Is There an Association between Corporate Governance and Firm Diversification? An Empirical Study with Brazilian Companies

Is There an Association between Corporate Governance and Firm Diversification? An Empirical Study with Brazilian Companies PDF Author: Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
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Languages : en
Pages : 24

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The strategy adopted by a company can be understood as the result of mechanisms and practices of corporate governance. In turn, the performance of a firm depends directly on the decisions made by its administrators. However, managers can incorporate their own personal interests in strategic decisions, creating a level of corporate diversification, according to the operation of the corporate government. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate, empirically, if the structure of governance is different between focused and diversified firms and, furthermore, if differences in corporate governance are associated with some loss of value for the firm from the diversification. This study consists of a multiple cross section extending from 1997 to 2001. Data from 176 companies with open capital listed on the Satilde;o Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) were used, representing 14 industry segments. The results of the multivariable analysis reveal that the size of the board of directors (InTAMC) and the participation of the executives in the profit (profit sharing) of the company (PART) are positively associated with the diversification of the firm (HPROD). Moreover, the companies with private national capital (CNTR) appeared more diversified than those with government capital; however it is important to recognize that these associations were not constant for the entire length of the study period.

Is There an Association between Corporate Governance and Firm Diversification? An Empirical Study with Brazilian Companies

Is There an Association between Corporate Governance and Firm Diversification? An Empirical Study with Brazilian Companies PDF Author: Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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Book Description
The strategy adopted by a company can be understood as the result of mechanisms and practices of corporate governance. In turn, the performance of a firm depends directly on the decisions made by its administrators. However, managers can incorporate their own personal interests in strategic decisions, creating a level of corporate diversification, according to the operation of the corporate government. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate, empirically, if the structure of governance is different between focused and diversified firms and, furthermore, if differences in corporate governance are associated with some loss of value for the firm from the diversification. This study consists of a multiple cross section extending from 1997 to 2001. Data from 176 companies with open capital listed on the Satilde;o Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) were used, representing 14 industry segments. The results of the multivariable analysis reveal that the size of the board of directors (InTAMC) and the participation of the executives in the profit (profit sharing) of the company (PART) are positively associated with the diversification of the firm (HPROD). Moreover, the companies with private national capital (CNTR) appeared more diversified than those with government capital; however it is important to recognize that these associations were not constant for the entire length of the study period.

Related Party Transactions

Related Party Transactions PDF Author: Alexandre Di Miceli da Silveira
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Related Party Transactions (RPTs) are operations with high potential for conflict of interests between shareholders and managers or between controlling and minority shareholders. In environments characterized by concentrated ownership structures, such as in Brazilian, such transactions could be used as a way for reaping private benefits of control by controlling shareholders. This paper undertakes this issue from both legal and empirical point of view. On the legal side, we survey the legal strategies currently employed in Brazil by regulators and self-regulatory bodies aiming at to avoid the problems from the inherently conflict of interests present in such dealings. On the empirical side, we analyze the RPTs reported by all Brazilian companies listed at Bovespa's corporate governance special listing segments in 2006. We also analyze the relation between the use of RPTs and proxies for corporate governance quality, as well as the relation between RPTs and firm market value. As the main qualitative result from our legal survey, we observe that Brazilian legal system makes use of two main legal strategies: definition of expected standards with ex-post analysis, and mandatory disclosure of relevant RPTs. From our quantitative analyses, three results stand out: RPTs are significant and frequent among Brazilian listed companies, there's a negative association between the use of RPTs and corporate governance quality, and there's a negative association between RPTs and firm market value. Overall, the empirical results provide evidence that RPTs are a signal for conflicts of interests taking place, rather than efficient business transactions.

Is There Some Association between the Board Composition and the Financial Performance? Evidences of Companies Listed in Brazil

Is There Some Association between the Board Composition and the Financial Performance? Evidences of Companies Listed in Brazil PDF Author: Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 30

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The corporate governance has been reason of research in some areas of knowledge, amongst them, the Financial area, which has dedicated a considerate amount of papers published recently. In the national scope, the literature concerning the results which the corporate governance can bring for the financial performance of the companies, is relatively discrete. Taking for base the works developed for Bhagat amp; Black (1999 and 2002), this objective work to verify the existence of associations between the board composition and the financial performance shown by Brazilian companies. The research consisted of one multiple cross section which analyzed the subject from 1997 up to 2001, and were lead a set of data of 176 manufacturing companies of capital opened in actions negotiated in the Stock exchange of Sao Paulo. The analysis of data discloses that, for the studied period, it did not have an only of relationship, statistically significant standard, for all the explanatory variable (corporate governance) and the dependent variable (financial performance). However, it was verified that, for two of the five studied years, the independence of the administration advice (INDCO), as well as the independence of the chairman of the board of administration (INDPR) had also been positively associates to the financial performance and still that, the size of the administration advice showed, in one of the five years, an excellent amount of members (lnTAMC)2 in relation to the firm value (Tobin's Q index).Keywords: Corporate Governance, Board Composition, Financial Performance, Brazilians Companies.

