Author: Manuel Figuerola Palomo
Publisher: EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial
ISBN: 8415061676
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : es
Pages : 312
Book Description
el turismo en españa se configura como una actividad socioeconómica cuyos factores y elementos dinamizadores son básicos en el crecimiento, desarrollo y estabilidad (Figuerola, 2000). en primer lugar, porque su importante contribución al Pib hace posible, que su comportamiento repercuta de manera sensible en el aumento de la riqueza nacional, tanto directa, como indirectamente. en segundo lugar, porque también, a través del conjunto de piezas que constituyen su estructura, se ha convertido en motor de desarrollo, por medio de la redistribución de la renta a nivel personal, y en el ámbito regional. siendo impulsor de igualdad y de creación de trabajo en zonas de insuficiencia capacidad productiva. en tercer lugar, porque a través del segmento internacional, como a través de los flujos del turismo doméstico o interior, en numerosos destinos acreditados por su poder de atracción, estabiliza la estructura productiva y laboral. Capítulo 1 INTRoDUCCiÓN ................................................................................................................... | 7 | 1. Consideraciones generales ................................................................................................ | 8 | 2. dominio conceptual y enfoque de la investigación ................................................ | 9 | 3. objetivos del estudio............................................................................................................ | 11 | 4. Justificación del proyecto .................................................................................................. | 13 | 5. definición del proceso metodológico para la especificación y desarrollo del trabajo ................................................................................................................................. | 17 | Capítulo 2 iNVENTARio DE VARiABLES EXPLiCATiVAS DE LA SiTUACiÓN DE LoS MUNiCiPioS TURÍSTiCoS .................................................................................................. | 21 | 1. Conjunto de variables que definen la situación y estructura turística de los municipios .................................................................................................................... | 22 | 2. Ficha Municipal ........................................................................................................................ | 25 3. aplicación del inventario de variables explicativas a los municipios seleccionados .......................................................................................................................... | 29 | 4. análisis comparado de los municipios seleccionados ........................................... | 42 | Capítulo 3 iNDiCADoRES ECoNÓMiCoS, SoCiALES, LABoRALES Y AMBiENTALES DE iMPACToS DEL TURiSMo ................................................................................................. | 47 | 1. Consideraciones generales ................................................................................................ | 48 | Capítulo 4 iNDiCADoRES ECoNÓMiCoS ......................................................................................... | 55 | 1. nivel de producción turística directa (Ptd) .............................................................. | 56 | 2. renta turística y su relación con el Pib local o regional. según períodos anuales o trimestrales y su comparación temporal (rtrl) ................................ | 61 | 3. indicador de competitividad de la demanda turística ........................................... | 66 | 4. Multiplicador de la producción turística sobre el resto del sistema económico ................................................................................................................................. | 70 | 5. Valoración del esfuerzo presupuestario municipal en la promoción de la demanda turística ....................................................................................................... | 75 | ÍndiCe 6. Correlación anual o dependencia del turismo en el destino, respecto al conjunto del turismo en el país (residentes y no residentes). ....................... | 80 | 7. indicador de dependencia del crecimiento en los destinos turísticos en función de la variación de la renta de los países emisores ........................... | 86 | 8. Valoración en el ámbito municipal de indicadores de productividad de empleo e inversión hotelera en los destinos turísticos ................................... | 91 | Capítulo 5 iNDiCADoRES SoCiALES Y LABoRALES ................................................................... | 97 | 1. nivel de empleo en la oferta de alojamiento hotelero. estratificación por categorías y período estacional .............................................................................. | 98 | 2. nivel de empleo inducido por efecto del empleo en alojamiento ................... | 102 | 3. Multiplicador general del empleo turístico ................................................................. | 107 | 4. indicadores explicativos de signos de perversión social ...................................... | 112 | 5. Pérdida de personalidad e idiosincrasia local por efectos de disfunción de crecimiento de la demanda turística ....................................................................... | 117 | 6. indicador de desocupación local, según la evolución de la demanda turística ....................................................................................................................................... | 121 | 7. evolución del presupuesto para turismo y su relación con el presupuesto local .............................................................................................................................................. | 126 8. nivel de aceptación de la población local................................................................... | 131 | Capítulo 6 iNDiCADoRES AMBiENTALES ........................................................................................ | 137 | 1. evolución del índice del equilibrio medioambiental ............................................... | 139 | 2. indicador de la concentración territorial ..................................................................... | 143 | 3. indicador de la capacidad de recursos turísticos disponibles para el desarrollo .................................................................................................................... | 147 | 4. Capacidad de utilización de los recursos disponibles. iur .................................. | 152 | 5. indicador de evolución del equilibrio del ambiente social en el destino turístico ....................................................................................................................................... | 156 | 6. indicador de control de la calidad turística y ambiental ...................................... | 161 | 7. Medida de la percepción de los valores paisajísticos ............................................ | 165 | 8. evolución del indicador local de la huella de carbono. ......................................... | 169 | Capítulo 7 MoDELoS DE DESARRoLLo TURÍSTiCo APLiCABLES EN EL MARCo LoCAL . | 175 | 1. PreVitur. Modelo de previsión turística en el ámbito municipal ................... | 176 | 2. Vastur, conjunto de estimadores para la planificación del desarrollo de destinos turísticos, en función de estrategias premeditadas ....................... | 191 | medición del impacto del turismo en la eConoMÍa, el eMPleo y el Medio aMbiente en el áMbito loCal 3. ProyeCtur, modelo para la planificación del presupuesto municipal de turismo ................................................................................................................................. | 209 | 4. Clastur: Modelo de clasificación territorial del uso turístico del suelo en el ámbito municipal ......................................................................................................... | 224 | Capítulo 8 MoDELo ESTADÍSTiCo Y FoRMULACiÓN DE UNA ENCUESTA PARA LoS MUNiCiPioS ................................................................................................................. | 237 | introducción ....................................................................................................................................... | 238 | Cálculo de la muestra ..................................................................................................................... | 239 | Capítulo 9 ANEXoS ................................................................................................................................. | 243 | 1. anexo i. Método de estimación de las variables del sistema de medición del turismo en el ámbito municipal ................................................................................ | 244 | 2. anexo ii. descripción de fichas municipales .............................................................. | 271 | 3. anexo iii. esqueleto del cuestionario para municipios .......................................... | 289 | 4. anexo iV. supuesto de trabajo de campo para un municipio ........................... | 293 | BiBLioGRAFÍA...................................................................................................................... | 299 |
Medición del impacto del turismo en la economía, el empleo y el medio ambiente en el ámbito local
Author: Manuel Figuerola Palomo
Publisher: EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial
ISBN: 8415061676
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : es
Pages : 312
Book Description
el turismo en españa se configura como una actividad socioeconómica cuyos factores y elementos dinamizadores son básicos en el crecimiento, desarrollo y estabilidad (Figuerola, 2000). en primer lugar, porque su importante contribución al Pib hace posible, que su comportamiento repercuta de manera sensible en el aumento de la riqueza nacional, tanto directa, como indirectamente. en segundo lugar, porque también, a través del conjunto de piezas que constituyen su estructura, se ha convertido en motor de desarrollo, por medio de la redistribución de la renta a nivel personal, y en el ámbito regional. siendo impulsor de igualdad y de creación de trabajo en zonas de insuficiencia capacidad productiva. en tercer lugar, porque a través del segmento internacional, como a través de los flujos del turismo doméstico o interior, en numerosos destinos acreditados por su poder de atracción, estabiliza la estructura productiva y laboral. Capítulo 1 INTRoDUCCiÓN ................................................................................................................... | 7 | 1. Consideraciones generales ................................................................................................ | 8 | 2. dominio conceptual y enfoque de la investigación ................................................ | 9 | 3. objetivos del estudio............................................................................................................ | 11 | 4. Justificación del proyecto .................................................................................................. | 13 | 5. definición del proceso metodológico para la especificación y desarrollo del trabajo ................................................................................................................................. | 17 | Capítulo 2 iNVENTARio DE VARiABLES EXPLiCATiVAS DE LA SiTUACiÓN DE LoS MUNiCiPioS TURÍSTiCoS .................................................................................................. | 21 | 1. Conjunto de variables que definen la situación y estructura turística de los municipios .................................................................................................................... | 22 | 2. Ficha Municipal ........................................................................................................................ | 25 3. aplicación del inventario de variables explicativas a los municipios seleccionados .......................................................................................................................... | 29 | 4. análisis comparado de los municipios seleccionados ........................................... | 42 | Capítulo 3 iNDiCADoRES ECoNÓMiCoS, SoCiALES, LABoRALES Y AMBiENTALES DE iMPACToS DEL TURiSMo ................................................................................................. | 47 | 1. Consideraciones generales ................................................................................................ | 48 | Capítulo 4 iNDiCADoRES ECoNÓMiCoS ......................................................................................... | 55 | 1. nivel de producción turística directa (Ptd) .............................................................. | 56 | 2. renta turística y su relación con el Pib local o regional. según períodos anuales o trimestrales y su comparación temporal (rtrl) ................................ | 61 | 3. indicador de competitividad de la demanda turística ........................................... | 66 | 4. Multiplicador de la producción turística sobre el resto del sistema económico ................................................................................................................................. | 70 | 5. Valoración del esfuerzo presupuestario municipal en la promoción de la demanda turística ....................................................................................................... | 75 | ÍndiCe 6. Correlación anual o dependencia del turismo en el destino, respecto al conjunto del turismo en el país (residentes y no residentes). ....................... | 80 | 7. indicador de dependencia del crecimiento en los destinos turísticos en función de la variación de la renta de los países emisores ........................... | 86 | 8. Valoración en el ámbito municipal de indicadores de productividad de empleo e inversión hotelera en los destinos turísticos ................................... | 91 | Capítulo 5 iNDiCADoRES SoCiALES Y LABoRALES ................................................................... | 97 | 1. nivel de empleo en la oferta de alojamiento hotelero. estratificación por categorías y período estacional .............................................................................. | 98 | 2. nivel de empleo inducido por efecto del empleo en alojamiento ................... | 102 | 3. Multiplicador general del empleo turístico ................................................................. | 107 | 4. indicadores explicativos de signos de perversión social ...................................... | 112 | 5. Pérdida de personalidad e idiosincrasia local por efectos de disfunción de crecimiento de la demanda turística ....................................................................... | 117 | 6. indicador de desocupación local, según la evolución de la demanda turística ....................................................................................................................................... | 121 | 7. evolución del presupuesto para turismo y su relación con el presupuesto local .............................................................................................................................................. | 126 8. nivel de aceptación de la población local................................................................... | 131 | Capítulo 6 iNDiCADoRES AMBiENTALES ........................................................................................ | 137 | 1. evolución del índice del equilibrio medioambiental ............................................... | 139 | 2. indicador de la concentración territorial ..................................................................... | 143 | 3. indicador de la capacidad de recursos turísticos disponibles para el desarrollo .................................................................................................................... | 147 | 4. Capacidad de utilización de los recursos disponibles. iur .................................. | 152 | 5. indicador de evolución del equilibrio del ambiente social en el destino turístico ....................................................................................................................................... | 156 | 6. indicador de control de la calidad turística y ambiental ...................................... | 161 | 7. Medida de la percepción de los valores paisajísticos ............................................ | 165 | 8. evolución del indicador local de la huella de carbono. ......................................... | 169 | Capítulo 7 MoDELoS DE DESARRoLLo TURÍSTiCo APLiCABLES EN EL MARCo LoCAL . | 175 | 1. PreVitur. Modelo de previsión turística en el ámbito municipal ................... | 176 | 2. Vastur, conjunto de estimadores para la planificación del desarrollo de destinos turísticos, en función de estrategias premeditadas ....................... | 191 | medición del impacto del turismo en la eConoMÍa, el eMPleo y el Medio aMbiente en el áMbito loCal 3. ProyeCtur, modelo para la planificación del presupuesto municipal de turismo ................................................................................................................................. | 209 | 4. Clastur: Modelo de clasificación territorial del uso turístico del suelo en el ámbito municipal ......................................................................................................... | 224 | Capítulo 8 MoDELo ESTADÍSTiCo Y FoRMULACiÓN DE UNA ENCUESTA PARA LoS MUNiCiPioS ................................................................................................................. | 237 | introducción ....................................................................................................................................... | 238 | Cálculo de la muestra ..................................................................................................................... | 239 | Capítulo 9 ANEXoS ................................................................................................................................. | 243 | 1. anexo i. Método de estimación de las variables del sistema de medición del turismo en el ámbito municipal ................................................................................ | 244 | 2. anexo ii. descripción de fichas municipales .............................................................. | 271 | 3. anexo iii. esqueleto del cuestionario para municipios .......................................... | 289 | 4. anexo iV. supuesto de trabajo de campo para un municipio ........................... | 293 | BiBLioGRAFÍA...................................................................................................................... | 299 |
Publisher: EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial
ISBN: 8415061676
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : es
Pages : 312
Book Description
