Author: Mariana Koppmann
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9876293621
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 180
Book Description
Una nueva entrega del encuentro entre la ciencia y la cocina, donde se develan, tenedor en mano, los secretos de los platos que preparamos a diario y las técnicas que la ciencia aporta a nuestras recetas. Mariana Koppmann demuestra una vez más que nuestras cocinas son verdaderos laboratorios de química, física y biología. De entrada, lleva al extremo una de las verdades de la gastronomía al proponer que la comida no sólo entra por los ojos, sino por los cinco sentidos. Desentraña su funcionamiento y explora las combinaciones de sensaciones cuando comemos. Luego revela la ciencia oculta detrás de algunos fenómenos –los secretos de los vegetales de todos los colores (y cómo conservar el color durante la cocción) o los procesos que tienen lugar durante la fritura–, pasando por el fascinante método de la cocción al vacío, el supercongelamiento con nitrógeno líquido y las misteriosas esferificaciones, que permiten que sorprendamos a nuestros invitados con bolitas... de jugo de manzana. También nos enseña a perderle el miedo a una de las mayores innovaciones culinarias de los últimos años, como la utilización de aditivos, emulsionantes y gelificantes para lograr las más variadas texturas en los platos. La seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria se han convertido en un tema central, y este nuevo manual aporta las claves para conocer los microorganismos que contaminan los productos a fin de instrumentar una higiene eficaz para combatirlos. Además, los apéndices resumen conceptos básicos de la química y la física de los alimentos, fundamentales para entender la ciencia de la cocina. Y lo mejor: todas las explicaciones están regadas con consejos prácticos y recetas de vanguardia. Este libro nos ofrece ideas para deleitar a los comensales con globos de tomate, aires de salsa de soja o esféricos de naranja, y ser el centro de la fiesta al hablar de pectinas o cloroplastos. ¡Que lo disfruten!
Nuevo manual de gastronomía molecular
Author: Mariana Koppmann
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9876293621
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 180
Book Description
Una nueva entrega del encuentro entre la ciencia y la cocina, donde se develan, tenedor en mano, los secretos de los platos que preparamos a diario y las técnicas que la ciencia aporta a nuestras recetas. Mariana Koppmann demuestra una vez más que nuestras cocinas son verdaderos laboratorios de química, física y biología. De entrada, lleva al extremo una de las verdades de la gastronomía al proponer que la comida no sólo entra por los ojos, sino por los cinco sentidos. Desentraña su funcionamiento y explora las combinaciones de sensaciones cuando comemos. Luego revela la ciencia oculta detrás de algunos fenómenos –los secretos de los vegetales de todos los colores (y cómo conservar el color durante la cocción) o los procesos que tienen lugar durante la fritura–, pasando por el fascinante método de la cocción al vacío, el supercongelamiento con nitrógeno líquido y las misteriosas esferificaciones, que permiten que sorprendamos a nuestros invitados con bolitas... de jugo de manzana. También nos enseña a perderle el miedo a una de las mayores innovaciones culinarias de los últimos años, como la utilización de aditivos, emulsionantes y gelificantes para lograr las más variadas texturas en los platos. La seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria se han convertido en un tema central, y este nuevo manual aporta las claves para conocer los microorganismos que contaminan los productos a fin de instrumentar una higiene eficaz para combatirlos. Además, los apéndices resumen conceptos básicos de la química y la física de los alimentos, fundamentales para entender la ciencia de la cocina. Y lo mejor: todas las explicaciones están regadas con consejos prácticos y recetas de vanguardia. Este libro nos ofrece ideas para deleitar a los comensales con globos de tomate, aires de salsa de soja o esféricos de naranja, y ser el centro de la fiesta al hablar de pectinas o cloroplastos. ¡Que lo disfruten!
