Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding

Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding PDF Author: Adarsh Deepak
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323144144
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 639

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Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding contains the technical proceedings of the First International Interactive Workshop on Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding, held in Williamsburg, Virginia, on December 15-17, 1976. The papers review the state of the art in inversion methods used in retrieving information about the atmosphere from remotely sensed data. The mathematical theory of inversion methods is described, together with the application of these methods to the remote sounding of atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, and gaseous and aerosol constituents. Comprised of 21 chapters, this book begins with an introduction to methods for solving problems in radiative transfer and multiple scattering, followed by a discussion on the problem of radiative transfer in a scattering plane-parallel atmosphere. The next section is devoted to the mathematical theory of inversion methods and considers some aspects of the inversion problem in remote sensing, along with the relaxation method for the inverse solution of nonlinear and linear transfer equations. The final section explores inversion methods in gaseous, thermal, and aerosol atmospheres, covering topics such as the Backus-Gilbert theory and its application to retrieval of ozone and temperature profiles; inversion of scattered radiance horizon profiles for gaseous concentrations and aerosol parameters; and inversion of passive microwave remote sensing data from satellites. This monograph will be of interest to scientists from universities, government agencies, and research laboratories.

Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding

Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding PDF Author: Adarsh Deepak
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323144144
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 639

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Book Description
Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding contains the technical proceedings of the First International Interactive Workshop on Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding, held in Williamsburg, Virginia, on December 15-17, 1976. The papers review the state of the art in inversion methods used in retrieving information about the atmosphere from remotely sensed data. The mathematical theory of inversion methods is described, together with the application of these methods to the remote sounding of atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, and gaseous and aerosol constituents. Comprised of 21 chapters, this book begins with an introduction to methods for solving problems in radiative transfer and multiple scattering, followed by a discussion on the problem of radiative transfer in a scattering plane-parallel atmosphere. The next section is devoted to the mathematical theory of inversion methods and considers some aspects of the inversion problem in remote sensing, along with the relaxation method for the inverse solution of nonlinear and linear transfer equations. The final section explores inversion methods in gaseous, thermal, and aerosol atmospheres, covering topics such as the Backus-Gilbert theory and its application to retrieval of ozone and temperature profiles; inversion of scattered radiance horizon profiles for gaseous concentrations and aerosol parameters; and inversion of passive microwave remote sensing data from satellites. This monograph will be of interest to scientists from universities, government agencies, and research laboratories.

Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding

Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding PDF Author:
Category : Inverse problems (Differential equations)
Languages : en
Pages : 620

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Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding

Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding PDF Author: Clive D. Rodgers
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 981022740X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Annotation Rodgers (U. of Oxford) provides graduate students and other researchers a background to the inverse problem and its solution, with applications relating to atmospheric measurements. He introduces the stages in the reverse order than the usual approach in order to develop the learner's intuition about the nature of the inverse problem. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.

Earth Resources

Earth Resources PDF Author:
Category : Astronautics in earth sciences
Languages : en
Pages : 852

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Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports

Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports PDF Author:
Category : Aeronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 1134

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Advances in Geophysics

Advances in Geophysics PDF Author:
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0080568645
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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Advances in Geophysics

Remote Sensing of atmospheres and Oceans

Remote Sensing of atmospheres and Oceans PDF Author: Adarsh Deepak
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323143857
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 656

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Book Description
Remote Sensing of Atmospheres and Oceans presents the technical proceedings of a workshop on the interpretation of remotely sensed data, held in Williamsburg, Virginia in May 1979. The main topic of the workshop is the interpretation and assessment of measurements acquired in remote sounding of different atmospheric and ocean parameters. The book contains 25 papers that cover the following topics: remote sounding of atmospheric temperature; trace gases; precipitation and aerosols; sea surface temperature; ocean color; and winds. These papers are grouped into eight parts under major topics such as inversion methods, aerosol sounding, remote sounding, gaseous constituent retrievals, and interpretation of results from space. The text is a valuable source of information to students and professionals in the fields of atmospheric physics, applied science, meteorology, and engineering.

Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing

Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing PDF Author: Charles Elachi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111952301X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 564

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INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSICS AND TECHNIQUES OF REMOTE SENSING DISCOVER CUTTING EDGE THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF MODERN REMOTE SENSING IN GEOLOGY, OCEANOGRAPHY, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, IONOSPHERIC STUDIES, AND MORE The thoroughly revised third edition of the Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing delivers a comprehensive update to the authoritative textbook, offering readers new sections on radar interferometry, radar stereo, and planetary radar. It explores new techniques in imaging spectroscopy and large optics used in Earth orbiting, planetary, and astrophysics missions. It also describes remote sensing instruments on, as well as data acquired with, the most recent Earth and space missions. Readers will benefit from the brand new and up-to-date concept examples and full-color photography, 50% of which is new to the series. You’ll learn about the basic physics of wave/matter interactions, techniques of remote sensing across the electromagnetic spectrum (from ultraviolet to microwave), and the concepts behind the remote sensing techniques used today and those planned for the future. The book also discusses the applications of remote sensing for a wide variety of earth and planetary atmosphere and surface sciences, like geology, oceanography, resource observation, atmospheric sciences, and ionospheric studies. This new edition also incorporates: A fulsome introduction to the nature and properties of electromagnetic waves An exploration of sensing solid surfaces in the visible and near infrared spectrums, as well as thermal infrared, microwave, and radio frequencies A treatment of ocean surface sensing, including ocean surface imaging and the mapping of ocean topography A discussion of the basic principles of atmospheric sensing and radiative transfer, including the radiative transfer equation Perfect for senior undergraduate and graduate students in the field of remote sensing instrument development, data analysis, and data utilization, Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing will also earn a place in the libraries of students, faculty, researchers, engineers, and practitioners in fields like aerospace, electrical engineering, and astronomy.


NAVENVPREDRSCHFAC Contractor Report CR PDF Author:
Category : Numerical weather forecasting
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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The Century of Space Science

The Century of Space Science PDF Author: J.A. Bleeker
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401003203
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1819

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One of the most attractive features of the young discipline of Space Science is that many of the original pioneers and key players involved are still available to describe their field. Hence, at this point in history we are in a unique position to gain first-hand insight into the field and its development. To this end, The Century of Space Science, a scholarly, authoritative, reference book presents a chapter-by-chapter retrospective of space science as studied in the 20th century. The level is academic and focuses on key discoveries, how these were arrived at, their scientific consequences and how these discoveries advanced the thoughts of the key players involved. With over 90 world-class contributors, such as James Van Allen, Cornelis de Jager, Eugene Parker, Reimar Lüst, and Ernst Stuhlinger, and with a Foreword by Lodewijk Woltjer (past ESO Director General), this book will be immensely useful to readers in the fields of space science, astronomy, and the history of science. Both academic institutions and researchers will find that this major reference work makes an invaluable addition to their collection.