Integration of High Voltage AC/DC Grids into Modern Power Systems

Integration of High Voltage AC/DC Grids into Modern Power Systems PDF Author: Fazel Mohammadi
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039365258
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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Book Description
Electric power transmission relies on AC and DC grids. The extensive integration of conventional and nonconventional energy sources and power converters into power grids has resulted in a demand for high voltage (HV), extra-high voltage (EHV), and ultra-high voltage (UHV) AC/DC transmission grids in modern power systems. To ensure the security, adequacy, and reliable operation of power systems, the practical aspects of interconnecting HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids into the electric power systems, along with their economic and environmental impacts, should be considered. The stability analysis for the planning and operation of HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids in power systems is regarded as another key issue in modern power systems. Moreover, interactions between power converters and other power electronics devices (e.g., FACTS devices) installed on the network are other aspects of power systems that must be addressed. This Special Issue aims to investigate the integration of HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids into modern power systems by analyzing their control, operation, protection, dynamics, planning, reliability, and security, along with considering power quality improvement, market operations, power conversion, cybersecurity, supervisory and monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics systems.

Integration of High Voltage AC/DC Grids into Modern Power Systems

Integration of High Voltage AC/DC Grids into Modern Power Systems PDF Author: Fazel Mohammadi
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039365258
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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Book Description
Electric power transmission relies on AC and DC grids. The extensive integration of conventional and nonconventional energy sources and power converters into power grids has resulted in a demand for high voltage (HV), extra-high voltage (EHV), and ultra-high voltage (UHV) AC/DC transmission grids in modern power systems. To ensure the security, adequacy, and reliable operation of power systems, the practical aspects of interconnecting HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids into the electric power systems, along with their economic and environmental impacts, should be considered. The stability analysis for the planning and operation of HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids in power systems is regarded as another key issue in modern power systems. Moreover, interactions between power converters and other power electronics devices (e.g., FACTS devices) installed on the network are other aspects of power systems that must be addressed. This Special Issue aims to investigate the integration of HV, EHV, and UHV AC/DC grids into modern power systems by analyzing their control, operation, protection, dynamics, planning, reliability, and security, along with considering power quality improvement, market operations, power conversion, cybersecurity, supervisory and monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics systems.

Integration of AC/DC Microgrids into Power Grids

Integration of AC/DC Microgrids into Power Grids PDF Author: Fazel Mohammadi
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039361805
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 154

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AC/DC Microgrids are a small part of low voltage distribution networks that are located far from power substations, and are interconnected through the point of common coupling to power grids. These systems are important keys for the flexible, techno-economic, and environmental-friendly generation of units for the reliable operation and cost-effective planning of smart electricity grids. Although AC/DC microgrids, with the integration of renewable energy resources and other energy systems, such as power-to-gas, combined heat and power, combined cooling heat and power, power-to-heat, power-to-vehicle, pump and compressed air storage, have several advantages, there are some technical aspects that must be addressed. This Special Issue aims to study the configuration, impacts, and prospects of AC/DC microgrids that enable enhanced solutions for intelligent and optimized electricity systems, energy storage systems, and demand-side management in power grids with an increasing share of distributed energy resources. It includes AC/DC microgrid modeling, simulation, control, operation, protection, dynamics, planning, reliability and security, as well as considering power quality improvement, load forecasting, market operations, energy conversion, cyber/physical security, supervisory and monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics systems.

Integration of Large Scale Wind Energy with Electrical Power Systems in China

Integration of Large Scale Wind Energy with Electrical Power Systems in China PDF Author: Zongxiang Lu
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118910079
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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An in-depth examination of large scale wind projects and electricity production in China Presents the challenges of electrical power system planning, design, operation and control carried out by large scale wind power, from the Chinese perspective Focuses on the integration issue of large scale wind power to the bulk power system, probing the interaction between wind power and bulk power systems Wind power development is a burgeoning area of study in developing countries, with much interest in offshore wind farms and several big projects under development English translation of the Chinese language original which won the "Fourth China Outstanding Publication Award nomination" in March 2013

Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems

Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems PDF Author: R. K. Saket
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1394226756
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 581

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A reader-friendly introduction to reliability analysis and its power systems applications The subset of probability theory known as reliability theory analyzes the likelihood of failure in a given component or system under given conditions. It is a critical aspect of engineering as it concerns systems of all kinds, not least modern power systems, with their essential role in sustaining the technologies on which modern life relies. Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems is a thorough, accessible book introducing the core concepts of reliability theory as they apply to power systems engineering, as well as the advanced technologies currently driving new frontiers in reliability analysis. It is a must-own for anyone looking to understand and improve the systems that power our world. Readers will also find: Detailed discussion of reliability modeling and simulation of composite systems using Typhoon HIL 404 Reliability assessment of generation systems, transmission systems, distribution systems, and more Information on renewable energy integration for more sustainable power grids Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems is ideal for professionals, engineers, and researchers in power system design and reliability engineering, as well as for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in these and related subjects.