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9876293621
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 180
Book Description
Una nueva entrega del encuentro entre la ciencia y la cocina, donde se develan, tenedor en mano, los secretos de los platos que preparamos a diario y las técnicas que la ciencia aporta a nuestras recetas. Mariana Koppmann demuestra una vez más que nuestras cocinas son verdaderos laboratorios de química, física y biología. De entrada, lleva al extremo una de las verdades de la gastronomía al proponer que la comida no sólo entra por los ojos, sino por los cinco sentidos. Desentraña su funcionamiento y explora las combinaciones de sensaciones cuando comemos. Luego revela la ciencia oculta detrás de algunos fenómenos –los secretos de los vegetales de todos los colores (y cómo conservar el color durante la cocción) o los procesos que tienen lugar durante la fritura–, pasando por el fascinante método de la cocción al vacío, el supercongelamiento con nitrógeno líquido y las misteriosas esferificaciones, que permiten que sorprendamos a nuestros invitados con bolitas... de jugo de manzana. También nos enseña a perderle el miedo a una de las mayores innovaciones culinarias de los últimos años, como la utilización de aditivos, emulsionantes y gelificantes para lograr las más variadas texturas en los platos. La seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria se han convertido en un tema central, y este nuevo manual aporta las claves para conocer los microorganismos que contaminan los productos a fin de instrumentar una higiene eficaz para combatirlos. Además, los apéndices resumen conceptos básicos de la química y la física de los alimentos, fundamentales para entender la ciencia de la cocina. Y lo mejor: todas las explicaciones están regadas con consejos prácticos y recetas de vanguardia. Este libro nos ofrece ideas para deleitar a los comensales con globos de tomate, aires de salsa de soja o esféricos de naranja, y ser el centro de la fiesta al hablar de pectinas o cloroplastos. ¡Que lo disfruten!
Manual de gastronomía molecular
Author: Mariana Koppmann
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9876297244
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 187
Book Description
¿Bolitas de pizza? ¿Aire de trufas? ¿Espuma de frambuesa? ¿Pero dónde quedan entonces los buenos guisos, el excelso puchero, las nobles papas fritas o el insuperable flan con dulce de leche? Muchos creen que la gastronomía molecular es una mezcla de arte, marketing y experimentación sin límites, un depósito de recetas extravagantes para deconstruir un plato y reconstruirlo con texturas y colores capaces de sorprender los sentidos. Sin embargo, y más allá de los modernísimos restaurantes donde la estrella es el nitrógeno líquido, esta disciplina trata de entender ni más ni menos que la ciencia escondida detrás de las recetas más cotidianas. En estos días en que hay libros de cocina para todos los gustos, un texto que nos explique las transformaciones y reacciones de los alimentos es un soplo de aire fresco y culinario que los cocineros y cocineras, profesionales y amateurs, sabrán agradecer. Este Manual de gastronomía molecular se mete de lleno en la química y la física de los alimentos y de sus mezclas, y no deja pan sin levadura, papa sin almidón, bife de chorizo sin colágeno, al tiempo que nos inicia en los misterios de las espumas de yemas, en la acción de las proteínas, la fragilidad de la mayonesa y la cocción del arroz perfecto. También podremos experimentar con la consistencia de un huevo duro, lograr las claras batidas a nieve con el mayor volumen que hayamos imaginado o descubrir si realmente vale la pena sellar un trozo de carne antes de ponerlo en el horno. Mención especial merece la sección "Las preguntas de la libretita", que resuelve las dudas que cualquier cocinero se planteó alguna vez: cuándo es conveniente salar la carne, cuánto tiempo se cocinan los calamares, cómo se logra una pechuga jugosa, por qué se forma nata en la crema pastelera, cuál es el mejor aceite para freír y qué cantidad conviene usar, y muchas más.
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9876297244
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 187
Book Description
¿Bolitas de pizza? ¿Aire de trufas? ¿Espuma de frambuesa? ¿Pero dónde quedan entonces los buenos guisos, el excelso puchero, las nobles papas fritas o el insuperable flan con dulce de leche? Muchos creen que la gastronomía molecular es una mezcla de arte, marketing y experimentación sin límites, un depósito de recetas extravagantes para deconstruir un plato y reconstruirlo con texturas y colores capaces de sorprender los sentidos. Sin embargo, y más allá de los modernísimos restaurantes donde la estrella es el nitrógeno líquido, esta disciplina trata de entender ni más ni menos que la ciencia escondida detrás de las recetas más cotidianas. En estos días en que hay libros de cocina para todos los gustos, un texto que nos explique las transformaciones y reacciones de los alimentos es un soplo de aire fresco y culinario que los cocineros y cocineras, profesionales y amateurs, sabrán agradecer. Este Manual de gastronomía molecular se mete de lleno en la química y la física de los alimentos y de sus mezclas, y no deja pan sin levadura, papa sin almidón, bife de chorizo sin colágeno, al tiempo que nos inicia en los misterios de las espumas de yemas, en la acción de las proteínas, la fragilidad de la mayonesa y la cocción del arroz perfecto. También podremos experimentar con la consistencia de un huevo duro, lograr las claras batidas a nieve con el mayor volumen que hayamos imaginado o descubrir si realmente vale la pena sellar un trozo de carne antes de ponerlo en el horno. Mención especial merece la sección "Las preguntas de la libretita", que resuelve las dudas que cualquier cocinero se planteó alguna vez: cuándo es conveniente salar la carne, cuánto tiempo se cocinan los calamares, cómo se logra una pechuga jugosa, por qué se forma nata en la crema pastelera, cuál es el mejor aceite para freír y qué cantidad conviene usar, y muchas más.
