Short Story Press Presents One Shot Romance

Short Story Press Presents One Shot Romance PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913261
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 27

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Short Story Press Presents One Shot Romance by Cody Weinmann Dean Petro has gotten out of a long, hard break with his long-time band, The Golden Kings. After trying to come to terms with a new record deal, he literally runs into his future girlfriend and muse as she leaves a restaurant near the Hollywood Bowl. The Golden Kings, a group of musicians thought to be the greatest since Coldplay, has a distinct reputation for practically disowning their bass player on stage. Dean, following Tony's short bass tenure for the group, has gotten tired of being taken advantage of. After almost going crazy over his decision and literally falling over his new love, he tells new producer Mr. Wisely that he will stop his contract with the old group and form a duo with his girlfriend Destiny and share a life of romance and music together. Destiny responds by giving Dean hugs and kisses and a great breakfast to get his day off to a great start. He then accepts Mr. Wisely's contract as the songs for his long-awaited first album flow through him non-stop. His efforts, combined with that of his larger-than-life, angel-singing girlfriend, make the first real love dialogue music album since John and Yoko's Double Fantasy release. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Love's Silver Lining

Short Story Press Presents Love's Silver Lining PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913768
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 29

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Short Story Press Presents Love's Silver Lining by Jordan Lane Sometimes it is so easy to fall into a routine that you never notice when you are becoming a part of the woodwork. When that change does come, we can either embrace it or discard it. However if we are brave enough to embrace it, we might discover that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Or in Delancy Smith’s case, she discovered that to every dark cloud, there is a Silver Lining. The story is characterized by: • Imagination • Laughter • Sincerity • Wonder and • Hope This short story will surely bring warmth to your heart and a smile to your face. It also reminds us that dreaming is not only for dreamers, and that anything is possible if you are willing to believe it Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Soap Opera Love

Short Story Press Presents Soap Opera Love PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913865
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 25

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Short Story Press Presents Soap Opera Love by Dominique LeSane Felice Middleton is a soap opera addict. She has loved watching As The Wind Blows with her grandmother as a child, and as an adult, she still never misses an episode. When Felice finds out her favorite As The Wind Blows soap star Derrick David Scott is in her hometown of Baltimore, Maryland for a book signing, Felice knows she must attend. Derrick has penned the new book Love & Romance: A Man’s Guide to Dating and it seems that he is the romance guru, until Felice finds out that he is not as savvy at dating as he would like to be. Through a chance encounter with Derrick, Felice is challenged to write her own book to talk about what women want in romance and love. Her interest is piqued and she’s up for the challenge, and with Derrick being her writing partner, could love be in the cards for Derrick and Felice? Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents A Sworded Love Affair

Short Story Press Presents A Sworded Love Affair PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648914195
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Short Story Press Presents A Sworded Love Affair by Christine Tanner A Sworded Love Affair, is the story of a young woman who is looking for a good guy and a new hobby. She takes up the sport of fencing and finds that her coach and instructor is the man who she's been hoping to find for years. He is nice, good looking, smart and witty. Their first lesson lasts for hours instead of just an hour. He cooks her a meal and they chat, even meet up the next day for a second lesson. It is that day where she takes a chance on love and asks him out. Read and meet Sierra and see how she finds John, her instructor for fencing and how their love affair seems so simple to find. It is really a wonderful adventure in finding love in the oddest places. With a lovely ending that will make you warm and fuzzy inside. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents The Heart Knows What It Wants

Short Story Press Presents The Heart Knows What It Wants PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913075
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 54

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Can you find love in the arms someone who is hiding an important part of their past? When everything seems to be going as planned, how do you handle a shadowed past that threatens your happiness? This story brings to light how our past transgressions can either tear us apart or bring us closer together. • Realizing that the past is a part of who we are, but doesn’t define us • Life is too short to let past Wrongdoings take hold of our hearts • Believing in your heart that something is real and not looking for it in the reassurance of others • Love is worth fighting for, both emotionally and physically • History doesn’t always repeat itself, especially when it comes to finding love in the arms of someone different About the Writer Summer Anderson is a mother, wife, animal advocate, writer and long-time lover of the game of golf. Her passion lies in writing from the heart, and on topics that are most important to the Millennial generation along with the occasional fictional love story. She hopes to impact those through her writing and advice on marketing and social media communication. Summer is married to her wonderful husband, Bob, and they have two lively kiddos – Heath and Autumn. When not enjoying a family game night, Summer can be found on the golf courses of Pennsylvania, enjoying a good of cup of coffee or hanging out with her pets. Professionally, Summer has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts from Allegheny College in Meadville and a Master of Arts in Marketing from Edinboro University. She currently works as an administrative assistant, and in her spare time, she freelances in writing, graphic design and website creation. Summer currently has two published works on Amazon, one fictional piece and one non-fiction on what it means to be a working mom in the 21st Century. She hopes that her stories will inspire others to write or to pursue their love of a good story that has yet to be written. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents One Winter Moment

Short Story Press Presents One Winter Moment PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913962
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 46

