Environmental and Pollution Science

Environmental and Pollution Science PDF Author: Mark L. Brusseau
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128147202
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 658

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Environmental and Pollution Science, Third Edition, continues its tradition on providing readers with the scientific basis to understand, manage, mitigate, and prevent pollution across the environment, be it air, land, or water. Pollution originates from a wide variety of sources, both natural and man-made, and occurs in a wide variety of forms including, biological, chemical, particulate or even energy, making a multivariate approach to assessment and mitigation essential for success. This third edition has been updated and revised to include topics that are critical to addressing pollution issues, from human-health impacts to environmental justice to developing sustainable solutions. Environmental and Pollution Science, Third Edition is designed to give readers the tools to be able to understand and implement multi-disciplinary approaches to help solve current and future environmental pollution problems. - Emphasizes conceptual understanding of environmental systems and can be used by students and professionals from a diversity of backgrounds focusing on the environment - Covers many aspects critical to assessing and managing environmental pollution including characterization, risk assessment, regulation, transport and fate, and remediation or restoration - New topics to this edition include Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services, Pollution in the Global System, Human Health Impacts, the interrelation between Soil and Human Health, Environmental Justice and Community Engagement, and Sustainability and Sustainable Solutions - Includes color photos and diagrams, chapter questions and problems, and highlighted key words

Environmental and Pollution Science

Environmental and Pollution Science PDF Author: Mark L. Brusseau
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128147202
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 658

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Book Description
Environmental and Pollution Science, Third Edition, continues its tradition on providing readers with the scientific basis to understand, manage, mitigate, and prevent pollution across the environment, be it air, land, or water. Pollution originates from a wide variety of sources, both natural and man-made, and occurs in a wide variety of forms including, biological, chemical, particulate or even energy, making a multivariate approach to assessment and mitigation essential for success. This third edition has been updated and revised to include topics that are critical to addressing pollution issues, from human-health impacts to environmental justice to developing sustainable solutions. Environmental and Pollution Science, Third Edition is designed to give readers the tools to be able to understand and implement multi-disciplinary approaches to help solve current and future environmental pollution problems. - Emphasizes conceptual understanding of environmental systems and can be used by students and professionals from a diversity of backgrounds focusing on the environment - Covers many aspects critical to assessing and managing environmental pollution including characterization, risk assessment, regulation, transport and fate, and remediation or restoration - New topics to this edition include Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services, Pollution in the Global System, Human Health Impacts, the interrelation between Soil and Human Health, Environmental Justice and Community Engagement, and Sustainability and Sustainable Solutions - Includes color photos and diagrams, chapter questions and problems, and highlighted key words

Air Pollution Science for the 21st Century

Air Pollution Science for the 21st Century PDF Author: J. Austin
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 008052690X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 687

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Acid rain, photochemistry, long-range transport of pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions and aerosols have dominated tropospheric air pollution for the last 30 years of the 20th century. At the start of the 21st century, acid rain is subject to planned improvement in Europe and North America, but is still a growing problem in Asia. Tropospheric ozone is understood much better, but the problem is still with us, and desirable levels are difficult to achieve over continental Europe. The heterogeneous chemistry that is responsible for ozone depletion in the stratosphere is now reasonably clear, but there is on-going interest in the sources and sinks of CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) replacements in the troposphere. There is also increasing interest in indoor air quality, and the origin and health implications of atmospheric particles. Perhaps most important on a global perspective, intensive research has not yet determined the relationship between greenhouse gases, aerosols and surface temperature. The climactic implications of these are now more urgent than ever.This book, the first in the Developments in Environmental Science series, consists of a collection of authoritative reviews and essays on the science and application of air pollution research at the start of this new century.