Manual aplicado de gastronomía científica
Author: Mariana Koppmann
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9878013529
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 266
Book Description
Como saben profesionales y aficionados, cocinar es también hacer ciencia: se trata de experimentar con sabores y texturas, probar, ajustar y volver a probar recetas hasta dar con el resultado esperado, ese que despierte aplausos en la mesa. Este libro viene a ofrecer conocimientos y herramientas para el mejor encuentro entre la ciencia y la cocina. El Manual aplicado de gastronomía científica explora los procedimientos que permiten combinar los ingredientes que tenés en la alacena y en la heladera, tratarlos y transformarlos en platos únicos. Se incluyen en estas páginas, por ejemplo, los procesos para preparar panes o delicias de la pastelería y un detallado e infalible paso a paso para lograr la masa madre. No faltan a la cita las técnicas para elaborar lo que en la jerga culinaria se llama geles, espumas y emulsiones (más sencillo: gelatinas, flanes, cremas, merengues, mayonesas y más). También se revelan los secretos para crear frituras y rebozados originales, y las claves del uso de nitrógeno líquido y la cocción al vacío en las cocinas domésticas. Así, este volumen es la aplicación práctica de los contenidos de su libro-hermano, el Manual básico de gastronomía científica, dedicado a los ingredientes fundamentales, y completa una dupla formidable para tener siempre al alcance de la mano. Después de recorrer esta Biblia culinaria, tu experiencia en la cocina no volverá a ser la misma.
Publisher: Siglo XXI Editores
ISBN: 9878013529
Category : Cooking
Languages : es
Pages : 266
Book Description
Como saben profesionales y aficionados, cocinar es también hacer ciencia: se trata de experimentar con sabores y texturas, probar, ajustar y volver a probar recetas hasta dar con el resultado esperado, ese que despierte aplausos en la mesa. Este libro viene a ofrecer conocimientos y herramientas para el mejor encuentro entre la ciencia y la cocina. El Manual aplicado de gastronomía científica explora los procedimientos que permiten combinar los ingredientes que tenés en la alacena y en la heladera, tratarlos y transformarlos en platos únicos. Se incluyen en estas páginas, por ejemplo, los procesos para preparar panes o delicias de la pastelería y un detallado e infalible paso a paso para lograr la masa madre. No faltan a la cita las técnicas para elaborar lo que en la jerga culinaria se llama geles, espumas y emulsiones (más sencillo: gelatinas, flanes, cremas, merengues, mayonesas y más). También se revelan los secretos para crear frituras y rebozados originales, y las claves del uso de nitrógeno líquido y la cocción al vacío en las cocinas domésticas. Así, este volumen es la aplicación práctica de los contenidos de su libro-hermano, el Manual básico de gastronomía científica, dedicado a los ingredientes fundamentales, y completa una dupla formidable para tener siempre al alcance de la mano. Después de recorrer esta Biblia culinaria, tu experiencia en la cocina no volverá a ser la misma.
The Flavor Matrix
Author: James Briscione
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBN: 0544809963
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 327
Book Description
One of Smithsonian Magazine's Ten Best Food Books of the Year A revolutionary new guide to pairing ingredients, based on a famous chef's groundbreaking research into the chemical basis of flavor As an instructor at one of the world's top culinary schools, James Briscione thought he knew how to mix and match ingredients. Then he met IBM Watson. Working with the supercomputer to turn big data into delicious recipes, Briscione realized that he (like most chefs) knew next to nothing about why different foods taste good together. That epiphany launched him on a quest to understand the molecular basis of flavor--and it led, in time, to The Flavor Matrix. A groundbreaking ingredient-pairing guide, The Flavor Matrix shows how science can unlock unheard-of possibilities for combining foods into astonishingly inventive dishes. Briscione distills chemical analyses of different ingredients into easy-to-use infographics, and presents mind-blowing recipes that he's created with them. The result of intensive research and incredible creativity in the kitchen, The Flavor Matrix is a must-have for home cooks and professional chefs alike: the only flavor-pairing manual anyone will ever need.
