Author: Patricia Kurczyn-Villalobos
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403523689
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 239
Book Description
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph on Mexico not only describes and analyses the legal aspects of labour relations, but also examines labour relations practices and developing trends. It provides a survey of the subject that is both usefully brief and sufficiently detailed to answer most questions likely to arise in any pertinent legal setting. Both individual and collective labour relations are covered in ample detail, with attention to such underlying and pervasive factors as employment contracts, suspension of the contracts, dismissal laws and covenant of non-competition, as well as international private law. The author describes all important details of the law governing hours and wages, benefits, intellectual property implications, trade union activity, employers’ associations, workers’ participation, collective bargaining, industrial disputes, and much more. Building on a clear overview of labour law and labour relations, the book offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. It will find a ready readership among lawyers representing parties with interests in Mexico, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative trends in laws affecting labour and labour relations.
Labour Law in Mexico
Author: Patricia Kurczyn-Villalobos
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403523689
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 239
Book Description
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph on Mexico not only describes and analyses the legal aspects of labour relations, but also examines labour relations practices and developing trends. It provides a survey of the subject that is both usefully brief and sufficiently detailed to answer most questions likely to arise in any pertinent legal setting. Both individual and collective labour relations are covered in ample detail, with attention to such underlying and pervasive factors as employment contracts, suspension of the contracts, dismissal laws and covenant of non-competition, as well as international private law. The author describes all important details of the law governing hours and wages, benefits, intellectual property implications, trade union activity, employers’ associations, workers’ participation, collective bargaining, industrial disputes, and much more. Building on a clear overview of labour law and labour relations, the book offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. It will find a ready readership among lawyers representing parties with interests in Mexico, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative trends in laws affecting labour and labour relations.
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403523689
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 239
Book Description
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph on Mexico not only describes and analyses the legal aspects of labour relations, but also examines labour relations practices and developing trends. It provides a survey of the subject that is both usefully brief and sufficiently detailed to answer most questions likely to arise in any pertinent legal setting. Both individual and collective labour relations are covered in ample detail, with attention to such underlying and pervasive factors as employment contracts, suspension of the contracts, dismissal laws and covenant of non-competition, as well as international private law. The author describes all important details of the law governing hours and wages, benefits, intellectual property implications, trade union activity, employers’ associations, workers’ participation, collective bargaining, industrial disputes, and much more. Building on a clear overview of labour law and labour relations, the book offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. It will find a ready readership among lawyers representing parties with interests in Mexico, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative trends in laws affecting labour and labour relations.
Author: Ediciones Fiscales ISEF
Publisher: Ediciones Fiscales ISEF
ISBN: 607406931X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 169
Book Description
