INVEST in RWANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Publisher: Blurb
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Book Description
This is the first book in the Invest in Africa Collection. I am having the privilege of starting with the book Invest in Rwanda - Visit Rwanda. The purpose of this Book Collection is the growth and development of countries in Africa, within a new vision, a new concept, where the historical aspects so evident in most books and texts on the Internet, no longer have priorities. As an author, I want to disclose to the world what each country offers in terms of investment opportunities, in a simple and objective way. When we come across countless information collected in books and even on the Internet, we see economic indices and numbers that convey important data, but often end up not motivating investors in general. Investments are very restricted to government initiatives and end up not reaching countless other potential small, medium and large investors, who most of the time take their capital to other continents.Rwanda is a country located in Central Africa, bordered on the north by Uganda, on the east by Tanzania, on the south by Burundi and on the west by the Democratic Republic of Congo. The total area of Rwanda is 26,338 km2, with an estimated population density of 445 people per km2. Size 26,338 Km2 | Population 12.3 Million (NISR 2019 Projection) | Temperature 21°-27° | Life expectancy 67 years | GDP per capita $787 | GDP growth per year +8 percent. Rwanda, under the beautiful management of Paul Kagame and his team, has been proving that a country's potential is not measured by its territorial extension, much less by its mineral wealth, oil, etc. It is measured by the grandeur of its people.


INVEST in RWANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Publisher: Blurb
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Book Description
This is the first book in the Invest in Africa Collection. I am having the privilege of starting with the book Invest in Rwanda - Visit Rwanda. The purpose of this Book Collection is the growth and development of countries in Africa, within a new vision, a new concept, where the historical aspects so evident in most books and texts on the Internet, no longer have priorities. As an author, I want to disclose to the world what each country offers in terms of investment opportunities, in a simple and objective way. When we come across countless information collected in books and even on the Internet, we see economic indices and numbers that convey important data, but often end up not motivating investors in general. Investments are very restricted to government initiatives and end up not reaching countless other potential small, medium and large investors, who most of the time take their capital to other continents.Rwanda is a country located in Central Africa, bordered on the north by Uganda, on the east by Tanzania, on the south by Burundi and on the west by the Democratic Republic of Congo. The total area of Rwanda is 26,338 km2, with an estimated population density of 445 people per km2. Size 26,338 Km2 | Population 12.3 Million (NISR 2019 Projection) | Temperature 21°-27° | Life expectancy 67 years | GDP per capita $787 | GDP growth per year +8 percent. Rwanda, under the beautiful management of Paul Kagame and his team, has been proving that a country's potential is not measured by its territorial extension, much less by its mineral wealth, oil, etc. It is measured by the grandeur of its people.

INVEST AND VISIT AFRICA COLLECTION 2022 - 2023 - Celso Salles - Special Edition

INVEST AND VISIT AFRICA COLLECTION 2022 - 2023 - Celso Salles - Special Edition PDF Author: Celso Salles
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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RWANDA NIGERIA GHANA BOTSWANA NAMIBIA SOUTH AFRICA ZAMBIA EGYPT KENYA ETHIOPIA MOROCCO ALGERIA TANZANIA ZIMBABWE SENEGAL IVORY COAST MAURITANIA ANGOLA MOZAMBIQUE MAURITIUS CAPE VERDE SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE TOGO CAMEROON Having completed exactly 24 books of the INVEST IN AFRICA Collection, I decided to launch this Edition with a summary of an average of 20 pages of each book, making a total of 480 pages. On each cover you have a QR code linking directly to the book on the digital shelf of bookstore AMAZON where you can purchase your desired book and receive it, printed in high quality in softcover and hardcover versions. It is a Contemporary Africa with thousands of riches, peoples, cultures, animals and nature in general that is worth knowing. TOURISM is present in all books and with QR codes you will save time and be able to contact the structures of each country, realizing the tourism of your dreams. In the field of investment, I can assure you that Africa is one of the main markets to invest in. I hope you have a delicious journey in this book, that you continue traveling in the complete books of each country and that together with me, Celso Salles, you can inaugurate a new moment in the history of the African continent. WELCOME!