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBN: 0544809963
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 327
Book Description
One of Smithsonian Magazine's Ten Best Food Books of the Year A revolutionary new guide to pairing ingredients, based on a famous chef's groundbreaking research into the chemical basis of flavor As an instructor at one of the world's top culinary schools, James Briscione thought he knew how to mix and match ingredients. Then he met IBM Watson. Working with the supercomputer to turn big data into delicious recipes, Briscione realized that he (like most chefs) knew next to nothing about why different foods taste good together. That epiphany launched him on a quest to understand the molecular basis of flavor--and it led, in time, to The Flavor Matrix. A groundbreaking ingredient-pairing guide, The Flavor Matrix shows how science can unlock unheard-of possibilities for combining foods into astonishingly inventive dishes. Briscione distills chemical analyses of different ingredients into easy-to-use infographics, and presents mind-blowing recipes that he's created with them. The result of intensive research and incredible creativity in the kitchen, The Flavor Matrix is a must-have for home cooks and professional chefs alike: the only flavor-pairing manual anyone will ever need.
Ideas in Food
Author: Aki Kamozawa
Publisher: Clarkson Potter
ISBN: 030771974X
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 322
Book Description
Alex Talbot and Aki Kamozawa, husband-and-wife chefs and the forces behind the popular blog Ideas in Food, have made a living out of being inquisitive in the kitchen. Their book shares the knowledge they have gleaned from numerous cooking adventures, from why tapioca flour makes a silkier chocolate pudding than the traditional cornstarch or flour to how to cold smoke just about any ingredient you can think of to impart a new savory dimension to everyday dishes. Perfect for anyone who loves food, Ideas in Food is the ideal handbook for unleashing creativity, intensifying flavors, and pushing one’s cooking to new heights. This guide, which includes 100 recipes, explores questions both simple and complex to find the best way to make food as delicious as possible. For home cooks, Aki and Alex look at everyday ingredients and techniques in new ways—from toasting dried pasta to lend a deeper, richer taste to a simple weeknight dinner to making quick “micro stocks” or even using water to intensify the flavor of soups instead of turning to long-simmered stocks. In the book’s second part, Aki and Alex explore topics, such as working with liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide—techniques that are geared towards professional cooks but interesting and instructive for passionate foodies as well. With primers and detailed usage guides for the pantry staples of molecular gastronomy, such as transglutaminase and hydrocolloids (from xanthan gum to gellan), Ideas in Food informs readers how these ingredients can transform food in miraculous ways when used properly. Throughout, Aki and Alex show how to apply their findings in unique and appealing recipes such as Potato Chip Pasta, Root Beer-Braised Short Ribs, and Gingerbread Soufflé. With Ideas in Food, anyone curious about food will find revelatory information, surprising techniques, and helpful tools for cooking more cleverly and creatively at home.
Publisher: Clarkson Potter
ISBN: 030771974X
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 322
Book Description
Alex Talbot and Aki Kamozawa, husband-and-wife chefs and the forces behind the popular blog Ideas in Food, have made a living out of being inquisitive in the kitchen. Their book shares the knowledge they have gleaned from numerous cooking adventures, from why tapioca flour makes a silkier chocolate pudding than the traditional cornstarch or flour to how to cold smoke just about any ingredient you can think of to impart a new savory dimension to everyday dishes. Perfect for anyone who loves food, Ideas in Food is the ideal handbook for unleashing creativity, intensifying flavors, and pushing one’s cooking to new heights. This guide, which includes 100 recipes, explores questions both simple and complex to find the best way to make food as delicious as possible. For home cooks, Aki and Alex look at everyday ingredients and techniques in new ways—from toasting dried pasta to lend a deeper, richer taste to a simple weeknight dinner to making quick “micro stocks” or even using water to intensify the flavor of soups instead of turning to long-simmered stocks. In the book’s second part, Aki and Alex explore topics, such as working with liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide—techniques that are geared towards professional cooks but interesting and instructive for passionate foodies as well. With primers and detailed usage guides for the pantry staples of molecular gastronomy, such as transglutaminase and hydrocolloids (from xanthan gum to gellan), Ideas in Food informs readers how these ingredients can transform food in miraculous ways when used properly. Throughout, Aki and Alex show how to apply their findings in unique and appealing recipes such as Potato Chip Pasta, Root Beer-Braised Short Ribs, and Gingerbread Soufflé. With Ideas in Food, anyone curious about food will find revelatory information, surprising techniques, and helpful tools for cooking more cleverly and creatively at home.
