HVDC Grids

HVDC Grids PDF Author: Dirk Van Hertem
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111911523X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 589

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This book discusses HVDC grids based on multi-terminal voltage-source converters (VSC), which is suitable for the connection of offshore wind farms and a possible solution for a continent wide overlay grid. HVDC Grids: For Offshore and Supergrid of the Future begins by introducing and analyzing the motivations and energy policy drives for developing offshore grids and the European Supergrid. HVDC transmission technology and offshore equipment are described in the second part of the book. The third part of the book discusses how HVDC grids can be developed and integrated in the existing power system. The fourth part of the book focuses on HVDC grid integration, in studies, for different time domains of electric power systems. The book concludes by discussing developments of advanced control methods and control devices for enabling DC grids. Presents the technology of the future offshore and HVDC grid Explains how offshore and HVDC grids can be integrated in the existing power system Provides the required models to analyse the different time domains of power system studies: from steady-state to electromagnetic transients This book is intended for power system engineers and academics with an interest in HVDC or power systems, and policy makers. The book also provides a solid background for researchers working with VSC-HVDC technologies, power electronic devices, offshore wind farm integration, and DC grid protection.

HVDC Grids

HVDC Grids PDF Author: Dirk Van Hertem
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111911523X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 589

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Book Description
This book discusses HVDC grids based on multi-terminal voltage-source converters (VSC), which is suitable for the connection of offshore wind farms and a possible solution for a continent wide overlay grid. HVDC Grids: For Offshore and Supergrid of the Future begins by introducing and analyzing the motivations and energy policy drives for developing offshore grids and the European Supergrid. HVDC transmission technology and offshore equipment are described in the second part of the book. The third part of the book discusses how HVDC grids can be developed and integrated in the existing power system. The fourth part of the book focuses on HVDC grid integration, in studies, for different time domains of electric power systems. The book concludes by discussing developments of advanced control methods and control devices for enabling DC grids. Presents the technology of the future offshore and HVDC grid Explains how offshore and HVDC grids can be integrated in the existing power system Provides the required models to analyse the different time domains of power system studies: from steady-state to electromagnetic transients This book is intended for power system engineers and academics with an interest in HVDC or power systems, and policy makers. The book also provides a solid background for researchers working with VSC-HVDC technologies, power electronic devices, offshore wind farm integration, and DC grid protection.

High Voltage Direct Current Transmission

High Voltage Direct Current Transmission PDF Author: Dragan Jovcic
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119566614
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 696

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Presents the latest developments in switchgear and DC/DC converters for DC grids, and includes substantially expanded material on MMC HVDC This newly updated edition covers all HVDC transmission technologies including Line Commutated Converter (LCC) HVDC; Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC, and the latest VSC HVDC based on Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC), as well as the principles of building DC transmission grids. Featuring new material throughout, High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters, Systems and DC Grids, 2nd Edition offers several new chapters/sections including one on the newest MMC converters. It also provides extended coverage of switchgear, DC grid protection and DC/DC converters following the latest developments on the market and in research projects. All three HVDC technologies are studied in a wide range of topics, including: the basic converter operating principles; calculation of losses; system modelling, including dynamic modelling; system control; HVDC protection, including AC and DC fault studies; and integration with AC systems and fundamental frequency analysis. The text includes: A chapter dedicated to hybrid and mechanical DC circuit breakers Half bridge and full bridge MMC: modelling, control, start-up and fault management A chapter dedicated to unbalanced operation and control of MMC HVDC The advancement of protection methods for DC grids Wideband and high-order modeling of DC cables Novel treatment of topics not found in similar books, including SimPowerSystems models and examples for all HVDC topologies hosted by the 1st edition companion site. High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters, Systems and DC Grids, 2nd Edition serves as an ideal textbook for a graduate-level course or a professional development course.


VSC-FACTS-HVDC PDF Author: Enrique Acha
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119973988
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 414

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An authoritative reference on the new generation of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems and their applicability within current and future power systems VSC-FACTS-HVDC and PMU: Analysis, Modelling and Simulation in Power Grids provides comprehensive coverage of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems within the context of high-voltage Smart Grids modelling and simulation. Readers are presented with an examination of the advanced computer modelling of the VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems for steady-state, optimal solutions, state estimation and transient stability analyses, including numerous case studies for the reader to gain hands-on experience in the use of models and concepts. Key features: Wide-ranging treatment of the VSC achieved by assessing basic operating principles, topology structures, control algorithms and utility-level applications. Detailed advanced models of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC equipment, suitable for a wide range of power network-wide studies, such as power flows, optimal power flows, state estimation and dynamic simulations. Contains numerous case studies and practical examples, including cases of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC systems. Includes a companion website featuring MATLAB software and Power System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) scripts which are provided to enable the reader to gain hands-on experience. Detailed coverage of electromagnetic transient studies of VSC-FACTS and VSC-HVDC systems using the de-facto industry standard PSCAD/EMTDC simulation package. An essential guide for utility engineers, academics, and research students as well as industry managers, engineers in equipment design and manufacturing, and consultants.

