Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds

Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds PDF Author: Carolyn Pickel
Category : Almond
Languages : en
Pages : 8

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Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds

Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds PDF Author: Carolyn Pickel
Category : Almond
Languages : en
Pages : 8

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Agricultural Acarology

Agricultural Acarology PDF Author: Marjorie A. Hoy
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439817510
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 433

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Written by a globally prominent entomologist, Agricultural Acarology: Introduction to Integrated Mite Management provides tools for developing integrated mite management programs for agriculture, including management of plant-feeding mites, mites attacking bees and livestock, and stored products. Emphasizing the biology, ecology, behavior, and diverse methods of controlling mites, this book provides an overview of the management of agriculturally important mites using all available Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools, including biological control, cultural practices, host-plant resistance, and pesticides. Agricultural Acarology prepares agricultural managers to identify, manage, and contribute to the field of integrated mite management. An accompanying CD-ROM contains numerous color photographs of mites and the damage they cause, and PDFs of key publications.

Agroecology in Action

Agroecology in Action PDF Author: Keith Warner
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262731800
Category : Agricultural ecology
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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Detailed case studies of agrecological initiatives show how growers, scientists, agricultural organizations, and public agencies can form partnerships to develop innovative, ecologically based techniques for reducing reliance on agrochemicals.

ESA Newsletter

ESA Newsletter PDF Author:
Category : Entomology
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Folleto PDF Author:
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture PDF Author:
Category : Sustainable agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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Integrated Pest Management for Almonds, 2nd Edition

Integrated Pest Management for Almonds, 2nd Edition PDF Author: Mary Louise Flint
Publisher: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
ISBN: 9781879906525
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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Book Description
Our best-selling guide for almonds covers 120 different pest problems including diseases, insects and mites, nematodes, vertebrate pests, and weeds; including 10 new insect pests and diseases including anthracnose, Alternaria leaf blight, rust, tenlined June beetle, and leafhoppers. New in the second edition you'll find: An extensively revised chapter on vertebrate pest management which adds recommendations for control techniques where endangered species occur. A revised and expanded chapter on vegetation management including detailed information on cover crops. A revised section on navel orangeworm, emphasizing cultural control techniques instead of insecticides. A revised section on peach twig borer includes discussions of bloomtime sprays with Bacillus thuringiensis and pheromone mating disruption. Revised and updated tables on susceptibility of rootstocks and scion cultivars to major pests and a detailed index. This indispensable reference is illustrated with 259 photos, including 33 new color photos, along with 69 line drawings and tables.

Almond Production Manual

Almond Production Manual PDF Author: Warren C. Micke
Publisher: UCANR Publications
ISBN: 9781879906228
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Provides information on all stages of almond production, from planting and developing new orchards to managing bearing orchards and harvesting and handling the crop. Written by more than 50 UC experts, the manual's information is practical and suited to field application. More than 80 color photos.

Apply Pesticides Correctly

Apply Pesticides Correctly PDF Author: United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Pesticides Programs
Category : Pesticides
Languages : en
Pages : 16

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Diseases of Trees and Shrubs

Diseases of Trees and Shrubs PDF Author: Wayne A. Sinclair
Publisher: Ithaca, N.Y. : Comstock Pub. Associates
Category : Gardening
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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Book Description
Diseases of Trees and Shrubs is a comprehensive pictorial survey of the diseases of, as well as the environmental damage to, forest and shade trees and woody ornamental plants in the United States and Canada. An authoritative reference, it is also a reliable and handy diagnostic tool that will simplify the identification of specific plant diseases by focusing on signs and symptoms that can be seen with the unaided eye or with a hand lens. This long-needed book gives readers complete, up-to-date information in an easily understood and convenient way. Each of the 247 color plates faces a page of explanatory text covering the biology and ecology (including host and geographic ranges) of the disease-causing agents (pathogens), a list of key references (there are more than 2,250), and, in some cases, black-and-white illustrations of pathogens. Selected information about biological and cultural control is provided. Scientific terms other than Latin names of pathogens are used only when necessary, and a glossary of terms and a comprehensive index are included. The color plates contain more than 1,700 illustrations of the diseases and injuries that some 350 biological agents and environmental factors cause to more than 250 species of plants. The book also serves as a guide to hundreds of other diseases related to those shown. The authors have used three levels of organization for this book. At the first level, diseases caused by biological agents are separated from those caused by environmental stimuli. At the second level, most diseases are grouped according to the plant part affected: leaves, twigs, limbs, roots, trunks, or the entire plant. At the third level, diseases are presented according to the taxonomic relationships among the pathogens. For this major project, the authors examined and photographed diseases and environmental damage in the field, visiting more than 50 states and Canadian provinces. Their book reflects the most important developments in fungal biology and taxonomy, plant bacteriology, virology, and environmentally induced stress in plants. It summarizes information about newly discovered diseases and provides up-to-date accounts of olds ones. Diseases of Trees and Shrubs can be profitable reading for anyone whose technical training does not extend beyond general biology, yet will also be informative to advanced students and plant pathologists. It will be welcomed by agricultural and horticultural advisers, plant inspectors, arborists, nursery professionals, landscapers, foresters, and urban planners. Wayne A. Sinclair is a Professor of Plant Pathology, Howard H. Lyon is Biological Photographer (retired), Department of Plant Pathology, and Warren T. Johnson is Professor of Entomology, all at Cornell University.