Paradigm and Ideology in Educational Research (RLE Edu L)

Paradigm and Ideology in Educational Research (RLE Edu L) PDF Author: Thomas Popkewitz
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136465790
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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Book Description
This book explores the complex social assumptions and values that underlie research programmes about schools. The analysis of educational research draws upon American and European scholarships in the sociology of knowledge, social philosophy and the history and sociology of science. The discussion considers first the communal, crafts and social characteristics of educational research. Three research models empirical-analytic, symbolic or linguistic and critical sciences are given attention. The discussion of the three research models is to illuminate how the constellation of commitments, assumptions and practices inter-relate to perform a paradigm giving different and conflicting definitions to the meaning of educational theory and to the use of the particular techniques of enquiry. The social role of educational research and the researcher is also considered.

Paradigm and Ideology in Educational Research (RLE Edu L)

Paradigm and Ideology in Educational Research (RLE Edu L) PDF Author: Thomas Popkewitz
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136465790
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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Book Description
This book explores the complex social assumptions and values that underlie research programmes about schools. The analysis of educational research draws upon American and European scholarships in the sociology of knowledge, social philosophy and the history and sociology of science. The discussion considers first the communal, crafts and social characteristics of educational research. Three research models empirical-analytic, symbolic or linguistic and critical sciences are given attention. The discussion of the three research models is to illuminate how the constellation of commitments, assumptions and practices inter-relate to perform a paradigm giving different and conflicting definitions to the meaning of educational theory and to the use of the particular techniques of enquiry. The social role of educational research and the researcher is also considered.

Strategic Motivations of Inward R&D FDI

Strategic Motivations of Inward R&D FDI PDF Author: Osagie Igbinigie
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030410153
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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Book Description
This book explores the motivations of R&D foreign direct investment (FDI) in a developed country, placing a particular emphasis on the United Kingdom. Multinational enterprises operate in increasingly competitive and complex environments, and the role of R&D can be vital in the creation, adaptation or adoption of knowledge across different foreign locations. This book offers valuable insight into the similarity and distinction between strategic and specific motivations of R&D FDI at the country level, addressing a key gap in previous research on the topic. Based on an empirical study, the authors challenge current thinking in international business studies by shifting focus from R&D FDI globalisation to the concentration of R&D FDI in a single location, conceptualising the interplay of strategic and location-specific motivations. This book is a vital read for students, researchers and practitioners interested in understanding the motivations behind R&D FDI decisions in the UK and beyond.

Social Crisis and Educational Research (RLE Edu L)

Social Crisis and Educational Research (RLE Edu L) PDF Author: Len Barton
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1136471111
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Book Description
Originally written at a time of crisis in the education system of Britain – occasioned by cuts, contradictions and change - many of the issues discussed in this book are still relevant today. Debate in the book focuses upon an examination of the nature of the crisis, an exploration of the impact of the crisis upon school processes and upon the relationship between life in school and in the wider community, an investigation of the responses being made by pupils, teachers and educationalists to the day-to-day manifestations of the crisis and a consideration of how the current crisis is giving a particular poignancy to issues to do with the theories and methods employed in our study and interpretation of contemporary educational processes.

Research on Teacher Thinking (RLE Edu N)

Research on Teacher Thinking (RLE Edu N) PDF Author: James Calderhead
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113645697X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Book Description
This is a companion volume to the editors’ Insights into Teachers’ Thinking and Practice (Falmer Press, 1999) and seeks to carry the discussion on further illustrating that there is a continuing intensity of thought, activity and debate on how to conceptualise research on teacher thinking, and thus generate knowledge for further understanding and action. The ethical questions on undertaking research on the inner lives of teachers remain unresolved. The international team present chapters which investigate the relationship between the researcher and the researched, and the relevance and role of research in teacher development. The papers are not presented as ‘best practice’ for such definitions would be inevitably value laden. Rather, they are indications and anticipations of key areas for the development of understanding of teachers’ thinking and actions in the 1990s.

