Heartfelt Thoughts

Heartfelt Thoughts PDF Author: Tammy Brooke
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 1411609883
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 99

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Poetry ...simple worlds with a deeper meaning. 74 poems. A variety of poetry written from the heart, tapping into the depths of love and sorrow, inspiration, and innocence.

“Take a Thought . . . Wholesome and Good.”

“Take a Thought . . . Wholesome and Good.” PDF Author: Larry Troxel
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1514492628
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Plutarch said, Painting is silent poetry and poetry is painting that speaks. I am pleased when I can so "speak" with others being favorable to what Ive said, including the following: I purchased Larry Troxel's poetry book and enjoyed it so much that I made it a gift to a special little lady. It is well written and she loves it being read to her. Jean B., Oklahoma. Larry's poetry is mind-opening . . . he is a poet who captures the imagination of his readers and accelerates insight. Ray G., California. An extremely talented poet, Larry's writings bring back yonder years in a way that only he can do, and his wisdom shows us a deep sensitivity that brings peace to one's soul. Meg G., Tennessee I always look forward to Larry Troxel's poems. His writing style and use of words make it easy to visualize the entire story his poems are telling. Each poem is unique and one may be left with a smile, a tear, happy memories from the past or a good life lesson. Marian O., Oregon And a literary review: I must say that you have a talent for poetry writing, which is no small feat. An important aspect of poetry is attention to concrete detail. You certainly have a knack for this! You write with such beautiful, condensed language. It affects emotion and thought on multiple levels through your use of symbol and imagery. You make it easy for your reader to identify with your words. It is always easy to tell when an author spends time with their writing. I have to say that it is obvious that you have done a significant amount planning and preparation in crafting your work. You truly have crafted another excellent piece. Bravo! Linda C., Colorado

The Free Thought Magazine

The Free Thought Magazine PDF Author:
Category : Free thought
Languages : en
Pages : 808

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Everyday Ideas

Everyday Ideas PDF Author: Ronald J. Zboray
Publisher: Univ. of Tennessee Press
ISBN: 9781572334717
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 470

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Everyday Ideas: Socioliterary Experience among Antebellum New Englanders takes an unprecedented look at the use of literature in everyday life in one of history's most literate societies-the home ground of the American Renaissance. Using information pulled from four thousand manuscript letters and diaries, Everyday Ideas provides a comprehensive picture of how the social and literary dimensions of human existence related in antebellum New England. Penned by ordinary people-factory workers, farmers, clerks, storekeepers, domestics, and teachers and other professionals-the writings examined here brim with thoughtful references to published texts, lectures, and speeches by the period's canonized authors and lesser lights. These personal accounts also give an insider's perspective on issues ranging from economic problems, to social status conflicts, to being separated from loved ones by region, state, or nation. Everyday Ideas examines such references and accounts and interprets the multiple ways literature figured into the lives of these New Englanders. An important aid in understanding historical readers and social authorship practices, Everyday Ideas is a unique resource on New England and provides a framework for understanding the profound role of ideas in the everyday world of the antebellum period.

The Motivational Thoughts of a United States Marine!

The Motivational Thoughts of a United States Marine! PDF Author: Jerry Smith
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1504975707
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Marines are unquestionably the most respected, feared, revered, and admired human beings on the face of this planet. They train harder, fight harder, and love stronger than any other members of the armed forces. They are not just patriots. They are not just service members. They embody all the things that an honorable man aspires to be. This book touches on the morals and ethics of all United States marines as well as their sense of loyalty and faith to their country, their families, and themselves. This book calls upon their faith in the teachings of the United States Marine Corps to strengthen the bond of marines active and retired and those who did their tours and moved on to a different life. Straight-and-to-the-point thoughts that motivate, remind, and reiterate what it means to be a United States marine. These thoughts will recall for each and every marine who opens these pages to remember what it was like go through what no other normal human being can possibly fathom, only to get back up and ask for more. Words like pride, honor, dignity, respect, integrity, tenacity, determination, dedication, commitment, valor, and fortitude, just to name a few, are ingrained into the very fibers of marines body, mind, and spirit. Those who do not know what it means to be a marine may find some of these passages vulgar, harsh, and sacrilegious, and this book is not for them. Marines will find the motivation within these pages that will pull them up from the depths of despair and shake them to their very core, screaming at them in the voice of their most intimidating drill Instructor, Get up and act like a marine!

Fear and Faith

Fear and Faith PDF Author: Jennifer Siller
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595270204
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters PDF Author: Winston T. Smith
Publisher: New Growth Press
ISBN: 1936768119
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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He snapped at her during breakfast. She brought up a past mistake. He walked out angry. She left without saying good-bye. An ordinary day in an ordinary marriage. But what if things could be different? Change begins with seeing day-to-day interactions from a different perspective, taking simple steps to love one another more effectively, and ...

Beyond Breathing

Beyond Breathing PDF Author: Margarete Cassalina
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 1935278584
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 145

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Beyond Breathing is a story of a mother's loss of her 13 year old daughter, Jena, to Cystic Fibrosis, a fatal genetic disease. Her journey takes you from unfathomable heartache to love and understanding of life's realities. Through her journey she learns that life lessons come from her children and the beauty of living and the power of love. In the span of one year she learns to go from depression and dependency to inner strength and the realization that love never ends and that there are no coincidences. That she is beyond just breathing.

The Eclectic Review

The Eclectic Review PDF Author: Samuel Greatheed
Category : English literature
Languages : en
Pages : 786

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Eclectic and Congregational Review

Eclectic and Congregational Review PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 946

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