Materials and Methods in the Middle Grades

Materials and Methods in the Middle Grades PDF Author: Joseph Lindsey Henderson
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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Equity & Cultural Responsiveness in the Middle Grades

Equity & Cultural Responsiveness in the Middle Grades PDF Author: Kathleen M. Brinegar
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1641136758
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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While developmental responsiveness is a deservingly key emphasis of middle grades education, this emphasis has often been to the detriment of focusing on the cultural needs of young adolescents. This Handbook volume explores research relating to equity and culturally responsive practices when working with young adolescents. Middle school philosophy largely centers on young adolescents as a collective group. This lack of focus has great implications for young adolescents of marginalized identities including but not limited to those with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, LGBTQ youth, and those living in poverty. If middle level educators claim to advocate for young adolescents, we need to mainstream conversations about supporting all young adolescents of marginalized identities. It empowers researchers, educators, and even young adolescents to critically examine and understand the intersectionality of identities that historically influenced (and continue to affect) young adolescents and why educators might perceive marginalized youth in certain ways. It is for these reasons that researchers, teachers, and other key constituents involved in the education of young adolescents must devote themselves to the critical examination and understanding of the historical and current socio-cultural factors affecting all young adolescents. The chapters in this volume serve as a means to open an intentional and explicit space for providing a critical lens on early adolescence–a lens that understands that both developmental and cultural needs of young adolescents need to be emphasized to create a learning environment that supports every young adolescent learner.

Resources for Teaching Middle School Science

Resources for Teaching Middle School Science PDF Author: Smithsonian Institution
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309057817
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 496

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With age-appropriate, inquiry-centered curriculum materials and sound teaching practices, middle school science can capture the interest and energy of adolescent students and expand their understanding of the world around them. Resources for Teaching Middle School Science, developed by the National Science Resources Center (NSRC), is a valuable tool for identifying and selecting effective science curriculum materials that will engage students in grades 6 through 8. The volume describes more than 400 curriculum titles that are aligned with the National Science Education Standards. This completely new guide follows on the success of Resources for Teaching Elementary School Science, the first in the NSRC series of annotated guides to hands-on, inquiry-centered curriculum materials and other resources for science teachers. The curriculum materials in the new guide are grouped in five chapters by scientific areaâ€"Physical Science, Life Science, Environmental Science, Earth and Space Science, and Multidisciplinary and Applied Science. They are also grouped by typeâ€"core materials, supplementary units, and science activity books. Each annotation of curriculum material includes a recommended grade level, a description of the activities involved and of what students can be expected to learn, a list of accompanying materials, a reading level, and ordering information. The curriculum materials included in this book were selected by panels of teachers and scientists using evaluation criteria developed for the guide. The criteria reflect and incorporate goals and principles of the National Science Education Standards. The annotations designate the specific content standards on which these curriculum pieces focus. In addition to the curriculum chapters, the guide contains six chapters of diverse resources that are directly relevant to middle school science. Among these is a chapter on educational software and multimedia programs, chapters on books about science and teaching, directories and guides to science trade books, and periodicals for teachers and students. Another section features institutional resources. One chapter lists about 600 science centers, museums, and zoos where teachers can take middle school students for interactive science experiences. Another chapter describes nearly 140 professional associations and U.S. government agencies that offer resources and assistance. Authoritative, extensive, and thoroughly indexedâ€"and the only guide of its kindâ€"Resources for Teaching Middle School Science will be the most used book on the shelf for science teachers, school administrators, teacher trainers, science curriculum specialists, advocates of hands-on science teaching, and concerned parents.

Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century

Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century PDF Author: Jack Zevin
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317748816
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Now in its 4th edition, this popular text offers practical, interesting, exciting ways to teach social studies and a multitude of instructional and professional resources for teachers. Theory, curriculum, methods, and assessment are woven into a comprehensive model for setting objectives; planning lessons, units, and courses; choosing classroom strategies; and constructing tests for some of the field's most popular and enduring programs. The reflective and integrative framework emphasizes building imagination, insight, and critical thinking into everyday classrooms; encourages problem-solving attitudes and behavior; and provokes analysis, reflection, and debate. The text includes separate chapters on teaching each of the major areas of the social studies curriculum. Throughout the text, all aspects of curriculum and instruction are viewed from a tripartite perspective that divides social studies instruction into didactic (factual), reflective (analytical), and affective (judgmental) components. These three components are seen as supporting one another, building the groundwork for taking stands on issues, past and present. At the center is the author's belief that the heart and soul of social studies instruction, perhaps all teaching, lies in stimulating the production of ideas; looking at knowledge from others' viewpoints; and formulating for oneself a set of goals, values, and beliefs that can be explained and justified in open discussion. New in the Fourth Edition: Clear links to the The National Council for the Social Studies College, Career and Civic Life C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards Attention to impact of high-stakes testing, Common Core State Standards, and related ongoing developments Expanded and critical review of the use of internet, web, and PowerPoint technologies Coverage of how to incorporate the many social science, humanities, and STEM fields to enrich the social studies Updates and revisions throughout, including new research reports reflecting current findings, new examples, more media and materials resources, particularly digital resources, new and updated pedagogical features Companion Website - new for this edition

The Teachers Journal and Abstract

The Teachers Journal and Abstract PDF Author:
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 694

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Middle School Study Skills

Middle School Study Skills PDF Author: John Ernst
Publisher: Teacher Created Resources
ISBN: 9781557341945
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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"Student-directed activities help middle schoolers learn how to get organized, how grading is done, and how to develop good study skills."

Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How

Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How PDF Author: Jennifer Knudsen
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 150639423X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 185

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This research-based book brings tough Standards for Mathematical Practice 3 standards for mathematical argumentation and critical reasoning alive - all within a thoroughly explained four-part model that covers generating cases, conjecturing, justifying, and concluding.

Journal of Educational Method

Journal of Educational Method PDF Author:
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 606

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Education PDF Author:
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 684

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Journal of Educational Method

Journal of Educational Method PDF Author:
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 482

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