Corporate governance and company performance in brazil

Corporate governance and company performance in brazil PDF Author:
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Languages : pt-BR
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Surgido incialmente na Inglaterra e EUA, o movimento de governança corporativa ganhou repercussão considerável na última década em função da pressão crescente de investidores e acionistas minoritários por maior transparência na divulgação de informações. No Brasil, só muito recentemente, o tema vem atraindo a atenção de empresas, estudiosos e investidores como consequência emgrande parte da necessidade de profissionalização das companhias com o processo de privatização de estatais e globalização. A partir de uma amostra de 145 empresas brasileiras não financeiras listadas em bolsa em 2002, o estudo busca verificar se existe uma relação estatisticamente significante entre os padrões de governança corporativa observados nas empresas brasileiras e seus respectivos valores de mercado e desempenho, particularmente, através da utilização de uma modelagem estatística de regressão múltipla linear. Os resultados revelam que os modelos propostos são válidos estatisticamente com um nível de confiança de 95% e que a estrutura de governança corporativa influencia desempenho e valor de mercado de forma distinta.

Corporate Governance, Market Valuation and Dividend Policy in Brazil

Corporate Governance, Market Valuation and Dividend Policy in Brazil PDF Author: Andre Carvalhal
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Languages : en
Pages : 17

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This study investigates the effects of the corporate governance structure on market valuation and dividend payout of Brazilian companies. The empirical results indicate a high degree of ownership and control concentration. We can also note a significant difference between the voting and total capital owned by the largest shareholders, mainly through the existence of non-voting shares, pyramidal structures, and shareholding agreements. These mechanisms seem to be used by controlling shareholders to keep the firm's control without having to own 50% of the total capital. The evidence also reveals that there is a relationship between governance structure, market valuation, and dividend policy in Brazil.

A Primer on Corporate Governance

A Primer on Corporate Governance PDF Author: Eduardo Schiehll
ISBN: 9781606497562
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 100

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Firm-level corporate governance practices vary widely according to country-level factors. Understanding national institutions and the interrelationships among economic players is therefore fundamental to assessing firm-level corporate governance outcomes. More importantly, these governance enforcements have been driven not only by the globalization of markets, but also by internal economic and political forces, resulting in a very particular governance system. The main goal of this book is to describe these particularities and examine the main features that have shaped Brazil's corporate governance system. In the first part, the book will present Brazil's legal system, with a focus on how its corporate law, which differs from that of the U.S. and most European countries, has influenced shareholder rights, ownership concentration, and management accountability in Brazilian listed companies. This is followed by a historical overview of the most important corporate governance landmarks in Brazil, in which the most influential institutions responsible for promoting sound governance in Brazil are identified. Special attention will be paid to private and public initiatives that have embraced governance best practices of developed markets, such as the Sao Paulo stock exchange's (BOVESPA) premium segment, with voluntary governance standards. The second part will appraise into specific firm-level governance features of Brazilian companies. Ownership structures of Brazilian listed companies will be examined, including the roles of the state, family, and large institutional shareholders. Data on ownership structures of Brazilian companies will also be presented to illustrate recent changes and the decline of ownership concentration. Moreover, like ownership structure, the role and composition of boards of directors of Brazilian companies have evolved. Therefore, board structure and the meaning of board independence will be explored in the Brazilian context. Public disclosure of financial information and executive compensation are also salient governance features that have undergone significant enforcement in Brazil in the last decade. The final chapter will consider these improvements and discuss the role of public disclosure in the governance of Brazilian listed companies.