Publisher: Blurb
ISBN: 9781034916642
Category :
Languages : de
Pages : 240

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Dies ist das erste Buch der Invest in Afrika-Sammlung. Ich habe das Privileg, mit dem Buch Investieren Sie in Ruanda - Visit Rwanda zu beginnen. Der Zweck dieser Buchsammlung ist das Wachstum und die Entwicklung von Ländern in Afrika innerhalb einer neuen Vision, eines neuen Konzepts, wo die historischen Aspekte, die in den meisten Büchern und Texten im Internet so offensichtlich sind, keine Prioritäten mehr haben. Als Autor möchte ich der Welt auf einfache und objektive Weise offenlegen, was jedes Land an Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet. Wenn wir auf unzählige Informationen stoßen, die in Büchern und sogar im Internet gesammelt wurden, sehen wir Wirtschaftsindizes und -zahlen, die wichtige Daten vermitteln, aber am Ende oft nicht die Anleger im Allgemeinen motivieren. Investitionen sind sehr auf staatliche Initiativen beschränkt und erreichen am Ende nicht unzählige andere potenzielle kleine, mittlere und große Investoren, die ihr Kapital meistens auf andere Kontinente bringen. Ruanda ist ein zentralafrikanisches Land, das im Norden an Uganda, im Osten an Tansania, im Süden an Burundi und im Westen an die Demokratische Republik Kongo grenzt. Die Gesamtfläche Ruandas beträgt 26.338 km2 mit einer geschätzten Bevölkerungsdichte von 445 Einwohnern pro km2. Größe 26.338 km2 Bevölkerung 12,3 Millionen (NISR 2019 Projektion) Temperatur 21°-27° Lebenserwartung 67 Jahre BIP pro Kopf 787 $ BIP-Wachstum pro Jahr +8 Prozent. Ruanda hat unter der wunderbaren Leitung von Paul Kagame und seinem Team bewiesen, dass das Potenzial eines Landes nicht an seiner territorialen Ausdehnung gemessen wird, geschweige denn an seinem Bodenschätzen, Öl usw. Es wird an der Größe seiner Menschen gemessen.

INVEST IN UGANDA - Visit Uganda - Celso Salles

INVEST IN UGANDA - Visit Uganda - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Publisher: Blurb
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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THE PEARL OF AFRICA Uganda in a Nutshell Uganda enjoys a unique location along the equator, in the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa within the East African region. Its landscape encompasses the snowcapped Rwenzori Mountains, Lake Victoria - the largest fresh water body in the world, the western escarpments of the Great Rift Valley and it is home to the source of the Nile, which is the only river in the world that flows north. Uganda also has unique Flora and Fauna, a modified equatorial climate with warm temperatures all year round. Uganda is bordered by South Sudan in the north, Kenya in the east, the United Republic of Tanzania in the south, Rwanda in the southwest and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the west. This land linked position, gives Uganda a strategic commanding base for regional trade and investment. The people in Uganda are the most friendly and the most highly entrepreneurial community you are set to come across within the next decade. The economy also offers high returns on investment thus making Uganda your preferred investment destination.