Introduction to Air Pollution Science

Introduction to Air Pollution Science PDF Author: Robert F. Phalen
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 0763780448
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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This unique textbook examines the basic health and environmental issues associated with air pollution including the relevant toxicology and epidemiology. It provides a foundation for the sampling and analysis of air pollutants as well as an understanding of international air quality regulations. Written for upper-level undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in air pollution, the book is also a valuable desk reference for practicing professionals who need to have a broad understanding of the topic. Key features: - Provides the most up-to-date coverage of the basic health and environmental issues associated with air pollution. - Offers a broader examination of air pollution topics, beyond just the meteorological and engineering aspects of air pollution. - Includes the following Instructor Resources: Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint Presentations, and a TestBank. The Phalens have put together a timely book on a critically important topic that affects all of us -- air pollution - and they do so in a new and highly relevant way: they consider the broad societal health impacts from a fundamental science viewpoint. The epidemiology, toxicology, and risks of air pollutants are included, and ethical issues of concern are highlighted. This book is a must-read for students who wish to become professionals in the air quality field and for students of environmental science whose work includes air pollution issues. The book is a significant contribution to the discipline." - Cliff I. Davidson, Director, Center for Sustainable Engineering; Thomas C. and Colleen L. Wilmot Professor of Engineering, Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University "Truly, human well-being and public health in the 21st century may hinge on our ability to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, control, and confirm responsible management of air pollution. This timely, informative, and insightful text provides a solid introduction for students and a technically sound handbook for professionals seeking literacy and critical thinking, real-life examples, understanding (not just rote applications), opportunities for continuous improvement, and modern tools for assessing and managing current and evolving air pollution challenges." - Mark D. Hoover, PhD, CHP, CIH Aerosol and health science researcher, author, and editor

The Science of Environmental Pollution

The Science of Environmental Pollution PDF Author: Frank R. Spellman
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000400077
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 460

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This new edition of The Science of Environmental Pollution presents common-sense approaches and practical examples based on scientific principles, models, and observations, but keeps the text lively and understandable for scientists and non-scientists alike. It addresses the important questions regarding environmental pollution: What is it? What is its impact? What are the causes and how can we mitigate them? But more than this, it stimulates new ways to think about the issues and their possible solutions. This fourth edition has been updated throughout, and greatly expands its coverage of endocrine disruptors and includes all new information on persistent "forever chemicals." Environmental issues continue to attract attention at all levels. Some sources say that pollution is the direct cause of climate change; others deny that the possibility even exists. This text sorts through the hyperbole, providing concepts and guidelines that not only aid in understanding the issues, but equip readers with the scientific rationale required to make informed decisions. Features: Updated throughout, and contains a new chapter on the effects of endocrine disruptors in the environment. Provides an introduction to air, soil, and water pollution sources and remediation. Addresses pressing issues such as global climate change, rising sea levels, polluted air, increased weather phenomena, and the state of potable water worldwide. Supplies a vital information source for policy-makers involved in decisions concerning environmental management. Includes case studies, examples, and study questions. The Science of Environmental Pollution is suitable for students taking undergraduate-level courses dealing with the environment and related pollution issues. It will also serve as a useful reference for environmental managers, politicians, legal experts, and interested general readers.

Environmental and Pollution Science

Environmental and Pollution Science PDF Author: Ian Pepper
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 008049479X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 553

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Environmental and Pollution Science, Second Edition, provides the latest information on the environmental influence of a significant number of subjects, and discusses their impact on a new generation of students. This updated edition of Pollution Science has been renamed to reflect a wider view of the environmental consequences we pay as a price for a modern economy. The authors have compiled the latest information to help students assess environmental quality using a framework of principles that can be applied to any environmental problem. The book covers key topics such as the fate and transport of contaminants, monitoring and remediation of pollution, sources and characteristics of pollution, and risk assessment and management. It contains more than 400 color photographs and diagrams, numerous questions and problems, case studies, and highlighted keywords. This book is ideally suited for professionals and students studying the environment, especially as it relates to pollution as well as government workers and conservationists/ecologists. - Emphasizes conceptual understanding of environmental impact, integrating the disciplines of biology, chemistry, and mathematics - Topics cover the fate and transport of contaminants; monitoring and remediation of pollution; sources and characteristics of pollution; and risk assessment and management - Includes color photos and diagrams, chapter questions and problems, and highlighted key words

Air Pollution Calculations

Air Pollution Calculations PDF Author: Daniel A. Vallero
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0128149353
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 571

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Air Pollution Calculations introduces the equations and formulae that are most important to air pollution, but goes a step further. Most texts lack examples of how these equations and formulae apply to the quantification of real-world scenarios and conditions. The ample example calculations apply to current air quality problems, including emission inventories, risk estimations, biogeochemical cycling assessments, and efficiencies in air pollution control technologies. In addition, the book explains thermodynamics and fluid dynamics in step-by-step and understandable calculations using air quality and multimedia modeling, reliability engineering and engineering economics using practical examples likely to be encountered by scientists, engineers, managers and decision makers. The book touches on the environmental variables, constraints and drivers that can influence pollutant mass, volume and concentrations, which in turn determine toxicity and adverse outcomes caused by air pollution. How the pollutants form, move, partition, transform and find their fate are explained using the entire range of atmospheric phenomena. The control, prevention and mitigation of air pollution are explained based on physical, chemical and biological principles which is crucial to science-based policy and decision-making. Users will find this to be a comprehensive, single resource that will help them understand air pollution, quantify existing data, and help those whose work is impacted by air pollution. - Explains air pollution in a comprehensive manner, enabling readers to understand how to measure and assess risks to human populations and ecosystems actually or potentially exposed to air pollutants - Covers air pollution from a multivariate, systems approach, bringing in atmospheric processes, health impacts, environmental impacts, controls and prevention - Facilitates an understanding of broad factors, like climate and transport, that influence patterns and change in pollutant concentrations, both spatially and over time

