Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law

Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law PDF Author: Mary Keyes
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030239144
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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Book Description
This book highlights the importance of optional choice of court agreements, and the need for future research and legal development in this area. The law relating to choice of court agreements has developed significantly in recent years, reflecting their increased use in practice. However, most recent legal developments concern exclusive choice of court agreements. In comparison, optional choice of court agreements, also called permissive forum selection clauses and non-exclusive jurisdiction clauses, have attracted little attention from lawmakers or commentators. This collection is comprised of 19 National Reports, providing a critical analysis of the legal treatment of optional choice of court agreements, including asymmetric choice of court agreements, under national laws as well as under multilateral instruments. It also includes a General Report offering an overview of this area of the law and a synthesis of the findings of the national reporters. The contributions to this collection show that the legal treatment of optional choice of courts differs between legal systems. In some countries, the law on the effect of optional choice of court agreements is at an early stage in its development, whereas in others the law is relatively advanced. Irrespective of this, the national reporters identify unresolved issues with the effect of optional choice of court agreements, where the law is unclear or the cases are conflicting, demonstrating that this topic warrants greater attention. This book is of interest to judges, legislators, lawyers, academics and students who are concerned with private international law and international civil procedure.

Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law

Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law PDF Author: Mary Keyes
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030239144
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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Book Description
This book highlights the importance of optional choice of court agreements, and the need for future research and legal development in this area. The law relating to choice of court agreements has developed significantly in recent years, reflecting their increased use in practice. However, most recent legal developments concern exclusive choice of court agreements. In comparison, optional choice of court agreements, also called permissive forum selection clauses and non-exclusive jurisdiction clauses, have attracted little attention from lawmakers or commentators. This collection is comprised of 19 National Reports, providing a critical analysis of the legal treatment of optional choice of court agreements, including asymmetric choice of court agreements, under national laws as well as under multilateral instruments. It also includes a General Report offering an overview of this area of the law and a synthesis of the findings of the national reporters. The contributions to this collection show that the legal treatment of optional choice of courts differs between legal systems. In some countries, the law on the effect of optional choice of court agreements is at an early stage in its development, whereas in others the law is relatively advanced. Irrespective of this, the national reporters identify unresolved issues with the effect of optional choice of court agreements, where the law is unclear or the cases are conflicting, demonstrating that this topic warrants greater attention. This book is of interest to judges, legislators, lawyers, academics and students who are concerned with private international law and international civil procedure.

Party Autonomy in Private International Law

Party Autonomy in Private International Law PDF Author: Alex Mills
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107079179
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 595

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Provides an unprecedented historical, theoretical and comparative analysis and appraisal of party autonomy in private international law. These issues are of great practical importance to any lawyer dealing with cross-border legal relationships, and great theoretical importance to a wide range of scholars interested in law and globalisation.

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in International Commercial Law

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in International Commercial Law PDF Author: Zheng Sophia Tang
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113601344X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Arbitration and jurisdiction agreements are frequently used in transnational commercial contracts to reduce risk, gain efficacy and acquire certainty and predictability. Because of the similarities between these two types of procedural autonomy agreements, they are often treated in a similar way by courts and practitioners. This book offers a comprehensive study of the prerequisites, effectiveness, and enforcement of exclusive jurisdiction and arbitration agreements in international dispute resolution. It examines whether jurisdiction and arbitration clauses have identical effects in private international law and whether they have been or should be given the same treatment by most countries in the world. By comparing the treatment of these clauses in the US, China, UK and EU, Zheng Sophia Tang demonstrates how, in practice, exclusive jurisdiction and arbitration agreements are enforced. The book considers whether the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements could be treated as a litigating counterpart to the New York Convention, and whether it could work successfully to facilitate judicial cooperation and party autonomy in international commerce. This book breaks new ground in combining updated materials in EU, US and UK law with unique resources on Chinese law and practice. It will be valuable for academics and practitioners working in the field of private international law and international arbitration.

When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law

When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law PDF Author: World Intellectual Property Organization
Publisher: WIPO
ISBN: 9280529137
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 92

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Co-published by WIPO and the Hague Conference on Private International Law, this guide is a pragmatic tool, written by judges, for judges, examining how private international law operates in intellectual property (IP) matters. Using illustrative references to selected international and regional instruments and national laws, the guide aims to help judges apply the laws of their own jurisdiction, supported by an awareness of key issues concerning jurisdiction of the courts, applicable law, the recognition and enforcement of judgments, and judicial cooperation in cross-border IP disputes.