Exotic Fruits Reference Guide
Author: Sueli Rodrigues
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128031530
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 490
Book Description
Exotic Fruits Reference Guide is the ultimate, most complete reference work on exotic fruits from around the world. The book focuses on exotic fruit origin, botanical aspects, cultivation and harvest, physiology and biochemistry, chemical composition and nutritional value, including phenolics and antioxidant compounds. This guide is in four-color and contains images of the fruits, in addition to their regional names and geographical locations. Harvest and post-harvest conservation, as well as the potential for industrialization, are also presented as a way of stimulating interest in consumption and large scale production. - Covers exotic fruits found all over the world, described by a team of global contributors - Provides quick and easy access to botanical information, biochemistry, fruit processing and nutritional value - Features four-color images throughout for each fruit, along with its regional name and geographical location - Serves as a useful reference for researchers, industrial practitioners and students
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128031530
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 490
Book Description
Exotic Fruits Reference Guide is the ultimate, most complete reference work on exotic fruits from around the world. The book focuses on exotic fruit origin, botanical aspects, cultivation and harvest, physiology and biochemistry, chemical composition and nutritional value, including phenolics and antioxidant compounds. This guide is in four-color and contains images of the fruits, in addition to their regional names and geographical locations. Harvest and post-harvest conservation, as well as the potential for industrialization, are also presented as a way of stimulating interest in consumption and large scale production. - Covers exotic fruits found all over the world, described by a team of global contributors - Provides quick and easy access to botanical information, biochemistry, fruit processing and nutritional value - Features four-color images throughout for each fruit, along with its regional name and geographical location - Serves as a useful reference for researchers, industrial practitioners and students
Institut Paul Bocuse Gastronomique
Author: Institut Paul Bocuse
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 0600634523
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 720
Book Description
*** The perfect guide for professional chefs in training and aspiring amateurs, this fully illustrated, comprehensive step-by-step manual covers all aspects of preparing, cooking and serving delicious, high-end food. An authoritative, unique reference book, it covers 250 core techniques in extensive, ultra-clear step-by-step photographs. These techniques are then put into practice in 70 classic and contemporary recipes, designed by chefs. With over 1,800 photographs in total, this astonishing reference work is the essential culinary bible for any serious cook, professional or amateur. The Institut Paul Bocuse is a world-renowned centre of culinary excellence, based in France. Founded by 'Chef of the Century' Paul Bocuse, the school has provided the very best cookery and hospitality education for twenty-five years.
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 0600634523
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 720
Book Description
*** The perfect guide for professional chefs in training and aspiring amateurs, this fully illustrated, comprehensive step-by-step manual covers all aspects of preparing, cooking and serving delicious, high-end food. An authoritative, unique reference book, it covers 250 core techniques in extensive, ultra-clear step-by-step photographs. These techniques are then put into practice in 70 classic and contemporary recipes, designed by chefs. With over 1,800 photographs in total, this astonishing reference work is the essential culinary bible for any serious cook, professional or amateur. The Institut Paul Bocuse is a world-renowned centre of culinary excellence, based in France. Founded by 'Chef of the Century' Paul Bocuse, the school has provided the very best cookery and hospitality education for twenty-five years.
