Author: Andrew W. Speedy
Publisher: Mitchell Beazley
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 364
Book Description
Fodder trees and fodder shrubs have always played a significant role in feeding domestic animals. In fact, trees and shrubs are increasingly recognized as important components of animal feeding, particularly as suppliers of protein and especially in harsh environmental conditions. In such situations, the available grazing is not generally sufficient to meet the maintenance requirements of animals, at least for part of the year. This occurs, for example, in some mountainous regions and in the dry tropicswhere the grazing is also sometimes very degraded. Thus, in extensive animal production systems in the dry areas of Africa, it is generallye stimated that ligneous materials contribute up to 90% of production and account for 40-50% of the total available feed. Such figures illustrate the existing and urgent need not only for better knowledge but also for better use of such potential, particularly in the context of environmental degradation which is affecting our planet. On the other hand, in the humid tropics of Latin America, the South-cast Asia and Africa, foddersfrom trees and shrubs from leguminous species - are beginning to be utilized more dietary nitrogen supplements for ruminants. In this respect, new a significant move to look for new sources of protein from shrubs. However, given the increasing demand for forage and availability of low quality basal feed materials which require protein supplementation, high protein fodders from leguminous trees and shrubs could have a much more significant role in animal feeding systems throughout the developing world. In this respect, there is a need for more research to develop technically viable solutions. These solutions must also be economically and socially acceptable; they must preserve natural resources and protect the environment. In other words, the challenge is the sustainable development of fodder trees and shrubs.
Legume Trees and Other Fodder Trees as Protein Sources for Livestock
Author: Andrew W. Speedy
Publisher: Mitchell Beazley
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 364
Book Description
Fodder trees and fodder shrubs have always played a significant role in feeding domestic animals. In fact, trees and shrubs are increasingly recognized as important components of animal feeding, particularly as suppliers of protein and especially in harsh environmental conditions. In such situations, the available grazing is not generally sufficient to meet the maintenance requirements of animals, at least for part of the year. This occurs, for example, in some mountainous regions and in the dry tropicswhere the grazing is also sometimes very degraded. Thus, in extensive animal production systems in the dry areas of Africa, it is generallye stimated that ligneous materials contribute up to 90% of production and account for 40-50% of the total available feed. Such figures illustrate the existing and urgent need not only for better knowledge but also for better use of such potential, particularly in the context of environmental degradation which is affecting our planet. On the other hand, in the humid tropics of Latin America, the South-cast Asia and Africa, foddersfrom trees and shrubs from leguminous species - are beginning to be utilized more dietary nitrogen supplements for ruminants. In this respect, new a significant move to look for new sources of protein from shrubs. However, given the increasing demand for forage and availability of low quality basal feed materials which require protein supplementation, high protein fodders from leguminous trees and shrubs could have a much more significant role in animal feeding systems throughout the developing world. In this respect, there is a need for more research to develop technically viable solutions. These solutions must also be economically and socially acceptable; they must preserve natural resources and protect the environment. In other words, the challenge is the sustainable development of fodder trees and shrubs.
Publisher: Mitchell Beazley
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 364
Book Description
Fodder trees and fodder shrubs have always played a significant role in feeding domestic animals. In fact, trees and shrubs are increasingly recognized as important components of animal feeding, particularly as suppliers of protein and especially in harsh environmental conditions. In such situations, the available grazing is not generally sufficient to meet the maintenance requirements of animals, at least for part of the year. This occurs, for example, in some mountainous regions and in the dry tropicswhere the grazing is also sometimes very degraded. Thus, in extensive animal production systems in the dry areas of Africa, it is generallye stimated that ligneous materials contribute up to 90% of production and account for 40-50% of the total available feed. Such figures illustrate the existing and urgent need not only for better knowledge but also for better use of such potential, particularly in the context of environmental degradation which is affecting our planet. On the other hand, in the humid tropics of Latin America, the South-cast Asia and Africa, foddersfrom trees and shrubs from leguminous species - are beginning to be utilized more dietary nitrogen supplements for ruminants. In this respect, new a significant move to look for new sources of protein from shrubs. However, given the increasing demand for forage and availability of low quality basal feed materials which require protein supplementation, high protein fodders from leguminous trees and shrubs could have a much more significant role in animal feeding systems throughout the developing world. In this respect, there is a need for more research to develop technically viable solutions. These solutions must also be economically and socially acceptable; they must preserve natural resources and protect the environment. In other words, the challenge is the sustainable development of fodder trees and shrubs.