Multi-terminal Direct-Current Grids

Multi-terminal Direct-Current Grids PDF Author: Nilanjan Chaudhuri
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118729102
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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A generic DC grid model that is compatible with the standard AC system stability model is presented and used to analyse the interaction between the DC grid and the host AC systems. A multi-terminal DC (MTDC) grid interconnecting multiple AC systems and offshore energy sources (e.g. wind farms) across the nations and continents would allow effective sharing of intermittent renewable resources and open market operation for secure and cost-effective supply of electricity. However, such DC grids are unprecedented with no operational experience. Despite lots of discussions and specific visions for setting up such MTDC grids particularly in Europe, none has yet been realized in practice due to two major technical barriers: Lack of proper understanding about the interaction between a MTDC grid and the surrounding AC systems. Commercial unavailability of efficient DC side fault current interruption technology for conventional voltage sourced converter systems This book addresses the first issue in details by presenting a comprehensive modeling, analysis and control design framework. Possible methodologies for autonomous power sharing and exchange of frequency support across a MTDC grid and their impact on overall stability is covered. An overview of the state-of-the-art, challenges and on-going research and development initiatives for DC side fault current interruption is also presented.

Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids: Stability and Control Aspects

Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids: Stability and Control Aspects PDF Author: Lasantha Meegahapola
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031063848
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 285

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This book covers modeling, control and stability aspects of hybrid AC/DC power networks. More specifically, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the stability and control aspects of hybrid AC/DC power grids, with comprehensive coverage of theoretical aspects of conventional stability issues (e.g., small-signal stability, voltage stability and frequency stability), emerging stability issues (e.g., converter associated stability) and control strategies applied in this emerging hybrid AC/DC power grids. This book takes a more pragmatic approach with a unique compilation of timely topics related to hybrid AC/DC networks compared with other books in this field. Therefore, this book provides the reader with comprehensive information on modeling, control and stability aspects which need to consider when modeling and analysis of hybrid AC/DC power grids for power system dynamics and stability studies. Each chapter provides fundamental stability theories, some worked examples and case studies to explain various modeling, analysis and control concepts introduced in the chapter. Therefore, postgraduate research students, power system researchers and power system engineers benefit from the materials presented in this book and assist them to model and device new control strategies to overcome the stability challenges of the emerging hybrid AC/DC power grid.

HVDC/FACTS for Grid Services in Electric Power Systems

HVDC/FACTS for Grid Services in Electric Power Systems PDF Author: José M. Maza-Ortega
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039283766
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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Electric power systems are headed for a true changing of the guard, due to the urgent need for achieving sustainable energy delivery. Fortunately, the development of new technologies is driving the transition of power systems toward a carbon-free paradigm while maintaining the current standards of quality, efficiency, and resilience. The introduction of HVDC and FACTS in the 20th century, taking advantage of dramatic improvements in power electronics and control, gave rise to unprecedented levels of flexibility and speed of response in comparison with traditional electromechanical devices. This flexibility is nowadays required more than ever in order to solve a puzzle with pieces that do not always fit perfectly. This Special Issue aims to address the role that FACTS and HVDC systems can play in helping electric power systems face the challenges of the near future.

Modeling, Operation, and Analysis of DC Grids

Modeling, Operation, and Analysis of DC Grids PDF Author: Alejandro Garces
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 012822102X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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Modeling, Operation, and Analysis of DC Grids presents a unified vision of direct current grids with their core analysis techniques, uniting power electronics, power systems, and multiple scales of applications. Part one presents high power applications such as HVDC transmission for wind energy, faults and protections in HVDC lines, stability analysis and inertia emulation. The second part addresses current applications in low voltage such as microgrids, power trains and aircraft applications. All chapters are self-contained with numerical and experimental analysis. - Provides a unified, coherent presentation of DC grid analysis based on modern research in power systems, power electronics, microgrids and MT-HVDC transmission - Covers multiple scales of applications in one location, addressing DC grids in electric vehicles, microgrids, DC distribution, multi-terminal HVDC transmission and supergrids - Supported by a unified set of MATLAB and Simulink test systems designed for application scenarios