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Short Story Press Presents One Winter Moment by Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén "One Winter Moment," is an intriguingly original coming-of-age story, a delicate romance that delves beneath the surface to explore our various family dynamics and the ways in which they shape us, influence us, and make us who we are. Romance, passion, family, and cultures collide when twenty-year-old college student Giorgio Meducci finds himself faced with the decision of a lifetime. Torn between beautiful Meghan Elliot, the girl of his dreams, and his fear of disappointing the close-knit Italian family he adores, Giorgio has an age-old dilemma all of us have grappled with at one time or another: is it more important to follow his family or to follow his heart? If he follows his family and leaves Meghan for the "ideal Italian girl," whomever that may be, he knows he will regret the decision for the rest of his life. If, however, he follows his heart and stays with Meghan, he will inevitably be forced to confront the reality of having ashamed his family and once again being upstaged by his older brother and younger sister, both of whom can do no wrong in the eyes of their parents. To complicate the matter, Meghan is growing weary of Giorgio's secrecy where their relationship is concerned. She demands that Giorgio make up his mind, one way or the other, by New Year's Day. January first is fast approaching, and Giorgio is in a panic. It does not help matters that his brother Claudio, Claudio's perfect Italian wife, and their two beautiful little girls are staying with the Meduccis over the holidays, or that Claudio delights in teasing Giorgio about his own future Italian wife. Giorgio is tired of his lies, his deceit, his sneaking around. He wants to date Meghan openly, while at the same time he deeply desires to be a source of pride for his mother and father. It appears at this time that he cannot have both, and the reality of it breaks his heart. How he live with only half of a heart? Moreover, more importantly, what will he decide when the clock strikes twelve on New Year's Day? Inspired by a real-life teenage romance of her own in which she found herself in a less dramatic variation of Meghan Elliot's situation, Voss-Guillén has decided to write from the opposite point of view, imagining the dilemma that an individual such as Giorgio Meducci is forced to confront. Although Giorgio's situation may be unique to his character, the feelings with which he grapples are familiar to us all. Writing "One Winter Moment" was a learning experience for the author, enabling her to sympathize with both of the viewpoints between which Giorgio oscillates, and to gain appreciation for the strong cultural pride of a family such as the Meduccis. In addition to "One Winter Moment," Voss-Guillén is the author of the three-book middle-reader Tori Series (Just Tori, Tori and the New Girl, and Tori's Wish), published by Price World Publishing and available online through a variety of booksellers, as well as numerous other short stories and novellas for young adults and children. Voss-Guillén is a freelance writer/editor and ghostwriter living in Wheaton, Illinois. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Seven Roads To Love

Short Story Press Presents Seven Roads To Love PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913717
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 25

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Short Story Press Presents Seven Roads To Love by Christine Tanner “Seven Roads to Love” is a story that is close to Christine’s heart. It is actually the true story of how her and her soon-to-be husband met. Not only are the feelings real; but the events happened as stated in the writing. It was a feeling of almost true love when she met this man and, oftentimes, they still wonder how they really ever got together. Everything happened so quickly; but the fact of the matter is that through everything they have done, it always seems like they have known each other for years. He does have a cat named ‘Seven’ and the idea for the title was when Christine was looking at the cat who was trying to get her attention. She’s a real sweet cat; but the fact that the number happened to be the same amount of relationships she had tried previously made it a must for a title. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents On The Way To New York

Short Story Press Presents On The Way To New York PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913555
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 30

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Short Story Press Presents On The Way To New York by Tara Mitchell "On The Way to New York" is the story of a workplace romance that takes more than seven years to develop. Ella is an ambitious, advertising executive vying for a promotion to an office in New York City, effectively escaping Cleveland, Ohio. Only one man stands in the way of her realizing her dreams. Cameron, also ambitious to make it in New York City, is the immature competition Ella must surpass to earn the promotion. With the help of her wily assistant Marie, Ella is able to land a meeting with a representative of an extremely large account for her firm. Success with this potential client could make her career and secure her promotion to New York. Cameron, a habitual jokester and charmer, weasels his way into Ella's big meeting. He claims he only wants to help her, but she finds that hard to believe. Out of the blue, Ella and Cameron click in a way they never anticipated. A building attraction and mutual respect is found to exist and the sky is their limit. After landing the firm's largest single account they are offered the opportunities of their lifetimes. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Love Shackles

Short Story Press Presents Love Shackles PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913164
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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Short Story Press Preents Love Shackles by Walter Price One of the most miserable and lonely places in the world is in a prison cell. The reason not being because you are locked away in a space the size of closet, away from society but because you have so much time to think. In the outside world you have resources to help make decisions and can move around to see for yourself when making choices. Being locked away physically also has the upmost mental effect on even a stable mind. One of the hardest decisions is figuring out exactly what path you will take once released from prison. This is vital because essentially the release the release date is the first day of the rest of your new life. The main character must make this decision but has to use his heart to guide him. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Love Doesn't Exist

Short Story Press Presents Love Doesn't Exist PDF Author: Short Story Press
Publisher: Short Story Press
ISBN: 1648913202
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Short Story Press Presents Love Doesn't Exist by Aivan Antonio If you are a person who see failing not as a negative thing but a learning experience, this story will resonate with you. “Love Doesn’t Exist” is a story about an 18-year old boy named Bruno who experiences a lot of embarrassment and faces a lot of his internal demons only to achieve one of life’s greatest joys – searching for that eternal love. After suffering from a devastating rejection from Maria, Bruno decides to do whatever it takes to find the girl of his dreams. He found a book that he believes will cure his awkwardness with girls. Discovering the book gave Bruno the urge and confidence to interact with women. He approaches girls in his school. He approaches girls in his community. He approaches girls in whatever place he could think of but every encountered failed. Being an amateur in meeting women, he fails miserably. But all hope is not gone. He is a young man full of determination that even a mountain blocks his way, he will make a hole through it only to achieve his goal in life. Each rejection Bruno faces, gives him a little knowledge in achieving his goal. Do you think he will finally find his true love? Let’s see and find out. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.