ISBN: 9788210013980
Category :
Languages : pt-BR
Pages :

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INVESTIR AU RWANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Publisher: Blurb
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : fr
Pages : 240

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Book Description
Il s'agit du premier livre de la collection Investir en Afrique. J'ai le privilège de commencer avec le livre Investir au Rwanda - Visit Rwanda. Le but de cette collection de livres est la croissance et le développement des pays d'Afrique, dans une nouvelle vision, un nouveau concept, où les aspects historiques si évidents dans la plupart des livres et des textes sur Internet, n'ont plus de priorités. En tant qu'auteur, je souhaite révéler au monde ce que chaque pays offre en termes d'opportunités d'investissement, de manière simple et objective. Lorsque nous rencontrons d'innombrables informations recueillies dans des livres et même sur Internet, nous voyons des indices et des chiffres économiques qui véhiculent des données importantes, mais finissent souvent par ne pas motiver les investisseurs en général. Les investissements sont très limités aux initiatives gouvernementales et finissent par ne pas atteindre d'innombrables autres investisseurs potentiels petits, moyens et grands, qui la plupart du temps emmènent leur capital sur d'autres continents. Le Rwanda est un pays situé en Afrique centrale, bordé au nord par l'Ouganda, à l'est par la Tanzanie, au sud par le Burundi et à l'ouest par la République démocratique du Congo. La superficie totale du Rwanda est de 26 338 km2, avec une densité de population estimée à 445 personnes par km2. Superficie 26 338 Km2 Population 12,3 millions (projection NISR 2019) Température 21°-27° Espérance de vie 67 ans PIB par habitant 787 $ Croissance du PIB par an +8 pour cent. Le Rwanda, sous la belle direction de Paul Kagame et de son équipe, a prouvé que le potentiel d'un pays ne se mesure pas à son extension territoriale, encore moins à ses richesses minérales, pétrolières, etc. Il se mesure à la grandeur de son peuple.


INVERTIR EN RUANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Publisher: Blurb
ISBN: 9781034918912
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : es
Pages : 240

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Book Description
Este es el primer libro de la colección Invertir en Africa. Tengo el privilegio de comenzar con el libro Invertir en Rwanda - Visit Rwanda. El propósito de esta Colección de Libros es el crecimiento y desarrollo de los países de África, dentro de una nueva visión, un nuevo concepto, donde los aspectos históricos tan evidentes en la mayoría de los libros y textos en Internet, ya no tienen prioridad. Como autor, quiero dar a conocer al mundo lo que ofrece cada país en cuanto a oportunidades de inversión, de una manera sencilla y objetiva. Cuando nos encontramos con infinidad de información recopilada en libros e incluso en Internet, vemos índices y números económicos que transmiten datos importantes, pero que muchas veces terminan por no motivar a los inversores en general. Las inversiones están muy restringidas a iniciativas gubernamentales y terminan por no llegar a otros innumerables potenciales pequeños, medianos y grandes inversionistas, quienes la mayoría de las veces llevan su capital a otros continentes. Ruanda es un país ubicado en África Central, limita al norte con Uganda, al este con Tanzania, al sur con Burundi y al oeste con la República Democrática del Congo. La superficie total de Ruanda es de 26.338 km2, con una densidad de población estimada de 445 personas por km2. Tamaño 26.338 Km2 Población 12,3 millones (Proyección NISR 2019) Temperatura 21°-27° Esperanza de vida 67 años PIB per cápita $787 Crecimiento del PIB por año +8 por ciento. Ruanda, bajo la hermosa dirección de Paul Kagame y su equipo, viene demostrando que el potencial de un país no se mide por su extensión territorial y mucho menos por su riqueza mineral, petrolera, etc. Se mide por la grandeza de su gente.

