New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 1

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 1 PDF Author: Albena Mihovska
Publisher: Artech House
ISBN: 1607839687
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 467

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Book Description
Based on cutting-edge research projects in the field, this book (part of a comprehensive 4-volume series) provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications. Other volumes cover Networks, Services and Applications; Reconfigurability; and Ad Hoc Networks.

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 1

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 1 PDF Author: Albena Mihovska
Publisher: Artech House
ISBN: 1607839687
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 467

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Book Description
Based on cutting-edge research projects in the field, this book (part of a comprehensive 4-volume series) provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications. Other volumes cover Networks, Services and Applications; Reconfigurability; and Ad Hoc Networks.

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 4

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 4 PDF Author: Ramjee Prasad
Publisher: Artech House
ISBN: 1607839741
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 487

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Book Description
Based on cutting-edge research projects in the field, this book (part of a comprehensive 4-volume series) provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications. Other volumes cover Networks, Services and Applications; Reconfigurability; and Ad Hoc Networks.

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 2: Networks, Services and Applications

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications, Volume 2: Networks, Services and Applications PDF Author: Ramjee Prasad
Publisher: Artech House
ISBN: 1607839709
Category : Mobile communication systems
Languages : en
Pages : 463

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Book Description
Based on cutting-edge research projects in the field, this book (part of a comprehensive 4-volume series) provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications. Other volumes cover Networks, Services and Applications; Reconfigurability; and Ad Hoc Networks.

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications PDF Author: Albena Mihovska
Publisher: Artech House
ISBN: 1607839725
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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Book Description
This book (part of a comprehensive 4-volume series) provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications.

Human Bond Communication

Human Bond Communication PDF Author: Sudhir Dixit
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119341337
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Book Description
This book approaches the topic area of the Internet of Things (IoT) from the perspective of the five types of human communication. Through this perspective on the human communication types, the book aims to specifically address how IoT technologies can support humans and their endeavors. The book explores the fields of sensors, wireless, physiology, biology, wearables, and the Internet. This book is organized with five sections, each covering a central theme; Section 1: The basics of human bond communication Section 2: Relevance IoT, BAN and PAN Section 3: Applications of HBC Section 4: Security, Privacy and Regulatory Challenges Section 5: The Big Picture (Where do we go from here?)

Driving 5G Mobile Communications with Artificial Intelligence towards 6G

Driving 5G Mobile Communications with Artificial Intelligence towards 6G PDF Author: Dragorad A. Milovanovic
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000851494
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 503

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Book Description
- provides some fundamental concepts related to 5G networks and the 5G NR signal processing. A review of AI and state of the art machine learning techniques is also given. - deals with the 5G/6G and AI enabled applications such as AR/VR, autonomous vehicles, mobile multimedia services, context aware communications, Industrial IoT and security. -elaborates on how AI techniques can enhance network and traffic management in 5G/6G networks. These include AI based mobility management, routing, scheduling, network performance optimization and even energy efficiency. -discusses the application of AI to 5G/6G NR signal processing and also the air interface. AI and deep learning techniques for channel coding, automatic modulation detection, channel estimation and equalization as well as spectrum management are presented with a view to highlight the benefits of using AI as compared to traditional techniques.

Propagation Engineering in Wireless Communications

Propagation Engineering in Wireless Communications PDF Author: Abdollah Ghasemi
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461410770
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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Book Description
Propagation Engineering in Wireless Communications covers the basic principles needed for understanding of radiowaves propagation for common frequency bands used in radio-communications. This book includes descriptions of new achievements and new developements in propagation models for wireless communication. The book is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical calculations and approaches to the applied procedures needed for radio links design in a proper manner. The authors intention is to emphasize propagation engineering by giving sufficient fundamental information and then going on to explain the use of basic principles together with technical achievements in this field.

Wireless Communications

Wireless Communications PDF Author: Theodore S. Rappaport
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009489836
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 733

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Book Description
Reissued by Cambridge University Press, this definitive textbook provides unrivaled coverage of wireless communication fundamentals.

Soft Computing Applications in Sensor Networks

Soft Computing Applications in Sensor Networks PDF Author: Sankar K. Pal
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1315354713
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 235

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Book Description
This book uses tutorials and new material to describe the basic concepts of soft-computing which potentially can be used in real-life sensor network applications. It is organized in a manner that exemplifies the use of an assortment of soft-computing applications for solving different problems in sensor networking. Written by worldwide experts, the chapters provide a balanced mixture of different problems concerning channel access, routing, coverage, localization, lifetime maximization and target tracking using emerging soft-computing applications.

6G Communication Network

6G Communication Network PDF Author: Ajay Kumar Vyas
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040132839
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Book Description
This book focuses on 6G technology beyond 5G. The objective of next generation 6G wireless communications is to improve the benchmarks while simultaneously delivering additional services. Many widely expected future services, such as life‐critical services and wireless brain‐computer interactions, will be important to their success. This book presents the evolution of 6G technology, architecture, and implementation. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and experimental modelling of 6G communication, providing detailed implementation issues and performance evaluation of emerging technologies along with research results, and networking methods. This book: • Contains a comprehensive overview of 6G communication network technology. • Contains both fundamental theories and cutting‐edge technologies. • Covers implementations, architecture, security, privacy, and reliability in 6G communication and performance analysis of the 6G communication. • Future trends and applications covered include vehicle‐to‐everything, massive radio access networks, Massive IoT Access Cybertwin, Sustainable Society 5.0 using 6G communication. • Covers the challenges and research directions to enable future research to make 6G communication a wireless solution for sustainability. • Contains a comprehensive overview of 6G communication network technology. • Contains both fundamental theories and cutting‐edge technologies. • Covers implementations, architecture, security, privacy, and reliability in 6G communication and performance analysis of the 6G communication. • Future trends and applications covered include vehicle‐to‐everything, massive radio access networks, Massive IoT Access Cybertwin, Sustainable Society 5.0 using 6G communication. • Covers the challenges and research directions to enable future research to make 6G communication a wireless solution for sustainability. This book is primarily written for senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, communications engineering, and computer science and engineering.