The Flavor Bible
Author: Andrew Dornenburg
Publisher: Little, Brown
ISBN: 0316039845
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 951
Book Description
Widely hailed as one of the most influential cookbooks of all time, this is the timeless classic guide to culinary creativity and flavor exploration, based on the wisdom of the world's most innovative chefs Eight years in the making, The Flavor Bible is a landmark book that has inspired the greatest creations of innovative cooks and chefs by serving as an indispensable guide to creativity and flavor affinities in today's kitchen. Cuisine is undergoing a startling historic transformation: With the advent of the global availability of ingredients, dishes are no longer based on geography but on flavor. This radical shift calls for a new approach to cooking -- as well as a new genre of "cookbook" that serves not to document classic dishes via recipes, but to inspire the creation of new ones based on imaginative and harmonious flavor combinations. The Flavor Bible is your guide to hundreds of ingredients along with the herbs, spices, and other seasonings that will allow you to coax the greatest possible flavor and pleasure from them. This astonishing reference distills the combined experience of dozens of America's most innovative culinarians, representing such celebrated and transformative restaurants as A Voce, Blue Hill, Café Atlántico, Chanterelle, Citronelle, Gramercy Tavern, the Herbfarm, Jardinière, Jean Georges, Le Bernardin, the Modern, and the Trellis. You'll learn to: explore the roles played by the four basic tastes -- salty, sour, bitter, and sweet -- and how to bring them into harmony; work more intuitively and effectively with ingredients by discovering which flavors have the strongest affinities for one another; brighten flavors through the use of acids -- from vinegars to citrus juices to herbs and spices such as Makrut lime and sumac; deepen or intensify flavors through layering specific ingredients and techniques; and balance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of cooking and serving an extraordinary meal. Seasoned with tips, anecdotes, and signature dishes from the country's most respected chefs and pastry chefs, The Flavor Bible is an essential book for every kitchen library. For more inspiration in the kitchen, look for The Vegetarian Flavor Bible andKitchen Creativity.
Publisher: Little, Brown
ISBN: 0316039845
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 951
Book Description
Widely hailed as one of the most influential cookbooks of all time, this is the timeless classic guide to culinary creativity and flavor exploration, based on the wisdom of the world's most innovative chefs Eight years in the making, The Flavor Bible is a landmark book that has inspired the greatest creations of innovative cooks and chefs by serving as an indispensable guide to creativity and flavor affinities in today's kitchen. Cuisine is undergoing a startling historic transformation: With the advent of the global availability of ingredients, dishes are no longer based on geography but on flavor. This radical shift calls for a new approach to cooking -- as well as a new genre of "cookbook" that serves not to document classic dishes via recipes, but to inspire the creation of new ones based on imaginative and harmonious flavor combinations. The Flavor Bible is your guide to hundreds of ingredients along with the herbs, spices, and other seasonings that will allow you to coax the greatest possible flavor and pleasure from them. This astonishing reference distills the combined experience of dozens of America's most innovative culinarians, representing such celebrated and transformative restaurants as A Voce, Blue Hill, Café Atlántico, Chanterelle, Citronelle, Gramercy Tavern, the Herbfarm, Jardinière, Jean Georges, Le Bernardin, the Modern, and the Trellis. You'll learn to: explore the roles played by the four basic tastes -- salty, sour, bitter, and sweet -- and how to bring them into harmony; work more intuitively and effectively with ingredients by discovering which flavors have the strongest affinities for one another; brighten flavors through the use of acids -- from vinegars to citrus juices to herbs and spices such as Makrut lime and sumac; deepen or intensify flavors through layering specific ingredients and techniques; and balance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of cooking and serving an extraordinary meal. Seasoned with tips, anecdotes, and signature dishes from the country's most respected chefs and pastry chefs, The Flavor Bible is an essential book for every kitchen library. For more inspiration in the kitchen, look for The Vegetarian Flavor Bible andKitchen Creativity.
Culinary Capital
Author: Peter Naccarato
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 0857854151
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 230
Book Description
TV cookery shows hosted by celebrity chefs. Meal prep kitchens. Online grocers and restaurant review sites. Competitive eating contests, carnivals and fairs, and junk food websites and blogs. What do all of them have in common? According to authors Kathleen LeBesco and Peter Naccarato, they each serve as productive sites for understanding the role of culinary capital in shaping individual and group identities in contemporary culture. Beyond providing sustenance, food and food practices play an important social role, offering status to individuals who conform to their culture's culinary norms and expectations while also providing a means of resisting them. Culinary Capital analyzes this phenomenon in action across the landscape of contemporary culture. The authors examine how each of the sites listed above promises viewers and consumers status through the acquisition of culinary capital and, as they do so, intersect with a range of cultural values and ideologies, particularly those of gender and economic class.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 0857854151
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 230
Book Description
TV cookery shows hosted by celebrity chefs. Meal prep kitchens. Online grocers and restaurant review sites. Competitive eating contests, carnivals and fairs, and junk food websites and blogs. What do all of them have in common? According to authors Kathleen LeBesco and Peter Naccarato, they each serve as productive sites for understanding the role of culinary capital in shaping individual and group identities in contemporary culture. Beyond providing sustenance, food and food practices play an important social role, offering status to individuals who conform to their culture's culinary norms and expectations while also providing a means of resisting them. Culinary Capital analyzes this phenomenon in action across the landscape of contemporary culture. The authors examine how each of the sites listed above promises viewers and consumers status through the acquisition of culinary capital and, as they do so, intersect with a range of cultural values and ideologies, particularly those of gender and economic class.
The Art & Science of Foodpairing
Author: Peter Coucquyt
Publisher: Mitchell Beazley
ISBN: 1784726400
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 1384
Book Description
"We build tools to create culinary happiness" - "There is a world of exciting flavour combinations out there and when they work it's incredibly exciting" - Heston Blumenthal Foodpairing is a method for identifying which foods go well together, based on groundbreaking scientific research that combines neurogastronomy (how the brain perceives flavour) with the analysis of aroma profiles derived from the chemical components of food. This groundbreaking new book explains why the food combinations we know and love work so well together (strawberries + chocolate, for example) and opens up a whole new world of delicious pairings (strawberries + parmesan, say) that will transform the way we eat. With ten times more pairings than any other book on flavour, plus the science behind flavours explained, Foodpairing will become THE go-to reference for flavour and an instant classic for anyone interested in how to eat well. Contributors: Astrid Gutsche and Gaston Acurio - Astrid y Gaston - Peru Andoni Luiz Aduriz - Mugaritz - Spain Heston Blumenthal - The Fat Duck - UK Tony Conigliaro - DrinksFactory - UK Sang Hoon Degeimbre - L'Air du Temps - Belgium Jason Howard - #50YearsBim - UK/Caribbean Mingoo Kang - Mingles - Korea Jane Lopes & Ben Shewry - Attica - Australia Virgilio Martinez - Central - Peru Dominique Persoone - The Chocolate Line - Belgium Karlos Ponte - Taller - Venezuela/Denmark Joan Roce - El Celler de Can Roca - Spain Dan Barber - Blue Hill at Stone Barns - USA Kobus van der Merwe - Wolfgat - South Africa Darren Purchese - Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio - Melbourne Alex Atala - D.O.M - Brazil María José San Román - Monastrell - Spain Keiko Nagae - Arôme conseil en patisserie - Paris
Publisher: Mitchell Beazley
ISBN: 1784726400
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 1384
Book Description
"We build tools to create culinary happiness" - "There is a world of exciting flavour combinations out there and when they work it's incredibly exciting" - Heston Blumenthal Foodpairing is a method for identifying which foods go well together, based on groundbreaking scientific research that combines neurogastronomy (how the brain perceives flavour) with the analysis of aroma profiles derived from the chemical components of food. This groundbreaking new book explains why the food combinations we know and love work so well together (strawberries + chocolate, for example) and opens up a whole new world of delicious pairings (strawberries + parmesan, say) that will transform the way we eat. With ten times more pairings than any other book on flavour, plus the science behind flavours explained, Foodpairing will become THE go-to reference for flavour and an instant classic for anyone interested in how to eat well. Contributors: Astrid Gutsche and Gaston Acurio - Astrid y Gaston - Peru Andoni Luiz Aduriz - Mugaritz - Spain Heston Blumenthal - The Fat Duck - UK Tony Conigliaro - DrinksFactory - UK Sang Hoon Degeimbre - L'Air du Temps - Belgium Jason Howard - #50YearsBim - UK/Caribbean Mingoo Kang - Mingles - Korea Jane Lopes & Ben Shewry - Attica - Australia Virgilio Martinez - Central - Peru Dominique Persoone - The Chocolate Line - Belgium Karlos Ponte - Taller - Venezuela/Denmark Joan Roce - El Celler de Can Roca - Spain Dan Barber - Blue Hill at Stone Barns - USA Kobus van der Merwe - Wolfgat - South Africa Darren Purchese - Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio - Melbourne Alex Atala - D.O.M - Brazil María José San Román - Monastrell - Spain Keiko Nagae - Arôme conseil en patisserie - Paris