Fundamentals of Air Pollution

Fundamentals of Air Pollution PDF Author: Daniel A. Vallero
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0124046029
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1000

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Fundamentals of Air Pollution is an important and widely used textbook in the environmental science and engineering community. This thoroughly revised fifth edition of Fundamentals of Air Pollution has been updated throughout and remains the most complete text available, offering a stronger systems perspective and more coverage of international issues relating to air pollution. Sections on pollution control have been reorganized and updated to demonstrate the move from regulation and control approaches to green and sustainable engineering approaches. The fifth edition maintains a strong interdisciplinary approach to the study of air pollution, covering such topics as chemistry, physics, meteorology, engineering, toxicology, policy, and regulation. New material includes near-road air pollution, new risk assessment approaches, indoor air quality, the impact of biofuels and fuel additives, mercury emissions, forecasting techniques, and the most recent results from the National Air Toxics Assessment. - Stronger systems approach, emphasizing the impact of air pollution on ecosystems and human health - Risks, measures, models, and control of air pollution are discussed at scale – starting at the individual/niche level and expanding to planetary/global scale - Increased emphasis on international issues, including coverage of European initiatives and discussions of the impact of emerging economies like India and China - Updated references, standards, and methods throughout the book make this the most current air pollution text/reference on the market - All new end-of-chapter problems enhance its usefulness as a course text

Wildland Fires and Air Pollution

Wildland Fires and Air Pollution PDF Author: Andrzej Bytnerowicz
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080556094
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 688

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Wildland fires are one of the most devastating and terrifying forces of nature. While their effects are mostly destructive they also help with regeneration of forests and other ecosystems. Low-intensity fires clear accumulating biomass reducing risk of catastrophic crown fires and can be used as an effective management tool. This book presents current understanding of wildland fires and air quality as well as their effects on human health, forests and other ecosystems. in the first section of the book the basics of wildland fires and resulting emissions are presented from the perspective of changing global climate, air quality impairment and effects on environmental and human health and security. in the second section, effects of wildland fires on air quality, visibility and human health in various regions of the Earth are discussed. The third section of the book deals with complex issues of the ecological impacts of fires and air pollution in forests and chaparral in North America. The fourth section discusses various management issues facing land and fire managers which are related to wildfires, use of prescribed fires, and air quality. This section also presents various modeling systems used for describing fire dangers and behavior as well as smoke and air pollution predictions applied in the risk assessment analysis. The book concludes with a series of expert recommendations for wildland fire and atmospheric research.

Air Pollution and Health

Air Pollution and Health PDF Author: Robert L. Maynard
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080526926
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1083

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Concern about the impact of air pollution has led governments and local authorities across the world to regulate, among other things, the burning of fossil fuels, industrial effluence, cigarette smoke, and aerosols. This legislation has often followed dramatic findings about the impact of pollution on human health. At the same time there have been significant developments in our ability to detect and quantify pollutants and a proliferation of urban and rural air pollution networks to monitor levels of atmospheric contamination.Air Pollution and Health is the first fully comprehensive and current account of air pollution science and it impact on human health. It ranges in scope from meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, and particle physics to the causes and scope of allergic reactions and respiratory, cardiovascular, and related disorders. The book has substantial international coverage and includes sections on cost implications, risk assessment, regulation, standards, and information networks. The multidisciplinary approach and the wide range of issues covered makes this an essential book for all concerned with monitoring and regulating air pollution as well as those concerned with its impact on human health. - Only comprehensive text covering all the important air pollutants and relating these to human health and regulatory bodies - Brings together a wide range of issues concerning air pollution in an easily accessible format - Contributions from government agencies in the US and UK provide information on public policy and resource networks in the areas of health promotion and environmental protection

Pollution Science

Pollution Science PDF Author: Ian L. Pepper
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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This beautifully illustrated text is designed to serve the integrated, rigorous, science-based undergraduate curriculum that is emerging in environmental science. Emphasis is placed on a conceptual understanding of environmental impact by integrating the key scientific disciplines that investigate the sources, fate, transport, mitigation, and toxicology of pollutants.