Tree Foliage in Ruminant Nutrition
Author: R. A. Leng
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 124
Book Description
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 124
Book Description
Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 40
Book Description
Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 40
Book Description
A Compilation of Ligno-Cellulose Feedstock and Related Research for Feed, Food and Energy
Author: D. A. Flores
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1479765376
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 122
Book Description
A monograph collection on various topics with implications on new or possible advances with ligno-cellulose research in regards to animal feeding and also lending itself to bioenergy feedstock. It is an informative discussion for the research scientist, and in particular, the specialist in ruminant nutrition covering such topics as follows. Enzyme technology, applied to crop post-harvest technology, with novel microbial anaerobic lignases, aerobic lignases and other extracellular fibrolytic enzymes (EFEs), boosting water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content in new tropical forage-type feeds, action of proteases in plant feed material and digestion, lowering lignin content and use of lacasse for bio-bleaching lignocellulose. Feed resources discussed, in particular in Asia, including sugarcane and use of bagasse and tops, grasses and legumes, with resources for food and feed farming systems and legume browse tree and shrubs for feed. The issues of various pre-treatments and crop improvements with biotechnology and digestion are discussed.
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1479765376
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 122
Book Description
A monograph collection on various topics with implications on new or possible advances with ligno-cellulose research in regards to animal feeding and also lending itself to bioenergy feedstock. It is an informative discussion for the research scientist, and in particular, the specialist in ruminant nutrition covering such topics as follows. Enzyme technology, applied to crop post-harvest technology, with novel microbial anaerobic lignases, aerobic lignases and other extracellular fibrolytic enzymes (EFEs), boosting water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content in new tropical forage-type feeds, action of proteases in plant feed material and digestion, lowering lignin content and use of lacasse for bio-bleaching lignocellulose. Feed resources discussed, in particular in Asia, including sugarcane and use of bagasse and tops, grasses and legumes, with resources for food and feed farming systems and legume browse tree and shrubs for feed. The issues of various pre-treatments and crop improvements with biotechnology and digestion are discussed.
International Symposium on Silvopastoral Systems and Second Congress on Agroforestry and Livestock Production in Latin America
Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 498
Book Description
Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 498
Book Description
The role of ligneous vegetation for livestock nutrition in the sub-Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa: Potential effects of climate change
Author: Nouhoun Zampaligre
Publisher: Cuvillier Verlag
ISBN: 3736942508
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 122
Book Description
Kurzbeschreibung Aufgrund der starken Abhängigkeit von Niederschlägen und natürlichen Ressourcen gelten Ackerbau und Viehzucht im subsaharischen westlichen Afrika als besonders anfällig für klimatischen Wandel. Verstärkt wird dies durch das geringe Anpassungsvermögen der lokalen Bauern und Viehzüchter an die neuen Umstände. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Untersuchung der zu erwartenden Einflüsse zukünftiger Klimaveränderungen auf die Tierernährung und Weidenutzung in der südlichen Sahelzone und der nördlichen und südlichen Sudanzone in Burkina Faso. Um dies zu erreichen, wurden von 2009 bis 2010 drei Studien durchgeführt; dafür ausgewählt wurden die Dörfer und Dorfgebiete (100 km²) von Taffogo (südliche Sahelzone), Nobere und Safane (nördliche Sudanzone) und Sokouraba (südliche Sudanzone). Die Wahl von zwei Dörfern in der nördlichen Sudanzone war begründet durch die Dichotomie zwischen intensiver landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung und hoher Bevölkerungsdichte in Safane und geringer ackerbaulicher Nutzungsintensität in der Pufferzone zwischen dem Dorf Nobere und dem Nationalpark Pô. Unter Verwendung globaler Navigations- (GPS) sowie Geoinformationssysteme (GIS) wurden räumliche und zeitliche Veränderungen in der Weidenutzung sowie im Fressverhalten von Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen in den vier Dörfern untersucht. Hierzu wurden pro Dorf jeweils drei Herden der genannten Haustierarten über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr beobachtet (Kapitel 2). Die längsten Weidewege (km/Tag) waren während der heißen Trockenzeit (März – Mai) festzustellen. Schafe (18,8) und Rinder (17,4) legten dabei signifikant größere Distanzen zurück als Ziegen (10,5; p0,05). Die tägliche Weidedauer lag zwischen sechs und elf Stunden und war bei den Rindern länger als bei den kleinen Wiederkäuern (p0,05). Artunabhängig wurden 52–72% des Weidetages mit der Aufnahme von Futter verbracht. In der südlichen Sahelzone verbrachten die Herden mehr Zeit pro Tag auf den Weideflächen und legten zudem größere Distanzen zurück als in den beiden sudanischen Zonen (p0,01); die effektive Fresszeit war dagegen in der südlichen Sudanzone am längsten (p0,05). Eine proportionale Abnahme von Ruhephasen war während der Regenzeit (Juni - Oktober) im Vergleich zur kühlen (November - Februar) sowie heißen Trockenzeit zu beobachten (p0,05), während gleichzeitig der proportionale Anteil der Marschzeit zunahm. Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit erfolgte die Futteraufnahme in der südlichen Sahelzone bei allen drei Arten signifikant häufiger in bewaldeten Bereichen (Baumdeckung 5-10% oder Strauchdeckung 10%), während sie sich in den beiden sudanischen Zonen vornehmlich auf Waldflächen (Baumdeckung 10%) konzentrierte. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass bei gleichzeitiger Ausdehnung von landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen verbleibende Waldinseln und baumreiche Bereiche, einschließlich älterer (und damit buschbestandener) Brachflächen wertvolle Weidegründe für die lokalen Wiederkäuerherden darstellen. Es sollten daher Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um dem Rückgang solch bewaldeter Bereiche entgegenzuwirken und gleichzeitig den Schutz sowie die (Wieder-)Anpflanzung dürretoleranter Futterbäume aktiv zu fördern. In einer weiteren Studie (Kapitel 3) wurde die Futterselektion der genannten Herden weidender Rinder und kleiner Wiederkäuer untersucht, und 75 Tierhalter zum Weideverhalten ihrer Tiere sowie zur Behandlung von Tierkrankheiten mit traditionellen pflanzlichen Medikamenten befragt. Ziel war es, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Ernährung und Gesundheit der Nutztiere zu erfassen. Über alle drei untersuchten agro-ökologischen Zonen hinweg zeigen die Ergebnisse eine bevorzugte Nutzung holziger Futterpflanzen durch die drei Tierarten. Der Anteil der auf Selektion solcher Pflanzen verwendeten Zeit an der Gesamfreßzeit war dabei bei Ziegen signifikant höher als bei Schafen und Rindern (p
Publisher: Cuvillier Verlag
ISBN: 3736942508
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 122
Book Description
Kurzbeschreibung Aufgrund der starken Abhängigkeit von Niederschlägen und natürlichen Ressourcen gelten Ackerbau und Viehzucht im subsaharischen westlichen Afrika als besonders anfällig für klimatischen Wandel. Verstärkt wird dies durch das geringe Anpassungsvermögen der lokalen Bauern und Viehzüchter an die neuen Umstände. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Untersuchung der zu erwartenden Einflüsse zukünftiger Klimaveränderungen auf die Tierernährung und Weidenutzung in der südlichen Sahelzone und der nördlichen und südlichen Sudanzone in Burkina Faso. Um dies zu erreichen, wurden von 2009 bis 2010 drei Studien durchgeführt; dafür ausgewählt wurden die Dörfer und Dorfgebiete (100 km²) von Taffogo (südliche Sahelzone), Nobere und Safane (nördliche Sudanzone) und Sokouraba (südliche Sudanzone). Die Wahl von zwei Dörfern in der nördlichen Sudanzone war begründet durch die Dichotomie zwischen intensiver landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung und hoher Bevölkerungsdichte in Safane und geringer ackerbaulicher Nutzungsintensität in der Pufferzone zwischen dem Dorf Nobere und dem Nationalpark Pô. Unter Verwendung globaler Navigations- (GPS) sowie Geoinformationssysteme (GIS) wurden räumliche und zeitliche Veränderungen in der Weidenutzung sowie im Fressverhalten von Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen in den vier Dörfern untersucht. Hierzu wurden pro Dorf jeweils drei Herden der genannten Haustierarten über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr beobachtet (Kapitel 2). Die längsten Weidewege (km/Tag) waren während der heißen Trockenzeit (März – Mai) festzustellen. Schafe (18,8) und Rinder (17,4) legten dabei signifikant größere Distanzen zurück als Ziegen (10,5; p0,05). Die tägliche Weidedauer lag zwischen sechs und elf Stunden und war bei den Rindern länger als bei den kleinen Wiederkäuern (p0,05). Artunabhängig wurden 52–72% des Weidetages mit der Aufnahme von Futter verbracht. In der südlichen Sahelzone verbrachten die Herden mehr Zeit pro Tag auf den Weideflächen und legten zudem größere Distanzen zurück als in den beiden sudanischen Zonen (p0,01); die effektive Fresszeit war dagegen in der südlichen Sudanzone am längsten (p0,05). Eine proportionale Abnahme von Ruhephasen war während der Regenzeit (Juni - Oktober) im Vergleich zur kühlen (November - Februar) sowie heißen Trockenzeit zu beobachten (p0,05), während gleichzeitig der proportionale Anteil der Marschzeit zunahm. Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit erfolgte die Futteraufnahme in der südlichen Sahelzone bei allen drei Arten signifikant häufiger in bewaldeten Bereichen (Baumdeckung 5-10% oder Strauchdeckung 10%), während sie sich in den beiden sudanischen Zonen vornehmlich auf Waldflächen (Baumdeckung 10%) konzentrierte. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass bei gleichzeitiger Ausdehnung von landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen verbleibende Waldinseln und baumreiche Bereiche, einschließlich älterer (und damit buschbestandener) Brachflächen wertvolle Weidegründe für die lokalen Wiederkäuerherden darstellen. Es sollten daher Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um dem Rückgang solch bewaldeter Bereiche entgegenzuwirken und gleichzeitig den Schutz sowie die (Wieder-)Anpflanzung dürretoleranter Futterbäume aktiv zu fördern. In einer weiteren Studie (Kapitel 3) wurde die Futterselektion der genannten Herden weidender Rinder und kleiner Wiederkäuer untersucht, und 75 Tierhalter zum Weideverhalten ihrer Tiere sowie zur Behandlung von Tierkrankheiten mit traditionellen pflanzlichen Medikamenten befragt. Ziel war es, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Ernährung und Gesundheit der Nutztiere zu erfassen. Über alle drei untersuchten agro-ökologischen Zonen hinweg zeigen die Ergebnisse eine bevorzugte Nutzung holziger Futterpflanzen durch die drei Tierarten. Der Anteil der auf Selektion solcher Pflanzen verwendeten Zeit an der Gesamfreßzeit war dabei bei Ziegen signifikant höher als bei Schafen und Rindern (p
Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems
Author: Neal K. Van Alfen
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080931391
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2745
Book Description
Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Second Edition, Five Volume Set addresses important issues by examining topics of global agriculture and food systems that are key to understanding the challenges we face. Questions it addresses include: Will we be able to produce enough food to meet the increasing dietary needs and wants of the additional two billion people expected to inhabit our planet by 2050? Will we be able to meet the need for so much more food while simultaneously reducing adverse environmental effects of today’s agriculture practices? Will we be able to produce the additional food using less land and water than we use now? These are among the most important challenges that face our planet in the coming decades. The broad themes of food systems and people, agriculture and the environment, the science of agriculture, agricultural products, and agricultural production systems are covered in more than 200 separate chapters of this work. The book provides information that serves as the foundation for discussion of the food and environment challenges of the world. An international group of highly respected authors addresses these issues from a global perspective and provides the background, references, and linkages for further exploration of each of topics of this comprehensive work. Addresses important challenges of sustainability and efficiency from a global perspective. Takes a detailed look at the important issues affecting the agricultural and food industries today. Full colour throughout.
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080931391
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2745
Book Description
Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Second Edition, Five Volume Set addresses important issues by examining topics of global agriculture and food systems that are key to understanding the challenges we face. Questions it addresses include: Will we be able to produce enough food to meet the increasing dietary needs and wants of the additional two billion people expected to inhabit our planet by 2050? Will we be able to meet the need for so much more food while simultaneously reducing adverse environmental effects of today’s agriculture practices? Will we be able to produce the additional food using less land and water than we use now? These are among the most important challenges that face our planet in the coming decades. The broad themes of food systems and people, agriculture and the environment, the science of agriculture, agricultural products, and agricultural production systems are covered in more than 200 separate chapters of this work. The book provides information that serves as the foundation for discussion of the food and environment challenges of the world. An international group of highly respected authors addresses these issues from a global perspective and provides the background, references, and linkages for further exploration of each of topics of this comprehensive work. Addresses important challenges of sustainability and efficiency from a global perspective. Takes a detailed look at the important issues affecting the agricultural and food industries today. Full colour throughout.
Author: Stephen Reynolds
Publisher: Science Publishers
ISBN: 9781578083596
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 564
Book Description
This book looks at significant current grassland problems and issues, and provides an insight into grassland productivity in diverse areas of the world, with their various production systems. There is a focus on recent technical advances and the prospects for further innovation, through twenty-one chapters by eminent grassland scientists, grouped into seven sections - forage germplasm; forage conservation; grass-based systems and organic production; climate change, biodiversity and biotechnology; geographical information systems; farmer and pastoralist participation; and regional developments. The book is timely in view of the expanding human and livestock populations, especially in arid and semi-arid environments, with the consequent pressure on the world's grasslands.
