6/e, Shackelford's 8/e and Devita 11/e · Latest updates of AJCC Cancer staging 8th Edition & ATLS 10th Edition included · All chapters are reviewed and inputs are given by the concerned super specialty consultants · Every chapter starts with One Liners which will help you learn the basic points related to the respective chapter · Several important points like—Extra-Mile, Recent Advances, Must Know, Controversy Desk and High Yield Facts are added to pay special attention while you read the text. · Highest number of illustrations are given to supplement the text for better understanding of intricate concepts · Author's Facebook Help Group Page “Surgery Sixer” to clarify all doubts of the readers.

Change by Design

Change by Design PDF Author: Tim Brown
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0061937746
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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In Change by Design, Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, the celebrated innovation and design firm, shows how the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business. Change by Design is not a book by designers for designers; this is a book for creative leaders who seek to infuse design thinking into every level of an organization, product, or service to drive new alternatives for business and society.