Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy

Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy PDF Author: Victor V. Ramraj
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107014670
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 703

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Book Description
This international work provides information on and analysis of anti-terrorism law and policy by top experts in the field.

Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy

Global Anti-Terrorism Law and Policy PDF Author: Victor V. Ramraj
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107014670
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 703

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Book Description
This international work provides information on and analysis of anti-terrorism law and policy by top experts in the field.

Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State

Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State PDF Author: Blackbourn, Jessie
Publisher: Bristol University Press
ISBN: 1529206235
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Book Description
Counter-terrorism is now a permanent and sprawling part of the legislative and operational apparatus of the state, yet little is known about the law and practice of how it is reviewed, how effective the review mechanisms are, what impact they have or how they interact with one another. This book addresses that gap in knowledge by presenting the first comprehensive, critical analysis of counter-terrorism review in the United Kingdom, informed by exclusive interviews with policy makers, politicians, practitioners and civil society.

Counter-Terrorism, Human Rights and the Rule of Law

Counter-Terrorism, Human Rights and the Rule of Law PDF Author: Aniceto Masferrer
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 178195447X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Book Description
ŠA deep and thoughtful exploration of counter-terrorism written by leading commentators from around the globe. This book poses critical questions about the definition of terrorism, the role of human rights and the push by many governments for more secu

Review of counter-terrorism and security powers

Review of counter-terrorism and security powers PDF Author: Great Britain: Home Office
Publisher: The Stationery Office
ISBN: 9780101800624
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Book Description
Related publications are: Review findings and recommendations (Cm. 8004, ISBN 9780101800426), a report by Lord Macdonald of River Glaven (Cm. 8003, ISBN 9780101800327) and a summary of responses to the consultation (Cm. 8005, ISBN 9780101800525)

The Cost of Counterterrorism

The Cost of Counterterrorism PDF Author: Laura K. Donohue
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139469576
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 512

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Book Description
In the aftermath of a terrorist attack political stakes are high: legislators fear being seen as lenient or indifferent and often grant the executive broader authorities without thorough debate. The judiciary's role, too, is restricted: constitutional structure and cultural norms narrow the courts' ability to check the executive at all but the margins. The dominant 'Security or Freedom' framework for evaluating counterterrorist law thus fails to capture an important characteristic: increased executive power that shifts the balance between branches of government. This book re-calculates the cost of counterterrorist law to the United Kingdom and the United States, arguing that the damage caused is significantly greater than first appears. Donohue warns that the proliferation of biological and nuclear materials, together with willingness on the part of extremists to sacrifice themselves, may drive each country to take increasingly drastic measures with a resultant shift in the basic structure of both states.

Illusions of Terrorism and Counter-terrorism

Illusions of Terrorism and Counter-terrorism PDF Author: Richard English
Publisher: Proceedings of the British Aca
ISBN: 9780197265901
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
"Some of the arguments published in this volume were first adumbrated at a joint British Academy/University of St Andrews Symposium ('9/11: Ten Years On') held in London on 2 September 2011."--Page ix.

A Question Of Trust

A Question Of Trust PDF Author: David Anderson
ISBN: 1326305344
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Book Description
[This convenience copy of the official report by the UK Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, made available under OGLv3 on a cost-only basis] Modern communications networks can be used by the unscrupulous for purposes ranging from cyber-attack, terrorism and espionage to fraud, kidnap and child sexual exploitation. A successful response to these threats depends on entrusting public bodies with the powers they need to identify and follow suspects in a borderless online world. But trust requires verification. Each intrusive power must be shown to be necessary, clearly spelled out in law, limited in accordance with international human rights standards and subject to demanding and visible safeguards. The current law is fragmented, obscure, under constant challenge and variable in the protections that it affords the innocent. It is time for a clean slate. This Report aims to help Parliament achieve a world-class framework for the regulation of these strong and vital powers.

Review of counter-terrorism and security powers

Review of counter-terrorism and security powers PDF Author: Great Britain: Home Office
Publisher: The Stationery Office
ISBN: 9780101800426
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 48

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Book Description
The review considered six key counter-terrorism and security powers: (1) the detention of terrorist suspects before charge; (2) section 44 stop and search powers and the use of terrorism legislation in relation to photography; (3) the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) by local authorities and access to communications data more generally; (4) measures to deal with organisations that promote hatred or violence; (5) extending the use of 'Deportation with Assurances' in a manner that is consistent with our legal and human rights obligations; (6) control orders (including alternatives). The review concludes that some counter-terrorism and security powers are neither proportionate nor necessary. The key findings are: (i) a return to 14 days as the standard maximum pre-charge detention period; (ii) an end to the indiscriminate use of stop and search powers under section 44; (iii) the end to the use of the most intrusive RIPA powers by local authorities to investigate low level offences and applications by authorities to use RIPA techniques need a magistrate's approval; (iv) a commitment to rationalise the legal bases by which communications data can be acquired; (v) a stronger effort to deport foreign nationals involved in terrorist activities in this country fully respecting our human rights obligations; (vi) the end of control orders and their replacement with a fairer and more focused regime. Additional resources will be provided to the police and security agencies to ensure the new measures are effective not only in protecting the public but in facilitating prosecution.

Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law

Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law PDF Author: Kent Roach
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107057078
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 839

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This book provides a systematic overview of counter-terrorism laws in twenty-two jurisdictions representing the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia.

Prevent strategy

Prevent strategy PDF Author: Great Britain: Home Office
Publisher: The Stationery Office
ISBN: 9780101809221
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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Book Description
The Prevent strategy, launched in 2007 seeks to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism both in the UK and overseas. It is the preventative strand of the government's counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. Over the past few years Prevent has not been fully effective and it needs to change. This review evaluates work to date and sets out how Prevent will be implemented in the future. Specifically Prevent will aim to: respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it; prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support; and work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalization which need to be addressed