Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts

Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts PDF Author: Songjun Li
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 012801444X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts: Principle, Synthesis, and Applications is the first book of its kind to provide an in-depth overview of molecularly imprinted catalysts and selective catalysis, including technical details, principles of selective catalysis, preparation processes, the catalytically active polymers themselves, and important progress made in this field. It serves as an important reference for scientists, students, and researchers who are working in the areas of molecular imprinting, catalysis, molecular recognition, materials science, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.Comprising a diverse group of experts from prestigious universities and industries across the world, the contributors to this book provide access to the latest knowledge and eye-catching achievements in the field, and an understanding of what progress has been made and to what extent it is being advanced in industry. - The first book in the field on molecularly imprinted catalysts (MIPs) - Provides a systematic background to selective catalysis, especially the basic concepts and key principles of the different MIP-based catalysts - Features state-of-the art presentation of preparation methods and applications of MIPs - Written by scientists from prestigious universities and industries across the world, and edited by veteran researchers in molecular imprinting and selective catalysis

Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts

Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts PDF Author: Songjun Li
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 012801444X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Book Description
Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts: Principle, Synthesis, and Applications is the first book of its kind to provide an in-depth overview of molecularly imprinted catalysts and selective catalysis, including technical details, principles of selective catalysis, preparation processes, the catalytically active polymers themselves, and important progress made in this field. It serves as an important reference for scientists, students, and researchers who are working in the areas of molecular imprinting, catalysis, molecular recognition, materials science, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.Comprising a diverse group of experts from prestigious universities and industries across the world, the contributors to this book provide access to the latest knowledge and eye-catching achievements in the field, and an understanding of what progress has been made and to what extent it is being advanced in industry. - The first book in the field on molecularly imprinted catalysts (MIPs) - Provides a systematic background to selective catalysis, especially the basic concepts and key principles of the different MIP-based catalysts - Features state-of-the art presentation of preparation methods and applications of MIPs - Written by scientists from prestigious universities and industries across the world, and edited by veteran researchers in molecular imprinting and selective catalysis

Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Composites

Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Composites PDF Author: Sooraj M.P.
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0128203854
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 442

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Molecular Imprinted Polymer Composites: Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications covers the design of composite materials containing nanostructures and molecular imprinted polymers that has materialized the ever-sought out vision of homogeneous molecular imprinted polymers. The inherent high surface-to-volume ratio of nanostructures has served well in increasing the surface area of conventional bulk polymers. In recent decades, molecularly imprinted polymer nanocomposite materials have attracted much attention for their potential applications in the fields of separation science, sensing, drug delivery, waste water treatment and catalysis, hence this book provides a much needed update on progress. - Includes information on molecular imprinted polymer composites and their potential for commercialization - Discusses their synthesis, characterization and applications - Analyzes the effect of incorporation of different nanostructures on the thermodynamic, kinetic and adsorption behavior of imprinted sorbents

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Analytical Chemistry Applications

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Analytical Chemistry Applications PDF Author: Wlodzimierz Kutner
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1782626476
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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A summary of the latest developments and applications of molecular imprinting for selective chemical sensing.

Molecular Imprinting of Polymers

Molecular Imprinting of Polymers PDF Author: Sergey Piletsky
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040196071
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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One of Nature's most important talents is evolutionary development of systems capable of molecular recognition: distinguishing one molecule from another. Molecular recognition is the basis for most biological processes, such as ligandreceptor binding, substrate-enzyme reactions and translation and transcription of the genetic code and is therefore

Effects of Nanoconfinement on Catalysis

Effects of Nanoconfinement on Catalysis PDF Author: Rinaldo Poli
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319502077
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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This book highlights the recent advances and state of the art in the use of functionalized nanostructured environments on catalysis. Nanoconfinements considered include well-defined molecular cages, imprinted self-assembled supramolecules, polymers made by living or controlled polymerization, metallorganic frameworks, carbon nanotubes, mesoporous inorganic solids, and hybrids thereof. Advantages of nanoconfinement of catalysts discussed include higher activities, improved selectivities, catalyst stabilization, cooperativity effects, simplified protocols for cascade syntheses, better catalyst recovery, and recyclability. The multiple applications that these materials offer are revolutionizing industrial sectors such as energy, electronics, sensors, biomedicine, and separation technology.