La mejor versión de la LEY FEDERAL DE DERECHOS, para su mejor consulta y portabilidad en cualquier dispositivo. Contenido: LEY FEDERAL DE DERECHOS DISPOSICIONES GENERALES TITULO I DE LOS DERECHOS POR LA PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS CAPITULO I De la Secretaría de Gobernación SECCION I Servicios migratorios SECCION II Certificados de licitud SECCION III Publicaciones SECCION IV Servicios de cinematografía, televisión y radio SECCION V Apostillamiento SECCION VI Servicios insulares SECCION VII Servicios privados de seguridad y armas de fuego (Derogada) CAPITULO II De la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores SECCION I Pasaportes y documentos de identidad y viaje SECCION II Servicios consulares SECCION III Permisos conforme al artículo 27 constitucional y cartas de naturalización CAPITULO III De la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público SECCION I Inspección y vigilancia SECCION II De la comisión nacional del sistema de ahorro para el retiro SECCION III Servicios aduaneros SECCION IV Registro federal de vehículos SECCION V Acuñación de moneda metálica y desmonetización de billetes SECCION VI Máquinas registradoras de comprobación fiscal SECCION VII Registro de bancos y entidades de financiamiento, fondos de pensiones y jubilaciones y fondos de inversión del extranjero SECCION VII Resoluciones relativas a precios o montos de contraprestaciones entre partes relacionadas SECCION IX Otros servicios CAPITULO IV De la Secretaría de Programación y Presupuesto SECCION UNICA Padrón de contratistas y de proveedores del gobierno federal CAPITULO V Secretaría de Energía (Derogado) SECCION UNICA Actividades reguladas en materia energética CAPITULO VI De la Secretaría de Comercio y Fomento Industrial SECCION I Correduría pública SECCION II Minería SECCION II Propiedad industrial SECCION III Inversiones extranjeras SECCION IV Normas oficiales y control de calidad SECCION V Permisos de importación (Derogada) SECCION VI Competencia económica SECCION VII Servicios de certificación de firma electrónica en actos de comercio SECCION VIII Verificación de instrumentos de medir CAPITULO VII Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural SECCION I Servicios de agua SECCION II Sanidad fitozoosanitaria SECCION III Certificación y protección del obtentor de variedades vegetales SECCION IV Sanidad acuícola SECCION V De los organismos genéticamente modificados SECCION VI Otros servicios (Derogada) CAPITULO VIII De la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y transportes SECCION I Servicios de telecomunicaciones (Derogada) SECCION II Servicios de telégrafos y teléfonos SECCION III Concesiones, permisos, autorizaciones e inspecciones (Derogada) SECCION IV Servicio de correos SECCION V Autotransporte federal y servicios auxiliares SECCION VI Servicio a la navegación en el espacio aéreo mexicano y técnicos aeronáuticos SECCION VII Registro público marítimo nacional y servicios marítimos SECCION VIII Otorgamiento de permisos SECCION IX Otros servicios CAPITULO IX Del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones CAPITULO X De la Secretaría de Educación Pública SECCION I Servicios que prestan los Institutos Nacionales de Bellas Artes y Literatura y de Antropología e Historia SECCION II Derechos de autor SECCION III Registro y ejercicio profesional SECCION IV Servicios de educación CAPITULO XI De la Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria SECCION I Registro Agrario Nacional SECCION II Certificados de inafectabilidad agrícola, ganadera y agropecuaria (Derogada) SECCION III Otros servicios CAPITULO XII Secretaría de la Función Pública SECCION I Del registro público de la propiedad federal SECCION II Inspección y vigilancia CAPITULO XIII Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca SECCION I Concesiones, permisos y autorizaciones para pesca SECCION II Servicios relacionados con el agua y sus bienes públicos inherentes SECCION III Permisos para pesca deportiva (Derogada) SECCION IV De las áreas naturales protegidas SECCION V De las playas, la zona federal marítimo terrestre o los terrenos ganados al mar o a cualquier otro depósito de aguas marítimas SECCION VI Servicios de vida silvestre SECCION VII Impacto ambiental SECCION VIII Servicios forestales SECCION IX Prevención y control de la contaminación SECCION X De la inspección y vigilancia CAPITULO XIV De la Secretaría de Salud SECCION I Autorizaciones en materia sanitaria SECCION II Servicios de laboratorio SECCION III Fomento y análisis sanitario SECCION IV Otros servicios SECCION V Servicios que presta la comisión intersecretarial para el control del proceso y uso de plaguicidas, fertilizantes y sustancias tóxicas CAPITULO XV De los derechos a cargo de organismos descentralizados por prestar servicios exclusivos del estado CAPITULO XVI De la Secretaría de Turismo SECCION UNICA Registro Nacional de Turismo CAPITULO XVII Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional SECCION I Educación militar SECCION II Servicios relacionados con el registro federal de armas de fuego y el control de explosivos SECCION III Servicio militar nacional CAPITULO XVIII De la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública SECCION UNICA Servicios Privados de Seguridad y Armas de Fuego CAPITULO XIX Del Poder Judicial de la Federación SECCION UNICA Del instituto federal de especialistas de concursos mercantiles CAPITULO XX De la Secretaría de Marina SECCION UNICA Cartas náuticas TITULO II DE LOS DERECHOS POR EL USO O APROVECHAMIENTO DE BIENES DEL DOMINIO PUBLICO CAPITULO I Bosques y áreas naturales protegidas CAPITULO II Pesca CAPITULO III Puerto y atraque CAPITULO IV Muelle, embarque y desembarque CAPITULO V Salinas CAPITULO VI Carreteras y puentes CAPITULO VII Aeropuertos CAPITULO VIII Agua CAPITULO IX Uso o goce de inmuebles CAPITULO X Aprovechamiento de la vida silvestre SECCION I Aprovechamiento extractivo SECCION II Aprovechamiento no extractivo CAPITULO XI Espacio aéreo SECCION I Espectro radioeléctrico (Derogada) CAPITULO XII Hidrocarburos (Derogado) CAPITULO XIII Minería CAPITULO XIV Derecho por uso o aprovechamiento de bienes del dominio público de la nación como cuerpos receptores de las descargas de aguas residuales CAPITULO XV Derecho para racionalizar el uso o aprovechamiento del espacio aéreo CAPITULO XVI De los bienes culturales propiedad de la nación CAPITULO XVII Derecho por el uso, goce o aprovechamiento del espacio aéreo mexicano ARTICULOS TRANSITORIOS
Publisher: Ediciones Fiscales ISEF
ISBN: 607406931X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 169
Book Description
La mejor versión de la LEY FEDERAL DE DERECHOS, para su mejor consulta y portabilidad en cualquier dispositivo. Contenido: LEY FEDERAL DE DERECHOS DISPOSICIONES GENERALES TITULO I DE LOS DERECHOS POR LA PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS CAPITULO I De la Secretaría de Gobernación SECCION I Servicios migratorios SECCION II Certificados de licitud SECCION III Publicaciones SECCION IV Servicios de cinematografía, televisión y radio SECCION V Apostillamiento SECCION VI Servicios insulares SECCION VII Servicios privados de seguridad y armas de fuego (Derogada) CAPITULO II De la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores SECCION I Pasaportes y documentos de identidad y viaje SECCION II Servicios consulares SECCION III Permisos conforme al artículo 27 constitucional y cartas de naturalización CAPITULO III De la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público SECCION I Inspección y vigilancia SECCION II De la comisión nacional del sistema de ahorro para el retiro SECCION III Servicios aduaneros SECCION IV Registro federal de vehículos SECCION V Acuñación de moneda metálica y desmonetización de billetes SECCION VI Máquinas registradoras de comprobación fiscal SECCION VII Registro de bancos y entidades de financiamiento, fondos de pensiones y jubilaciones y fondos de inversión del extranjero SECCION VII Resoluciones relativas a precios o montos de contraprestaciones entre partes relacionadas SECCION IX Otros servicios CAPITULO IV De la Secretaría de Programación y Presupuesto SECCION UNICA Padrón de contratistas y de proveedores del gobierno federal CAPITULO V Secretaría de Energía (Derogado) SECCION UNICA Actividades reguladas en materia energética CAPITULO VI De la Secretaría de Comercio y Fomento Industrial SECCION I Correduría pública SECCION II Minería SECCION II Propiedad industrial SECCION III Inversiones extranjeras SECCION IV Normas oficiales y control de calidad SECCION V Permisos de importación (Derogada) SECCION VI Competencia económica SECCION VII Servicios de certificación de firma electrónica en actos de comercio SECCION VIII Verificación de instrumentos de medir CAPITULO VII Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural SECCION I Servicios de agua SECCION II Sanidad fitozoosanitaria SECCION III Certificación y protección del obtentor de variedades vegetales SECCION IV Sanidad acuícola SECCION V De los organismos genéticamente modificados SECCION VI Otros servicios (Derogada) CAPITULO VIII De la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y transportes SECCION I Servicios de telecomunicaciones (Derogada) SECCION II Servicios de telégrafos y teléfonos SECCION III Concesiones, permisos, autorizaciones e inspecciones (Derogada) SECCION IV Servicio de correos SECCION V Autotransporte federal y servicios auxiliares SECCION VI Servicio a la navegación en el espacio aéreo mexicano y técnicos aeronáuticos SECCION VII Registro público marítimo nacional y servicios marítimos SECCION VIII Otorgamiento de permisos SECCION IX Otros servicios CAPITULO IX Del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones CAPITULO X De la Secretaría de Educación Pública SECCION I Servicios que prestan los Institutos Nacionales de Bellas Artes y Literatura y de Antropología e Historia SECCION II Derechos de autor SECCION III Registro y ejercicio profesional SECCION IV Servicios de educación CAPITULO XI De la Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria SECCION I Registro Agrario Nacional SECCION II Certificados de inafectabilidad agrícola, ganadera y agropecuaria (Derogada) SECCION III Otros servicios CAPITULO XII Secretaría de la Función Pública SECCION I Del registro público de la propiedad federal SECCION II Inspección y vigilancia CAPITULO XIII Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca SECCION I Concesiones, permisos y autorizaciones para pesca SECCION II Servicios relacionados con el agua y sus bienes públicos inherentes SECCION III Permisos para pesca deportiva (Derogada) SECCION IV De las áreas naturales protegidas SECCION V De las playas, la zona federal marítimo terrestre o los terrenos ganados al mar o a cualquier otro depósito de aguas marítimas SECCION VI Servicios de vida silvestre SECCION VII Impacto ambiental SECCION VIII Servicios forestales SECCION IX Prevención y control de la contaminación SECCION X De la inspección y vigilancia CAPITULO XIV De la Secretaría de Salud SECCION I Autorizaciones en materia sanitaria SECCION II Servicios de laboratorio SECCION III Fomento y análisis sanitario SECCION IV Otros servicios SECCION V Servicios que presta la comisión intersecretarial para el control del proceso y uso de plaguicidas, fertilizantes y sustancias tóxicas CAPITULO XV De los derechos a cargo de organismos descentralizados por prestar servicios exclusivos del estado CAPITULO XVI De la Secretaría de Turismo SECCION UNICA Registro Nacional de Turismo CAPITULO XVII Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional SECCION I Educación militar SECCION II Servicios relacionados con el registro federal de armas de fuego y el control de explosivos SECCION III Servicio militar nacional CAPITULO XVIII De la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública SECCION UNICA Servicios Privados de Seguridad y Armas de Fuego CAPITULO XIX Del Poder Judicial de la Federación SECCION UNICA Del instituto federal de especialistas de concursos mercantiles CAPITULO XX De la Secretaría de Marina SECCION UNICA Cartas náuticas TITULO II DE LOS DERECHOS POR EL USO O APROVECHAMIENTO DE BIENES DEL DOMINIO PUBLICO CAPITULO I Bosques y áreas naturales protegidas CAPITULO II Pesca CAPITULO III Puerto y atraque CAPITULO IV Muelle, embarque y desembarque CAPITULO V Salinas CAPITULO VI Carreteras y puentes CAPITULO VII Aeropuertos CAPITULO VIII Agua CAPITULO IX Uso o goce de inmuebles CAPITULO X Aprovechamiento de la vida silvestre SECCION I Aprovechamiento extractivo SECCION II Aprovechamiento no extractivo CAPITULO XI Espacio aéreo SECCION I Espectro radioeléctrico (Derogada) CAPITULO XII Hidrocarburos (Derogado) CAPITULO XIII Minería CAPITULO XIV Derecho por uso o aprovechamiento de bienes del dominio público de la nación como cuerpos receptores de las descargas de aguas residuales CAPITULO XV Derecho para racionalizar el uso o aprovechamiento del espacio aéreo CAPITULO XVI De los bienes culturales propiedad de la nación CAPITULO XVII Derecho por el uso, goce o aprovechamiento del espacio aéreo mexicano ARTICULOS TRANSITORIOS
The International Defense of Workers
Author: Kevin J. Middlebrook
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 0231559887
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 586
Book Description
International trade agreements have often been criticized for limited attention to the rights of workers. The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC), a side agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), stands out for linking labor rights provisions to a U.S. trade agreement. Kevin J. Middlebrook provides a comprehensive and systematic examination of the NAALC, assessing its efficacy in protecting workers’ rights over the entire period it was in effect and demonstrating its broader significance for the role of trade and labor standards in U.S. foreign policy. Placing the NAALC in comparative context, Middlebrook considers various ways of promoting workers’ rights and how other U.S. international trade agreements have influenced labor rights abroad. He investigates the origins of the agreement; the political controversies among Canada, Mexico, and the United States over its scope; how the agreement operated in practice; and its longer-term policy legacies. Middlebrook emphasizes the tension between state sovereignty and the international promotion of labor rights in the negotiation and implementation of trade agreements, as well as how labor movements in one partner country can galvanize action in others. Drawing on interviews with high-level officials involved in the trade negotiations and previously unexamined primary sources, The International Defense of Workers is a groundbreaking analysis of the effects of U.S. trade agreements on labor rights.