el turismo en españa se configura como una actividad socioeconómica cuyos factores y elementos dinamizadores son básicos en el crecimiento, desarrollo y estabilidad (Figuerola, 2000). en primer lugar, porque su importante contribución al Pib hace posible, que su comportamiento repercuta de manera sensible en el aumento de la riqueza nacional, tanto directa, como indirectamente. en segundo lugar, porque también, a través del conjunto de piezas que constituyen su estructura, se ha convertido en motor de desarrollo, por medio de la redistribución de la renta a nivel personal, y en el ámbito regional. siendo impulsor de igualdad y de creación de trabajo en zonas de insuficiencia capacidad productiva. en tercer lugar, porque a través del segmento internacional, como a través de los flujos del turismo doméstico o interior, en numerosos destinos acreditados por su poder de atracción, estabiliza la estructura productiva y laboral. Capítulo 1 INTRoDUCCiÓN ................................................................................................................... | 7 | 1. Consideraciones generales ................................................................................................ | 8 | 2. dominio conceptual y enfoque de la investigación ................................................ | 9 | 3. objetivos del estudio............................................................................................................ | 11 | 4. Justificación del proyecto .................................................................................................. | 13 | 5. definición del proceso metodológico para la especificación y desarrollo del trabajo ................................................................................................................................. | 17 | Capítulo 2 iNVENTARio DE VARiABLES EXPLiCATiVAS DE LA SiTUACiÓN DE LoS MUNiCiPioS TURÍSTiCoS .................................................................................................. | 21 | 1. Conjunto de variables que definen la situación y estructura turística de los municipios .................................................................................................................... | 22 | 2. Ficha Municipal ........................................................................................................................ | 25 3. aplicación del inventario de variables explicativas a los municipios seleccionados .......................................................................................................................... | 29 | 4. análisis comparado de los municipios seleccionados ........................................... | 42 | Capítulo 3 iNDiCADoRES ECoNÓMiCoS, SoCiALES, LABoRALES Y AMBiENTALES DE iMPACToS DEL TURiSMo ................................................................................................. | 47 | 1. Consideraciones generales ................................................................................................ | 48 | Capítulo 4 iNDiCADoRES ECoNÓMiCoS ......................................................................................... | 55 | 1. nivel de producción turística directa (Ptd) .............................................................. | 56 | 2. renta turística y su relación con el Pib local o regional. según períodos anuales o trimestrales y su comparación temporal (rtrl) ................................ | 61 | 3. indicador de competitividad de la demanda turística ........................................... | 66 | 4. Multiplicador de la producción turística sobre el resto del sistema económico ................................................................................................................................. | 70 | 5. Valoración del esfuerzo presupuestario municipal en la promoción de la demanda turística ....................................................................................................... | 75 | ÍndiCe 6. Correlación anual o dependencia del turismo en el destino, respecto al conjunto del turismo en el país (residentes y no residentes). ....................... | 80 | 7. indicador de dependencia del crecimiento en los destinos turísticos en función de la variación de la renta de los países emisores ........................... | 86 | 8. Valoración en el ámbito municipal de indicadores de productividad de empleo e inversión hotelera en los destinos turísticos ................................... | 91 | Capítulo 5 iNDiCADoRES SoCiALES Y LABoRALES ................................................................... | 97 | 1. nivel de empleo en la oferta de alojamiento hotelero. estratificación por categorías y período estacional .............................................................................. | 98 | 2. nivel de empleo inducido por efecto del empleo en alojamiento ................... | 102 | 3. Multiplicador general del empleo turístico ................................................................. | 107 | 4. indicadores explicativos de signos de perversión social ...................................... | 112 | 5. Pérdida de personalidad e idiosincrasia local por efectos de disfunción de crecimiento de la demanda turística ....................................................................... | 117 | 6. indicador de desocupación local, según la evolución de la demanda turística ....................................................................................................................................... | 121 | 7. evolución del presupuesto para turismo y su relación con el presupuesto local .............................................................................................................................................. | 126 8. nivel de aceptación de la población local................................................................... | 131 | Capítulo 6 iNDiCADoRES AMBiENTALES ........................................................................................ | 137 | 1. evolución del índice del equilibrio medioambiental ............................................... | 139 | 2. indicador de la concentración territorial ..................................................................... | 143 | 3. indicador de la capacidad de recursos turísticos disponibles para el desarrollo .................................................................................................................... | 147 | 4. Capacidad de utilización de los recursos disponibles. iur .................................. | 152 | 5. indicador de evolución del equilibrio del ambiente social en el destino turístico ....................................................................................................................................... | 156 | 6. indicador de control de la calidad turística y ambiental ...................................... | 161 | 7. Medida de la percepción de los valores paisajísticos ............................................ | 165 | 8. evolución del indicador local de la huella de carbono. ......................................... | 169 | Capítulo 7 MoDELoS DE DESARRoLLo TURÍSTiCo APLiCABLES EN EL MARCo LoCAL . | 175 | 1. PreVitur. Modelo de previsión turística en el ámbito municipal ................... | 176 | 2. Vastur, conjunto de estimadores para la planificación del desarrollo de destinos turísticos, en función de estrategias premeditadas ....................... | 191 | medición del impacto del turismo en la eConoMÍa, el eMPleo y el Medio aMbiente en el áMbito loCal 3. ProyeCtur, modelo para la planificación del presupuesto municipal de turismo ................................................................................................................................. | 209 | 4. Clastur: Modelo de clasificación territorial del uso turístico del suelo en el ámbito municipal ......................................................................................................... | 224 | Capítulo 8 MoDELo ESTADÍSTiCo Y FoRMULACiÓN DE UNA ENCUESTA PARA LoS MUNiCiPioS ................................................................................................................. | 237 | introducción ....................................................................................................................................... | 238 | Cálculo de la muestra ..................................................................................................................... | 239 | Capítulo 9 ANEXoS ................................................................................................................................. | 243 | 1. anexo i. Método de estimación de las variables del sistema de medición del turismo en el ámbito municipal ................................................................................ | 244 | 2. anexo ii. descripción de fichas municipales .............................................................. | 271 | 3. anexo iii. esqueleto del cuestionario para municipios .......................................... | 289 | 4. anexo iV. supuesto de trabajo de campo para un municipio ........................... | 293 | BiBLioGRAFÍA...................................................................................................................... | 299 |
Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations
Author: Pinto, Patrícia
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799831574
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 529
Book Description
Tourism is an economic and social phenomenon that is centered on a tourist’s experience and is dependent on the experiences that are co-created and provided to tourists. Tourism destination managers must understand what tourists perceive as engaging, intense, and memorable in order to remain successful. However, care must also be given to the residents’ perception of local tourism development and how it impacts their community. This is a fundamental aspect for tourism development since host communities that support tourism development tend to be more hospitable with tourists, which influences their satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, the interaction with residents of host communities is a crucial component of the quality of the tourist experience, contributing to the long-term success and sustainability of destinations. The The Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations is a collection of innovative research that examines travel destinations from the resident and tourist perspectives in order to better support and inform the tourism development process and to make the destinations attractive to visitors while at the same time contributing to resident quality of life and happiness. While highlighting topics including sustainable development, hotel management, and customer satisfaction, this book is ideally designed for government officials, tour developers, travel agencies, brand managers, advertising agencies, restaurateurs, public administrators, hotel managers, tourist industry professionals, academicians, researchers, and students.
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799831574
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 529
Book Description
Tourism is an economic and social phenomenon that is centered on a tourist’s experience and is dependent on the experiences that are co-created and provided to tourists. Tourism destination managers must understand what tourists perceive as engaging, intense, and memorable in order to remain successful. However, care must also be given to the residents’ perception of local tourism development and how it impacts their community. This is a fundamental aspect for tourism development since host communities that support tourism development tend to be more hospitable with tourists, which influences their satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, the interaction with residents of host communities is a crucial component of the quality of the tourist experience, contributing to the long-term success and sustainability of destinations. The The Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations is a collection of innovative research that examines travel destinations from the resident and tourist perspectives in order to better support and inform the tourism development process and to make the destinations attractive to visitors while at the same time contributing to resident quality of life and happiness. While highlighting topics including sustainable development, hotel management, and customer satisfaction, this book is ideally designed for government officials, tour developers, travel agencies, brand managers, advertising agencies, restaurateurs, public administrators, hotel managers, tourist industry professionals, academicians, researchers, and students.
The North American Mosaic
Author: Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Montréal, Québec). Secretariat
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 240
Book Description
The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 240
Book Description
The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.
Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism
Author: World Tourism Organization
Publisher: WTO
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 154
Book Description
This publication contains details of private or public tourism projects that have been presented by WTO Member States as examples of good, sustainable practices for poverty reduction through tourism. They are drawn from 26 case studies from 20 countries including three LDCs (least developed countries) of Ethiopia, Mali and Mozambique, and include examples of projects relating to agro-tourism, tourism micro-entrepreneur networks, village tourism, community-based hotels, parks or protected areas, guide training and handicraft development.
Publisher: WTO
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 154
Book Description
This publication contains details of private or public tourism projects that have been presented by WTO Member States as examples of good, sustainable practices for poverty reduction through tourism. They are drawn from 26 case studies from 20 countries including three LDCs (least developed countries) of Ethiopia, Mali and Mozambique, and include examples of projects relating to agro-tourism, tourism micro-entrepreneur networks, village tourism, community-based hotels, parks or protected areas, guide training and handicraft development.
Tourism and Water
Author: Stefan Gössling
Publisher: Channel View Publications
ISBN: 1845414993
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 210
Book Description
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on tourism and water. It is the first book to thoroughly examine the interrelationships of tourism and water use based on global, regional and business perspectives. Its assessment of tourism's global impact along with its overviews of sectoral and management approaches will provide a benchmark by which the water sustainability of tourism will be measured for years to come. In making a clear case for greater awareness and enhanced water management in the tourism sector, it is hoped that the book will contribute to the wise and sustainable use of this critical resource. The book is interdisciplinary in coverage and international in scope. It is designed as essential reading for not only students of tourism but also practitioners.
Publisher: Channel View Publications
ISBN: 1845414993
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 210
Book Description
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on tourism and water. It is the first book to thoroughly examine the interrelationships of tourism and water use based on global, regional and business perspectives. Its assessment of tourism's global impact along with its overviews of sectoral and management approaches will provide a benchmark by which the water sustainability of tourism will be measured for years to come. In making a clear case for greater awareness and enhanced water management in the tourism sector, it is hoped that the book will contribute to the wise and sustainable use of this critical resource. The book is interdisciplinary in coverage and international in scope. It is designed as essential reading for not only students of tourism but also practitioners.
The Future of Tourism
Author: Eduardo Fayos-Solà
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319899414
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 343
Book Description
This book presents the foundations for the future of tourism in a structured and detailed format. The who-is-who of tourism intelligence has collaborated to present a definitive blueprint for tourism reflecting the role of science, market institutions, and governance in its innovation and sustainability. The book adopts a comprehensive approach, exploring recent research and the latest developments in practice to inform the reader about instruments and actions that can shape a successful future for tourism. Broad in scope, the book incorporates the perspectives of leading tourism academics, as well as the views of tourism entrepreneurs, destination managers, government officials, and civil leaders. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which addresses the scientific facets of innovation, analyzing the challenges and opportunities that technology provides for organic and disruptive developments in tourism, which will shape its future. In turn, the second part examines socio-cultural paradigms – with a view to dismantling traditional barriers to innovation. It also explores the role of heritage and the ethics of inclusiveness as drivers for sustainable tourism. The third part investigates new ways and means in governance and policy making for tourism. It introduces advances such as strategic positioning, symbiotic partnerships, and innovative management, and closes by presenting governance frameworks for an inclusive and sustainable future of tourism.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319899414
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 343
Book Description
This book presents the foundations for the future of tourism in a structured and detailed format. The who-is-who of tourism intelligence has collaborated to present a definitive blueprint for tourism reflecting the role of science, market institutions, and governance in its innovation and sustainability. The book adopts a comprehensive approach, exploring recent research and the latest developments in practice to inform the reader about instruments and actions that can shape a successful future for tourism. Broad in scope, the book incorporates the perspectives of leading tourism academics, as well as the views of tourism entrepreneurs, destination managers, government officials, and civil leaders. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which addresses the scientific facets of innovation, analyzing the challenges and opportunities that technology provides for organic and disruptive developments in tourism, which will shape its future. In turn, the second part examines socio-cultural paradigms – with a view to dismantling traditional barriers to innovation. It also explores the role of heritage and the ethics of inclusiveness as drivers for sustainable tourism. The third part investigates new ways and means in governance and policy making for tourism. It introduces advances such as strategic positioning, symbiotic partnerships, and innovative management, and closes by presenting governance frameworks for an inclusive and sustainable future of tourism.
