Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass

Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass PDF Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Publisher: Cherry Lake
ISBN: 1534130861
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Book Description
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women to STEM fields. Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass examines the life of this important woman and her contributions to industrial chemistry. Sidebars encourage readers to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research. Full color photos, a glossary, and a listing of additional resources all enhance the learning experience.

Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass

Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass PDF Author: Virginia Loh-Hagan
Publisher: Cherry Lake
ISBN: 1534130861
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Book Description
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women to STEM fields. Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass examines the life of this important woman and her contributions to industrial chemistry. Sidebars encourage readers to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research. Full color photos, a glossary, and a listing of additional resources all enhance the learning experience.

Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass

Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass PDF Author: Women Innovators
Publisher: Triangle Interactive, Inc.
ISBN: 1684520924
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 30

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Book Description
The 21st Century Junior Library Women Innovators series highlights the contributions of women to STEM fields. Katharine Blodgett and Invisible Glass examines the life of this important woman and her contributions to industrial chemistry. Sidebars encourage readers to engage in the material by asking deeper questions or conducting individual research. Full color photos, a glossary, and a listing of additional resources all enhance the learning experience.

On This Day She

On This Day She PDF Author: Jo Bell
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1538164574
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 431

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Book Description
A fascinating page-a-day collection profiling extraordinary women of all races, eras, and nationalities. Our past is full of influential women. Whether politicians, troublemakers, explorers, artists, and even the odd murderer, women have shaped society around the globe. But too often, these women have been unfairly confined to the margins of history. On This Day She: Putting Women Back into History One Day at a Time corrects this imbalance. A day-by-day collection of inspiring stories about incredible women who made history but seldom received the acknowledgement they deserved, this book introduces readers to women of all colors, eras, and nationalities. From Queen Elizabeth I to Beyoncé, Doria Shafik to Lillian Bilocca, this book gives voice both to female icons and to those whom the history books have overlooked. These women campaigned, cured, and adventured their way through life. They include musicians, painters, scientists, poets, and more. Spanning centuries, On This Day She is a record of human existence at its most authentic.

Kids' Books and Maker Activities

Kids' Books and Maker Activities PDF Author: Marge Cox
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 470

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Book Description
This book connects to the new AASL standards, ISTE Standards for Students, and provides simple directions for using a variety of books to create maker activities that deepen the reading experience. Books and maker activities help children to associate reading with hands-on learning. For educators looking for additional ways to engage youngsters in reading and maker activities, this book provides the perfect hands-on connection. Providing connections to the new AASL standards and the ISTE Standards for Students with simple directions for using a variety of books to create maker activities, this book can help elementary teachers and librarians to enhance and deepen the reading experience. Featured books represent a variety of genres for kindergarten through sixth-grade students and highlights very current titles as well as classics. The book is based on actual experiences with students and staff who have enjoyed and benefited from these activities in their elementary school library. The author's forty years of educational experience ensure the reliability and practicality of this resource that readers can trust and use every day.

Who Knew? Women in History

Who Knew? Women in History PDF Author: Sarah Herman
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 168412817X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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Book Description
Brush up on your knowledge of prominent women through the ages, from across the globe, and in all walks of life. Who Knew? Women in History is a compendium of more than a hundred articles about women who have played a prominent role in world history. After reading this book, you’ll be the center of attention at any party or around the water cooler as you spout forth impressive answers to questions such as: What made Catherine the Great so great? Who was the “Mother of the Atom Bomb”? Where in the world did women first gain the right to vote? Each chapter includes a quiz at the end to test your knowledge. These tidbits of trivia will leave everyone shaking their head and saying “Who knew?” The answer to that question, of course, will be: You knew!