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 0231559887
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 586
Book Description
International trade agreements have often been criticized for limited attention to the rights of workers. The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC), a side agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), stands out for linking labor rights provisions to a U.S. trade agreement. Kevin J. Middlebrook provides a comprehensive and systematic examination of the NAALC, assessing its efficacy in protecting workers’ rights over the entire period it was in effect and demonstrating its broader significance for the role of trade and labor standards in U.S. foreign policy. Placing the NAALC in comparative context, Middlebrook considers various ways of promoting workers’ rights and how other U.S. international trade agreements have influenced labor rights abroad. He investigates the origins of the agreement; the political controversies among Canada, Mexico, and the United States over its scope; how the agreement operated in practice; and its longer-term policy legacies. Middlebrook emphasizes the tension between state sovereignty and the international promotion of labor rights in the negotiation and implementation of trade agreements, as well as how labor movements in one partner country can galvanize action in others. Drawing on interviews with high-level officials involved in the trade negotiations and previously unexamined primary sources, The International Defense of Workers is a groundbreaking analysis of the effects of U.S. trade agreements on labor rights.
Author: University of Texas. Library. Latin American Collection
Category : Latin America
Languages : en
Pages : 608
Book Description
Category : Latin America
Languages : en
Pages : 608
Book Description
Global Trade, Labour Rights and International Law
Author: Aneta Tyc
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000395928
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 171
Book Description
This book provides a set of proposals for how best to guarantee effective enforcement of labour rights worldwide. The linkage between labour standards and global trade has been recurrent for some 200 years. At a time when the world is struggling to find a way out of crisis and is striving for economic growth, more than ever there is a need for up-to-date research on how to protect and promote labour rights in the global economy. This book explores the history of the field and also provides an overview of emerging trends and opportunities. It discusses the most recent problems including: the effectiveness and the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the second century of its existence, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its potential relevance in the protection of labour rights, the effectiveness of the US and the EU Generalised System of Preferences, the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) instruments on labour rights, and labour provisions in the international trade agreements concluded by the US and the EU. The book argues, inter alia, that trade agreements seem to be a useful tool to help pave the way out of the crisis and that the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) can be perceived as a model agreement and a symbol of a shift in perspective from long global supply chains to a focus on regional ones, local production, jobs and a rise in wages. The book will be essential reading for academics and students in the fields of human rights law, international labour law, industrial relations law, international sustainable development law, international economic law and international trade law. It will also be of interest to practitioners, non-government organisations (NGOs) and policy makers.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000395928
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 171
Book Description
This book provides a set of proposals for how best to guarantee effective enforcement of labour rights worldwide. The linkage between labour standards and global trade has been recurrent for some 200 years. At a time when the world is struggling to find a way out of crisis and is striving for economic growth, more than ever there is a need for up-to-date research on how to protect and promote labour rights in the global economy. This book explores the history of the field and also provides an overview of emerging trends and opportunities. It discusses the most recent problems including: the effectiveness and the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the second century of its existence, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its potential relevance in the protection of labour rights, the effectiveness of the US and the EU Generalised System of Preferences, the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) instruments on labour rights, and labour provisions in the international trade agreements concluded by the US and the EU. The book argues, inter alia, that trade agreements seem to be a useful tool to help pave the way out of the crisis and that the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) can be perceived as a model agreement and a symbol of a shift in perspective from long global supply chains to a focus on regional ones, local production, jobs and a rise in wages. The book will be essential reading for academics and students in the fields of human rights law, international labour law, industrial relations law, international sustainable development law, international economic law and international trade law. It will also be of interest to practitioners, non-government organisations (NGOs) and policy makers.