Tourism, Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation
Author: World Tourism Organization
Publisher: WTO
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 68
Book Description
This publication, produced by the World Tourism Organization and PlaNet Finance, examines the impact of tourism in relation to poverty reduction strategies in developing countries through the use of microfinance options in tourism projects. The report considers seven different approaches for promoting benefits for the poor from tourism development (including employment options, provision of services and products and tourism taxation); the role of small and medium sized businesses; and financing tourism through microcredit schemes, using the example of rural tourism development in Morocco.
Publisher: WTO
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 68
Book Description
This publication, produced by the World Tourism Organization and PlaNet Finance, examines the impact of tourism in relation to poverty reduction strategies in developing countries through the use of microfinance options in tourism projects. The report considers seven different approaches for promoting benefits for the poor from tourism development (including employment options, provision of services and products and tourism taxation); the role of small and medium sized businesses; and financing tourism through microcredit schemes, using the example of rural tourism development in Morocco.
Tourism Crises
Author: Joan C. Henderson
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0750678348
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 202
Book Description
Tourism Crises... tackles the following areas: Political disturbance: the relationship between politics and tourism and political inspired tourism crises. · Social unrest: host-guest relations and tourists as targets of unrest · Economic instability: crises arising from fluctuating exchange rates and lack of investor confidence · Environmental conditions: natural disasters and health crises · Technological crises; transport accidents and crises arising from technical failure · Corporate crises. Human resource issues and questions of finance . Approaches to managing crises will be assessed and appropriate tools and techniques of crisis management are explored, enabling readers to gain an insight into this critical aspect of tourism decision making and equipping them with the skills and expertise necessary to deal with crisis conditions.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0750678348
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 202
Book Description
Tourism Crises... tackles the following areas: Political disturbance: the relationship between politics and tourism and political inspired tourism crises. · Social unrest: host-guest relations and tourists as targets of unrest · Economic instability: crises arising from fluctuating exchange rates and lack of investor confidence · Environmental conditions: natural disasters and health crises · Technological crises; transport accidents and crises arising from technical failure · Corporate crises. Human resource issues and questions of finance . Approaches to managing crises will be assessed and appropriate tools and techniques of crisis management are explored, enabling readers to gain an insight into this critical aspect of tourism decision making and equipping them with the skills and expertise necessary to deal with crisis conditions.
Cities of Tomorrow
Author: Peter Hall
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 9780631199434
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 502
Book Description
Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 9780631199434
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 502
Book Description
Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.
Social and Solidarity Economy
Author: Peter Utting
Publisher: Zed Books Ltd.
ISBN: 178360347X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 376
Book Description
As economic crises, growing inequality and climate change prompt a global debate on the meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on 'social and solidarity economy' as a distinctive approach to sustainable and rights-based development. While we are beginning to understand what social and solidarity economy is, what it promises and how it differs from 'business as usual', we know far less about whether it can really move beyond its fringe status in many countries and regions. Under what conditions can social and solidarity economy scale up and scale out - that is, expand in terms of the growth of social and solidarity economy organizations and enterprises, or spread horizontally within given territories? Bringing together leading researchers, blending theoretical and empirical analysis, and drawing on experiences and case studies from multiple countries and regions, this volume addresses these questions. In so doing, it aims to inform a broad constituency of development actors, including scholars, practitioners, activists and policy makers.
Publisher: Zed Books Ltd.
ISBN: 178360347X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 376
Book Description
As economic crises, growing inequality and climate change prompt a global debate on the meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on 'social and solidarity economy' as a distinctive approach to sustainable and rights-based development. While we are beginning to understand what social and solidarity economy is, what it promises and how it differs from 'business as usual', we know far less about whether it can really move beyond its fringe status in many countries and regions. Under what conditions can social and solidarity economy scale up and scale out - that is, expand in terms of the growth of social and solidarity economy organizations and enterprises, or spread horizontally within given territories? Bringing together leading researchers, blending theoretical and empirical analysis, and drawing on experiences and case studies from multiple countries and regions, this volume addresses these questions. In so doing, it aims to inform a broad constituency of development actors, including scholars, practitioners, activists and policy makers.