The impact of corporate governance on firm value and equity cost of capital of listed companies in brazil

The impact of corporate governance on firm value and equity cost of capital of listed companies in brazil PDF Author:
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Languages : pt-BR
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O tema da Governança Corporativa vem ganhando importância recente paraorganizações e pesquisadores mundialmente. Nele, as corporações são analisadascomo uma estrutura de governança, nas quais destacam-se as relações decorrentesda separação entre propriedade e gestão. No Brasil, a partir das mudançasestruturais ocorridas a partir do início dos anos 90, relacionadas à aberturacomercial, aos processos de privatização e estabilização monetária da economia, novos agentes ganharam relevo no cenário nacional, engendrando novas formasde governança corporativa. Observam-se mudanças no controle societário dascorporações no país, tendo como acionistas principalmente investidoresinstitucionais e externos. O propósito deste estudo é verificar se a adoção depráticas de governança corporativa traz benefícios concretos para companhiasabertas no Brasil, especificamente: a transparência e as características doConselho de Administração das companhias abertas no Brasil influenciam o valore o custo de capital próprio destas empresas? Foi realizada uma pesquisadescritiva, documental e bibliográfica, na qual buscou-se verificar se existe umarelação estatística significativa entre variáveis independentes, associadas àtransparência e a características de controle atribuídas ao Conselho deAdministração, e variáveis dependentes, associadas ao valor e ao custo de capitalpróprio. Para tal, utilizou-se um modelo estatístico de regressão linear múltiplacom 95% de nível de confiança aplicado a uma amostra das companhias abertasno Brasil com liquidez significativa no ano de 2004. Apesar de não seremconclusivos, os resultados apontam no sentido proposto pelos códigos demelhores práticas de governança corporativa existentes.

Investor Protection and Corporate Governance

Investor Protection and Corporate Governance PDF Author: Alberto Chong
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821369148
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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'Investor Protection and Corporate Governance' analyzes the impact of corporate governance on firm performance and valuation. Using unique datasets gathered at the firm-level the first such data in the region and results from a homogeneous corporate governance questionnaire, the book examines corporate governance characteristics, ownership structures, dividend policies, and performance measures. The book's analysis reveals the very high levels of ownership and voting rights concentrations and monolithic governance structures in the largest samples of Latin American companies up to now, and new data emphasize the importance of specific characteristics of the investor protection regimes in several Latin American countries. By and large, those firms with better governance measures across several dimensions are granted higher valuations and thus lower cost of capital. This title will be useful to researchers, policy makers, government officials, and other professionals involved in corporate governance, economic policy, and business finance, law, and management.

Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in Brazil

Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in Brazil PDF Author: Pablo Rogers
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 27

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The literature indicates that, mainly in countries with high stock concentration, the ownership structure is an important internal mechanism of control of the corporate governance, with effects in the companies' value and performance. In Brazil, the existing relationship among corporate governance - ownership structure - performance is still not conclusive. The present study investigates if there is any relationship among ownership structure, financial performance and value in the Brazilian non-financial public companies with stocks negotiated in the Satilde;o Paulo Stock Exchange, between the period of 1997 to 2001, as well as the determinant of the level of concentration of the ownership in these companies. In the empiric investigation it was used a multiple regression analysis through the estimators of the Ordinary Least Squares with heteroscedasticity in accordance with White (1980). Concerning the used methodology, the results indicate that the variables of ownership structure as defined do not have influence on the financial performance and value of the companies. Remaining to the determinant of the ownership structure of the Brazilian non-financial public companies, the results indicate that the ownership structure can be explained by the size of the firm, market instability and regulation, being the latter the main determinant of the ownership structure.

Corporate Governance in Brazil

Corporate Governance in Brazil PDF Author: Bernard S. Black
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 25

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We examine the corporate governance practices of Brazilian public companies. We identify areas where their governance is relatively strong and weak. Many firms have small boards, comprised entirely or almost entirely of insiders or representatives of the controlling family or group. Even some very large firms have no independent directors. Formal board processes are limited. Audit committees are uncommon, but many firms use a substitute body ndash; the fiscal board ndash; which does not require that the firm have independent directors to staff the audit committee. Financial disclosure is mixed. Some firms voluntarily provide English language disclosure, but many do not provide cash flow statements or consolidated quarterly financial statements. Brazilian corporate law often provides limited protection to minority shareholders, but the Brazilian stock exchange, Bovespa, provides optional governance rules which go beyond the legal minimums. These optional rules have become increasingly popular with Brazilian firms.For a more detailed study, see Black, de Carvalho and Gorga, The Corporate Governance of Privately Controlled Brazilian Firms, Revista Brasileira de Financcedil;as vol. 7 (2009), at lt;a href=quot;;gt;;/agt; (Portuguese version at lt;a href=quot;;gt;;/agt.