National Union Catalog
Category : Union catalogs
Languages : en
Pages : 588
Book Description
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
Category : Union catalogs
Languages : en
Pages : 588
Book Description
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
Same Sex Couples - Comparative Insights on Marriage and Cohabitation
Author: Macarena Sáez
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9401797749
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 215
Book Description
This book shows six different realities of same-sex families. They range from full recognition of same-sex marriage to full invisibility of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. The broad spectrum of experiences presented in this book share some commonalities: in all of them legal scholars and civil society are moving legal boundaries or thinking of spaces within rigid legal systems for same-sex families to function. In all of them there have been legal claims to recognize the existence of same-sex families. The difference between them lies in the response of courts. Regardless of the type of legal system, when courts have viewed claims of same-sex couples and their families as problems of individual rights, they have responded with a constitutional narrative protecting same-sex couples and their families. When courts respond to these claims with rigid concepts of what a family is and what marriage is as if legal concepts where unmodifiable, same-sex couples have remained outside the protection of the law. Until forty years ago marriage was the only union considered legitimate to form a family. Today more than 30 countries have granted rights to same sex couples, including several that have opened up marriage to couples of the same sex. Every day there is a new bill being discussed or a new claim being brought to courts seeking formal recognition of same sex couples. Not all countries are open to changing their legal structures to accommodate same-sex couples, but even those with no visible changes are witnessing new voices in their communities challenging the status quo and envisioning more flexible legal systems.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9401797749
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 215
Book Description
This book shows six different realities of same-sex families. They range from full recognition of same-sex marriage to full invisibility of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. The broad spectrum of experiences presented in this book share some commonalities: in all of them legal scholars and civil society are moving legal boundaries or thinking of spaces within rigid legal systems for same-sex families to function. In all of them there have been legal claims to recognize the existence of same-sex families. The difference between them lies in the response of courts. Regardless of the type of legal system, when courts have viewed claims of same-sex couples and their families as problems of individual rights, they have responded with a constitutional narrative protecting same-sex couples and their families. When courts respond to these claims with rigid concepts of what a family is and what marriage is as if legal concepts where unmodifiable, same-sex couples have remained outside the protection of the law. Until forty years ago marriage was the only union considered legitimate to form a family. Today more than 30 countries have granted rights to same sex couples, including several that have opened up marriage to couples of the same sex. Every day there is a new bill being discussed or a new claim being brought to courts seeking formal recognition of same sex couples. Not all countries are open to changing their legal structures to accommodate same-sex couples, but even those with no visible changes are witnessing new voices in their communities challenging the status quo and envisioning more flexible legal systems.
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Mexico 2005
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264008934
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 158
Book Description
This book describes the strengths and weaknesses of the Mexican health system in terms of access, quality, efficiency, financial sustainability, and effectiveness of recent reforms.
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264008934
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 158
Book Description
This book describes the strengths and weaknesses of the Mexican health system in terms of access, quality, efficiency, financial sustainability, and effectiveness of recent reforms.
The Mexican Pension Annuity Market
Author: Gregorio Impavido
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Category : Annuities
Languages : en
Pages : 47
Book Description
This paper analyzes the performance and development of the Mexican pension annuity market established as a consequence of the 1997 pension reform. The Mexican experience displays interesting characteristics providing lessons for other countries that still need to design the decumulation phase of their newly established second pillars. At the same, time it raises some technical and policy concerns that need addressing as they could hamper, in the future, the healthy development of the market. The paper concludes that: 1) general life insurance companies may better hedge longevity risk than specialized annuity companies; 2) competition should be based on prices rather than additional products; 3) better disclosure of options under the 1973 and 1997 social security laws should be given to disability and life annuitants; and 4) various measures should be taken to improve asset liability management including allowing companies to trade over the counter derivatives and substituting over time the regulatory asset liability management framework with an economic asset liability management framework.
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Category : Annuities
Languages : en
Pages : 47
Book Description
This paper analyzes the performance and development of the Mexican pension annuity market established as a consequence of the 1997 pension reform. The Mexican experience displays interesting characteristics providing lessons for other countries that still need to design the decumulation phase of their newly established second pillars. At the same, time it raises some technical and policy concerns that need addressing as they could hamper, in the future, the healthy development of the market. The paper concludes that: 1) general life insurance companies may better hedge longevity risk than specialized annuity companies; 2) competition should be based on prices rather than additional products; 3) better disclosure of options under the 1973 and 1997 social security laws should be given to disability and life annuitants; and 4) various measures should be taken to improve asset liability management including allowing companies to trade over the counter derivatives and substituting over time the regulatory asset liability management framework with an economic asset liability management framework.
Author: International Monetary Fund
Publisher: International Monetary Fund
ISBN: 1451825609
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 81
Book Description
This report reviews the main laws and regulations governing the Mexican financial system, and analyzes the financial system stability in Mexico. The study assesses the implementation of macroeconomic policies, the process of bank restructuring and consolidation, and sectoral and infrastructure factors. The paper also highlights the Observance of the Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies; Systemically Important Payment Systems; Basel Core Principle for Effective Banking Supervision; Insurance Supervisory Principles; and Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation.
Publisher: International Monetary Fund
ISBN: 1451825609
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 81
Book Description
This report reviews the main laws and regulations governing the Mexican financial system, and analyzes the financial system stability in Mexico. The study assesses the implementation of macroeconomic policies, the process of bank restructuring and consolidation, and sectoral and infrastructure factors. The paper also highlights the Observance of the Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies; Systemically Important Payment Systems; Basel Core Principle for Effective Banking Supervision; Insurance Supervisory Principles; and Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation.