Reclaiming the Strike Zone

Reclaiming the Strike Zone PDF Author: Victor Alexander Baltov
Publisher: Author House
ISBN: 1477254862
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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America has steadily regressed from a Republic under the Sign of the Cross towards a mobacracy under the Sign of the Scorpion. Social responsibility and the ethics of conscience have vacated the Field of Dreams like a Baroid tater -- an all about me cult of celebrity has evolved. Reclaiming the Strike Zone traces the metaphorical cleat marks through forbidden history. The Inside Baseball version of the Soviet Socialist Paradise and Nazi Germany is pitched shekel free. Sub-systems of the American superstructure featuring education, entertainment, youth activities and family are explored in-depth. The search for something that has been lost -- the secret of the American Dream and American Exceptionalism -- is pursued. All base paths lead to the Christian Church and Jewish Nation. Wise Christian philosophy has been Billy-Goated off the playing field -- secular humanism has taken The Hill. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud have taken a turn at-bat and gone long. Red tide has been harnessed into Economic Determinism by the F&F Boys. The hidden ball trick has been pulled on the sheeple. Disciples of General Zod lack American patriotism. Time is of the essence to restore what has been taken -- its the bottom of the 9th with two away. DO IT AMERICAN and dont give up the ship are battle cries. Intellectual Millenials must step up to the plate and reclaim what their baby booming Spock baby parents baptized in Dewey waters booted. Identifying the proton pseudos and resetting is the task. Restoring sub-systems [especially education] while playing small ball is the answer. Truth and patriotic leadership are catalysts. A burning desire to be an American -- free and independent -- without getting JFKd is the secret. There is a happy ending -- it is certain. The Good News delivers that promise.

Strike Zone

Strike Zone PDF Author: Peter David
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0743412176
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 251

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Deep in the uncharted regions of our galaxy, the Kreel, a primitive, warlike race have stumbled upon weapons powerful beyond their wildest imagination. The Kreel have used those weapons to attack their most bitter enemies, the Klingons. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. EnterpriseTM are called in to mediate the dispute by ferrying diplomatic teams from the two warring races to the source of their conflict, the mysterious planet where the weapons were discovered in an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, and discover the origins of the super-powerful weapons. Before the entire galaxy errupts into a full-scale war...

Strike Zone

Strike Zone PDF Author: Jim Bouton
Publisher: Signet
ISBN: 9780451183347
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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Offers a baseball tale about Sam Ward, an aging minor league pitcher, who gets a chance to pitch in the majors, and Ernie Kolacka, an umpire who has agreed to fix the game

The Mental ABCs of Pitching

The Mental ABCs of Pitching PDF Author: H.A. Dorfman
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1630761850
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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Author H.A. Dorfman brings his years of expertise as instructor/counselor with the A's, Marlins, and Devil Rays to provide an easy-to-use, A-to-Z handbook which will give insight and instruction on how to pitch to peak performance at every level of the game. Perfect for pitchers who need that extra edge or hitters who want to better understand the mental moves on the mound. With a new foreword by Rick Wolff!

Strike for the Common Good

Strike for the Common Good PDF Author: Rebecca Kolins Givan
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
ISBN: 047212840X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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In February 2018, 35,000 public school educators and staff walked off the job in West Virginia. More than 100,000 teachers in other states—both right-to-work states, like West Virginia, and those with a unionized workforce—followed them over the next year. From Arizona, Kentucky, and Oklahoma to Colorado and California, teachers announced to state legislators that not only their abysmal wages but the deplorable conditions of their work and the increasingly straitened circumstances of public education were unacceptable. These recent teacher walkouts affirm public education as a crucial public benefit and understand the rampant disinvestment in public education not simply as a local issue affecting teacher paychecks but also as a danger to communities and to democracy. Strike for the Common Good gathers together original essays, written by teachers involved in strikes nationwide, by students and parents who have supported them, by journalists who have covered these strikes in depth, and by outside analysts (academic and otherwise). Together, the essays consider the place of these strikes in the broader landscape of recent labor organizing and battles over public education, and attend to the largely female workforce and, often, largely non-white student population of America’s schools.

Baseball Is America

Baseball Is America PDF Author: Victor Alexander Baltov Jr
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1452004854
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 414

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America's Pastime with its foreign taproot origination evolved into the game as we know it. Baseball is traced from its European roots plus much deeper sources including Adam and Eve (ballplayers) and the Olympic Games (competitive sport). Baseball beats to the rhythm of the American culture, sometimes as its direction and other times, its reflection. The goodness of the game is reflected in both the players serving as role models for America's youth, with the Yankee Clipper leading the charge, plus inducing positive progressive change, including breaking the color barrier in 1947 with Jackie as a Brooklyn Dodger. The shear ugliness of the game bore its soul to the American public during the Synthetic Era as characterized by serpentine type Congressional hearings involving performance-enhancing-drug use. Cultural issues featuring an intellectual history of PEDs, their effects on performance, leakage into the tributaries and evolution of the Promethean Project are well documented.

Hit by Pitch

Hit by Pitch PDF Author: Molly Lawless
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 0786484845
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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On August 16, 1920, Yankees pitcher Carl Mays threw a fastball that struck Cleveland Indians shortstop Ray Chapman in the head. Chapman died the next morning. Hit by Pitch is a nonfiction graphic novel about these men, their lives and legacies, and the event that linked them forever. Born the same year (1891), both in Kentucky, they had similar beginnings but opposing personalities. This wonderfully drawn work brings the two men and their era back to life.

Wild Pitch

Wild Pitch PDF Author: Mike Lupica
Publisher: Berkley
ISBN: 9780425192047
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Lupica's hilarious take on America's favorite sport is now in paperback. ""Wild Pitch" captures the angst, the pathos, and the rare exhilaration of being a Red Sox guy. This book is really good."--Robert B. Parker.

Strike Zone

Strike Zone PDF Author: Kate Angell
ISBN: 9780505527080
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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When the captain of the Richmond Rogues starts dating his former runaway bride, he knows this time their relationship will be a home run.

Right Off the Bat

Right Off the Bat PDF Author: Evander Lomke & Martin Rowe
Publisher: Paul Dry Books
ISBN: 1589882539
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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Book Description
"Looking over the legends and stars of both sports, explaining the rules, complete with glossary, Right Off the Bat is a fine assortment of knowledge, very much recommended for any curious sports fan."—Midwest Book Review It's been said that baseball and cricket are two sports divided by a common language. Both employ bats, balls, innings, and umpires. Fans of both steep themselves in statistics, revel in nostalgia, and toss around baffling jargon. In Right Off the Bat, baseball nut Evander Lomke and cricket buff Martin Rowe explain "their" sport—and their love of it—to the other sport's fans. You'll come away finding yourself as fascinated by legbreaks and inswingers as you are by knuckleballs and sliders (or vice versa). Are you a dyed-in-the-wool baseball fan who nevertheless harbors a nagging doubt as to whether Babe Ruth was, in fact, the greatest athlete ever to swing a bat? When you think of cricket, is what comes to mind stuffy Victorians standing around in a field, twirling their mustaches and saying silly things like "Howzat" or "googly"? Or are you a staunch cricket fan who sometimes wonders whether a screwball is really as difficult to execute as a doosra? Do you ask yourself where the thrill is in watching a ball sail 400 feet over a wall and just past the outstretched fingers of a fielder wearing a glove (and all for a paltry one run)? Well, step right up and take a seat—you've got a lot to learn (for example, the very first international cricket match was played in the United States). And Right Off the Bat is just the book for you.