General Reports of the XXth General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law - Rapports généraux du XXème Congrès général de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé

General Reports of the XXth General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law - Rapports généraux du XXème Congrès général de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé PDF Author: Katharina Boele-Woelki
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030486778
Category : Law
Languages : fr
Pages : 709

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Book Description
This book explores convergences of legal doctrine despite jurisdictional, cultural and political barriers, as well as divergences due to such barriers, examining topics that are of vital importance to contemporary legal scholars. Written by leading experts from all continents, its 26 chapters present a comparative analysis of cutting-edge legal issues of the 21st century. While each of the countries covered stands alone as a sovereign state, in a technologically advanced world their disparate systems nonetheless show comparable strategies in dealing with complex legal issues. Several of the chapters show how, in addition to state normative production and state adjudication, a growing panoply of non-state instruments and non-state adjudication are becoming more and more central to the legal field. This book is a key addition to the library of any scholar wanting to keep abreast of the major trends in contemporary law. Representing the current state of law in a vast range of areas, it covers each topic from a comparative perspective. Cet ouvrage, en examinant des sujets d'une importance vitale pour les juristes contemporains, traite des convergences de la doctrine juridique malgré les barrières juridictionnelles, culturelles et politiques ainsi que des divergences dues à ces barrières. Écrits par d'éminents universitaires de tous les continents, ses 26 chapitres présentent une analyse comparative de sujets juridiques majeurs du 21e siècle. Dans un monde technologiquement avancé, bien que chaque pays analysé dans cet ouvrage demeure autonome en tant qu'État souverain, l’ensemble des systèmes disparates présente néanmoins des stratégies comparables pour traiter des questions juridiques complexes. En outre, plusieurs chapitres montrent comment, en plus de la production normative et de la résolution des différends étatiques, la panoplie croissante de différents types d'instruments non étatiques et de résolution non étatique des différends devient de plus en plus centrale dans la sphère juridique. Cet ouvrage est un ajout essentiel à la bibliothèque de tout universitaire souhaitant se tenir au courant des principales tendances du droit contemporain. Il couvre un vaste domaine de sujets traités d'un point de vue comparatif et représente l'état actuel du droit dans chaque domaine.

International Commercial Litigation

International Commercial Litigation PDF Author: Trevor C. Hartley
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521868076
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 963

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This is a carefully structured, practice-orientated textbook. The strong comparative component provides a thought-provoking international perspective, while at the same time allowing readers to gain unique insights into international commercial litigation in English courts.

Jurisdiction and Private International Law

Jurisdiction and Private International Law PDF Author: Patrick J. Borchers
ISBN: 9781782544265
Category : Conflict of laws
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In an increasingly globalized and digitized world, transactions, communications and data flow freely across national borders. When lawsuits arise as a result of those trans-border events, the question of which court or courts have jurisdiction and can provide the appropriate forum becomes critical. This two-volume collection provides a survey of personal jurisdiction across both time and legal systems. It includes articles ranging from the early 20th century to present day and to the problems created by jurisdiction in cyberspace. It also examines the jurisdictional premises of major common law countries and those in the civilian tradition. With an original introduction by the editor, these comprehensive volumes will appeal to scholars and practitioners alike.

Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts

Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts PDF Author: Oxford Editor
ISBN: 9780198840107
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1392

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This global study provides a definitive reference guide to the key choice of law principles on international contracts, including 60 national and regional reports written by experts from all parts of the world, and a dedicated commentary on the Hague Principles as applied to international commercial arbitration.

Conflict of Laws and the Internet

Conflict of Laws and the Internet PDF Author: Pedro De Miguel Asensio
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1035315130
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 561

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Book Description
In this thoroughly revised second edition, Pedro De Miguel Asensio presents a practical analysis of jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognition and enforcement of judgments in the context of online activities, examining areas where private legal relationships are most affected by the Internet. Addressing the tension between the ubiquity of the Internet and the territorial nature of national legal orders, the author sets out the latest developments across multiple jurisdictions in this dynamic field.

Choice of Law in Copyright and Related Rights

Choice of Law in Copyright and Related Rights PDF Author: Mireille M. M. van Eechoud
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041120718
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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Nobody denies that the traditional territorial approach to copyright and other intellectual property rights has come under pressure. Yet it persists. Faced with the need to determine the applicable law in cross-border cases, lawyers everywhere wrestle with the implications of the territorial nature of copyright and related rights. In this book Mireille van Eechoud clears the way to the formulation of conflict rules that reflect the purpose of copyright law- to protect creators and stimulate the production and use of information- without reverting to old-fashioned notions of territoriality. She shows how the applicable law can be determined for four distinct legal avenues of intellectual property law: Which exclusive rights exist in an intellectual creation and for how long; Who is considered to own such right; How can these rights be transferred; and What continues infringement of copyright and related rights. Mireille van Eechoud shows how, when each of these questions is approached in the light of the different allocation principles used in modern choice of law, a new clarity begins to emerge that promises in time to build a set of conflict rules well suited to the unprecedented copyright and related rights issues that we find so difficult to resolve today. Her in-depth analysis draws in the classis multilateral conventions and treaties, underlying policies, technological and economic developments, utilitarian grounds versus justice considerations, and issues of infringement in the digital environment. INFORMATION LAW SERIES 12.