Plant Indicators

Plant Indicators PDF Author: Frederic Edward Clements
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 606

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Plant Indicators

Plant Indicators PDF Author: Frederic Edward Clements
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 606

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Estimating Dunning's Site Index from Plant Indicators

Estimating Dunning's Site Index from Plant Indicators PDF Author: Colin D. MacLean
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 12

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Plant Succession and Indicators

Plant Succession and Indicators PDF Author: Frederic Edward Clements
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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Status and Dynamics of Forests in Germany

Status and Dynamics of Forests in Germany PDF Author: Nicole Wellbrock
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030157342
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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This book is an open access publication. Forest ecosystems in Central Europe are changing as a result of anthropogenic influences and changing climate conditions. As such, a large-scale monitoring programme was undertaken in order to understand the influence of site modification, deposition of air pollutants, and climate. This book presents the scientific findings of this study for Germany, including the major challenges with regard to the future preservation and management of forest ecosystems under environmental change. In addition, it addresses a number of central questions: what are the main factors affecting forest stands and soil integrity? How, and how rapidly, are forest ecosystems changing? How diverse are the changes across Germany? What will be the main risks in sustainable forest management in the future? And how can policy support the development and maintenance of adaptive and resilient forests that provide essential ecosystem services, today and in the future? Helping readers understand the importance of soils and related ecosystem processes for future sustainable forestry, and sharing essential findings on environmental change and related changes in forest status and dynamics, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers interested in science-based decisions.

Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia

Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia PDF Author: A. Ceska
Publisher: UBC Press
ISBN: 0774844744
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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This original work makes unprecedented use of some of the most important research to date in plant ecology. It is a guide for assessing site quality, that is, the climate and soil of particular forest and non-forest ecosystems. Foresters have long been interested in using plants as indicators in predicting the growth performance of reforestation sites, but the data have not been readily available. Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia fully discusses how indicator plants are recognized and demonstrates how indicator plants can be used in site diagnosis. The book presents colour illustrations and descriptions of 419 selected vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens of coastal British Columbia. Indicators with similar values are grouped into indicator species groups which are used to evaluate site quality. These data are supplemented by information on geographic distribution, life-form, shade tolerance, and other ecological characteristics of the species. Three methods are given on how to use indicator plants for the purpose of site diagnosis. Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia summarizes original research in a format which both students and practitioners will find easy to use.

Wetland Indicators

Wetland Indicators PDF Author: Ralph W. Tiner
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781420048612
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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Understand the current concept of wetland and methods for identifying, describing, classifying, and delineating wetlands in the United States with Wetland Indicators - capturing the current state of science's role in wetland recognition and mapping. Environmental scientists and others involved with wetland regulations can strengthen their knowledge about wetlands, and the use of various indicators, to support their decisions on difficult wetland determinations. Professor Tiner primarily focuses on plants, soils, and other signs of wetland hydrology in the soil, or on the surface of wetlands in his discussion of Wetland Indicators. Practicing - and aspiring - wetland delineators alike will appreciate Wetland Indicators' critical insight into the development and significance of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and other factors. Features Shows 55 color plates, documenting wetland indicators throughout the nation - with more than 34 soil plates and aerial photos Illustrates other wetland properties with more than 50 figures Provides over 60 tables, including extensive tables of U.S. wetland plant communities and examples for determining hydrophytic vegetation Contents Wetland Definitions Wetland Concepts for Identification and Delineation Plant Indicators of Wetlands and Their Characteristics Vegetation Sampling and Analysis for Wetlands Soil Indicators of Wetlands Wetland Identification and Boundary Delineation Methods Problem Wetlands and Field Situations for Delineation Wetland Classification Wetlands of the United States: An Introduction, With Emphasis on Their Plant Communities Wetland Mapping and Photointerpretation

Estimation and Evaluation of Plants as Indicators of Tropical Soil Quality from the Knowledge of the Peasants, Cauca Colombia

Estimation and Evaluation of Plants as Indicators of Tropical Soil Quality from the Knowledge of the Peasants, Cauca Colombia PDF Author: Alvaro Rivas Guzmán
Publisher: Cuvillier Verlag
ISBN: 3865373178
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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Indicator Plants: Using Plants to Evaluate the Environment

Indicator Plants: Using Plants to Evaluate the Environment PDF Author: Paul L. Smith
ISBN: 1904098363
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 95

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The guide looks at how plants may be used to 'read the environment', essentially treating them as indicators of the state of the habitat where they are found. It was written with three sets of people in mind: 1. Junior ecological consultants who want to improve their Phase 1 Habitat Surveys with botanical target notes useful in ecological assessment. 2. Students of ecology who need to use plants to interpret the landscape around them and understand habitats in greater detail. 3. Amateur naturalists and walkers who seek to enrich their experience of the countryside through a knowledge of plants. Compiled from a range of published sources and from the author's personal experience, it is intended for use primarily in the lowland English countryside.

Using Indicator Plants to Assess Susceptibility of California Red Fir and White Fir to the Fir Engraver Beetle

Using Indicator Plants to Assess Susceptibility of California Red Fir and White Fir to the Fir Engraver Beetle PDF Author: George T. Ferrell
Category : Abies concolor
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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Using a Vegetation Drought Index (VDI) for estimating the susceptibility of California red and white firs to the fir engraver beetle (Scolytus ventralis) was evaluated in northern California forests where these true firs (Abies species) occur in mixed conifer and true fir stands. Midway through the summer drought, true fir moisture stress-a known predisposing factor-was highest on sites with highest VDI values (most xeric). In mixed conifer stands, the susceptibility of white firs-as indicated by the mean percentage of their basal area killed annually-was highest on sites with highest VDI values. But in true fir stands, the susceptibility of mixed red and white firs was highest on sites with the lowest VDI values. Regression models with VDI, stand basal area, and percentage of true fir as regressors lacked the required predictive range and precision, suggesting that VDI will likely have to be used in combination with predictors other than, or in addition to, those analyzed.

Indicators of Environmental Quality

Indicators of Environmental Quality PDF Author: William A. Thomas
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1468416987
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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Researchers and agencies collect reams of objective data and authors publish volumes of subjective prose in attempts to explain what is meant by environmental quality. Still, we have no universally recognized methods for combining our quantitative measures with our qualitative concepts of environ ment. Not all of our environmental goals should be reduced to mere numbers, but many of them can be; and without these quantitative terms, we have no way of defining our present position nor of selecting positions we wish to attain on any logically established scale of environmen tal values. Stated simply, in our zeal to measure our environment we often forget that masses of numbers describing a system are insufficient to understand it or to be used in selecting goals and priorities for expending our economic and human resources. Attempts at quantitatively describing environmental quality, rather than merely measuring different environmental variables, are relatively recent. This condensing of data into the optimum number of terms with maximum information content is a truly interdisciplinary challenge. When Oak Ridge National Laboratory initiated its Environmental Program in early 1970 under a grant from the National Science Foundation, the usefulness of environmental indicators in assessing the effects of technology was included as one of the initial areas for investigation. James L. Liverman, through his encouragement and firm belief that these indicators are indispensable if we are to resolve our complex environmental problems, deserves much of the credit for the publication of this book.