Research and Development Toward a 4.5-1.5[Angstrom] Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC.

Research and Development Toward a 4.5-1.5[Angstrom] Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC. PDF Author:
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In recent years significant studies have been initiated on the feasibility of utilizing a portion of the 3km S-band accelerator at SLAC to drive a short wavelength (4.5-1.5 A) Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a Free Electron Laser (FEL) operating in the Self- Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) regime. Electron beam requirements for single-pass saturation in a minimal time include: (1) a peak current in the 7 kA range, (2) a relative energy spread of[lt]0.05%, and (3) a transverse emittance, [epsilon][r-m], approximating the diffraction limit condition[epsilon]=[lambda] / 4[pi], where lambda(m) is the output wavelength. Requirements on the insertion device include field error levels of 0.02% for keeping the electron bunch centered on and in phase with the amplified photons, and a focusing beta of 8 m/rad for inhibiting the dilution of its transverse density. Although much progress has been made in developing individual components and beam processing techniques necessary for LCLS operation down to approx. 20 A, a substantial amount of research and development is still required in a number of theoretical and experimental areas leading to the construction and operation of a 4.5-1.5 A LCLS. In this paper we report on a research and development program underway and in planning at SLAC for addressing critical questions in these areas.

Research and Development Toward a 4.5-1.5[Angstrom] Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC.

Research and Development Toward a 4.5-1.5[Angstrom] Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC. PDF Author:
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In recent years significant studies have been initiated on the feasibility of utilizing a portion of the 3km S-band accelerator at SLAC to drive a short wavelength (4.5-1.5 A) Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a Free Electron Laser (FEL) operating in the Self- Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) regime. Electron beam requirements for single-pass saturation in a minimal time include: (1) a peak current in the 7 kA range, (2) a relative energy spread of[lt]0.05%, and (3) a transverse emittance, [epsilon][r-m], approximating the diffraction limit condition[epsilon]=[lambda] / 4[pi], where lambda(m) is the output wavelength. Requirements on the insertion device include field error levels of 0.02% for keeping the electron bunch centered on and in phase with the amplified photons, and a focusing beta of 8 m/rad for inhibiting the dilution of its transverse density. Although much progress has been made in developing individual components and beam processing techniques necessary for LCLS operation down to approx. 20 A, a substantial amount of research and development is still required in a number of theoretical and experimental areas leading to the construction and operation of a 4.5-1.5 A LCLS. In this paper we report on a research and development program underway and in planning at SLAC for addressing critical questions in these areas.

Research and Development Toward a 4.5-1.5 Å Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC.

Research and Development Toward a 4.5-1.5 Å Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC. PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 29

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In recent years significant studies have been initiated on the feasibility of utilizing a portion of the 3km S-band accelerator at SLAC to drive a short wavelength (4.5-1.5 A) Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a Free Electron Laser (FEL) operating in the Self- Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) regime. Electron beam requirements for single-pass saturation in a minimal time include: (1) a peak current in the 7 kA range, (2) a relative energy spread of>0.05%, and (3) a transverse emittance, [epsilon][r-m], approximating the diffraction limit condition [epsilon] = [lambda] / 4[pi], where lambda(m) is the output wavelength. Requirements on the insertion device include field error levels of 0.02% for keeping the electron bunch centered on and in phase with the amplified photons, and a focusing beta of 8 m/rad for inhibiting the dilution of its transverse density. Although much progress has been made in developing individual components and beam processing techniques necessary for LCLS operation down to approx. 20 A, a substantial amount of research and development is still required in a number of theoretical and experimental areas leading to the construction and operation of a 4.5-1.5 A LCLS. In this paper we report on a research and development program underway and in planning at SLAC for addressing critical questions in these areas.

Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Design Study Report

Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Design Study Report PDF Author:
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Pages : 5

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The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, in collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the University of California at Los Angeles, is proposing to build a Free-Electron-Laser (FEL) R and D facility operating in the wavelength range 1.5-15 Å. This FEL, called the ''Linac Coherent Light Source'' (LCLS), utilizes the SLAC linac and produces sub-picosecond pulses of short wavelength x-rays with very high peak brightness and full transverse coherence. Starting in FY 1998, the first two-thirds of the SLAC linac will be used for injection into the B factory. This leaves the last one-third free for acceleration to 15 GeV. The LCLS takes advantage of this opportunity, opening the way for the next generation of synchrotron light sources with largely proven technology and cost effective methods. This proposal is consistent with the recommendations of the Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (Synchrotron Radiation Light Source Working Group, October 18-19, 1997). The report recognizes that ''fourth-generation x-ray sources ... will in all likelihood be based on the free electron laser concepts. If successful, this technology could yield improvements in brightness by many orders of magnitude.'' This Design Study, the authors believe, confirms the feasibility of constructing an x-ray FEL based on the SLAC linac. Although this design is based on a consistent and feasible set of parameters, some components require more research and development to guarantee the performance. Given appropriate funding, this R and D phase can be completed in 2 years.

Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Conceptual Design Report

Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Conceptual Design Report PDF Author:
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The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the University of California at Los Angeles, have collaborated to create a conceptual design for a Free-Electron-Laser (FEL) R & D facility operating in the wavelength range 1.5-15 Å. This FEL, called the ''Linac Coherent Light Source'' (LCLS), utilizes the SLAC linac and produces sub-picosecond pulses of short wavelength x-rays with very high peak brightness and full transverse coherence. The first two-thirds of the SLAC linac are used for injection into the PEP-II storage rings. The last one-third will be converted to a source of electrons for the LCLS. The electrons will be transported to the SLAC Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) Facility, which will be extended to house a 122-m undulator system. In passing through the undulators, the electrons will be bunched by the force of their own synchrotron radiation to produce an intense, spatially coherent beam of x-rays, tunable in energy from 0.8 keV to 8 keV. The LCLS will include two experiment halls as well as x-ray optics and infrastructure necessary to make use of this x-ray beam for research in a variety of disciplines such as atomic physics, materials science, plasma physics and biosciences. This Conceptual Design Report, the authors believe, confirms the feasibility of constructing an x-ray FEL based on the SLAC linac.

Issues and R & D Critical to the LCLS.

Issues and R & D Critical to the LCLS. PDF Author:
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The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) [LCLS Design Study Report, SLAC-R-521, (1998)] is a high brightness x-ray free-electron laser project based on the SLAC linac. A new photocathode rf gun serves as injector for the last kilometer of the linac, which is fitted with two-stages of bunch compression. Acceleration to 15-GeV produces intense 1.5-Å coherent radiation by self-amplified spontaneous emission in a long undulator. A multi-laboratory project collaboration is addressing the most challenging issues [H.-D. Nuhn, 22nd Intl. FEL Conf., Aug. 2000, Durham, NC], including: (1) feasibility of a stable injector with normalized emittance of 1 mm at 1 nC; (2) emittance control in the linac including effects of coherent synchrotron radiation in the bunch compressors; (3) stability of the final electron beam in the presence of charge, timing, and energy variations; (4) design, construction and alignment of a long planar undulator with 3-cm period and discrete periodic focusing lattice; (5) understanding and control of wakefields due to wall surface roughness in the undulator vacuum chamber; (6) radiation-matter interactions in the strong field regime with mirror and crystal optics for filtering and deflecting. These issues, and a project update, are presented.

Radiation Safety Aspects of the Linac Coherent Light Source Project At SLAC.

Radiation Safety Aspects of the Linac Coherent Light Source Project At SLAC. PDF Author: A. Fasso
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Languages : en
Pages : 18

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The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is a Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission based Free Electron Laser (FEL) that is being designed and built at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) by a multilaboratory collaboration. This facility will provide ultra-short pulses of coherent x-ray radiation with the fundamental harmonic energy tunable over the energy range of 0.82 to 8.2 keV. One-third of the existing SLAC LINAC will compress and accelerate the electron beam to energies ranging from 4.5 GeV to 14.35 GeV. The beam will then be transported through a 130-meter long undulator, emit FEL and spontaneous radiation. After passing through the undulator, the electron beam is bent to the main electron dump. The LCLS will have two experiment halls as well as x-ray optics and infrastructure necessary to make use of the FEL for research and development in a variety of scientific fields. The facility design will incorporate features that would make it possible to expand in future such that up to 6 independent undulators can be used. While some of the radiation protection issues for the LCLS are similar to those encountered at both high-energy electron linacs and synchrotron radiation facilities, LCLS poses new challenges as well. Some of these new issues include: the length of the facility and of the undulator, the experimental floor in line with the electron beam and the occupancy near zero degrees, and the very high instantaneous intensity of the FEL. The shielding design criteria, methodology, and results from Monte Carlo and analytical calculations are presented.