Molecularly Imprinted Sensors

Molecularly Imprinted Sensors PDF Author: Songjun Li
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0444563318
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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Molecular imprinting is a rapidly growing field with wide-ranging applications, especially in the area of sensor development, where the process leads to improved sensitivity, reliability, stability, and reproducibility in sensing materials. Molecularly Imprinted Sensors in Analytical Chemistry addresses the most recent advances and challenges relating to molecularly imprinted polymer sensors, and is the only book to compile this information in a single source. From fundamentals to applications, this material will be valuable to researchers working in sensing technologies for pharmaceutical separation and chemical analysis, environmental monitoring and protection, defense and security, and healthcare. Provides a systematic introduction to the different types of MIP-based sensors and reviews the basic principles behind each type of sensor Includes state-of-the-art methodology supported by comparisons and discussions from leading experts in the field Covers all types of sensing modes (optical, electrochemical, thermal, acoustic, etc.), materials and platforms Appeals to a multidisciplinary audience of scientists and graduate students in a wide variety of fields, including chemistry, biology, biomedical science and engineering, and materials science and engineering

Supramolecular Catalysis

Supramolecular Catalysis PDF Author: Piet W.N.M. van Leeuwen
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527832041
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 708

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Supramolecular Catalysis Provides a timely and detailed overview of the expanding field of supramolecular catalysis The subdiscpline of supramolecular catalysis has expanded in recent years, benefiting from the development of homogeneous catalysis and supramolecular chemistry. Supramolecular catalysis allows chemists to design custom-tailored metal and organic catalysts by devising non-covalent interactions between the various components of the reaction. Edited by two world-renowned researchers, Supramolecular Catalysis: New Directions and Developments summarizes the most significant developments in the dynamic, interdisciplinary field. Contributions from an international panel of more than forty experts address a broad range of topics covering both organic and metal catalysts, including emergent catalysis by self-replicating molecules, switchable catalysis using allosteric effects, supramolecular helical catalysts, and transition metal catalysis in confined spaces. This authoritative and up-to-date volume: Covers ligand-ligand interactions, assembled multi-component catalysts, ligand-substrate interactions, and supramolecular organocatalysis and non-classical interactions Presents recent work on supramolecular catalysis in water, supramolecular allosteric catalysis, and catalysis promoted by discrete cages, capsules, and other confined environments Highlights current research trends and discusses the future of supramolecular catalysis Includes full references and numerous figures, tables, and color illustrations Supramolecular Catalysis: New Directions and Developments is essential reading for catalytic chemists, complex chemists, biochemists, polymer chemists, spectroscopists, and chemists working with organometallics.

Molecular Imprinting

Molecular Imprinting PDF Author: Lei Ye
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9814364878
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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Molecular imprinting is one of the most efficient methods to fabricate functional polymer structures with pre-defined molecular recognition selectivity. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been used as antibody and enzyme mimics in a large number of applications. The outstanding stability and straightforward preparation make MIPs ideal subst

Deactivation And Regeneration Of Zeolite Catalysts

Deactivation And Regeneration Of Zeolite Catalysts PDF Author: Michel Guisnet
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
ISBN: 1911299530
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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In chemical processes, the progressive deactivation of solid catalysts is a major economic concern and mastering their stability has become as essential as controlling their activity and selectivity. For these reasons, there is a strong motivation to understand the mechanisms leading to any loss in activity and/or selectivity and to find out the efficient preventive measures and regenerative solutions that open the way towards cheaper and cleaner processes. This book covers the fundamental and applied aspects of solid catalyst deactivation in a comprehensive way and encompasses the state of the art in the field of reactions catalyzed by zeolites. This particular choice is justified by the widespread use of molecular sieves in refining, petrochemicals and organic chemicals synthesis processes, by the large variety in the nature of their active sites (acid, base, acid-base, redox, bifunctional) and especially by their peculiar features, in terms of crystallinity, structural order and textural properties, which make them ideal models for heterogeneous catalysis. The aim of this book is to be a critical review in the field of zeolite deactivation and regeneration by collecting contributions from experts in the field which describe the factors, explain the techniques to study the causes and suggest methods to prevent (or limit) catalyst deactivation. At the same time, a selection of commercial processes and exemplar cases provides the reader with theoretical insights and practical hints on the deactivation mechanisms and draws attention to the key role played by the loss of activity on process design and industrial practice./a

Nanozymes: Next Wave of Artificial Enzymes

Nanozymes: Next Wave of Artificial Enzymes PDF Author: Xiaoyu Wang
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3662530686
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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This book describes the fundamental concepts, the latest developments and the outlook of the field of nanozymes (i.e., the catalytic nanomaterials with enzymatic characteristics). As one of today’s most exciting fields, nanozyme research lies at the interface of chemistry, biology, materials science and nanotechnology. Each of the book’s six chapters explores advances in nanozymes. Following an introduction to the rise of nanozymes research in the course of research on natural enzymes and artificial enzymes in Chapter 1, Chapters 2 through 5 discuss different nanomaterials used to mimic various natural enzymes, from carbon-based and metal-based nanomaterials to metal oxide-based nanomaterials and other nanomaterials. In each of these chapters, the nanomaterials’ enzyme mimetic activities, catalytic mechanisms and key applications are covered. In closing, Chapter 6 addresses the current challenges and outlines further directions for nanozymes. Presenting extensive information on nanozymes and supplemented with a wealth of color illustrations and tables, the book offers an ideal guide for readers from disparate areas, including analytical chemistry, materials science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, biomedical and clinical engineering, environmental science and engineering, green chemistry, and novel catalysis.