Smart and Power Grid Systems – Design Challenges and Paradigms

Smart and Power Grid Systems – Design Challenges and Paradigms PDF Author: Kolla Bhanu Prakash
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000795144
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industry into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to our economic and environmental health. During the transition period, it will be critical to carry out testing, technology improvements, consumer education, development of standards and regulations, and information sharing between projects to ensure that the benefits we envision from the Smart Grid become a reality. Today, an electricity disruption such as a blackout can have a domino effect—a series of failures that can affect banking, communications, traffic, and security. This is a particular threat in the winter, when homeowners can be left without heat. A smarter grid will add resiliency to our electric power system and make it better prepared to address emergencies such as severe storms, earthquakes, large solar flares, and terrorist attacks. Because of its two-way interactive capacity, the Smart Grid will allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur. This will minimize outages and minimize the effects when they do happen. When a power outage occurs, Smart Grid technologies will detect and isolate the outages, containing them before they become large-scale blackouts. The new technologies will also help ensure that electricity recovery resumes quickly and strategically after an emergency—routing electricity to emergency services first, for example. In addition, the Smart Grid will take greater advantage of customer-owned power generators to produce power when it is not available from utilities. By combining these "distributed generation" resources, a community could keep its health center, police department, traffic lights, phone system, and grocery stores operating during emergencies. In addition, the Smart Grid is a way to address an aging energy infrastructure that needs to be upgraded or replaced. This book shows that Smart Grids can address energy efficiency, to bring increased awareness to consumers about the connection between electricity use and the environment, bring increased national security to our energy system—drawing on greater amounts of home-grown electricity that is more resistant to natural disasters and attack.

Advanced Technologies for Future Transmission Grids

Advanced Technologies for Future Transmission Grids PDF Author: Gianluigi Migliavacca
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1447145496
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 403

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The re-engineering of power transmission systems is crucial to meeting the objectives of such regulators as the European Union. In addition to its market, organisational and regulatory aspects, this re-engineering will also involve technical issues dealing with the progressive integration of innovative transmission technologies in the daily operation of transmission system operators. In this context, Advanced Technologies for Future Transmission Grids provides an overview of the most promising technologies, likely to be of help to planners of transmission grids in responding to the challenges of the future: security of supply; integration of renewable generation; and creation of integrated energy markets (using the European case as an example). These issues have increased importance because of administrative complication and the fragmentation of public opinion expressed on the build up of new infrastructure. For each technology discussed, the focus is on the technical-economic perspective rather than on purely technological points of view. A transmission-system-operator-targeted Technology Roadmap is presented for the integration of promising innovative power transmission technologies within power systems of the mid-long term. Although the primary focus of this text is in the sphere of the European energy market, the lessons learned can be generalized to the energy markets of other regions.

DC Technology in Utility Grids

DC Technology in Utility Grids PDF Author: Sedigheh Rabiee
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 3946143091
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 401

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The assembly of this study started in 2013 during the preparation of the foundation of the Flexible Electrical Networks (FEN) Research Campus, an institution supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science, concentrating on DC technology in power grids as an enabler for the energy transition. It reflects the state-of-the-art and research needs of DC technology against the background of application in public grids up until the year 2015. Topics as components, control, management and automation, high-, medium, and low-voltage grid concepts as well as social dimensions, economics, and impact on living beings are considered. After substantial editorial effort, its first public edition has become ready now. The aim of FEN is to investigate and to develop flexible power grids. Such grid will safeguard the future energy supply with a high share of fluctuating and decentralized renewable energy sources. At the same time, these grids will enable a reliable and affordable energy supply in the future. The objective is to provide new technologies and concepts for the security and quality of the energy supply in the transmission and distribution grids. To pursue this goal, the use of direct-current (DC) technology, based on power electronics, automation and communication technologies, plays an important role. Although DC technology is not yet established as a standard technology in the public electrical power supply system, its high potential has been widely recognized. The use of DC is an enabler to make the future energy supply system more economical than a system based on alternating-current (AC), because of its superior properties in handling distributed and fluctuation power generation. Indeed, DC connections are already the most cost-efficient solution in cases of very high-power long-distance point-to-point transmission of electricity or via submarine cables. The objective of the FEN Research Campus is now to achieve and demonstrate feasibility of DC as a standard solution for future electrical grids, as described in this study.