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Author: Sheldon Axler
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030331431
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 430
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Book Description
This open access textbook welcomes students into the fundamental theory of measure, integration, and real analysis. Focusing on an accessible approach, Axler lays the foundations for further study by promoting a deep understanding of key results. Content is carefully curated to suit a single course, or two-semester sequence of courses, creating a versatile entry point for graduate studies in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Motivated by a brief review of Riemann integration and its deficiencies, the text begins by immersing students in the concepts of measure and integration. Lebesgue measure and abstract measures are developed together, with each providing key insight into the main ideas of the other approach. Lebesgue integration links into results such as the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem. The development of products of abstract measures leads to Lebesgue measure on Rn. Chapters on Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and Hilbert spaces showcase major results such as the Hahn–Banach Theorem, Hölder’s Inequality, and the Riesz Representation Theorem. An in-depth study of linear maps on Hilbert spaces culminates in the Spectral Theorem and Singular Value Decomposition for compact operators, with an optional interlude in real and complex measures. Building on the Hilbert space material, a chapter on Fourier analysis provides an invaluable introduction to Fourier series and the Fourier transform. The final chapter offers a taste of probability. Extensively class tested at multiple universities and written by an award-winning mathematical expositor, Measure, Integration & Real Analysis is an ideal resource for students at the start of their journey into graduate mathematics. A prerequisite of elementary undergraduate real analysis is assumed; students and instructors looking to reinforce these ideas will appreciate the electronic Supplement for Measure, Integration & Real Analysis that is freely available online. For errata and updates, visit
Author: Sheldon Axler
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030331431
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 430
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Book Description
This open access textbook welcomes students into the fundamental theory of measure, integration, and real analysis. Focusing on an accessible approach, Axler lays the foundations for further study by promoting a deep understanding of key results. Content is carefully curated to suit a single course, or two-semester sequence of courses, creating a versatile entry point for graduate studies in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Motivated by a brief review of Riemann integration and its deficiencies, the text begins by immersing students in the concepts of measure and integration. Lebesgue measure and abstract measures are developed together, with each providing key insight into the main ideas of the other approach. Lebesgue integration links into results such as the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem. The development of products of abstract measures leads to Lebesgue measure on Rn. Chapters on Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and Hilbert spaces showcase major results such as the Hahn–Banach Theorem, Hölder’s Inequality, and the Riesz Representation Theorem. An in-depth study of linear maps on Hilbert spaces culminates in the Spectral Theorem and Singular Value Decomposition for compact operators, with an optional interlude in real and complex measures. Building on the Hilbert space material, a chapter on Fourier analysis provides an invaluable introduction to Fourier series and the Fourier transform. The final chapter offers a taste of probability. Extensively class tested at multiple universities and written by an award-winning mathematical expositor, Measure, Integration & Real Analysis is an ideal resource for students at the start of their journey into graduate mathematics. A prerequisite of elementary undergraduate real analysis is assumed; students and instructors looking to reinforce these ideas will appreciate the electronic Supplement for Measure, Integration & Real Analysis that is freely available online. For errata and updates, visit
Author: Terence Tao
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 1470466406
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 226
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Book Description
This is a graduate text introducing the fundamentals of measure theory and integration theory, which is the foundation of modern real analysis. The text focuses first on the concrete setting of Lebesgue measure and the Lebesgue integral (which in turn is motivated by the more classical concepts of Jordan measure and the Riemann integral), before moving on to abstract measure and integration theory, including the standard convergence theorems, Fubini's theorem, and the Carathéodory extension theorem. Classical differentiation theorems, such as the Lebesgue and Rademacher differentiation theorems, are also covered, as are connections with probability theory. The material is intended to cover a quarter or semester's worth of material for a first graduate course in real analysis. There is an emphasis in the text on tying together the abstract and the concrete sides of the subject, using the latter to illustrate and motivate the former. The central role of key principles (such as Littlewood's three principles) as providing guiding intuition to the subject is also emphasized. There are a large number of exercises throughout that develop key aspects of the theory, and are thus an integral component of the text. As a supplementary section, a discussion of general problem-solving strategies in analysis is also given. The last three sections discuss optional topics related to the main matter of the book.
Author: Vladimir I. Bogachev
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540345140
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 1075
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Book Description
This book giving an exposition of the foundations of modern measure theory offers three levels of presentation: a standard university graduate course, an advanced study containing some complements to the basic course, and, finally, more specialized topics partly covered by more than 850 exercises with detailed hints and references. Bibliographical comments and an extensive bibliography with 2000 works covering more than a century are provided.