Fault Analysis and Protection System Design for DC Grids

Fault Analysis and Protection System Design for DC Grids PDF Author: Abhisek Ukil
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811529779
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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This book offers a comprehensive reference guide to the important topics of fault analysis and protection system design for DC grids, at various voltage levels and for a range of applications. It bridges a much-needed research gap to enable wide-scale implementation of energy-efficient DC grids. Following an introduction, DC grid architecture is presented, covering the devices, operation and control methods. In turn, analytical methods for DC fault analysis are presented for different types of faults, followed by separate chapters on various DC fault identification methods, using time, frequency and time-frequency domain analyses of the DC current and voltage signals. The unit and non-unit protection strategies are discussed in detail, while a dedicated chapter addresses DC fault isolation devices. Step-by-step guidelines are provided for building hardware-based experimental test setups, as well as methods for validating the various algorithms. The book also features several application-driven case studies.

Design, Control, and Application of Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC Transmission Systems

Design, Control, and Application of Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC Transmission Systems PDF Author: Kamran Sharifabadi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118851544
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Design, Control and Application of Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC Transmission Systems is a comprehensive guide to semiconductor technologies applicable for MMC design, component sizing control, modulation, and application of the MMC technology for HVDC transmission. Separated into three distinct parts, the first offers an overview of MMC technology, including information on converter component sizing, Control and Communication, Protection and Fault Management, and Generic Modelling and Simulation. The second covers the applications of MMC in offshore WPP, including planning, technical and economic requirements and optimization options, fault management, dynamic and transient stability. Finally, the third chapter explores the applications of MMC in HVDC transmission and Multi Terminal configurations, including Supergrids. Key features: Unique coverage of the offshore application and optimization of MMC-HVDC schemes for the export of offshore wind energy to the mainland. Comprehensive explanation of MMC application in HVDC and MTDC transmission technology. Detailed description of MMC components, control and modulation, different modeling approaches, converter dynamics under steady-state and fault contingencies including application and housing of MMC in HVDC schemes for onshore and offshore. Analysis of DC fault detection and protection technologies, system studies required for the integration of HVDC terminals to offshore wind power plants, and commissioning procedures for onshore and offshore HVDC terminals. A set of self-explanatory simulation models for HVDC test cases is available to download from the companion website. This book provides essential reading for graduate students and researchers, as well as field engineers and professionals who require an in-depth understanding of MMC technology.

Vehicle Electrification in Modern Power Grids

Vehicle Electrification in Modern Power Grids PDF Author: Vitor Monteiro
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0443139709
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Vehicle Electrification in Modern Power Grids: Disruptive Perspectives on Power Electronics Technology and Control Challenges collects the newest advances in technology for electric vehicle integration into one practical volume for professionals and advanced researchers. The book not only summarizes and clarifies legislation and grid codes for the area, but also outlines the modeling and analytical techniques needed, including predicting power converter reliability and its remaining useful life. Specializing in microgrid clusters, the book provides advanced power electronics device technology from wide-band-gap (WBG) to DSP-based digital control platforms and new materials for passive filters. Blending cutting-edge research and practical technology, this book provides a centralized resource for advanced researchers and engineers looking to accelerate vehicle electrification in the power grid. - Reveals new, disruptive power electronics and modeling technologies to enable EV integration into the grid - Collects guidance on mechanisms for digital control for EV charging and modes of operation, from V2G to G2H - Provides legislation and grid codes needed by engineers working on vehicle electrification in power grids