Made in New York

Made in New York PDF Author: Frank Vizard
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438493673
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 223

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Book Description
When singer Frank Sinatra famously crooned about New York, "If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere," he could have been talking about New York’s great inventors whose works have travelled across the globe. New York has been a hotbed of innovation since its founding. Made in New York tells the stories behind the innovators and their inventions. Like many New Yorkers, some came from elsewhere to find success in their new home. Some became famous; others struggled for recognition. All were visionaries and risk-takers who were willing to put their lives on the line if necessary. From the first brassiere to the life-saving pacemaker, and from a solar lantern to the first mass-produced cameras, New York has been the seedbed of life-changing technologies that have altered how we live. Made in New York celebrates these compelling stories.

Popular Science

Popular Science PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Book Description
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

구문 insight 개념이해편

구문 insight 개념이해편 PDF Author: 이혜원
Publisher: Darakwon
ISBN: 8927759737
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(www.darakwon.co.kr)에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 수능과 내신 필수 구문을 알기 쉽게 정리한 수능 영어 구문 교재 ‘구문 insight’ 시리즈는 독해와 직결되는 수능과 내신 필수 구문을 통해 독해 실력을 키울 수 있게 도와주는 구문 학습서입니다. 수능∙내신 대비 필수 개념 기본서인 ‘insight’ 시리즈에서 새로 선보이는 본 교재는 ‘구문 insight 개념이해편’, ‘구문 insight 독해‧영작 응용편’ 두 권으로 이루어져 있으며 ‘개념이해편’으로 수능‧내신 필수 구문에 대한 전반적인 학습 및 훈련을 하고, ‘독해‧영작 응용편’으로 수능형 지문에 제시된 구문을 문맥을 통해 집중적으로 훈련하며 실전에 효율적으로 대비하도록 했습니다. ‘구문 insight 개념이해편’은 8개 챕터와 31개 유닛으로 구성되어 있으며, 수능과 내신에 가장 필수적인 구문 개념을 case 별로 정리하고 많은 예문을 통해 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 구성했습니다. ‘구문 insight 개념이해편’의 ‘개념 설명’ 부분에서는 구문 개념을 시각화한 도식과 표를 제시하여학습할 구문의 가장 기본적인 개념을 이해할 수 있도록 도와주었고, 상세 개념을 case 별로 친절하게 수록하였습니다. ‘한 단계 Up’ 코너에는 학습한 구문과 관련하여 추가 학습사항을 수록했고 ‘문법 포인트’에서는 구문과 밀접하게 연관되는 문법 포인트들을 정리하였습니다. ‘Training with Sentences’에서는 학습한 구문에 해당하는 부분을 찾아 밑줄 긋고 해석하기, 알맞은 단어 고르기, 단어 배열하기 등 다양한 유형으로 구성된 문제를 풀며 개념 설명의 이해도를 점검할 수 있습니다. ‘수능 어법 감 잡기’에서 구문과 밀접하게 연관된 수능 어법 문제를 풀어보며 실전 감각을 키울 수 있습니다. 또한 각 챕터의 마지막 코너인 ‘Applying in Paragraphs’에서는 문장 단위가 아닌 문단을 읽어보면서 학습한 구문이 적용된 문장을 찾아보고, 간단한 체크 문제를 통해 내용의 이해도를 점검해 볼 수 있도록 하였습니다. 본 교재를 통해 학생들은 최신 수능 구문을 학습하고 적용함으로써 수능 자신감을 키우고 수능 영어 고득점을 달성하게 될 것입니다. <이 책의 특징> - 독해와 직결되는 수능, 내신 필수 구문 선별 - 학습한 구문을 바로 적용해 보는 연습 문제 - 문장에서 문단으로! 