Author: G De Barra
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0857099523
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 240
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This text approaches integration via measure theory as opposed to measure theory via integration, an approach which makes it easier to grasp the subject. Apart from its central importance to pure mathematics, the material is also relevant to applied mathematics and probability, with proof of the mathematics set out clearly and in considerable detail. Numerous worked examples necessary for teaching and learning at undergraduate level constitute a strong feature of the book, and after studying statements of results of the theorems, students should be able to attempt the 300 problem exercises which test comprehension and for which detailed solutions are provided. - Approaches integration via measure theory, as opposed to measure theory via integration, making it easier to understand the subject - Includes numerous worked examples necessary for teaching and learning at undergraduate level - Detailed solutions are provided for the 300 problem exercises which test comprehension of the theorems provided
Author: Herbert Federer
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642620108
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 694
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"This book is a major treatise in mathematics and is essential in the working library of the modern analyst." (Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society)
Author: Frank Jones
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9780763717087
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 626
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"'Lebesgue Integration on Euclidean Space' contains a concrete, intuitive, and patient derivation of Lebesgue measure and integration on Rn. It contains many exercises that are incorporated throughout the text, enabling the reader to apply immediately the new ideas that have been presented" --
Author: Frank Morgan
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483277801
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 154
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Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide provides information pertinent to the development of geometric measure theory. This book presents a few fundamental arguments and a superficial discussion of the regularity theory. Organized into 12 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the purpose and fundamental concepts of geometric measure theory. This text then provides the measure-theoretic foundation, including the definition of Hausdorff measure and covering theory. Other chapters consider the m-dimensional surfaces of geometric measure theory called rectifiable sets and introduce the two basic tools of the regularity theory of area-minimizing surfaces. This book discusses as well the fundamental theorem of geometric measure theory, which guarantees solutions to a wide class of variational problems in general dimensions. The final chapter deals with the basic methods of geometry and analysis in a generality that embraces manifold applications. This book is a valuable resource for graduate students, mathematicians, and research workers.
Author: D. H. Fremlin
Publisher: Torres Fremlin
ISBN: 0953812952
Category : Fourier analysis
Languages : en
Pages : 292
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Author: E. Pap
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080533094
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 1633
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The main goal of this Handbook isto survey measure theory with its many different branches and itsrelations with other areas of mathematics. Mostly aggregating many classical branches of measure theory the aim of the Handbook is also to cover new fields, approaches and applications whichsupport the idea of "measure" in a wider sense, e.g. the ninth part of the Handbook. Although chapters are written of surveys in the variousareas they contain many special topics and challengingproblems valuable for experts and rich sources of inspiration.Mathematicians from other areas as well as physicists, computerscientists, engineers and econometrists will find useful results andpowerful methods for their research. The reader may find in theHandbook many close relations to other mathematical areas: realanalysis, probability theory, statistics, ergodic theory,functional analysis, potential theory, topology, set theory,geometry, differential equations, optimization, variationalanalysis, decision making and others. The Handbook is a richsource of relevant references to articles, books and lecturenotes and it contains for the reader's convenience an extensivesubject and author index.
Author: Krishna B. Athreya
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 038732903X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 625
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Book Description
This is a graduate level textbook on measure theory and probability theory. The book can be used as a text for a two semester sequence of courses in measure theory and probability theory, with an option to include supplemental material on stochastic processes and special topics. It is intended primarily for first year Ph.D. students in mathematics and statistics although mathematically advanced students from engineering and economics would also find the book useful. Prerequisites are kept to the minimal level of an understanding of basic real analysis concepts such as limits, continuity, differentiability, Riemann integration, and convergence of sequences and series. A review of this material is included in the appendix. The book starts with an informal introduction that provides some heuristics into the abstract concepts of measure and integration theory, which are then rigorously developed. The first part of the book can be used for a standard real analysis course for both mathematics and statistics Ph.D. students as it provides full coverage of topics such as the construction of Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures on real line and Euclidean spaces, the basic convergence theorems, L^p spaces, signed measures, Radon-Nikodym theorem, Lebesgue's decomposition theorem and the fundamental theorem of Lebesgue integration on R, product spaces and product measures, and Fubini-Tonelli theorems. It also provides an elementary introduction to Banach and Hilbert spaces, convolutions, Fourier series and Fourier and Plancherel transforms. Thus part I would be particularly useful for students in a typical Statistics Ph.D. program if a separate course on real analysis is not a standard requirement. Part II (chapters 6-13) provides full coverage of standard graduate level probability theory. It starts with Kolmogorov's probability model and Kolmogorov's existence theorem. It then treats thoroughly the laws of large numbers including renewal theory and ergodic theorems with applications and then weak convergence of probability distributions, characteristic functions, the Levy-Cramer continuity theorem and the central limit theorem as well as stable laws. It ends with conditional expectations and conditional probability, and an introduction to the theory of discrete time martingales. Part III (chapters 14-18) provides a modest coverage of discrete time Markov chains with countable and general state spaces, MCMC, continuous time discrete space jump Markov processes, Brownian motion, mixing sequences, bootstrap methods, and branching processes. It could be used for a topics/seminar course or as an introduction to stochastic processes. Krishna B. Athreya is a professor at the departments of mathematics and statistics and a Distinguished Professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Iowa State University. He has been a faculty member at University of Wisconsin, Madison; Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Cornell University; and has held visiting appointments in Scandinavia and Australia. He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics USA; a fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore; an elected member of the International Statistical Institute; and serves on the editorial board of several journals in probability and statistics. Soumendra N. Lahiri is a professor at the department of statistics at the Iowa State University. He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a fellow of the American Statistical Association, and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.