Sustainable Power Systems

Sustainable Power Systems PDF Author: Nava Raj Karki
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811022305
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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This book deals with quantifying and analyzing the risks associated with sustainable energy technology growth in electric power systems, and developing appropriate models and methodologies to mitigate the risks and improve the overall system performance. The rapid increase in the installation of renewable energy sources in electric power systems has given rise to a wide range of problems related to planning and operation of power systems to maintain quality, stability, reliability and efficiency. Additionally, there is a growing global environmental concern regarding increasing emissions from the electric power generation required to meet rising energy needs and support sustainable and inclusive development. The phenomenon of low voltage ride through (LVRT), common to wind energy systems, is discussed, and ways to tackle the same are proposed in the first chapter. Subsequent chapters propose methods of optimizing a sustainable and smart microgrid, and supplying electricity to remote areas of a developing country with no immediate possibility of national grid extension. The economic benefit and technical challenges of forming localized minigrid are also discussed. The book proposes a method for reliability assessment of a power grid with sustainable power transportation system. The issue of weak link in power system is very important as it will provide the system operators and planners to take necessary measures to strengthen the system. An approach to determine the weak parts of the system and its unreliability is proposed. With increasing installation of HVDC power transmission and development of efficient and low cost power electronic devices, the DC microgrids are becoming a common phenomenon. Their existence together with AC Grids result in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids, which are discussed in this book. It further presents a method for reliability evaluation of a distribution system with network reconfiguration in the presence of distributed generation. The important problems in sustainable energy growth, and their potential solutions discussed and presented in the book should be of great interest to engineers, policy makers, researchers and academics in the area of electric power engineering.

Real-Time Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of AC-DC Networks

Real-Time Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of AC-DC Networks PDF Author: Venkata Dinavahi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111969549X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 610

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Explore a comprehensive and state-of-the-art presentation of real-time electromagnetic transient simulation technology by leaders in the field Real-Time Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of AC-DC Networks delivers a detailed exposition of field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware based real-time electromagnetic transient (EMT) emulation for all fundamental equipment used in AC-DC power grids. The book focuses specifically on detailed device-level models for their hardware realization in a massively parallel and deeply pipelined manner as well as decomposition techniques for emulating large systems. Each chapter contains fundamental concepts, apparatus models, solution algorithms, and hardware emulation to assist the reader in understanding the material contained within. Case studies are peppered throughout the book, ranging from small didactic test circuits to realistically sized large-scale AC-DC grids. The book also provides introductions to FPGA and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) emulation procedures, and large-scale networks constructed by the foundational components described in earlier chapters. With a strong focus on high-voltage direct-current power transmission grid applications, Real-Time Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of AC-DC Networks covers both system-level and device-level mathematical models. Readers will also enjoy the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to field programmable gate array technology, including the evolution of FPGAs, technology trends, hardware architectures, and programming tools An exploration of classical power system components, e.g., linear and nonlinear passive power system components, transmission lines, power transformers, rotating machines, and protective relays A comprehensive discussion of power semiconductor switches and converters, i.e., AC-DC and DC-DC converters, and specific power electronic apparatus such as DC circuit breakers An examination of decomposition techniques used at the equipment-level as well as the large-scale system-level for real-time EMT emulation of AC-DC networks Chapters that are supported by simulation results from well-defined test cases and the corresponding system parameters are provided in the Appendix Perfect for graduate students and professional engineers studying or working in electrical power engineering, Real-Time Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of AC-DC Networks will also earn a place in the libraries of simulation specialists, senior modeling and simulation engineers, planning and design engineers, and system studies engineers.

Technologies for Integrated Energy Systems and Networks

Technologies for Integrated Energy Systems and Networks PDF Author: Giorgio Graditi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527348999
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 340

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Technologies for Integrated Energy Systems and Networks Explore emerging technologies that will play a central role in humanity’s transition to a low-carbon future In Technologies for Integrated Energy Systems and Networks, a team of distinguished authors delivers a detailed discussion of integrated energy systems and networks, including a comprehensive overview of emerging technologies. The book focuses on the technologies and systems that play a major role in integrated energy systems, like renewable and distributed energy resources, power conversion technologies, hydrogen, storage technologies, electric mobility, zero- and positive-energy buildings, and local energy communities. A one-of-a-kind and holistic treatment of integrated energy systems, this book explores power conversion, including power-to-gas, power-to-liquid, and power- to-heat technologies, as well as other issues of interest to a broad range of students, professionals, and academicians involved in energy transition. It also covers: A thorough introduction to the digitalization of the energy sector and local market development enabling citizen involvement Comprehensive explorations of integrated energy systems as an engine of energy transition Practical discussions of renewable and distributed energy resources for sustainable economic development In-depth examinations of the role of hydrogen in a low-carbon energy future and the storage technologies of different energy carriers Perfect for electrical, construction, power and energy engineers, Technologies for Integrated Energy Systems and Networks will also earn a place in the libraries of electrochemists and environmental consultants.