독해력 상승으로 이어지는 단계별 학습 - 예문 MP3 파일 및 다양한 온라인 학습 자료 제공 ‧다락원 홈페이지(www.darakwon.co.kr)에서 어휘테스트, 어휘리스트, 본문 해석 워크시트, MP3 파일 무료 제공 ‧문제 출제 프로그램(voca.darakwon.co.kr)에서 다양한 유형의 단어 테스트 제작 및 출력 가능 <이 책의 구성> (1) 개념 설명 - 구문 개념을 시각화한 도식과 표를 통해 학습할 구문의 대략적인 개요를 알아봅니다. - case 별로 정리한 설명과 많은 양의 예문을 통해 수능, 내신에 필수적인 기본 개념을 익힙니다. (2) 한 단계 UP 학습한 구문과 관련하여 추가 학습 사항을 수록하였습니다. (3) 문법 포인트 구문과 밀접하게 연관된 문법 포인트를 정리하였습니다. (4) Training with Sentences - 학습한 구문이 적용된 곳을 찾아 밑줄 긋고 해석하기, 알맞은 단어 고르기, 단어 배열하기 등 다양한 유형의 연습문제를 풀어 보며 배운 내용을 점검합니다. - ‘수능 어법 감 잡기’에서 실제 수능에 나오는 어법 문제를 풀어보며 실전 감각을 키웁니다. (5) Applying in Paragraphs 문장 단위가 아닌 단락을 읽으며 학습한 구문이 적용된 부분을 찾아봅니다. 간단한 체크 문제를통해 읽은 단락의 내용 이해도를 점검합니다. (6) 정답 및 해설 자세한 구문 분석과 포인트를 짚어주는 상세한 문제 해설을 보며 배운 내용을 자기주도적으로 학습합니다. [도서목차] • 문장을 이루는 기본 구성 요소 학습하기 Chapter 1 주어 Unit 1 명사구 주어 Unit 2 명사절 주어 (1) Unit 3 명사절 주어 (2) Unit 4 주어 찾기 Applying in Paragraphs Chapter 2 목적어 Unit 1 동사의 목적어 (1) Unit 2 동사의 목적어 (2) Unit 3 전치사, 동명사의 목적어 Unit 4 이동한 목적어 찾기 Applying in Paragraphs Chapter 3 보어 Unit 1 주격보어 Unit 2 목적격보어 (1) Unit 3 목적격보어 (2) Applying in Paragraphs • 기본 틀에 수식어구 붙이기 Chapter 4 명사구를 수식하는 구와 절 Unit 1 형용사구로 명사 수식하기 Unit 2 과거분사와 과거시제 동사의 구별 Unit 3 형용사절로 명사 수식하기 (1) Unit 4 형용사절로 명사 수식하기 (2) Applying in Paragraphs • 문장과 문장을 연결하기 Chapter 5 두 개의 절을 연결하는 고리 Unit 1 부사절 접속사 Unit 2 분사구문 Unit 3 명사절 접속사 Unit 4 관계사 Unit 5 복합관계사 Applying in Paragraphs Chapter 6 구, 절을 연결하는 고리 Unit 1 등위접속사, 상관접속사 Unit 2 독해에 유용한 전치사, as의 쓰임새 Unit 3 접속부사 Applying in Paragraphs • 독해의 정확성 키우기 Chapter 7 정확한 독해를 위한 필수 구문 Unit 1 비교 Unit 2 부정 Unit 3 도치 Unit 4 생략, 강조, 삽입 Unit 5 대명사 Applying in Paragraphs Chapter 8 동사 구문 Unit 1 전치사를 중심으로 한 동사 구문 Unit 2 수동태를 중심으로 한 동사 구문 Unit 3 동사의 시제와 가정법 구문 Applying in Paragraphs

Notable American Women

Notable American Women PDF Author: Susan Ware
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674014886
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 784

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Book Description
This latest volume brings the project up to date, with entries on almost 500 women whose death dates fall between 1976 and 1999. You will find here stars of the golden ages of radio, film, dance, and television; scientists and scholars; civil rights activists and religious leaders; Native American craftspeople and world-renowned artists. For each subject, the volume offers a biographical essay by a distinguished authority that integrates the woman's personal life with her professional achievements set in the context of larger historical developments.

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology PDF Author: Gabor L. Hornyak
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420047809
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1635

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Book Description
The maturation of nanotechnology has revealed it to be a unique and distinct discipline rather than a specialization within a larger field. Its textbook cannot afford to be a chemistry, physics, or engineering text focused on nano. It must be an integrated, multidisciplinary, and specifically nano textbook. The archetype of the modern nano textbook