Schooling, Ideology and the Curriculum (RLE Edu L)

Schooling, Ideology and the Curriculum (RLE Edu L) PDF Author: Len Barton
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1136471189
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Book Description
Although the different contributions to this book range over a wide spectrum of substantive issues, they share a common interest. This is a concern to explore the ways in which notions of the relations between theory and practice, between belief and action, can be used to develop three kinds of sensitivity in the sociology of education. A sensitivity towards how school systems are created, maintained and made to function; towards developing a more refined, critical and constructive awareness of the reliability and validity of descriptions, analyses and explanations offered in this field of study; and a sensitivity towards the ways in which changes take place within the education system and how the insights and realisations generated in the discipline might be used to control such occurrences.

Educability, Schools and Ideology (RLE Edu L)

Educability, Schools and Ideology (RLE Edu L) PDF Author: MICHAEL Flude
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136470425
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Book Description
The sociology of education has been at the forefront of new developments in sociological theory. This book examines and criticizes a number of these new developments and discusses some empirical work on issues of current concern. One of the few books that integrates radical and critical sociology into the field of education, it deals with the resultant difficulties. The topics covered include cultural deprivation, ideologies in education, classrooms, the teaching profession and the history of women’s education.

Learning in the Field

Learning in the Field PDF Author: Gretchen B. Rossman
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 9780761926511
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Book Description
"What sets this book apart is its skillful integration of both the scientific and artistic dimensions of qualitative research." --From the foreword by Michael Quinn Patton, author of Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, Third Edition The popular text that helped readers better understand and practice qualitative research has been completely updated and revised while retaining the features that made the First Edition so useful. New to this edition: Chapter 3 on the ethics and politics of qualitative research Chapter 4 on choosing the locus of interest among the major qualitative research approaches Chapter 10 expanded to provide detailed instructions for organizing, coding, interpreting, and analyzing data Chapters 8 and 11 present examples of the three student characters' data and analysis Concept boxes highlight major themes and issues and summarize important principles End-of-chapter study questions and activities

Race, Class and Education (RLE Edu L)

Race, Class and Education (RLE Edu L) PDF Author: Len Barton
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136471324
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Book Description
One problem which continues to absorb social scientists is the way in which so much social deprivation stems from racial or class status. The discussion in this book is developed in two ways: firstly, careful attention is given to an examination of the way minority groups create and maintain collective identities and action. Secondly, the relationship between this movement and such topics as racism in schools, schooling, unemployment and West Indian involvement in sporting rather than academic activities is analysed, together with the nature of the educational experience of different class and gender groups.

Towards Successful Schooling (RLE Edu L Sociology of Education)

Towards Successful Schooling (RLE Edu L Sociology of Education) PDF Author: Hugh Lauder
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113647000X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Book Description
The editors have compiled this critical and comparative study of changes which took place in the New Zealand education system in the second half of the twentieth century. For other Western societies who have felt the impact of New Right policies the New Zealand case is interesting because it provides some indication of how policies of decentralization in education might be used to develop egalitarian and democratic educational policies. In recent years there have been major changes to educational systems in the Western world. Often these changes have been justified by reference to successful educational practices in other countries. However, it is not always possible simply to abstract educational practices from one context and apply them in another successfully. Moreover claims that policies in one country are more successful than those in another have to be treated cautiously: there are always problems in making valid comparisons between the educational performances of different countries. It is important, therefore, that critical and comparative studies are made of educational systems which take full account of the contexts in which they are embedded.

Education, Racism and Reform (RLE Edu J)

Education, Racism and Reform (RLE Edu J) PDF Author: Barry Troyna
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1136507256
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 149

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Book Description
In this introductory text the authors look closely at widely held assumptions about ‘race’ and schooling in Britain, and evaluate the role of the school in a multi-ethnic society. Focusing on contemporary issues and concerns, they consider such controversial questions as: Is the education system rigged against black pupils? Is ‘tolerance’ really a characteristic of the British? The volume provides a detailed analysis of the Education Reform Act (1988) and the debate surrounding the National Curriculum, and asks whether these new initiatives do truly open the doors of opportunity for all children.