Socially Elected

Socially Elected PDF Author: Craig Agranoff
ISBN: 9780578092164
Category : Advertising, Political
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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The use of social media and political purposes isn't entirely new. Many argue that Thomas Paine's political tract, Common Sense, was an early example of social media in action, galvanizing people in town halls and taverns. Today, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms are being used to organize movements and amass volunteers for various campaigns at local and national levels. Facebook alone has more than 700 million active users worldwide, and surpasses even Google in page views. At the heart of the social revolution in politics today is the scale and accessibility of the technology that under-girds it. Different from the past, political campaigns, both local and national, can now propel candidates into office by banking on social media's vast infrastructure. So what part does social media play in your campaign? Do you know what's needed to win in today's election scene? Are you willing to adapt? In this book you will learn: How to use social media step-by-step to launch winning campaigns * Why social media matters * Must have social media platforms for electoral success, and * How not to ruin your campaign - The rules to winning elections have officially changed. As a candidate or campaign organizer you can either choose to embrace the new rules surrounding the ballot box or simply plan defeat. Social media is now the game changer. It's this easy to understand, your campaign can either stay ahead of the curve utilizing social tools or fall way behind it, the choice is yours.

Socially Elected

Socially Elected PDF Author: Craig Agranoff
ISBN: 9780578092164
Category : Advertising, Political
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Book Description
The use of social media and political purposes isn't entirely new. Many argue that Thomas Paine's political tract, Common Sense, was an early example of social media in action, galvanizing people in town halls and taverns. Today, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms are being used to organize movements and amass volunteers for various campaigns at local and national levels. Facebook alone has more than 700 million active users worldwide, and surpasses even Google in page views. At the heart of the social revolution in politics today is the scale and accessibility of the technology that under-girds it. Different from the past, political campaigns, both local and national, can now propel candidates into office by banking on social media's vast infrastructure. So what part does social media play in your campaign? Do you know what's needed to win in today's election scene? Are you willing to adapt? In this book you will learn: How to use social media step-by-step to launch winning campaigns * Why social media matters * Must have social media platforms for electoral success, and * How not to ruin your campaign - The rules to winning elections have officially changed. As a candidate or campaign organizer you can either choose to embrace the new rules surrounding the ballot box or simply plan defeat. Social media is now the game changer. It's this easy to understand, your campaign can either stay ahead of the curve utilizing social tools or fall way behind it, the choice is yours.


We PDF Author: Ronald Aronson
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 022633483X
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 215

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The election of Donald Trump has exposed American society’s profound crisis of hope. By 2016 a generation of shrinking employment, rising inequality, the attack on public education, and the shredding of the social safety net, had set the stage for stunning insurgencies at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Against this dire background, Ronald Aronson offers an answer. He argues for a unique conception of social hope, one with the power for understanding and acting upon the present situation. Hope, he argues, is far more than a mood or feeling—it is the very basis of social will and political action. It is this kind of hope that Aronson sees brewing in the supporters of Bernie Sanders, who advocated the tough-minded and inspired disposition to act collectively to make the world more equal, more democratic, more peaceful, and more just. And it was directly contrasted by Trump’s supporters who showed a cynical and nostalgic faith in an authoritarian strongman replete with bigotry and misogyny. Beneath today’s crisis Aronson examines our heartbreaking story: a century of catastrophic violence and the bewildering ambiguity of progress—all of which have contributed to the evaporation of social hope. As he shows, we are now in a time when hope is increasingly privatized, when—despite all the ways we are connected to each other—we are desperately alone, struggling to weather the maelstrom around us, demoralized by the cynicism that permeates our culture and politics, and burdened with finding personal solutions to social problems. Yet, Aronson argues, even at a time when false hopes are rife, social hope still persists. Carefully exploring what we mean when we say we “hope” and teasing hope apart from its dangerously misconstrued sibling, “progress,” he locates seeds of real change. He argues that always underlying our experience—even if we completely ignore it—is the fact of our social belonging, and that this can be reactivated into a powerful collective force, an active we. He looks to various political movements, from the massive collective force of environmentalists to the movements around Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, as powerful examples of socially energized, politically determined, and actionably engaged forms of hope. Even in this age of Donald Trump, the result is an illuminating and inspiring call that anyone can clearly hear: we can still create a better future for everyone, but only if we resist false hopes and act together.

The Big Connect

The Big Connect PDF Author: Shaili Chopra
Publisher: Random House India
ISBN: 818400608X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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Are digital means of communication better than traditional bhaashans and processions? Will a social media revolution coerce armchair opinion makers to head to poll booths? Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are changing the way the denizens of the world, and more specifically youth of this country, communicate and connect. In The Big Connect, Shaili Chopra traces the advent of social media in India and how politics and lobbying has now shifted to the virtual floor. She argues that though a post, a pin, or a tweet may not translate into a vote, it can definitely influence it. With comparisons to the Obama campaign of 2008 and 2012 and analysis of the social media campaigns of political bigwigs like Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, and Arvind Kejriwal—the book discusses the role of a digital community in Indian politics.

Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare

Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare PDF Author: Kenneth J. Arrow
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080929826
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 985

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This second part of a two-volume set continues to describe economists' efforts to quantify the social decisions people necessarily make and the philosophies that those choices define. Contributors draw on lessons from philosophy, history, and other disciplines, but they ultimately use editor Kenneth Arrow's seminal work on social choice as a jumping-off point for discussing ways to incentivize, punish, and distribute goods. - Develops many subjects from Volume 1 (2002) while introducing new themes in welfare economics and social choice theory - Features four sections: Foundations, Developments of the Basic Arrovian Schemes, Fairness and Rights, and Voting and Manipulation - Appeals to readers who seek introductions to writings on human well-being and collective decision-making - Presents a spectrum of material, from initial insights and basic functions to important variations on basic schemes

The People's Choice

The People's Choice PDF Author: Paul Felix Lazarsfeld
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Pakistan: a Legacy of the Indian Khilafat Movement

Pakistan: a Legacy of the Indian Khilafat Movement PDF Author: Husein Khimjee
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 1491702087
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 223

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This book is an interesting study of the Khilafat (Caliphate) movement in early twentieth century India. The abolition of the caliphate institution in Turkey provided food for thought to the Muslim elite in India. They saw it was possible to theologically explore and evolve the caliphate institution from a one man caliph-emperor to a socially elected caliphate state, from an individual caliph to the concept of an Islamic state. After tracing the earlier view of the Caliphate, this study looks at the Karbalas `Ashura tragedy, an event religious scholars and Indian politicians effectively used to galvanize Muslims into demanding from the British government and the Indian National Congress a separate Islamic country they would call it Pakistan. This book is an invaluable source not only for university students of history but also for theologians, politicians, sociologists, general readers and also those interested in the last days of the British empire in India.

The entangled city

The entangled city PDF Author: Gabriel Feltran
Publisher: Manchester University Press
ISBN: 1526138255
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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This book tells the story of the ‘world of crime’ in São Paulo. In so doing, it presents a new framework to understand urban conflict in many other contexts.

Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering PDF Author: Shi Kuo Chang
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9812389717
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 939

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Book Description
This is the first handbook to cover comprehensively both software engineering and knowledge engineering OCo two important fields that have become interwoven in recent years. Over 60 international experts have contributed to the book. Each chapter has been written in such a way that a practitioner of software engineering and knowledge engineering can easily understand and obtain useful information. Each chapter covers one topic and can be read independently of other chapters, providing both a general survey of the topic and an in-depth exposition of the state of the art. Practitioners will find this handbook useful when looking for solutions to practical problems. Researchers can use it for quick access to the background, current trends and most important references regarding a certain topic. The handbook consists of two volumes. Volume One covers the basic principles and applications of software engineering and knowledge engineering. Volume Two will cover the basic principles and applications of visual and multimedia software engineering, knowledge engineering, data mining for software knowledge, and emerging topics in software engineering and knowledge engineering. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1.1: Introduction (97k). Chapter 1.2: Theoretical Language Research (97k). Chapter 1.3: Experimental Science (96k). Chapter 1.4: Evolutionary Versus Revolutionary (108k). Chapter 1.5: Concurrency and Parallelisms (232k). Chapter 1.6: Summary (123k). Contents: Computer Language Advances (D E Cooke et al.); Software Maintenance (G Canfora & A Cimitile); Requirements Engineering (A T Berztiss); Software Engineering Standards: Review and Perspectives (Y-X Wang); A Large Scale Neural Network and Its Applications (D Graupe & H Kordylewski); Software Configuration Management in Software and Hypermedia Engineering: A Survey (L Bendix et al.); The Knowledge Modeling Paradigm in Knowledge Engineering (E Motta); Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Issues in Bioinformatics (J T L Wang et al.); Conceptual Modeling in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Concepts, Techniques and Trends (O Dieste et al.); Rationale Management in Software Engineering (A H Dutoit & B Paech); Exploring Ontologies (Y Kalfoglou), and other papers. Readership: Graduate students, researchers, programmers, managers and academics in software engineering and knowledge engineering."

A Place for Faith

A Place for Faith PDF Author: Gary Clifford Gibson
ISBN: 1411608291
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 132

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'A Place for Faith' is a collection of Christian and philosophical poetry of Garrison Clifford Gibson written between 1977 and 2004.

Handbook Of Software Engineering And Knowledge Engineering, Vol 1: Fundamentals

Handbook Of Software Engineering And Knowledge Engineering, Vol 1: Fundamentals PDF Author: Shi-kuo Chang
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814491772
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 939

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Book Description
This is the first handbook to cover comprehensively both software engineering and knowledge engineering - two important fields that have become interwoven in recent years. Over 60 international experts have contributed to the book. Each chapter has been written in such a way that a practitioner of software engineering and knowledge engineering can easily understand and obtain useful information. Each chapter covers one topic and can be read independently of other chapters, providing both a general survey of the topic and an in-depth exposition of the state of the art. Practitioners will find this handbook useful when looking for solutions to practical problems. Researchers can use it for quick access to the background, current trends and most important references regarding a certain topic.The handbook consists of two volumes. Volume One covers the basic principles and applications of software engineering and knowledge engineering.Volume Two will cover the basic principles and applications of visual and multimedia software engineering, knowledge engineering, data mining for software knowledge, and emerging topics in software engineering and knowledge engineering.