INVEST IN TANZANIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles

INVEST IN TANZANIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is a country in East Africa within the African Great Lakes region. It borders Uganda to the north; Kenya to the northeast; Comoro Islands and the Indian Ocean to the east; Mozambique and Malawi to the south; Zambia to the southwest; and Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, is in northeastern Tanzania. According to the United Nations, Tanzania has a population of 63.59 million, making it the most populous country located entirely south of the equator. Tanzania's population is composed of about 120 ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The sovereign state of Tanzania is a presidential constitutional republic and since 1996 its official capital city has been Dodoma where the president's office, the National Assembly, and all government ministries are located. Dar es Salaam, the former capital, retains most government offices and is the country's largest city, principal port, and leading commercial centre. Tanzania is a de facto one-party state with the democratic socialist Chama Cha Mapinduzi party in power. Tanzania is mountainous and densely forested in the north-east, where Mount Kilimanjaro is located. Three of Africa's Great Lakes are partly within Tanzania. To the north and west lie Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake, and Lake Tanganyika, the continent's deepest lake, known for its unique species of fish. To the south lies Lake Malawi. The eastern shore is hot and humid, with the Zanzibar Archipelago just offshore. The Menai Bay Conservation Area is Zanzibar's largest marine protected area. The Kalambo Falls, located on the Kalambo River at the Zambian border, is the second-highest uninterrupted waterfall in Africa. Christianity is the largest religion in Tanzania, but there are also substantial Muslim and animist minorities. Over 100 different languages are spoken in Tanzania.


INVISTA EM RUANDA - VISIT RWANDA - Celso Salles PDF Author: Celso Salles
Publisher: Blurb
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : pt-BR
Pages : 240

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Book Description
Este é o primeiro livro da Coleção Invista em África. Estou tendo o privilégio de iniciar com o livro Invista em Ruanda - Visit Rwanda. A proposta desta Coleção de Livros é o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos países em África, dentro de uma nova visão, de um novo conceito, onde os aspectos históricos tão evidenciados na maioria dos livros e textos na Internet, deixem de ter prioridades. Como autor, quero divulgar a nível mundial o que cada país oferece de oportunidades de investimentos, de forma simples e objetiva. Quando nos deparamos com inúmeras informações coletadas em livros e mesmo na Internet, vemos índices económicos e números que passam importantes dados, porém muitas vezes, acabam não motivando os investidores em geral. Os investimentos ficam muito restritos as iniciativas dos Governos e acabam não atingindo inúmeros outros potenciais investidores de pequeno, médio e grande porte, que na maioria das vezes levam seus capitais para outros continentes. Ruanda é um país situado na África Central, limitado a norte pelo Uganda, a leste pela Tanzânia, a sul pelo Burundi e a oeste pela República Democrática do Congo. A área total de Ruanda é de 26.338 km2, com uma densidade populacional estimada em 445 pessoas por km2. Tamanho 26,338 Km2 População 12.3 Milhões (Projeção NISR 2019) Temperatura 21°-27° Expectativa de vida 67 anos PIB per capita $787 Crescimento do PIB por ano +8 por cento. Ruanda, na belíssima gestão de Paul Kagame e equipe, vem provando que o potencial de um país não se mede pela sua extensão territorial, muito menos por suas riquezas minerais, petróleo, etc. Se mede pela grandiosidade de seu povo.

Modernity in Black and White

Modernity in Black and White PDF Author: Rafael Cardoso
ISBN: 9781108680356
Category : Art and race
Languages : en
Pages :

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"The book provides a deeper understanding of modern art in the Brazilian context, moving the focus away from the self-declared avant-gardes and towards a broad panorama of modernizing tendencies throughout the period, 1890 to 1945. The backdrop of sertão, favelas, carnival and samba - often left out of accounts that restrict readings of modernism to erudite arenas like literature, fine art or architecture - are foregrounded in an attempt to situate artistic discourses within the social and political struggles of the period. Race, class and ideological conflict are given priority as tools for deconstructing complex debates, too often taken at face value or misread as merely reflexive of European phenomena. The anthropophagic movement (Antropofagia) rates special attention in teasing out the meanings of primitivism in the Brazilian context. The book examines a range of visual cultural materials including paintings, periodicals, graphics and photographs, revealing a hidden archive that calls into question the very essence of how modernism is usually perceived in Brazil. The enduring presence of archaism and violence behind an appearance of modernity reveals itself to be not an anomaly, but rather a product of the tensions inherent to the enduring oligarchical structures of Brazilian culture and society"--