Practical Social Investigation

Practical Social Investigation PDF Author: Richard Lampard
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317903471
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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Book Description
Practical Social Investigation provides, within a single text, an introduction to a wide range of both long-standing and newer social research methods. Its balanced and integrated coverage of qualitative and quantitative approaches demonstrates that they can be complementary. While research practice is emphasised, readers are encouraged to reflect on methodological issues as well as being provided with tools for their own research.This coherent, accessibly written book draws upon the authors' extensive experience of conducting research and teaching research methods. Numerous examples, based on real research studies, illustrate key issues in a way that acknowledges both the messiness and the creativity of social research.

Practical Social Investigation

Practical Social Investigation PDF Author: Richard Lampard
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317903471
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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Book Description
Practical Social Investigation provides, within a single text, an introduction to a wide range of both long-standing and newer social research methods. Its balanced and integrated coverage of qualitative and quantitative approaches demonstrates that they can be complementary. While research practice is emphasised, readers are encouraged to reflect on methodological issues as well as being provided with tools for their own research.This coherent, accessibly written book draws upon the authors' extensive experience of conducting research and teaching research methods. Numerous examples, based on real research studies, illustrate key issues in a way that acknowledges both the messiness and the creativity of social research.

Practical Social Investigation

Practical Social Investigation PDF Author: Richard Lampard
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317903463
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 553

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Book Description
Practical Social Investigation provides, within a single text, an introduction to a wide range of both long-standing and newer social research methods. Its balanced and integrated coverage of qualitative and quantitative approaches demonstrates that they can be complementary. While research practice is emphasised, readers are encouraged to reflect on methodological issues as well as being provided with tools for their own research.This coherent, accessibly written book draws upon the authors' extensive experience of conducting research and teaching research methods. Numerous examples, based on real research studies, illustrate key issues in a way that acknowledges both the messiness and the creativity of social research.

Practical Social Investigation

Practical Social Investigation PDF Author: Christopher John Pole
ISBN: 9781315847306
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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Practical Fire and Arson Investigation

Practical Fire and Arson Investigation PDF Author: David R. Redsicker
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439831998
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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This bestselling second edition introduces new case studies to illustrate concepts explained in the text and includes information about eliminating accidental causes of fires and investigating fatal fires. Additional information on studies in bloodstain evidence found at fire scenes is presented as well. The book also addresses the National Fire Protection Association Standards 921, regarding proper fire investigation procedures, and NFPA Standards 1033, Fire Investigator Qualifications. The NFPA Standards are the recognized standards in the industry, and are essential information for all fire investigators, from rookies to veterans.

Incognito Social Investigation in British Literature

Incognito Social Investigation in British Literature PDF Author: Luke Seaber
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319509624
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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This book is the first full critical history of incognito social investigation texts – in other words, works detailing their authors’ experiences whilst pretending to be poor. The most famous example is Down and Out in Paris and London, but there has been a vast array of other works in the genre since it was created in 1866 by James Greenwood’s ‘A Night in a Workhouse’. It draws up a classification of incognito social investigation texts, dividing them into four subtypes. The first comprises those texts following most narrowly in James Greenwood’s footsteps, taking the extreme poor as their object of study. The next is the investigation of poverty through walking, for pedestrianism and poverty are fascinatingly linked. The third is that of people looking at relative poverty rather than absolute, where authors take on badly-paid work in order to report on it, which is when incognito social investigation becomes very much something carried out by women. We end looking at those incognito social investigators who settled in the areas they explored. Not only will this book recover the history of a genre that has long been ignored, however, but it will also offer significant close reading of many of the texts that it places within the tradition(s) it discovers.


Bulletin PDF Author: Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy
Category : Social service
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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The Greenian Moment

The Greenian Moment PDF Author: Denys P. Leighton
Publisher: Andrews UK Limited
ISBN: 1845408756
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 375

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This study of T.H. Green views his philosophical opus through his public life and political commitments, and it uses biography as a lens through which to examine Victorian political culture and its moral climate. The book deals with the political and religious history of Victorian Britain in examining the basis of Green's Liberal partisanship. It demonstrates how his main ethical and political conceptions—his idea of "self-realisation" and his theory of individuality within community—were informed by evangelical theology, popular Protestantism and an idea of the English national consciousness as formed by religious conflict. While the significance of Kantian and Hegelian elements in Green's thought is acknowledged, it is argued that “indigenous” qualities of Green's teachings resonated with values shared alike by elite and rank-and-file Liberals during the mid and late Victorian era. In examining Green’s beliefs about the historical evolution of English liberty, his championing of (Liberal) Nonconformity and Nonconformist causes and his approval of religious bases of community, this study analyzes the ripening of a Greenian moment and traces Green’s influence on Liberal, quasi-socialist and Conservative social reform down to the 1920s. The lasting impact of Green’s teachings on British and Western political philosophy, apparent in the current vogue for communitarianism in liberal theory, indicates limitations of the “secularization thesis” still tacitly accepted by historians of Western political thought.

Fact Investigation

Fact Investigation PDF Author: Paul J. Zwier
Publisher: Ntl Inst for Trial Advocacy
ISBN: 9781556815324
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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Practical Crime Scene Investigations for Hot Zones

Practical Crime Scene Investigations for Hot Zones PDF Author: Jacqueline T. Fish
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040081010
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 407

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The work of crime scene investigators (CSIs) is made more complicated when the scene is contaminated by either chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosives (CBRNE) or toxic industrial chemicals (TICs). Special considerations must be observed when working at such scenes, whether they are the result of acts of terrorism, accidents, or natural disasters. This volume is a comprehensive reference containing guidelines and best practices for keeping CSIs safe and conducting a thorough crime scene investigation in these deadly environments. Protocols are provided for how to best identify, document, collect, and preserve physical evidence.

Advances in Comparative Survey Methods

Advances in Comparative Survey Methods PDF Author: Timothy P. Johnson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118884965
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1139

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Covers the latest methodologies and research on international comparative surveys with contributions from noted experts in the field Advances in Comparative Survey Methodology examines the most recent advances in methodology and operations as well as the technical developments in international survey research. With contributions from a panel of international experts, the text includes information on the use of Big Data in concert with survey data, collecting biomarkers, the human subject regulatory environment, innovations in data collection methodology and sampling techniques, use of paradata across the survey lifecycle, metadata standards for dissemination, and new analytical techniques. This important resource: Contains contributions from key experts in their respective fields of study from around the globe Highlights innovative approaches in resource poor settings, and innovative approaches to combining survey and other data Includes material that is organized within the total survey error framework Presents extensive and up-to-date references throughout the book Written for students and academic survey researchers and market researchers engaged in comparative projects, this text represents a unique collaboration that features the latest methodologies and research on global comparative surveys.