Publisher: Science Publishers
ISBN: 9781578083596
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 564
Book Description
This book looks at significant current grassland problems and issues, and provides an insight into grassland productivity in diverse areas of the world, with their various production systems. There is a focus on recent technical advances and the prospects for further innovation, through twenty-one chapters by eminent grassland scientists, grouped into seven sections - forage germplasm; forage conservation; grass-based systems and organic production; climate change, biodiversity and biotechnology; geographical information systems; farmer and pastoralist participation; and regional developments. The book is timely in view of the expanding human and livestock populations, especially in arid and semi-arid environments, with the consequent pressure on the world's grasslands.
Biofortification of Grain and Vegetable Crops
Author: Muhammad Tehseen Azhar
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323972144
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 360
Book Description
Biofortification of Grain and Vegetable Crops: Molecular and Breeding Approaches is a comprehensive overview of important food crops whose vitamin and mineral enhancement can contribute significantly to improved food and nutrition security. Providing the latest information on crops including cereals, oilseeds, legumes and vegetables, this book provides details of agronomic and molecular resources for enhanced mineral production. Each chapter focuses on a specific food crop and the unique opportunities offered by each through breeding practices. This will be a valuable resource for researchers, academics and those in industry who are exploring biotechnological approaches as a powerful tool to combat malnutrition. - Presents the potential of a variety of food crops for increased bioavailability of micronutrients - Enhances our understanding of agronomic and molecular mechanisms of biofortification - Provides insights to mitigate hidden hunger
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323972144
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 360
Book Description
Biofortification of Grain and Vegetable Crops: Molecular and Breeding Approaches is a comprehensive overview of important food crops whose vitamin and mineral enhancement can contribute significantly to improved food and nutrition security. Providing the latest information on crops including cereals, oilseeds, legumes and vegetables, this book provides details of agronomic and molecular resources for enhanced mineral production. Each chapter focuses on a specific food crop and the unique opportunities offered by each through breeding practices. This will be a valuable resource for researchers, academics and those in industry who are exploring biotechnological approaches as a powerful tool to combat malnutrition. - Presents the potential of a variety of food crops for increased bioavailability of micronutrients - Enhances our understanding of agronomic and molecular mechanisms of biofortification - Provides insights to mitigate hidden hunger
Agroforestry for Climate Resilience and Rural Livelihood
Author: Inder Dev
Publisher: Scientific Publishers
ISBN: 938799192X
Category : Gardening
Languages : en
Pages : 441
Book Description
This book entitled “Agroforestry forClimate Resilience and Rural Livelihood” would help the readers to gain knowledge on importance of agroforestry for climate change and providing ecosystem services through many ways. This is a testimony and a ready reckoner to help to solve the challenges of climatic vagaries and resource degradation of natural resource bases. The compilation would certainly provide the steps that should be taken to meet the twin objective of climate resilience and livelihood security through adoption of agroforestry models. This book would definitely be helpful forpolicy makers, planners, academicians, students and scientists to suggest the technologies and strategies to the farmers for enhancing their productivity, economic stability, meeting nutritional security under the changing climatic scenario. The key features includes the idea of ecosystem services relevance in present day context, which otherwise was being neglected. The voluminous compilation will act as a boost for farmers to adopt agroforestry system in their pursuit for better environmental management and resilience against the climate change.
Publisher: Scientific Publishers
ISBN: 938799192X
Category : Gardening
Languages : en
Pages : 441
Book Description
This book entitled “Agroforestry forClimate Resilience and Rural Livelihood” would help the readers to gain knowledge on importance of agroforestry for climate change and providing ecosystem services through many ways. This is a testimony and a ready reckoner to help to solve the challenges of climatic vagaries and resource degradation of natural resource bases. The compilation would certainly provide the steps that should be taken to meet the twin objective of climate resilience and livelihood security through adoption of agroforestry models. This book would definitely be helpful forpolicy makers, planners, academicians, students and scientists to suggest the technologies and strategies to the farmers for enhancing their productivity, economic stability, meeting nutritional security under the changing climatic scenario. The key features includes the idea of ecosystem services relevance in present day context, which otherwise was being neglected. The voluminous compilation will act as a boost for farmers to adopt agroforestry system in their pursuit for better environmental management and resilience against the climate change.