The Linac Coherent Light Source Project at SLAC.

The Linac Coherent Light Source Project at SLAC. PDF Author:
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The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is an x-ray free-electron laser project presently under construction at SLAC. A 14-GeV high-brightness electron beam is produced in the last kilometer of the existing SLAC linear accelerator, generating coherent x-ray radiation in a 130-m long undulator. The peak x-ray brightness is 10 orders of magnitude higher than existing 3rd generation light sources with a wavelength of 1.5 Angstroms and a pulse duration as short as one femtosecond, opening limitless scientific opportunities in the world of the ultra-small and ultra-fast. This presentation will describe the project scope and status, highlighting especially the key accelerator physics challenges.

FEL Research and Development at the SLAC Sub-Picosecond Photon Source, SPPS.

FEL Research and Development at the SLAC Sub-Picosecond Photon Source, SPPS. PDF Author:
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Pages : 5

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An upgrade project to the SLAC linac allows ultra-short electron bunches to be interleaved with the routine high-energy physics program operation, for use with an undulator to produce short-pulse, high-brightness x-rays. The linac upgrade comprises of the installation in the summer of 2002 of a bunch compressor chicane of similar design to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) project. A final compression stage in the high-energy Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) line compresses the 28 GeV, 3.4 nC electron bunch to 80 femtoseconds fwhm, where a 5 m section of undulator (K=4.45) will produce 1.5 Å x-rays with 3*107 photons per pulse and a peak brightness of 4*1024 photons mm−2 mrad−2 s−1 (0.1% BW). The facility will allow us to test the dynamics and associated technology of bunch compression and gain valuable experience for the LCLS using the SLAC linac. New ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic techniques will be developed hand in hand with the same ultra-fast laser technology to be used for LCLS. Issues of high peak power (27 GW) x-ray transport and optics can be addressed at this facility as well as pump-probe and ultra-fast laser timing and stability issues.

Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at 2--4 Nm Using the SLAC Linac

Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at 2--4 Nm Using the SLAC Linac PDF Author:
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The authors describe the possible use of the SLAC linac to drive a unique, powerful, short wavelength Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). Using the FEL principle, lasing is achieved in a single pass of a high peak current electron beam through a long undulator by self-amplified-spontaneous-emission (SASE). The main components are a high-brightness electron RF gun with a photocathode, two electron bunch length compressors, the existing SLAC linac, beam diagnostics, and a long undulator combined with a FODO quadrupole focusing system. The RF gun, to be installed about 1 km from the end of the SLAC linac, would produce a single bunch of 6 x 10[sup 9] electrons with an invariant emittance of about 3 mm-mrad and a bunch length of about 500 [mu]m. That bunch is then accelerated to 100 MeV and compressed to a length of about 200 [mu]m. The main SLAC linac accelerates the bunch to 2 GeV were a second bunch compressor reduces the length to 30--40 [mu]m and produces a peak current of 2--3 kA. The bunch is then accelerated to 7--8 GeV and transported to a 50--70 m long undulator. Using electrons below 8 GeV, the undulator could operate at wavelengths down to 2 nm, producing about 10 GW peak power in sub-ps light pulses. At a linac repetition rate of 120 Hz, the average power is about 1 W. Linac operation at lower beam energies provides longer wavelength radiation. After the undulator, the beam is deposited in a dump. The LCLS light pulses are then distributed to multiple user stations using grazing incident mirrors. Length compression, emittance control, phase stability, FEL design criteria, and parameter tolerances are discussed. A demonstration experiment is also described which uses the SLAC linac and (possibly) the PALADIN undulator to study SASE to power saturation at wavelengths of 40--360 nm.


The LCLS X-Ray FEL at SLAC. PDF Author:
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Pages : 5

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The design status and R and D plan of a 1.5 Angstrom SASE-FEL at SLAC, called the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), are described. The LCLS utilizes one third of the SLAC linac for the acceleration of electrons to about 15 GeV. The FEL radiation is produced in a long undulator and is directed to an experimental area for its utilization. The LCLS is designed to produce 300 fsec long radiation pulses at the wavelength of 1.5 Angstrom with 9 GW peak power. This radiation has much higher brightness and coherence, as well as shorter pulses, than present 3rd generation sources. It is shown that such leap in performance is now within reach, and is made possible by the advances in the physics and technology of photo-injectors, linear accelerators, insertion devices and free-electron lasers.